Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Every American Airport Has The Right To Evict The TSA

Washington, DC—The ineffective and dysfunctional TSA has turned into an rather nasty instrument of oppression against American travelers. The TSA has focused on insulting and provoking passengers rather than investigating terrorism.

If the TSA has their way, soon every airline will become bankrupt and the world’s tourism industry shut down causing millions more Americans to be unemployed.

The TSA has become over-bloated, arrogant, over-priced and downright hateful. There is not a single case of terror known to have been foiled by the TSA. American passengers have proven to be much more effective air marshals than even the few TSA air marshals flying our skies!

Congressman John Mica, (R-FL) has just reminded the heads of more than 150 airports in writing, that they have the power to evict the TSA and replace them with their own security people.

Mica says the TSA’s security program has evolved into a form of “Kabuki Theater”. Mica is the incoming chairman, of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

TSA Thugs Can’t Make Their Own Laws—Feel Free To Resist The TSA

Washington, DC—The TSA is now threatening passengers that are pushed to the breaking point with their sexual assault searches with civil fines of $11,000.00 if they leave the screening area after they entered it. Meaning if you refuse to allow the continuation of the abuse to the TSA screener’s satisfaction you will be robbed too. They’re simply trying to end the TSA passenger resistance movement through additional unlawful intimidation.

This threat is very hollow since the TSA screeners have zero authority of arrest. Even if they had the power of arrest they would still have to have, Probable Cause to believe a crime was committed and that you committed a crime. An example would be they found weapons or explosives on you or in your carry-on baggage.

Since the TSA screeners are not trained, certified or sworn peace officers, you have every right to use force to escape their attempts to detain you. These are simply marginally trained ignorant people wearing impressive looking uniforms. They are most comparable to the Brown Shirted SA thugs of Adolph Hitler’s Third Reich.

The TSA has made their little rule they say to prevent potential terrorists from getting a peek at the procedures without continuing on. That is exactly as lame as it sounds.

The fact is the TSA screeners do not have the ability to detain anyone for any reason. A TSA screener’s demand that you remain in the screening area while they summon supervisors or even police is all bark and no bite.

If you refuse their demands to remain for additional abuse and molestation, you most certainly should refuse to show them your travel tickets or ID a second time. If you don’t you may have to engage them in a physical fight to get the IDs from their possession. They will claim you assaulted them when you tried to take your IDs from their hands.

I don’t care how the Obama Administration tries to resolve this, the Constitution has not changed and your right’s have not been surrendered that would prevent you from saying no to these thugs.

The best analogy to compare the TSA’s rule making to is, date rape. You made an agreement to fly and spend time with the TSA. It turns out TSA screener has bad breath, manners and is too sexually aggressive for your taste. You tell the screener no and he tells you that you have no choice but to submit until he’s satisfied. This is exactly what the Obama Administration is trying to do to Americans.

If this is the direction of American politicians and the bureaucrats they appoint we will have no choice but to stop them in a Civil War. Our freedom and liberty is fragile and will be gone in the blink of an eye if we are too cowardly to fight for it.

Monday, November 15, 2010

What to Do with Those Unwanted TSA, Naked X-Ray machines

Washington, DC—The politicians in our Congress never met a government Contractor whose products they did not love. It’s the contractor's contributions of course, that keep them in the Congressional gravy train for life.

Our government bought loads of these horrifically expensive, back-scatter X-Ray machines to use in the War against American Airplane Passengers. Oddly enough when Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano unveiled the machines for the media she declined an opportunity to personally demonstrate how they would be used.

These machines need not hit the landfill. Instead they can be rerouted where they belong in the hundreds of prisons in America to be used on criminals.

I think that the special wing of Club Fed used to house corrupt politicians, government officials and lobbyists should get them as soon as possible.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tell the TSA it’s Your Body and Your Property!

The TSA has long ago been allowed by the cowardly sheep in America to bully, intimidate and steal from passengers. The TSA has again ramped up their abuse of passengers by groping and fondling their genitals. This can happen with or without the new X-Ray naked body scanners.

Ladies if you have breast implants your local TSA screeners can be expected to share the quality of your surgeon’s work with their friends. If you’re a well known celebrity you may see your implants on TMZ.com!

Depending on how often you fly you will get an unneeded dose of radiation from TSA equipment that has not been tested for long term harmful effects. Remember, these machines have not been around long enough to study them.

Here are some sobering facts:

1. Children under 18 cannot lawfully give consent to anyone to touch their private parts. Children’s parents have no authority to consent to the groping for them unless it is for medical treatment. Local law enforcement is sworn to enforce child molestation laws even against the TSA.

2. An adult can give consent to intimate groping but who in their right mind would let some TSA loser fondle their genitals? If they grope, fondle or touch without consent this is a sexual assault and local police must investigate and take action.

3. The TSA screeners are quick to demand that passengers stand or sit in certain places as they are told not to move. The TSA screeners have no power under law to detain or arrest anyone. You are always free to leave the screening area. Their commands have no power of law beyond ordering you not to proceed to airplane boarding areas.

