I can’t imagine what these politicians are thinking. They are shelling out billions in unemployment and welfare benefits bankrupting America.
We send them our money to redistribute back to us as handouts. That never made sense. I say Suspend all personal income tax withholdings for Americans. Suspend all requirements for quarterly tax payments from businesses that will not lay off employees.
Americans can accept lower paying jobs if there are no withholdings. Businesses will finally thrive. That will stimulate the economy. That will return confidence and productivity. That will sell homes, cars and the goods we make. How many homes can we save from foreclosure this way?
It’s not the way of Karl Marx or Barack Obama. It should happen but it just won’t happen.
Perhaps it will happen if American patriots take up arms against an oppressive government. It worked in 1776 and will work again today. What will it take to make Americans angry enough to act?
Should we wait for abject homelessness and starvation? We don’t need the government to help us, the government is the problem. The government is at war with the American people. The spoils of that war, has made 535 members of Congress millionaires with the best health benefits on earth.
Short of taking up arms Americans certainly can stop feeding the Socialist monster our money. Perhaps the bastards in Washington need to know who pays the bills. It is certainly not the supporters of Barack Obama. It’s hardworking Americans who can vote by refusal. If government can’t pay their tax collectors, how are they going to stop uncooperative Americans? Either the government can suspend the income tax or we can do it for them.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Mel Gibson’s Mega-Mess
Los Angeles, CA—Mel Gibson entered his middle age crisis and hit a huge land mine. Her name is Oksana Grigorieva, a Russian immigrant and aspiring singer. Gibson stepped out of his long time marriage for a fling and wound up with a new baby. This was the result of Gibson’s little head telling the big head what to do.
The much younger Grigorieva quickly adapted to Gibson’s lavish wealth. I can’t help but believe she was a cunning predator with a big plan.
If Grigorieva somehow got pregnant that Catholic actor, would only do the right thing and be a father. Grigorieva did not want a father for the child but the lavish life sans, Gibson. The monthly child support checks would buy lots more than baby food and diapers. The kid is an absolute gold mine for this young woman.
Next, was the obligatory domestic discord. Gibson is well-known for his emotional outbursts and rants. He has no history of violence he simply likes to hear himself yell. Gibson has those buttons and when pushed he will blurt things out he does not mean and will regret later. Grigorieva pushed the buttons, along with the start switch on her recorder.
The loss of a dental cap with no trauma to her lips warrants a trip to the dentist and pictures to bolster Grigorieva’s claim of a beating. This story and the photos smell. Even Gibson’s long suffering wife, Robin didn’t buy that scam.
Grigorieva runs off to a legal, bottom feeder to get a demand in for a king’s ransom settlement. The agreement would protect Gibson’s reputation and prevent the star from taking a nasty perp-walk over criminal domestic violence allegations.
When Gibson refused to play Grigorieva’s way, it brought an apocalyptic meltdown. Horrific, world wide publicity exploded, his talent agent severed ties, and now millions had to be spent on lawyers.
Grigorieva hands are way too dirty. Lawyer after lawyer has accepted non-refundable retainers from her as they quickly withdrew from her case. Lawyers usually have escape clauses in their retainer agreements for clients that lie to them. Lies or not, the lawyers cannot testify against their clients under most conditions.
Police are confounded by monumental obstacles that most likely interfere with any criminal prosecution of Gibson. There is the issue of the surreptitious recordings made by Grigorieva and their inadmissibility in court against Gibson.
Prosecutors must determine whether to prosecute Grigorieva for the felony crime of making the recordings themselves. There is the not so small issue of criminal extortion. Most people don’t seem to know that you can’t threaten to report someone to police unless they come to a financial agreement. It’s documented that Grigorieva tried to work out a $15 million golden parachute for her silence.
For the love child, this is indeed horrible. Thankfully, no matter what his mother does right or wrong the kid will be well-supported at least with Gibson’s cash. I’d hope for a much better solution. That Grigorieva has her parental rights to the child severed and the kid is raised by Gibson. Gibson has demonstrated that he can raise children with his ex-wife Robin.
Gibson should get his life returned and perhaps Grigorieva should return where she came from, that is after she completes her court imposed punishment for extortion.
Whatever happens it will cost Gibson many millions of dollars.
I have a saying about justice I developed in 1989, “If justice happens, it’s usually by accident and for all the wrong reasons.”
The much younger Grigorieva quickly adapted to Gibson’s lavish wealth. I can’t help but believe she was a cunning predator with a big plan.
If Grigorieva somehow got pregnant that Catholic actor, would only do the right thing and be a father. Grigorieva did not want a father for the child but the lavish life sans, Gibson. The monthly child support checks would buy lots more than baby food and diapers. The kid is an absolute gold mine for this young woman.
Next, was the obligatory domestic discord. Gibson is well-known for his emotional outbursts and rants. He has no history of violence he simply likes to hear himself yell. Gibson has those buttons and when pushed he will blurt things out he does not mean and will regret later. Grigorieva pushed the buttons, along with the start switch on her recorder.
The loss of a dental cap with no trauma to her lips warrants a trip to the dentist and pictures to bolster Grigorieva’s claim of a beating. This story and the photos smell. Even Gibson’s long suffering wife, Robin didn’t buy that scam.
Grigorieva runs off to a legal, bottom feeder to get a demand in for a king’s ransom settlement. The agreement would protect Gibson’s reputation and prevent the star from taking a nasty perp-walk over criminal domestic violence allegations.
When Gibson refused to play Grigorieva’s way, it brought an apocalyptic meltdown. Horrific, world wide publicity exploded, his talent agent severed ties, and now millions had to be spent on lawyers.
Grigorieva hands are way too dirty. Lawyer after lawyer has accepted non-refundable retainers from her as they quickly withdrew from her case. Lawyers usually have escape clauses in their retainer agreements for clients that lie to them. Lies or not, the lawyers cannot testify against their clients under most conditions.
Police are confounded by monumental obstacles that most likely interfere with any criminal prosecution of Gibson. There is the issue of the surreptitious recordings made by Grigorieva and their inadmissibility in court against Gibson.
Prosecutors must determine whether to prosecute Grigorieva for the felony crime of making the recordings themselves. There is the not so small issue of criminal extortion. Most people don’t seem to know that you can’t threaten to report someone to police unless they come to a financial agreement. It’s documented that Grigorieva tried to work out a $15 million golden parachute for her silence.
For the love child, this is indeed horrible. Thankfully, no matter what his mother does right or wrong the kid will be well-supported at least with Gibson’s cash. I’d hope for a much better solution. That Grigorieva has her parental rights to the child severed and the kid is raised by Gibson. Gibson has demonstrated that he can raise children with his ex-wife Robin.
Gibson should get his life returned and perhaps Grigorieva should return where she came from, that is after she completes her court imposed punishment for extortion.
Whatever happens it will cost Gibson many millions of dollars.
I have a saying about justice I developed in 1989, “If justice happens, it’s usually by accident and for all the wrong reasons.”