4. The TSA screeners are quick to demand that you not touch your property. Guess what? It’s your property and you are free to remove it at your discretion from their tables. The screeners have no authority to use force to stop you.

5. Should anyone demand your name or identification as you’re leaving the screening area, you are under no obligation to cooperate. This is also true if police become involved. If police or federal officers such as the Air Marshal service or FBI demand identification you have a right to refuse unless you are arrested for a crime. Refusal to submit to TSA tyranny is no crime, at least yet.

6. If arrested by police or federal officers you have no right to resist even an unlawful arrest. Try your case in court, not at the airport. The TSA screeners with their Gestapo like uniforms and gold badges are not law enforcement officers. They don’t have the training or the necessary certification that would bestow the power to detain or arrest anyone and seize property as evidence.

7. You may use reasonable physical force against any and all TSA screeners that assault you. You can’t however use that force on police unless they are using unreasonable force against you. Trust me, if you try to use force against police you will nearly always lose in a big way.

8. The unreasonable actions of all government agents are subject to Civil Laws. That is you may sue them over violation of your civil rights.

9. Always report TSA abuse to local police, your United States Congressman and Senators.

10. Americans don’t have to remain cowardly sheep. Failure to resist government tyranny only invites more of the same.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The True Goal of the TSA under Obama’s Control

Washington, DC—It’s no secret that the Obama Administration took a crippling beating in the Midterm Elections. The power to continue in their destruction of our economy and system of government by the Whitehouse has ended at least in the halls of our Congress.

The Executive Branch of government is still firmly under Obama’s thumb. Obama and his Czars control every move of the TSA. The bailouts aren’t over by a long shot and the TSA is the primary agent of this latest effort.

The TSA suddenly claims a need to grope, fondle and inspect the genitals and breasts of American travelers. The tools the TSA is using to allow this are fear mongering and intimidation. The TSA suggests there is no other way to “protect” American travelers.

The TSA is engaged in the bankrupting the airlines by making travelers so uncomfortable that they won’t fly. In order to keep this vital industry afloat Obama's government will step in and nationalize another industry and significant portion of the America Economy.

The perfect timing to roll out this plan was after the Socialist majority was defeated in Congress. The executive branch would not miss a stroke of its conversion to that failed Marxist model.

The world wide tourism and hospitality industries will of course suffer massive collateral damage as a result. This of course will make millions more unemployed workers destined to become entitlement addicted Socialists.

If our President and his TSA were really concerned about airline security and the protection of Americans they’d simply order all felons convicted of violent crimes and those people flying on passports from countries unfriendly to the United States off our planes. Our prisons have become fertile recruiting grounds for Muslim terrorist organizations.

They don’t want security, they only want Socialism. Barack Obama and his political party loyalists at Homeland Security are far more dangerous to America that the Taliban or al Qaeda. Obama must be stopped.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Scrap the TSA? The TSA Revolt! What’s Next?

Washington, DC—The government managed to get it all backwards. Instead of making war on terror they made war on American passengers.

Okay, we all know that terrorist and criminal acts have happened in our skies. What do we do without surrendering our dignity and freedom to stop the terror? The answer is really not that difficult.

First you disband the entire TSA. The whole outfit was created for a corrupt mission to violate the Civil Rights of Americans under our Fourth Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

The argument that Americans can avoid the warrantless searching by staying off airplanes is ludicrous. People have to travel to earn a living and many other necessities. Passengers are forced into submitting to illegal searches and that’s un-American.

Have we forgotten about the cemeteries we’ve filled with the bones of millions patriots we sent to protect our freedom including the Fourth Amendment? Instead we have acted exactly like the nations that we fought against over the past 233 years.

Here is the proper way to deal with Airline security:

You create a police force made of trained street cops. These people must be hired strictly qualifications and not through patronage or government casting couches. They should be the Air marshals and program administrators.

You have them set of the program under these simple guidelines:

All pilots must be trained and armed at all times. All vetted, trained and sworn police officers and commercial pilots, whether on or off-duty and be given full authority to fly armed and protect the planes.

Pairs of sworn police officers must roam every plane boarding area to profile passenger behavior. Street cops would know what to look for that might warrant further investigation. Federal funds should be used to hire local police not federal officers for the airports.

We must simply end allowing convicted violent felons, illegal aliens and anyone flying on a passport from an unfriendly nation to ever board our aircraft.

We can respect the Constitutional Rights of all Americans and have meaningful security at the same time.

Watch how one TSA baggage screener broke TSA rules and the law in an effort to prevent me from lawfully shooting video at LAX airport. Had she not stopped her assault on me I’d have thrown that miserable bitch down a long flight of concrete stars from the upper level of Terminal Two. She learned quickly I was serious.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Origin of Warrantless Government Searching of Americans

Chicago, IL—I saw this coming long ago and predicted the future death of the Fourth Amendment to our Constitution. In case you never read it or have forgotten what it says, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

All agents of the government were required to keep their paws and noses out of our bodies, homes and belongings unless there was probable cause of criminal activity and a warrant. The courts would later dilute the warrant requirement if exigent circumstances suggested that involved officer safety or to prevent the destruction of evidence.