Drug Laws, States Rights and our Freedom
Los Angeles, CA—As California voters vote on a proposition that will legalize marijuana U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has threatened stepped up federal enforcement.
I think Obama’s Attorney General is delusional since their DEA agents are already overloaded and chasing California pot smokers would simply crash the entire system. Who is going to build all the new federal courthouses and jails to handle the enforcement? They would have to triple the number of federal judges in California.
I’m no fan of non-medical drug use but recognize the Drug War as an utter failure. Enforcement has become much more dangerous and detrimental to our freedom and quality of life than the drug abuse.
A number of states have rejected federal firearms enforcement and others are resisting Obamacare.
Congress has stuck their nose into every aspect of our lives to the peril of freedom. We must begin reversing this trend. States need to begin expelling the federal government’s shadow from everyday life.
The federal government’s role should be only to protect and defend the Civil Rights of Americans from state and local government abuse. States do not need federal police other than for the protection of our borders from trespassers.
Americans don’t need federal police enforcing shadow federal laws in addition the laws of the states. There are those troubling cases of double jeopardy that have no place in the concept of the American experiment.
It’s time to stand up to the kingdom builders in Congress. They’ve been inventing new bureaucracies at every opportunity to regulate freedom and liberty away. That’s a proven way to extort illicit campaign funds from more federal employees and government contractors.
Just say no to Congress.
I think Obama’s Attorney General is delusional since their DEA agents are already overloaded and chasing California pot smokers would simply crash the entire system. Who is going to build all the new federal courthouses and jails to handle the enforcement? They would have to triple the number of federal judges in California.
I’m no fan of non-medical drug use but recognize the Drug War as an utter failure. Enforcement has become much more dangerous and detrimental to our freedom and quality of life than the drug abuse.
A number of states have rejected federal firearms enforcement and others are resisting Obamacare.
Congress has stuck their nose into every aspect of our lives to the peril of freedom. We must begin reversing this trend. States need to begin expelling the federal government’s shadow from everyday life.
The federal government’s role should be only to protect and defend the Civil Rights of Americans from state and local government abuse. States do not need federal police other than for the protection of our borders from trespassers.
Americans don’t need federal police enforcing shadow federal laws in addition the laws of the states. There are those troubling cases of double jeopardy that have no place in the concept of the American experiment.
It’s time to stand up to the kingdom builders in Congress. They’ve been inventing new bureaucracies at every opportunity to regulate freedom and liberty away. That’s a proven way to extort illicit campaign funds from more federal employees and government contractors.
Just say no to Congress.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Real Hope and Change is on the Way!
Washington, DC—I've been looking at respected pollster Scott Rasmussen’s figures for the House race showing the GOP picking up 55 seats. Soon members of the Obama Administration will be emulating cockroaches in a filthy kitchen after someone turns the lights on.
The blizzard of Congressional subpoenas will bring much needed sunlight to Barack Obama’s birth, student grant/loans and travel records. Obama has spent $1.5 million in legal fees shielding the records in all those birther lawsuits. Many of those actions are still pending in court but so far no judge has allowed access to the evidence.
It’s no secret that there are many specific additional Congressional investigations in planning stages that are focused on Obama Administration officials. Many key staffers are exiting well before the storm. Nancy Pelosi will be powerless to stop the probes. Oh yes, they definitely will be looking up Pelosi’s skirt too.
2011 appears to be the year of the nastiest Washington scandals ever. Perhaps there will be a special new wing for the Obama Administration members chilling out at Club Fed. That is unless President Joe Biden issues pardons for those criminals.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again Obama won’t complete his first term.
The Most Dangerous Man in Will County, Illinois is James Glasgow
Joliet, IL—I’ve written extensively about the Drew Peterson case because it’s been so poorly handled. Let me be the first to repeat that I’m not clairvoyant and I have no special insight into revelations surrounding Stacy Peterson or Kathleen Savio. I’m a well-qualified investigator that has simply reviewed the facts as a Monday morning quarterback.
There are some circumstantial facts that have properly thrust Peterson under a microscope. The arrest and prosecution Peterson is deeply flawed because of insufficient evidence. Will County State's Attorney James Glasgow has endangered the credibility and validity of the entire investigation by pulling the trigger far too early.
Stacy Peterson married a much older cop and at some point became disenchanted. We have no reliable record of what she told anyone. Only as it became convenient, profitable or provided celebrity for friends or family members they began to make claims of what Stacy Peterson said. Frankly the claims have an odor to them.
These “helpers” did not make these hearsay claims immediately and I’m convinced there are nefarious reasons for this. There are of course the legal advantages in looting the estate of Drew Peterson that are at the top of the list.
In the case of Peterson’s third wife, Kathleen Savio but for allegations made on the record in her divorce proceedings the hearsay develops years later. The motive for the hearsay offerings again is simple greed.
Allegations are just that, and anyone accused of anything in America has the absolute right to confront and cross-examine his accusers in court. Apparently that’s the case unless your name is, Drew Peterson.
At least one Coal City, IL lad came forward and claimed that Stacy Peterson told him a plan she had to disappear just before she vanished. Had this lad failed in his own romantic pursuit of Stacy? Is he perhaps a jilted lover and killer? Police and prosecutors refused to investigate this angle. Perhaps it was a true statement and this young woman has abandoned her children and gone far away. That’s happened many times before and still cannot be discounted without real evidence.
Kathleen Savio was found dead from a head injury in a bath tub. There is no obvious crime, witnesses or physical evidence. Savio had a somewhat volatile marriage where she complained about money. Nearly everyone’s marriage has its difficult moments, over half end in divorce, but thankfully very few end in murder.
There was the suggestion that the first Savio death investigation was corrupt since it did not reveal evidence of murder or a suspect. Is that somehow unusual when you have no witnesses or physical evidence? Only 35% of today’s murders are ever solved. Here there is no definitive evidence that this was even a murder! How did she die? What was the weapon? Where is the weapon? Who used the weapon? Did she simply fall?
We all know drew Peterson had the training and experience that could facilitate the so-called, perfect murder. That’s not evidence.
Drew Peterson became a target of James Glasgow because the families and friends of the two wives in question. They began a campaign of nagging cops, prosecutors and media to get some answers. If police can prove a crime there is money to be had by the instigators! This is normal human behavior.
Drew Peterson’s real mistake was his, “Innocence Tour” of every talk show in America. Mugging for and cozying up to the media by Peterson made him a vehicle for stardom of that political creature, James Glasgow. Indicting and convicting the Drew Peterson could make this obscure prosecutor a contender for Governor or perhaps the United States Senate.
Drew Peterson’s case would have gone cold and all but forgotten had he simply gave the press no statements at all. He’d have never sat in jail for a day. Peterson could have dumped the Bolingbrook house, moved his kids to Florida to great winter weather and into wonderful retirement obscurity.
Today Drew Peterson is a popular object for scorn and hate. The segment of society that hates cops, are leading the Internet gossip charge torturing Peterson and his children. If Peterson is ever brought to trial the process for him is forever tainted.
Will County’s Prosecutorial incompetence was already showcased in the Riley Fox case that has cost local taxpayers untold millions and destroyed an innocent suspect’s life.