Violence happens everywhere in the world and the days when they adopted the Fourth Amendment were no exception. Back then freedom and liberty was not bartered for promised security like today.

For me side-stepping the Bill of Rights to search Americans began right after a violent and dangerous criminal, Eugene “Iceman” Lewis’ attempted his escape from a 7th floor judge’s chambers at 2600 S. California Ave in 1971.

Lewis, a well know militant Black thug was already under one well-deserved death sentence and was about to receive another for the cold-blooded killing of a Thillen’s Security guard servicing the Sebring Jukebox Company’s payroll more than a year earlier.

Lewis took a bailiff and assistant state’s attorney hostage with a gun provided by a court clerk who was enamored with the killer. She placed the gun in a hollowed out book for Lewis. Lewis was kept in the chambers handcuffed under guard by an armed bailiff. Concealed inside Lewis’ mouth was a homemade handcuff key from a ball point pen refill. He used the key to slip one wrist from the cuffs and dashed for the gun inside the book.

Lewis then disarmed the bailiff and with a revolver in each hand grabbed the hapless prosecutor and bailiff and began his walk to freedom.

An Area Four detective, Crosette Lee Hamilton heard the commotion and concealed himself behind the gray steel freight elevator outside door. He waited for the trio to pass and fired a single shot from a .38 Colt Detective Special into the back of Lewis’ head. Two uniformed officers assigned to the court from the Marquette District (010) opened fire on Lewis as he fell to the ground.

Lewis managed to wound the state’s attorney in the hand and another shot struck local lawyer, Leonard Karlin in the butt.

When we lifted Lewis’ body from the floor there was a flattened .38 standard 158 grain lead bullet on the floor, under his head. Hamilton’s bullet never even penetrated the killer’s head!

Within a few minutes of the shooting I personally saw, Black Panther, founder and now Congressman Bobby Rush was on the scene visibly angry and shaken up. To this day I believe that Rush was involved in the escape plot and was perhaps waiting in a car outside on California Ave. If Rush was an accomplice he still could be charged with felony murder of Lewis since there is no statute of limitations on that crime.

I attended the post mortem examination of Lewis and counted 22 holes from 18 gunshots. The Iceman would never hurt anyone again.

Within a day the presiding criminal judge, Joe power told me he was ordering big changes. Powers had ordered the Cook County Sheriff, Joseph I Woods to provide his police to search everyone entering the building. Power concluded that people entering the building, are doing it as a matter choice and that the search was then consensual. For the next month 35 guns per average day were taken from court visitors surprised by the search. Thousands of knives and an astronomical amount of narcotics were recovered. There were no prosecutions of these people most of which were already convicted felons. Instead we confiscated the contraband during a three-month grace period. After that arrests were made.

The Judge Power security plan spread like wildfire to courthouses all over the country. Next, cowardly government bureaucrats everywhere learned they could use the Judge Power program too.

There were a few airplane hijackings by deranged fools wanting a better life in Cuba. Soon the FAA adopted the Judge Power plan using private security providers.

The idea of these searches being consensual is pure hogwash because people are forced by law to do business with the government every day. People are ordered by jury summonses or are subpoenaed to courts and have no choice except to subject themselves to the frisking or be jailed. Others are ordered into buildings over tax matters, pensions, and permits.

As for flying on commercial aircraft there really is no other alternative for people required to fly for their jobs and families. The searches by the FAA and now TSA are simply unlawful. The courts have refused to do the right thing and outlaw the practice because they invented, promulgated and enforce this violation of American Civil Rights.

Most Americans never lived in a country where they could freely move about without being bullied, frisked, fondled and groped by government agents. The vile and un-American practice of warrantless searches has been accepted by the ignorant masses as a part of living under government.

That gun that started this whole outrage was brought into the building by a clerk of the court. It is the current routine to give all court employees the right to bypass the screening. They never fixed what was broken!

Acceptance of this tyranny does not make it right. We survived as a nation including our own Civil War for nearly 200 years without searching every American like a criminal.

Crimefile Salutes Veteran’s Day

Washington, DC—So many brave Americans have answered their call to duty to insure our Freedom and way of life. Enemies of our Constitution and Bill of Rights are everywhere including in our Whitehouse today. As these enemies work to oppress and enslave they must be stopped.

Veterans sacrificed their lives and limbs so Americans need not surrender their liberty, privacy and dignity to government tyrants and thugs.

Despots everywhere are so desperate for absolute power that there are no limits to their treachery. Stopping them has killed and maimed many millions of our military heroes in the past and will in the future.

Today is the day we honor both the veteran and the resolve we all made made to fight and die for our fellow American’s freedom.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

TSA Creeps Unleash Their Own Terror on Airline Passengers

Los Angeles, CA—Benjamin Franklin said it best, “They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

Have Americans become such cowards that they want the unemployable creeps hired by the TSA to grope and manipulate their genitals before they board airplanes?