Glasgow went after yet another cop branding him as a crazed serial killer before he was able to exonerate himself with computer and cell-phone records. Policeman, Brian Dorian will never recover his reputation and he’s still the recipient of vicious Internet gossip despite being cleared.
The Most Dangerous man In Will County Illinois is James Glasgow.
There are some circumstantial facts that have properly thrust Peterson under a microscope. The arrest and prosecution Peterson is deeply flawed because of insufficient evidence. Will County State's Attorney James Glasgow has endangered the credibility and validity of the entire investigation by pulling the trigger far too early.
Stacy Peterson married a much older cop and at some point became disenchanted. We have no reliable record of what she told anyone. Only as it became convenient, profitable or provided celebrity for friends or family members they began to make claims of what Stacy Peterson said. Frankly the claims have an odor to them.
These “helpers” did not make these hearsay claims immediately and I’m convinced there are nefarious reasons for this. There are of course the legal advantages in looting the estate of Drew Peterson that are at the top of the list.
In the case of Peterson’s third wife, Kathleen Savio but for allegations made on the record in her divorce proceedings the hearsay develops years later. The motive for the hearsay offerings again is simple greed.
Allegations are just that, and anyone accused of anything in America has the absolute right to confront and cross-examine his accusers in court. Apparently that’s the case unless your name is, Drew Peterson.
At least one Coal City, IL lad came forward and claimed that Stacy Peterson told him a plan she had to disappear just before she vanished. Had this lad failed in his own romantic pursuit of Stacy? Is he perhaps a jilted lover and killer? Police and prosecutors refused to investigate this angle. Perhaps it was a true statement and this young woman has abandoned her children and gone far away. That’s happened many times before and still cannot be discounted without real evidence.
Kathleen Savio was found dead from a head injury in a bath tub. There is no obvious crime, witnesses or physical evidence. Savio had a somewhat volatile marriage where she complained about money. Nearly everyone’s marriage has its difficult moments, over half end in divorce, but thankfully very few end in murder.
There was the suggestion that the first Savio death investigation was corrupt since it did not reveal evidence of murder or a suspect. Is that somehow unusual when you have no witnesses or physical evidence? Only 35% of today’s murders are ever solved. Here there is no definitive evidence that this was even a murder! How did she die? What was the weapon? Where is the weapon? Who used the weapon? Did she simply fall?
We all know drew Peterson had the training and experience that could facilitate the so-called, perfect murder. That’s not evidence.
Drew Peterson became a target of James Glasgow because the families and friends of the two wives in question. They began a campaign of nagging cops, prosecutors and media to get some answers. If police can prove a crime there is money to be had by the instigators! This is normal human behavior.
Drew Peterson’s real mistake was his, “Innocence Tour” of every talk show in America. Mugging for and cozying up to the media by Peterson made him a vehicle for stardom of that political creature, James Glasgow. Indicting and convicting the Drew Peterson could make this obscure prosecutor a contender for Governor or perhaps the United States Senate.
Drew Peterson’s case would have gone cold and all but forgotten had he simply gave the press no statements at all. He’d have never sat in jail for a day. Peterson could have dumped the Bolingbrook house, moved his kids to Florida to great winter weather and into wonderful retirement obscurity.
Today Drew Peterson is a popular object for scorn and hate. The segment of society that hates cops, are leading the Internet gossip charge torturing Peterson and his children. If Peterson is ever brought to trial the process for him is forever tainted.
Will County’s Prosecutorial incompetence was already showcased in the Riley Fox case that has cost local taxpayers untold millions and destroyed an innocent suspect’s life.
Glasgow went after yet another cop branding him as a crazed serial killer before he was able to exonerate himself with computer and cell-phone records. Policeman, Brian Dorian will never recover his reputation and he’s still the recipient of vicious Internet gossip despite being cleared.
The Most Dangerous man In Will County Illinois is James Glasgow.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Boycotting CVS Pharmacy After Asthma Horror story
Garwood, NJ—A local woman was suffering from an asthma attack and quickly needed her inhaler prescription refilled the CVS Pharmacy. She was told by the pharmacist that the cost came to $21.99 but she only had a $20.00 bill. The pharmacist refused to waive the remaining measly two bucks. The stricken woman’s boyfriend then offered his cell phone or wallet as collateral as the women was on the floor wheezing. CVS was willing to simply watch the woman die refusing aid.
The pharmacist should have at least called 911 for the woman since asthma attacks are often fatal if not treated quickly. The boyfriend called a paramedic friend who responded and rendered aid.
CVS had no legal duty and perhaps there were signs of deception but nothing justified this massive lapse of simple decency. To not even dial 911 shows the pharmacist’s lack of understanding of his professional mission. I’m sure the licensing board will investigate this and take appropriate action.
I want to argue that CVS may have been played as a sucker and suspected they were getting victimized by the woman and her boyfriend. Even if that seemed to be the case you cannot gamble with a human life and have a clear duty to step up as a member of the human race.
This disgusting outrage was an apparently the action of a single nasty employee in absence of a company policy to deal with this kind of problem.
I will destroy my preferred CVS card on my key ring and will never enter a CVS facility again. I will rejoice as I see CVS stores close everywhere. I suspect there is a lesson to lean for the competitors that will be gaining CVS customers.
My question is how much will this protection of $1.99 cost CVS before it’s over?
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The name Obama means you can get away with crimes!
Chicago, IL—In an absolute arrogant display of lawlessness, First Lady, Michell Obama knowingly violated the Illinois electioneering, criminal statute. Obama did it aggressively and blatantly and in front of local media. So far she was neither questioned, nor detained by police.
Obama is extensively experienced in election law and was an Illinois lawyer until her name was taken off the rolls of licensed attorneys the Illinois State Bar. Any suggestion of ignorance of the law is beyond silly. In addition polling places have warning signs at the door about the prohibition in addition. There is absolutely no excuse for Obama’s crime and Cook County State's Attorney State’s Attorney. Anita Alvarez has the sworn duty to prosecute all violations.
Obama must be arrested or properly summoned to appear, be fingerprinted and photographed by police. She must also appear in court and defend or plead guilty.
I don’t expect that the punishment for this crime would ever include jail time considering Obama may have no prior criminal history. This is a misdemeanor under which a person could be sentenced up to 364 day behind bars. Obama must get no less or more punishment than many others who were arrested for this common violation.
In Chicago many people have been arrested and convicted for simply wearing a political campaign button into a polling place.
We can accurately predict that Michelle Obama will enjoy immunity because of the obstruction of justice and official misconduct of staunch Obama supporter and fellow Democrat, Cook County State’s Attorney, Anita Alvarez.
As George Orwell correctly wrote in Animal Farm, "Some pigs are more equal than others."
Obama is extensively experienced in election law and was an Illinois lawyer until her name was taken off the rolls of licensed attorneys the Illinois State Bar. Any suggestion of ignorance of the law is beyond silly. In addition polling places have warning signs at the door about the prohibition in addition. There is absolutely no excuse for Obama’s crime and Cook County State's Attorney State’s Attorney. Anita Alvarez has the sworn duty to prosecute all violations.
Obama must be arrested or properly summoned to appear, be fingerprinted and photographed by police. She must also appear in court and defend or plead guilty.
I don’t expect that the punishment for this crime would ever include jail time considering Obama may have no prior criminal history. This is a misdemeanor under which a person could be sentenced up to 364 day behind bars. Obama must get no less or more punishment than many others who were arrested for this common violation.
In Chicago many people have been arrested and convicted for simply wearing a political campaign button into a polling place.
We can accurately predict that Michelle Obama will enjoy immunity because of the obstruction of justice and official misconduct of staunch Obama supporter and fellow Democrat, Cook County State’s Attorney, Anita Alvarez.
As George Orwell correctly wrote in Animal Farm, "Some pigs are more equal than others."
Propaganda and Deception Rules in Political News Coverage with the Left in Power
Chicago, IL—I’ve spent some 20 years freelancing as an investigative TV news producer with numerous local, national, and international news programs. I’ve handled only the more interesting private investigation assignments, I preferred during this period of my life. Now days, I do far less news because the newsroom budgets have all gone to Hell and most news organizations can’t afford me as they lay off long time employees.
I’ve worked with many well-known journalists who I consider friends. Many of them will read this article. The vast majority of these people are hard corps Liberals and at the same time decent and honorable people.
I will defend my Liberal media friends because they were programmed with their views by very charismatic professors that had absolute power over them in school. You can’t find any colleges where the courses taken by prospective journalist are not dominated by total propagandists from the far Left.
College students all seek approval from their educators/mentors. Journalism students are certainly no different. To suggest that these folks were not influenced politically while in school is pure fantasy. Unfortunately, somewhere two many of them lost the ability to analyze issues or see anything from a different point of view.
When in doubt, journalists ask their peers. It becomes a case of the blind leading the blind. as they validate each other’s misconceptions and dismiss anyone who does not see it their way.
My journalist friends don’t for a second believe they are misleading anyone and are for the most part value their integrity. They also want to live in the best world possible and think they are a good judge of the political direction America should take. Too often journalists are delusional as they unwittingly help Leftist politicians spin and distort the truth.
These same journalists have no difficulty relentlessly interrogating Sarah Palin who was suddenly thrust into a national political scene in a race for Vice President. But they can’t seem to formulate anything but softball questions of either the candidate or now President Barack Obama.
Important and burning questions for Obama they all refuse to ask include:
1. Your paternal grandmother insisted you were born in Kenya, can we see your actual birth certificate?
2. Why have you so bitterly fought all those expensive lawsuits now clogging our courts that suggest that you’re unqualified by birth to be President and just show your birth certificate?
3. Why did the Illinois State Bar, delay your admission to practice law and why are you not on the rolls of licensed attorneys today?
4. Did you apply for and receive grants or loans as a foreign student?
5. Discrepancies were found with Social security numbers used by you in the past, did you steal someone’s identity or just make up random numbers and why?
6. Your platform is pretty far Left are you a Socialist/Communist?
7. Why won’t you let the free market work to let troubled banks and corporations fail? Are there no competitors worthy of taking over the market rather than government?
8. You redundantly promised transparency in you administration but have tightly veiled it instead, what went wrong?
The fact that George W. Bush was a horrible President may have caused these journalists to become more politically proactive than ever. The media was definitely in the tank for Obama. The major media refuse to publish anything at all that would undermine the Obama campaign. John McCain had no real stand that would have allowed him any sign of improvement of Bush.
If our journalists had some backbone, Barack Obama would have not survived the nearly two years in office. The journalists either suspect or know the real answers and that’s why they won’t dare ask them.
The mainstream media has lost all credibility when it comes to politics. Since so many other stories involve politics or government policy there can be no trust at all.
Print and broadcast news as we knew it has slowly committed suicide through their political propaganda agenda.
The Internet is here and consumers of news are forced to find credible, reliable and trustworthy sources for news away from what was the mainstream media.
Slowly bloggers are learning how to the research material, check facts as they search for and then interview newsmakers they way it should be done. Many have stepped into this role by accident or hobby. The fact is they’re here.
All providers of news are shaking out right now. Journalists will have to rehabilitate themselves, find new places to reports or sell insurance to put food on their tables.
The public wants to know, who, what, where, when and how. They don’t want any political correctness filters or to be deceived. They also want to be entertained with sensationalism. Hopefully the new media will fill this need, but the reality is there will be a lot more of the same. The task of winning and keeping readers, viewers or visitors for any news provider is not so simple.
As for my Liberal journalist pals, they can count on one thing from me. I won’t deceive them and will give them the respect they deserve. Politics aside, they are after all, my friends.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Smile For That Booking Photo
Joliet, IL—Police officer Brian Dorian was charged in what could have been a death penalty case. The incompetent Will County, IL investigators were as miserable to the hapless suspected cop as they could be. The world was soon told that the deranged shooter was in custody and everybody was now safe. The investigators and prosecutors were all patting each other on the back for their wonderful accomplishment.
Poor Brian Dorian was as emotionally wound up more than ever before in his 37 years as an honorable man. He was quickly put in front of the booking camera and understandably he was a real sourpuss. That picture was published to the entire world redundantly.
People made judgments on Dorian’s guilt or innocence not on facts, but upon the baseless information put in Will County law enforcement press releases and that picture. The Internet chat was every bit as hateful against Dorian as for another target of Will County officials, retired Bolingbrook police Sergeant Drew Peterson.
I can tell you from experience that victims and witnesses are shown those booking pictures in photo lineups. They almost never will identify a smiling face as the person they saw committing a crime. The sourpuss always wins this contest.
Just minutes before Dorian’s mother got the call from her son’s lawyer telling her that the nightmare was over, I personally advised her to get some normal photos of her son to the media at once. If they had new pictures they’d show them instead of that nasty picture that was influencing the potential jury pool. Smile for that booking photo since your very life may depend upon that.
Poor Brian Dorian was as emotionally wound up more than ever before in his 37 years as an honorable man. He was quickly put in front of the booking camera and understandably he was a real sourpuss. That picture was published to the entire world redundantly.
People made judgments on Dorian’s guilt or innocence not on facts, but upon the baseless information put in Will County law enforcement press releases and that picture. The Internet chat was every bit as hateful against Dorian as for another target of Will County officials, retired Bolingbrook police Sergeant Drew Peterson.
I can tell you from experience that victims and witnesses are shown those booking pictures in photo lineups. They almost never will identify a smiling face as the person they saw committing a crime. The sourpuss always wins this contest.
Just minutes before Dorian’s mother got the call from her son’s lawyer telling her that the nightmare was over, I personally advised her to get some normal photos of her son to the media at once. If they had new pictures they’d show them instead of that nasty picture that was influencing the potential jury pool. Smile for that booking photo since your very life may depend upon that.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Will County State’s Attorney James Glasgow Destroys Lives
Joliet, IL—How many lives will James Glasgow ruin before he’s removed from office? Glasgow never met a TV camera he didn’t love. He never missed a chance to rush to judgment and destroy lives on the flimsiest of evidence.