Do Americans want to force themselves into untested radiation exposure of powerful X-Ray imaging devices? Millions of Americans must fly every working day on our commercial airlines. Nobody can say with medical certainty what the long term damage will be.

I have redundantly complained about this out-of-control agency being actually worse that the terrorists. The TSA has never stopped a single terror event despite outrageous assaults on our privacy, dignity and wallets. I’m serious when I say I’d rather take my chances with terrorists and eliminate the TSA altogether.

They still have never really established an effective program to arm pilots. We still don’t have the Federal flight Deck Officers on international flights.

The bizarre padlocked holster required for the few pilots they’ve armed must have been designed by a mentally disturbed individual with an unnatural fear of pilots.

Despite a report by the Inspector General acknowledging that the holsters are both dangerous and unnecessary the TSA Administration has still refused to scrap them.

The TSA still insists on disarming the thousands of vetted, trained cops, military and licensed private investigators that carry guns every day before they enter airplanes.

Will letting the TSA reptiles grope the genitals of American men, women and children somehow make anyone safer?

When they talk about the failure of stopping that Christmas Panty Bomber that was stopped not by the TSA, but passengers they overlook the unforgivable facts of that case.

1. The Panty Bomber was a citizen of a country unfriendly to the United States.
2. The Panty Bomber was allowed to board the plane without a passport.

The Panty Bomber failure was more about who we let fly on our planes than the inspection of our genitals.

The real fact is explosives are made of putty like materials, solids or liquid. They can be concealed in body cavities, or harmless looking items. The explosive vapor detection equipment the TSA uses is easily defeated. This material can also easily defeat the latest TSA, backscatter X-Ray equipment.

Can actual cavity searches be far behind?
Call Congress and the Whitehouse today and tell them to get the TSA hand’s off our private parts. Just say no to the TSA. Always call local police if the TSA goons touch any of you private parts. They are not immune to being charged with state and local crime nor civil suits so call your lawyers too.

Monday, November 08, 2010

We Must Stop TSA Tyranny Now

Washington, DC—Airline security has always been dysfunctional from the day the FAA took over that responsibility. They began by getting a poorly thought out mandate that all passengers be screened by people we would not trust to walk our dogs.

The FAA disarmed any pilots that were permitted by local laws to carry guns. Likewise they disarmed vetted, trained cops flying on our airplanes. That was because of the personal gun rights hating philosophy of these political patronage appointees.

Criminals, illegal aliens and those with minimal mental capacity were hired to inspect the personal property and possessions of travelers. It was never intended to be real security but a pretend effort to fool passengers into thinking they were somehow safe.

That unforgettable attack of September 11, 2001 and the FAA policies enabled the murders of nearly 3,000 and damages in the hundreds of billions. The pilots were unarmed and defenseless and two off duty cops on two of the four planes were also disarmed and helpless. Had the pilots and off-duty cops been armed, 9/11 would have been just another day.

Not one FAA official or government bureaucrat was even criticized for creating the perfect conditions for the Muslim terrorists.

The TSA was created as a new ways to waste billions on government contractor fraud as thousands of hard corps unemployable people were given jobs and the power to abuse and steal the belongings of passengers.

The cargo side of airline security is not seen by passengers and accordingly is largely ignored. The TSA administration has equated the public perception of their job performance by how much aggravation passengers can be put through.

To date the TSA or their predecessors have not stopped a single terrorist incident.

Not one politician or government bureaucrat has ever suggested that people flying on passports from countries unfriendly to the United States be banned from our planes. Somebody, please tell me how that makes any sense at all.

Now the TSA want to expose passengers to unknown health risks by forcing them through body X-Ray imaging devices. The TSA has also recently digressed from less invasive metal detection wanding, to offensive, outrageous genital groping and fondling.

One invasive step at a time, Americans seem willing to accept anything from government. I guess the German people felt that Adolph Hitler was working for public safety during the reign of the Third Reich. This TSA attack on travelers is a criminal effort that violates the rights of Americans that must be shut down right now.

We fought wars to stop such government abuse and we must fight again right now or we will have surrendered our dignity with our liberty. Homeland Security and the TSA are out-of-control as they have waged war not on terror but on American Passengers.

Americans need not take abuse from TSA workers. You have an absolute right to order these people to take their hands off you and to use physical force if they don't. Call the local police on your cell phone should they touch your private parts. Lawyers are waiting to sue on your behalf for this kind on conduct. Don't remain silent and then try and report it when your trip is over.

The largest pilots union has told its members to refuse the X-Ray body scanners. They need our support.Meet TSA thug Butler at LAX terminal 2

Watch how one TSA baggage screener broke TSA rules and the law in an effort to prevent me from lawfully shooting video at LAX airport. Had she not stopped her assault on me I’d have thrown that miserable bitch down a long flight of concrete stars from the upper level of Terminal Two. She learned quickly I was serious.

Tax Tyranny and Corruption is Behind America’s Economic crisis

Washington, DC—No, don’t confuse me with the so-called Tea Party movement. That group has done far too little and much too late. The real Tea Party forcibly boarded the King’s ships and destroyed property to get their point across.