Prosecutors in America can indict a ham sandwich with ease. Prosecutors have a two-fold duty, prosecution of the guilty and to seek justice. Too many like James Glasgow have redefined their mission to grabbing and prosecuting the nearest human and to generate as many self-serving press releases as possible.
Corrupt prosecutors love to abuse victims and their families by misleading them about the evidence and using them as media show ponies. The public can’t get enough images of sympathetic and heroic appearing prosecutors with their arms around weeping victims. Victims and their families somehow always blindly support their exploiters long after these cases are over.
That’s always great TV for the Nancy disGrace show on CNN. The Internet becomes filled with hate for the accused as the jury pool is tampered through modern technology like never before in history. Getting a fair trial anymore is nearly an impossible challenge.
Will County State’s Attorney, James Glasgow did some serious damage to Lynwood, IL police officer Brian Dorian and his family. Investigators invaded Dorian’s privacy by grabbing his cell phone records and computer data that with other evidence placed the cop far away from the murder.
Search warrants were served on Dorian’s home and vehicle as investigators went through every intimate aspect of his private life. His firearms were seized, along with clothing, computers and storage devices. It may be months yet before everything is returned.
I can’t imagine what the damage done to Dorian is worth. Prosecutors enjoy immunity and generally can get away with this stuff on a regular basis.
Glasgow can be expected to say the system worked and justice was done. Justice won’t be done until Dorian is compensated and Glasgow is removed by the voters. For Brian Dorian the system did not work and he needs somehow put his life back together.
Two Phoenix Cold Cases Still Beg For a Solution
Melanie Bernas (Left) Angelia Brosso (Right)
Phoenix, AZ—In 1992/1993 Melanie Bernas, 17 and Angela Brosso, 22 were savagely sliced up nearly a year apart in the same general vicinity.
In November, 1992 the Brosso girl went for a bicycle ride and never returned. Her live-in boyfriend reported her missing to police.
Brosso was soon found headless and her torso cut in half in a nearby park at 25th Avenue and Cactus. I saw raw video of the body captured by a TV news photographer and it was indeed hideous. That video was heavily edited before it hit the airwaves.
Brosso’s severed head was subsequently located in or next to a canal some two miles away. Brosso’s bicycle has never been recovered and no viable suspect has ever been located.
Nearly one year later in September of 1993 the Bernas girl’s severed head was found near the Arizona canal and the Black Canyon freeway. Nearby floating in the canal the rest of her cut up remains were recovered. Like the Brosso girl, Bernas was believed to be riding a bicycle that’s never been located.
Police believe that both young women were murdered by the same person. Police have a DNA material believed left by the killer but they’ve not found a suspect for a match yet.
These two crimes have left an impression on me for nearly 20 years. There is no statute of limitations for murder and this killer needs to be punished.
I can’t believe that this savage predator has not killed more young women. This killer is right out of a horror movie. We can only hope these two murders can be solved.
Phoenix, AZ—In 1992/1993 Melanie Bernas, 17 and Angela Brosso, 22 were savagely sliced up nearly a year apart in the same general vicinity.
In November, 1992 the Brosso girl went for a bicycle ride and never returned. Her live-in boyfriend reported her missing to police.
Brosso was soon found headless and her torso cut in half in a nearby park at 25th Avenue and Cactus. I saw raw video of the body captured by a TV news photographer and it was indeed hideous. That video was heavily edited before it hit the airwaves.
Brosso’s severed head was subsequently located in or next to a canal some two miles away. Brosso’s bicycle has never been recovered and no viable suspect has ever been located.
Nearly one year later in September of 1993 the Bernas girl’s severed head was found near the Arizona canal and the Black Canyon freeway. Nearby floating in the canal the rest of her cut up remains were recovered. Like the Brosso girl, Bernas was believed to be riding a bicycle that’s never been located.
Police believe that both young women were murdered by the same person. Police have a DNA material believed left by the killer but they’ve not found a suspect for a match yet.
These two crimes have left an impression on me for nearly 20 years. There is no statute of limitations for murder and this killer needs to be punished.
I can’t believe that this savage predator has not killed more young women. This killer is right out of a horror movie. We can only hope these two murders can be solved.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Burglary or Publicity Stunt?
Sherman Oaks, CA—On fashionable Ventura Blvd. there are countless little boutiques for the kind of elegant women that really ring my bell.
If you need a simple pair of flip-flops they can be had for a mere $25.00. A very sexy pair of black leather boots will set you back nearly $500.00 and that simple black dress can be yours for $450.00. I’m sure that these prices are attractive for women in the area. One place that can make any average woman look elegant is, Belle Gray by Lisa Rinna.
The owners of this place to throw a little extra money around are Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin. In the past they both had great shows and the income to match. Aging in Hollywood is unforgivable when it comes to careers, especially for women. TV actors have been pushed aside by the scores for the reality television garbage that insults our intelligence.
Over the years we’ve seen Lisa’s already plush lips swell beyond belief. I can only assume the plastic surgeons have earned a nice reward for growing Lisa’s supple pucker. Somehow I think Hollywood’s producers found Lisa’s lips were too distracting and that’s limited her opportunities.
I respect the craft of these actors who have struggled in a very tough place. I also know that the economy and entertainment changes have not been kind to either their careers or boutique. I’ve watched Ventura Blvd lose a lot of popular businesses in the last two years. There have been too many foreclosures, bankruptcies and broken hearts everywhere. People do what they must to survive.
Apparently Hamlin and Rinna have a new reality series they were promoting on a national morning talk/news show. During a live national broadcast with the happy couple, a phone call revealed a burglary at Belle Gray. The horror of it all! Google searches on the couple and Bell Gray were even well beyond a publicity agent’s wet dream come true. The gift of spontaneous tongues wagging suddenly sent their names into the stratosphere. In case you forgot who Rinna and Hamlin were, you remember now!
In the last few days, I’m sure there was no shortage of visitors to Belle Gray and business was booming.
Okay, I’m not buying it. Rinna and Hamlin had motive, means and opportunity to pull this inside job. Last night the publicity went into full reload with another burglary! This time with shadowy, film noir style surveillance video of a supposed burglar!
With a little Hollywood makeup anyone can be made unrecognizable even to their own mothers. I don’t buy this caper either especially when they let TV news cameras inside their store.
Is there really a lucrative fencing market for elegant women’s clothing that is sizzling hot?
Hamlin is said to be outraged by any suggestion this was a publicity stunt. Can he deny that more viewers to their new reality show will bring bigger paychecks? In the end unless someone can prove a false police report the two alleged burglaries and the free publicity will only put money in this couple’s pockets.
Hold the outrage Harry I’m sure nobody will prove a thing. By the way Harry, about those insurance claims?
Let me be the first to say Rinna and Hamlin have not been arrested, summoned or charged for a crime. The presumption of innocence is in fact the law. Excuse me while I put my tongue firmly in my cheek.