Waving flags and standing around watching tyranny is a meaningless exercise that did not even get a single acknowledgment from the Whitehouse. Perhaps if the Tea Party folks sent in a few high explosive mortar rounds to the Rose Garden, Barack Obama might have noticed people were intolerant of his Socialist agenda.

Perhaps calling today’s Tea Party people Astroturf was a good description because it was a movement of pretenders instead of true patriots.

Our politicians have decreed that American taxpayers must provide free education and medical care to all of Central America as we feed our own existing entitlement monster. This is a bottomless pit that swallows cash from every working family’s food budget.

We have no choice but to reverse the tsunami of ignorant, impoverished criminals that have invaded and occupy our country. We must force a change in culture in the American ghettos or cut off the free money we are currently forced to pay them.

Confiscatory taxation is slavery and violates the 13th Amendment
to the Constitution. American’s need not tolerate this but they are too intimidated resist the tyranny.

Americans have been programmed somehow to accept tax credits instead of tax breaks. We’ve somehow been fooled to send our money to Washington so they can send a fraction of back to us later. The Tax Credit concept would have our founding fathers back into the streets with their guns if they were alive today.

Government has provided golden retirement parachutes for themselves as Social Security is insolvent. There is no break for the nation’s number one employer, small businesses.

The only way out of this sinkhole to continued Socialism is resistance to the unlawful government policy and the enemies of America behind this agenda.

We cannot rely on the election process alone to rid the country of Communists and Socialists. Citizens must administer punitive action against these tyrants and their families at every opportunity. The only way they will stop is when they are too frightened to continue. Our founding fathers wanted politicians to fear the wrath of the people but that has been totally reversed by our police state.

Our economy can only improved by reducing government by as much as 80% in size, ending the entitlement society we’ve become and by a serious policy to shut our borders to trespassers. We must deport the trespassers inviting them to take their American born children with them in lieu of sending the kids to foster care or institutions.

Americans can either resist the tyranny or live as terminal victims and slaves. We must do whatever it takes to get that Communist Barack Obama and his cabal out of our Whitehouse. We elected a new Congress. How soon will these folks be bought off through corruption and become clones of the criminals they replaced?

Corrupt government’s like our own will do anything including murder, imprison and torture in order to survive. Nowhere in the world has any government voluntarily reduced its own size. The only way that ever happens is by war.

Whatever we are doing or have done in America for the last five decades is not enough to see the return of freedom, liberty and our former way of life. We’ve lost what millions of American valiantly fought and died trying to protect. What shame…

Friday, November 05, 2010

Barack Obama, the Most Toxic Politician in America.

Washington, DC—The referendum on the first 22 months of the Obama Administration is over. It was indeed a stunning defeat and so far there is a loss of at least 60 of the Messiah’s most loyal followers from the House of Representatives.

Obama shoved his Socialist agenda down the throats of Americans as he locked Republican’s and Conservatives out of the political process.

Behind closed Whitehouse doors the total destruction of our form of government was in progress as Obama handed at least a trillion dollars to the very crooks that are responsible for the banking and mortgage lending scandals. Obama seized and nationalized American automakers along with banks destroying free enterprise and competition. He also set about nationalizing our health care and insurance industries.

That money went straight to the crook’s off shore bank accounts and personal stockpiles of gold providing no benefit whatsoever to the millions of Americans desperately in need of employment.

Obama went on his Apology Tour that humiliated millions of Americans and comforted our enemies. Obama began dismantling our nuclear stockpile and weakening our national defense capability.

Obama pushed for the bailouts and reckless printing of money designed to bring hyper-inflation and the death of Capitalism in America. The obvious goal was to replace it with a Socialist model that failed everywhere it’s been tried.

Obama now claims he now wants ideas from Republicans that he avoided over the last 22 months. Obama really knows he is a lame duck and that his Socialist agenda is as dead as Dillinger. Obama is out of options to save face.

January 2011 is 60 days away and the blizzard of Congressional subpoenas will bring lots of sunlight into the rampant Whitehouse chicanery. Obama’s birth, student loan, passport and Illinois State Bar records will also get the spotlight that $1.5 million in legal fees has protected them in the courts. Obama’s birthplace will no longer be the subject of speculation,

I fully expect Obama’s staffers to leave by the droves like rats abandoning ship. I’m fully confidant Obama will never finish this term before he faces ouster and perhaps criminal prosecution.

The only cure I can see for what ails America is a moratorium on the personal income tax and quarterly payments by employers that don’t lay off workers. As jobs and confidence returns a much smaller government must be in place of the over-bloated Socialist disaster we have now. We need to return to the values of our wise founding fathers.

America must end the addiction to entitlements if we are to survive as a nation. We cannot continue to educate and provide free medical care to the masses of poor and ignorant of Central and South America that have trespassed on our soil.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Finally! Meet the Big Bopper’s Girlfriend, Chantilly Lace!

Los Angeles, CA— February 3, 1959 will always be known as the day the music died. Three talented young lads suddenly shot up to fame in 1958.

They were all beginning lives of fortune and fame as their music was being played all over the world. J. P. Richardson, also know at The Big Bopper, Buddy Holly and Ritchie Valens boarded a four seat plane for their next engagement in Minnesota.

There was a fourth lad I met many years later in Phoenix who was supposed to be on that plane. He was none other than the late great Waylon Jennings gave up his seat to Richardson who was suffering from the flu. Jennings was Buddy Holly’s bass player at the time. Holly's guitarist, Tommy Allsup, agreed to a coin toss with Richie Valens for the remaining seat. Valens won. Several miles from Clear Lake, Iowa the plane went down in a blizzard taking four souls including the 21 year-old pilot, Roger Peterson.

Richardson was a D.J., song writer and now a singer who’s somewhat silly but entertaining song Chantilly Lace was a big hit. Richardson acted out that song on stage by singing in to a telephone.

I just spotted Richardson’s girlfriend, Chantilly Lace time-traveling into the present, wearing a wild looking pair of leggings! She was actually on the cell phone with Richardson. Who else could it have been? I was lucky and caught her on video before she disappeared into the past for yet another date with the Big Bopper.

YouTube lost the video...

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Will Voters Punish Congressional Misdeeds Today?

All over the country voters that had tough questions about bailouts and Obamacare were belittled, insulted and shoved around by thugs at Town Hall meetings.

Despite nearly every poll showing upwards of 60% of the voter did not want the huge Obamacare bill that was not even read by Congress, they passed it anyway plunging Americans into massive debt.

Under Obama, Pelosi and Reid the United States Government became a secret Soviet style regime. The men and women in our Congress arrogantly reinforced the wall between themselves and Americans. They live under one set of rules and force us to live on another.

Congress has lost its way. Instead of representing the people in their districts they represent campaign contributors from any organizations from all over the world. Money talks, not the humble voters.

Congress was intended to be formed with low paid, part-time public servants, who would come in from their districts to reflect the local attitudes in Washington. Once they debated and voted they’d return to their districts and live on the economy they have been controlling.

Today these are full-time career politicians that freely burn the tax dollars they order confiscated from American family food budgets. The travel, non-stop partying and narcissistic lifestyle of our congressmen and women are as addicting as any drug. That addiction is fed in every conceivable way by lobbyists and special interests that include foreign governments.

That Mr. Smith goes to Washington fighting for what’s right image just does not happen in the halls of Congress. Instead we have a criminal syndicate sitting around scratching each other backs while they count their cash. The division between the political parties has become almost nonexistent as they work together in a self-serving, mutual admiration society.

Voters must rid the halls of Congress of incumbents and mandate limit terms for every political office. They only thing our Congressmen and women learn through experience in the Beltway is that crime pays them handsomely.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Janet Napolitano is Obstructing Justice and Aiding Terrorists.

Washington, DC—Janet Napolitano, a lawyer was elevated to the position of U.S. Attorney for the District of Arizona by Bill Clinton for her party loyalty. After the Democrats were gone from the Whitehouse she lost her patronage job and got elected as Governor Arizona. Like most Leftist Democrats she spent much faster than the tax money came in.

Napolitano opted for photo radar highway enforcement as a way to fund out-of-control government. In the process the courts ignored hearsay prohibitions to get otherwise inadmissible evidence admitted. I guess when judge’s retirement are funded through traffic fines anything goes as people’s Due Process rights are violated.

Napolitano also broke criminal law requiring people engaged in obtaining evidence and investigating criminal or civil matters to obtain private investigation licenses by contracting with the robocam company. Police and government employees are exempt but not private contractors.

Barack Obama appointed Napolitano as Homeland Security Secretary simply because she could be counted upon to obstruct justice when it came to immigration crimes enforcement and leave our borders vulnerable to crime and terrorist attack.

Rather than to shift focus of Airline security to people traveling on passports from countries we are at war with Napolitano dropped the hammer on American grandmothers and even pilots forcing them through special invasive X-Ray imagining machines exposing then to privacy invasion and unknown health risks.

There was a TSA related firearms accident caused by a booby-trap padlock holster required for airline flight deck officers. On Napolitano’s watch, an exhaustive investigation report and recommendation was made by the Inspector general’s office to scrap the dangerous padlock. Napolitano refused to follow the recommendation. I guess she will wait until someone is killed and their family collects millions from taxpayers.

Napolitano has left the borders unsecured and has placed American lives in unnecessary danger at a time when terrorists are constantly threatening to kill us.

Napolitano had no experience or training as a cop and has no qualifications to hold that position. Napolitano is aiding and abetting criminals and foreign terrorists by Obstruction of Justice. Janet Napolitano is dangerous for America.

Why The Obama Socialist Agenda Must be Stopped Cold

Washington, DC—This has been unlike any election campaign season in decades. The difference is because the flow of political information was not being filtered exclusively through three TV networks and publishing giant’s Leftist propaganda monopoly.