Will someone please put this unlucky couple in a deluxe covershot in People Magfazine so this crime wave can end?
Take a ride with me right past the scene of the “crimes”.
Justifiable Use of Deadly Force by Civilians in America
Some of my visitors have asked me to explain the circumstances were deadly force may be used in self-defense or the defense of a third person. I will keep this very simple.
In every state, laws allow deadly force to stop violent felonies in progress. That’s murder, manslaughter, robbery, kidnapping, sexual assault, residential burglary, aggravated assault, aggravated battery and arson. There are others that vary somewhat from state to state.
In your own home or place of business there are certain legal and credible presumptions in your favor that you won’t enjoy on a public street.
If you are attacked by someone with a weapon or multiple attackers (even if they are unarmed) you may use any weapon to halt the assault. The same is true if your attacker is unarmed but there is an obvious disparity in size or strength and a reasonable person would believe this assailant could inflict permanent injury or death upon you.
The use of force must end the moment the attackers cease, surrender or flee. You do not shoot to warn, wound or kill. You only shoot to stop the crime. Use the best police style ammunition available. The police use hollow point bullets for the solid reason of public safety. Those bullets are less likely to injure bystanders because a ricochet. In court you can always make that point if needed.
Unlike in the movies you need not first threaten to use deadly force or order your attackers to drop their weapons. That may be much too dangerous anyway. You may simply draw a gun and begin firing until the threat is over. Sometimes your attacker may have quick reflexes and turn around sharply as a protective measure as he takes a bullet in the back. Things like that happen.
Those few states with unconstitutional laws against possessing or carrying arms cannot simply turn your justifiable self-defense act into a crime over some gun ban. They may however try to violate your Civil Rights to keep and bear arms by prosecuting you for a weapons offense with a somewhat small penalty. After the Heller and McDonald cases from our Supreme Court, that won’t be easy for prosecutors.
Avoid conflicts, don’t use more force than necessary and with any luck you won’t have to experience this kind of mayhem. If violence comes your way you must fight fiercely, decisively and for keeps. Hesitation may cost your life or that of someone you love.
As I have said before if you use such force especially away from your home you should collect all weapons and quickly flee to avoid conflict with the accomplices of anyone you’ve injured or killed. They may be out of your sight, but close enough to confront and kill you if you hang around. Taking the weapons from the scene is necessary for both yours and the public’s safety.
Do not call or talk to police. Words like, “I just shot a carjacker!” on a 911 recording may well incriminate you and be used as a confession. The absolute worst thing you can do is lie to police. That won’t be a problem since you will say no more to police than, “I want a lawyer.”
Take the collected weapon/s to a criminal lawyer and ask him to turn them over to police. I don’t know a single criminal lawyer that would let you say anything at all to police anyway. The lawyer can tell police whatever he wants and he cannot and will not tell police what you’ve told him. The lawyer may tell police that his anonymous client was a victim of a violent crime and used self-defense.
Your lawyer will tell police that the gun, knife, club, or whatever belongs to the dead or injured criminal/s. The police will impound the weapon for examination by the crime laboratory and later evidentiary purposes. They may be able to recover DNA from the weapons or somehow trace it to your attackers. Fingerprints are almost never recovered from handguns.
Don’t expect to be allowed by your lawyer to tell anyone, including family members about this incident. The first and only time you should tell your story is to a criminal court jury deciding if your actions were justifiable as you claim.
Avoid all publicity. The media will no matter what either make a hero or a vigilante killer out of you. If the person/s you shot survive they can be counted on to claim they were only asking you for a ride not committing a carjacking. Your assailants will claim it was you that planted any weapons that you’ve recovered.
There will only be a swearing contest about the facts in court if the person/s you shoot survive to testify against you.
In every state, laws allow deadly force to stop violent felonies in progress. That’s murder, manslaughter, robbery, kidnapping, sexual assault, residential burglary, aggravated assault, aggravated battery and arson. There are others that vary somewhat from state to state.
In your own home or place of business there are certain legal and credible presumptions in your favor that you won’t enjoy on a public street.
If you are attacked by someone with a weapon or multiple attackers (even if they are unarmed) you may use any weapon to halt the assault. The same is true if your attacker is unarmed but there is an obvious disparity in size or strength and a reasonable person would believe this assailant could inflict permanent injury or death upon you.
The use of force must end the moment the attackers cease, surrender or flee. You do not shoot to warn, wound or kill. You only shoot to stop the crime. Use the best police style ammunition available. The police use hollow point bullets for the solid reason of public safety. Those bullets are less likely to injure bystanders because a ricochet. In court you can always make that point if needed.
Unlike in the movies you need not first threaten to use deadly force or order your attackers to drop their weapons. That may be much too dangerous anyway. You may simply draw a gun and begin firing until the threat is over. Sometimes your attacker may have quick reflexes and turn around sharply as a protective measure as he takes a bullet in the back. Things like that happen.
Those few states with unconstitutional laws against possessing or carrying arms cannot simply turn your justifiable self-defense act into a crime over some gun ban. They may however try to violate your Civil Rights to keep and bear arms by prosecuting you for a weapons offense with a somewhat small penalty. After the Heller and McDonald cases from our Supreme Court, that won’t be easy for prosecutors.
Avoid conflicts, don’t use more force than necessary and with any luck you won’t have to experience this kind of mayhem. If violence comes your way you must fight fiercely, decisively and for keeps. Hesitation may cost your life or that of someone you love.
As I have said before if you use such force especially away from your home you should collect all weapons and quickly flee to avoid conflict with the accomplices of anyone you’ve injured or killed. They may be out of your sight, but close enough to confront and kill you if you hang around. Taking the weapons from the scene is necessary for both yours and the public’s safety.
Do not call or talk to police. Words like, “I just shot a carjacker!” on a 911 recording may well incriminate you and be used as a confession. The absolute worst thing you can do is lie to police. That won’t be a problem since you will say no more to police than, “I want a lawyer.”
Take the collected weapon/s to a criminal lawyer and ask him to turn them over to police. I don’t know a single criminal lawyer that would let you say anything at all to police anyway. The lawyer can tell police whatever he wants and he cannot and will not tell police what you’ve told him. The lawyer may tell police that his anonymous client was a victim of a violent crime and used self-defense.
Your lawyer will tell police that the gun, knife, club, or whatever belongs to the dead or injured criminal/s. The police will impound the weapon for examination by the crime laboratory and later evidentiary purposes. They may be able to recover DNA from the weapons or somehow trace it to your attackers. Fingerprints are almost never recovered from handguns.
Don’t expect to be allowed by your lawyer to tell anyone, including family members about this incident. The first and only time you should tell your story is to a criminal court jury deciding if your actions were justifiable as you claim.
Avoid all publicity. The media will no matter what either make a hero or a vigilante killer out of you. If the person/s you shot survive they can be counted on to claim they were only asking you for a ride not committing a carjacking. Your assailants will claim it was you that planted any weapons that you’ve recovered.