Cable TV, radio diversity and the Internet has opened the door to free speech. The real political struggle is between American style freedom and One World Socialism. There is no reasonable or acceptable middle-ground for either side.

The dream of a One World Socialist Government is designed to prevent dissidents from voting with their feet to leave a miserable nation. Socialist politicians want to be sure there’s no place for their citizens to run.

Socialism has always had a really dark history of, mass murder, mass poverty and constant misery. The Party elite always turn the treasury into personal slush funds free of restraint or oversight. The rest of the population must cooperate or face treason charges for the slightest resistance. Socialism is not some romantic form of government with loyal party members singing around a campfire.

The Internet has educated Americans in a philosophy and form of government that is second to none. Millions of Americans have fought and died for the Constitution and Bill of Rights the Socialists want to shred. Thankfully our founding fathers put a safety lock on our Constitution to prevent destruction by a simple majority of voters acting on a whim.

Barack Obama’s birth origin is a carefully guarded secret that has so far cost him and his supporters $1.5 million to protect from prying eyes in the courts. There can be only one reason for Obama’s effort to keep those records sealed and that’s simple fraud. The Constitution dictates our presidents must be Natural Born Citizens. January will bring Congressional Subpoenas putting those records under some much needed sunshine.

Barack Obama’s political life was created in the bowels of Chicago political corruption. Obama’s close political associates were all criminals, Communists, thieves and thugs. Obama’s long time religious adviser was and is an anti-American, racist hatemonger. The Chicago Regular Democratic Organization is rife with white collar criminals involved in an ongoing conspiracy that has bankrupted that once great city. It is unrealistic to believe any high ranking member of this evil cabal has any integrity whatsoever.

Our economy was destroyed by the Socialists in our Congress dictating lenders provide millions of home loans to those unable or unwilling to repay them. That was not an accident but a design to invite the new Socialist form of government to replace what our founding fathers fought and died to give us.

Taxation to the point of slavery is nothing less than slavery. Confiscatory taxation always shuts down productivity and the economy of any nation. We have been shut down because our Socialist politicians have never found a new tax or tax increase they did not love.

These same Socialist politicians have raised their own wealth and standard of living at every opportunity. The more they tax Americans, the more bodyguards they hire with our money.

This mid-term election tomorrow is only a start on the road back to free enterprise, competition and productivity. The return of the once unparalleled American standard of living will be on the way only if we can stamp out Socialist Tyranny.

Obama’s agenda is dangerous for America, our citizens and most basic freedoms. Obama is a Socialist Traitor engaged in High Treason and he must be stopped cold. To allow Obama and his agenda to continue will bring the full wrath of Socialism and its deadly consequences visit our children.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blaming George W. Bush

Washington, DC—The Congressional Socialists that are getting the Bum’s Rush out of our Capital Building Tuesday all blamed Bush of the troubles in America. George W. Bush was a lot of things but Conservative was not one of them.

The truth is Bush had no control over the Socialist majority Congress that brought us virtually everything that torpedoed our economy. The mortgage banking crisis came after lenders were forced by Congress to make loans to millions unable or unwilling to repay them. The un-American TARP bailout program favored crooked banks for handouts destroying honest competition. Bush’s participation was minimal considering Congress approved this Bolshevik garbage by wide majorities.

Bush got us in to two wars that has done nothing but cost American taxpayers a huge fortune and killed thousands of our youngsters, while crippling thousands more for life. Both wars would have been far more acceptable if Iraq and Afghanistan were simply bombed off the map without the use of ground troops. The concept of invading and pacifying a land of religious fanatics is at best an insane one.

Bush was a terrible president as was his father. They were both big government “spendaholics”.

As for Barack Obama, he appears to have single-handedly brought about the much anticipated Tuesday flushing of the Congressional toilet. Obama brought America Socialism with the destruction of free enterprise by bailout, the seizure and nationalization of the banks, auto, health insurance and healthcare industries. Americans apparently finally have awakened and saw this destructive Socialist attack for what it was.

If two years and a trillion dollars has taught America a lesson in failed Socialist policies than we must thank Barack Obama before we hang him for Treason.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The News Stories are Too Often About the Gun Rather Than the Criminal

Lancaster, CA—During a traffic stop at 3:40 AM by L.A. County deputies, shots rang out from the car they pulled over and a short vehicular chase began. When cornered a gang member, parolee, Christopher Orlando, 25 and Shayla Janelle Harper, 26 were placed under arrest.

Police discovered the criminal duo’s really crappy Tec-9 pistol had malfunctioned and it has been suggested that may have prevented injury or death to the deputies. The Tech-9 was quickly elevated with photos and fiction by local media to the status of a superior weapon that was once outlawed by that federal law that had expired.

The Tec-9 is difficult for an experienced marksman to shoot with any accuracy, is chambered for the underpowered 9 MM caliber and is a woefully unreliable weapon. The thugs would have been much more dangerous had they a conventional revolver or pistol.

This is yet another prime example of ugly guns being portrayed as more powerful or dangerous than prettier firearms.

The gun is the least interesting part of the story when the media could have informed readers and viewers about the two criminals and their past. I think viewers are much more concerned about dangerous, already convicted young criminals roaming our streets rather than getting an embellished media sales pitch on a really lousy, poor man’s gun.

This was nothing more than a cheesy media attempt to sway public opinion to support yet another unconstitutional gun ban.

The Great Divider’s Last Stand

Washington, DC—Elected nearly two years ago on a platform of transparency, an obviously false promise against any tax increase for middle class Americans along with the creation of needed new jobs Barack Obama has delivered nothing except government tyranny.

Instead of transparency, Obama assembled a group of Communists and such that worked behind closed doors dismantling free enterprise, destroyed competition with bogus bailouts as they nationalized banks and automakers.

The Obama appointees were creating a system of slavery forcing productive Americans to pay for the entitlement addicted and that never ending tidal wave of illiterate and needy illegal immigrants trespassing on our soil.

The country has never been this divided and was and is well on the way to Civil War.

The election Tuesday is referendum on Obama and his fellow socialists in our Congress. The polls all seem to indicate the long overdue flushing of a lot of Socialist incumbent’s careers will begin.

They want to blame George Bush when it was Congress that forced ever mortgage lender to risk our entire economy on millions of risky home loans doomed to failure.

Barack Obama and his group of rogues set out to nationalize healthcare and insurance industries despite what the majority wanted or were willing to pay for. Never mind that the whole program was un-American and unconstitutional.

I’ve been convinced that Obama will be forcibly removed from the Whitehouse before his term expires in 2012 if the Obama majority is defeated.

In January it will be raining Congressional subpoenas inviting current and former Whitehouse staffers to explain just what was going on behind those closed doors for the previous two years. The question of Obama’s birth and citizenship status will no longer escape the sunlight. It could be that every act or law signed by Obama gets invalidated.

Get out to the polls and depose the despots! Hopefully America will never flirt with Socialism again.

You Have a Right to a Speedy Trial Unless Your Name is Drew Peterson

Joliet, IL—In America we pride ourselves on the Bill of rights. The problem is that the older our Bill of Rights becomes, the more exceptions to liberty is carved away by the courts.

Retired Bolingbrook police sergeant Drew Peterson had no criminal record but become a so called “person of interest” in the disappearance of his fourth wife Stacy Peterson. At least one witness told police that Stacy told him how she planned on disappearing because she wanted to end her relationship with her much older husband.

The disappearance of Stacy Peterson caused a new investigation into the unfortunate death of Peterson’s third wife Kathleen Savio that was ruled earlier as a bathtub related accident. Peterson did not have legal access or keys to enter the home where the young woman died. Accident or even murder this is still a real whodunit.

A second and then a third autopsy of Savio’s remains were done years later. The results were called murder and with no eye witnesses, physical evidence cops and prosecutors want to rely on what Kathleen is credited with telling Stacy Peterson and others about Drew Peterson. Savio’s divorce and financial demands against Peterson obviously colored and motivated any of Savio’s alleged remarks. Savio’s family clearly has a financial interest in convicting Drew Peterson since there is ongoing civil litigation. Family members have claimed to be witnesses to the hearsay statements.

Hearsay has no place in a courtroom outside of a Police State such as The Peoples Court of Germany during the Third Reich. That did not stop Will County State’s Attorney James Glasgow from asking for a special hearsay exception law to use against a suspect he had no admissible evidence to convict. The Legislature and Governor quickly approved the yet to be tested Drew Peterson Law and Peterson was quickly indicted and arrested for Murder.

Bail was set at an unheard of $20 million without a single hint that Peterson was a flight risk or danger to the community. That kind of bail is reserved for cases with the proof is evident and the presumption of guilt is great. They made yet another exception for drew Peterson.

Peterson was ready for trial many months ago but court ruled against the prosecution on most of the unreliable hearsay evidence Glasgow needed to try this paper thin case. Glasgow has appealed the court’s rulings and as a result Drew Peterson must endlessly wait for his day in court locked in a jail cell.

Peterson has lost well over a year of his life already without being convicted of any offense whatsoever. The excessive bail stands as a novel and un-American hearsay law and related lower court rulings slowly grinds through the higher courts of Illinois.

Peterson is not being punished for any crime, but merely for his redundant nationally televised, and vocal denials of involvement in with the fate of two ex-wives. Peterson has become a person that everyone including that blindfolded Lady Justice now loves to hate.

Drew Peterson was jailed for no other reason because he proclaimed his innocence and criticized the efforts of the law enforcement agents and agencies for their efforts to arrest and convict him at any cost. Peterson was jailed simply as a way to silence him.

Drew Peterson’s rights to reasonable bail along with a speedy and fair trial have all been violated by every branch of government.

I sat at a fact-finding lunch with both Drew Peterson and his lead lawyer Joel Brodsky only a week before his indictment, and that pre-arranged, staged television news photo opportunity of the arrest.

At the lunch I don’t think Brodsky had even a clue to what new legal lows Glasgow would stoop to in his absolute perversion the prosecution process.