There will only be a swearing contest about the facts in court if the person/s you shoot survive to testify against you.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Chicago Gold Coast Armed Robber's Way of Life
Chicago, IL—Saturday’s night life in the Gold Coast area is always fun. Educated, well-heeled and attractive young people can meet, dine, dance and delight each other with their youth.
It’s been a relatively safe area but that’s changed. Roving bands of mobile African-America thugs are preying on people in the neighborhood at an alarming rate. Usually the creeps successfully rob, beat and even sexually abuse young couples out for a good time. The thugs always escape into the night with cash, jewelry, Ipods, cell phones and credit cards belonging to their victims.
The thugs carry all the weapons they wish knowing their law-abiding and peaceful victims will never violate those weapons bans. It’s a formula for success created and maintained by Chicago’s politicians for the thugs.
Last night for one group of thugs, luck was not on their side. At half past ten, four armed robbers forced their way into a car at gunpoint at State and Ohio Streets. They took the victim’s cash and an I-phone and then fled.
Alert 18th District officers somehow quickly found and pinched the four thugs. Two adults and two juveniles all from Chicago’s distant South side were apprehended. Aleem Minnis and Ryan Thomas, both 18 will be brought before a judge for setting bail and assigning taxpayer funded defense lawyers.
The two unidentified juveniles will get lots of love and understanding from the juvenile court; instead of punishment they deserve as they’re quickly set lose to continue their life of violent crime.
In reality the two 18 year-old thugs will get low bail they will not be able to post. After just a few months, they will enter plea agreements for probation and time served and will hit the streets and be even more violent. Their victim was White along with the cops, lawyers and judge. They will blame racism by Whites for their inconvenience and take it out in spades on their next White victims.
It’s been a relatively safe area but that’s changed. Roving bands of mobile African-America thugs are preying on people in the neighborhood at an alarming rate. Usually the creeps successfully rob, beat and even sexually abuse young couples out for a good time. The thugs always escape into the night with cash, jewelry, Ipods, cell phones and credit cards belonging to their victims.
The thugs carry all the weapons they wish knowing their law-abiding and peaceful victims will never violate those weapons bans. It’s a formula for success created and maintained by Chicago’s politicians for the thugs.
Last night for one group of thugs, luck was not on their side. At half past ten, four armed robbers forced their way into a car at gunpoint at State and Ohio Streets. They took the victim’s cash and an I-phone and then fled.
Alert 18th District officers somehow quickly found and pinched the four thugs. Two adults and two juveniles all from Chicago’s distant South side were apprehended. Aleem Minnis and Ryan Thomas, both 18 will be brought before a judge for setting bail and assigning taxpayer funded defense lawyers.
The two unidentified juveniles will get lots of love and understanding from the juvenile court; instead of punishment they deserve as they’re quickly set lose to continue their life of violent crime.
In reality the two 18 year-old thugs will get low bail they will not be able to post. After just a few months, they will enter plea agreements for probation and time served and will hit the streets and be even more violent. Their victim was White along with the cops, lawyers and judge. They will blame racism by Whites for their inconvenience and take it out in spades on their next White victims.
Why the NRA Supports Some Democrats
Fairfax, VA—In this election like never before some Conservative gun owners have criticized the National Rifle Association for supporting the campaigns of some Democrats.
I guess some people are not smart enough to understand that the NRA and its membership are all about the single issue of Gun Rights. The NRA asks politicians at every level of government to support and defend those rights. Democrats are usually weak and Republicans are usually strong for gun owners. Of course there are a minority of politicians from both sides that don’t always follow their party lines.
Having lobbied politicians for many years I have learned there are those Republicans that hate gun rights and will vote for every gun ban they possibly can. In addition there are those GOP pretenders that are just weak on this issue. On the other hand there are Democrats that have always supported gun rights.
The biggest current controversy is over NRA support for Nevada’s Harry Reid. Harry Reid is a nasty Leftist but he’s never hurt gun owners. His vote has always been on the right side of the gun issue. The NRA would be disloyal to come out in support of a new pro-Gun Rights Republican politician when Reid has always done what the NRA membership has asked him.
To demand that the NRA only support Republicans would be asking them to support Gun Rights haters like Meg Whitman, pretending to be a Conservative. Democrat and Leftist Jerry Brown who has always been decent in supporting Gun Rights, deserves the vote of Gun Rights advocates for that California’s Governor race. Meg Whitman would be a disaster for gun owners.
The NRA can’t afford to be fickle and disown their friends in the Democratic Party. On the other hand today’s GOP blindly supports plenty of pretenders who hate Gun Rights. The GOP has been infiltrated during the last four decades by Progressive Leftists and the long list of pathetic people they’ve supported for our nation’s highest office has been a disgrace. The GOP leadership is not just weak on Gun Rights but on nearly every Conservative issue.
I’d like to think that there are plenty of Gun Rights advocates out there that are smart enough to vote for the candidate that supports Gun Rights and all the other important Conservative issues. Harry Reid should be punished by Conservative voters because of his other political misdeeds, not over Gun Rights.
I think the GOP leadership has done much more damage to Gun Rights than gun owners realize. Gun owners would be better served venting their wrath on the Leftists inside the GOP leadership.
I guess some people are not smart enough to understand that the NRA and its membership are all about the single issue of Gun Rights. The NRA asks politicians at every level of government to support and defend those rights. Democrats are usually weak and Republicans are usually strong for gun owners. Of course there are a minority of politicians from both sides that don’t always follow their party lines.
Having lobbied politicians for many years I have learned there are those Republicans that hate gun rights and will vote for every gun ban they possibly can. In addition there are those GOP pretenders that are just weak on this issue. On the other hand there are Democrats that have always supported gun rights.
The biggest current controversy is over NRA support for Nevada’s Harry Reid. Harry Reid is a nasty Leftist but he’s never hurt gun owners. His vote has always been on the right side of the gun issue. The NRA would be disloyal to come out in support of a new pro-Gun Rights Republican politician when Reid has always done what the NRA membership has asked him.
To demand that the NRA only support Republicans would be asking them to support Gun Rights haters like Meg Whitman, pretending to be a Conservative. Democrat and Leftist Jerry Brown who has always been decent in supporting Gun Rights, deserves the vote of Gun Rights advocates for that California’s Governor race. Meg Whitman would be a disaster for gun owners.
The NRA can’t afford to be fickle and disown their friends in the Democratic Party. On the other hand today’s GOP blindly supports plenty of pretenders who hate Gun Rights. The GOP has been infiltrated during the last four decades by Progressive Leftists and the long list of pathetic people they’ve supported for our nation’s highest office has been a disgrace. The GOP leadership is not just weak on Gun Rights but on nearly every Conservative issue.
I’d like to think that there are plenty of Gun Rights advocates out there that are smart enough to vote for the candidate that supports Gun Rights and all the other important Conservative issues. Harry Reid should be punished by Conservative voters because of his other political misdeeds, not over Gun Rights.
I think the GOP leadership has done much more damage to Gun Rights than gun owners realize. Gun owners would be better served venting their wrath on the Leftists inside the GOP leadership.
Saturday, October 09, 2010
Lucille Ball, a Beautiful Genius, Major Talent and Communist Party Member
Hollywood, CA—I just finished watching another great Henry Hathaway, film noir classic, The Dark Corner (1946) starring Lucille Ball, Mark Stevens and Clifton Webb. Mark Steven’s plays a recently paroled private eye trying to rebuild his life and business. Ball plays the private dick’s new secretary. After the PI is targeted and endangered in a somewhat convoluted scheme, Ball’s clever character comes to his rescue at every opportunity. This film is available for instant play if you’ve got a Netflix account.
As a long time real life PI, I can’t imagine the luck of having a secretary like that in a million years. Together they overcome amazing odds and in case you’ve never seen the film I won’t spoil it be revealing the ending.
In The Dark Corner, Ball was a stunning 35 year-old looker that appeared much younger. Her grace, charm and acting were terrific. This is amazing in spite of the fact that Ball left, The John Murray Anderson School for the Dramatic Arts in New York City after only a few weeks. He acting coaches told Ball she had no talent!
As a child I grew up with a family TV show, I Love Lucy. It had its comic moments but it was more a comic soap opera of sorts in the lives of two couples, the Ricardo’s and the Mertz’s. Lucy was always up to mischief that usually backfired to the chagrin of her real life husband Desi.
Ball died in 1989 at age 77, when a recently repaired aorta ruptured. Aging and death is most unfair but the truth is we’re all in this together and none of us will get out alive.
What I really did not know was Ball’s age. She was already in her 40’s when she began her, I Love Lucy series. Her first husband Desi Arnez was seven years her junior.
This famous TV pioneer couple made entertainment history beginning with the three camera shoot of their series. With three cameras, scenes could be shot and edited together saving countless hours of setups and retakes.
Together they formed Desilou Productions and that led to many thousands of hours of programming that still seen and enjoyed today all over the world. Their 20 year marriage was volatile and finally ended after their second divorce filing in 1960. It’s always been said by their biographers that their love for each other never really waned, they just had difficulties mostly attributed to Desi that could not be overcome.
Not that long ago I had to do some business with Kelsey Grammar’s production company, Gramnet which was at the time located in the Lucille Ball Bungalow at Paramount Studios in Hollywood. I suspect the name Lucille Ball will be repeated hundreds of years after her death. She was indeed an artist.
When doing a little research for this story I learned that Ball actually joined the Communist Party and registered to vote that way in her earlier days. Ball’s politics were as red as her hair. The Communists always recruited members heavily in Hollywood because they knew that movie stars influence the masses. That still is the case today for sure.
The funny thing about Hollywood’s Communists, they all made huge fortunes through Capitalism. I will never be able to figure out that paradox.
Enjoy the trailer for The Dark Corner below:
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act Improvement Bill is on Obama’s Desk
Washington, DC—Congress has passed and sent on to Obama a bill that would allow more former or retired cops to carry concealed weapons in all 50 states.
The bill gives a broader definition to a retired law enforcement officer to include those who served as Amtrack officers and several federal agencies. The bill reduces the requirements for time on the job from a minimum of 15 to ten years of service.
Former officers suffering from disabilities related to mental condition, drug addiction and felony convictions, will still not be allowed to possess firearms.
A copy of the bill Obama is expected to sign is here below:
HR 218 LEOSA Improvement
The bill gives a broader definition to a retired law enforcement officer to include those who served as Amtrack officers and several federal agencies. The bill reduces the requirements for time on the job from a minimum of 15 to ten years of service.
Former officers suffering from disabilities related to mental condition, drug addiction and felony convictions, will still not be allowed to possess firearms.
A copy of the bill Obama is expected to sign is here below:
HR 218 LEOSA Improvement
What’s Better Nazis or Commies?
I have to laugh when ignorant people tell me that Adolph Hitler and his National Socialists were Right Wing or somehow Conservatives. That is dead wrong. National Socialism is what it says it is and was modeled directly from Karl Marx.
As the German Weimar Republic suffered during the depression following World War I two Socialist political groups fought for power. The Communists and the National Socialists had nearly identical political platforms.
It was more like an American Primary election race where two extreme left Wing candidates fought to lead the ticket. It was indeed a spirited campaign. Hitler’s National Socialists won and began wealth re-distribution. The Third Reich re-distributed the wealth of Europe’s Jews or used it to finance their spreading empire. Of course businesses and banks were nationalized in true Socialist tradition.
The Holocaust targeted Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and Communists. The Nazis were successful in convincing most of Europe that Jews were a genetic mutation and dangerous. This concept was backed by many prominent people in the medical and scientific community. The Nazi sterilization program was modeled after those of the United States at the time.
The German people were misled into believing that the Jews were simply being forced to relocate which was true. The genocide program did not begin until nearly the end of the Third Reich and war.
The so-called, Final Solution to the Jewish Question was formulated at a 1942 meeting of Nazi officials nearly ten years after they took power in Germany. The term Final Solution was simple a deceptive code name for genocide that was a carefully guarded state secret.
Stalin and his evil empire engaged in mass murder equal to Hitler’s deeds but he targeted counter-revolutionaries and non-Communists. It was the winners of World War Two that determined who should be prosecuted for war crimes and write the history books.
The Soviets got away with their mass murder program along with the non-stop rape of women and little girls during their occupation of Germany that lasted for years. German females were simply forced to become Soviet military sex slaves. The Communists were every bit as evil and cruel as the Nazis if not more so and they got away with it.
Wherever Socialism’s flags fly, mass murder is the only way they can obtain and keep power.
Hitler’s reign was horrible indeed. It was not just because he and his SS cohorts murdered six million Jews and other assorted unpopular groups, but because he sacrificed nine million German lives in the process. Hitler was a much larger threat to Germany than the Jews could ever be.
Socialism is all about absolute power with an elite group of unaccountable leaders basking in the wealth while their nation is enslaved to support them.
Socialism is for you if you like living in a police state where:
1. Your children are rewarded for informing government on their parents.
2. TSA style checkpoints where you get frisked you like a criminal are everywhere.
3. Thousands of petty laws control every aspect of your life.
4. You want and need constant government supervision.
5. To earn the same wage as the hamburger flipper after medical school.
The only good Socialist is a dead Socialist.
As the German Weimar Republic suffered during the depression following World War I two Socialist political groups fought for power. The Communists and the National Socialists had nearly identical political platforms.
It was more like an American Primary election race where two extreme left Wing candidates fought to lead the ticket. It was indeed a spirited campaign. Hitler’s National Socialists won and began wealth re-distribution. The Third Reich re-distributed the wealth of Europe’s Jews or used it to finance their spreading empire. Of course businesses and banks were nationalized in true Socialist tradition.
The Holocaust targeted Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and Communists. The Nazis were successful in convincing most of Europe that Jews were a genetic mutation and dangerous. This concept was backed by many prominent people in the medical and scientific community. The Nazi sterilization program was modeled after those of the United States at the time.
The German people were misled into believing that the Jews were simply being forced to relocate which was true. The genocide program did not begin until nearly the end of the Third Reich and war.
The so-called, Final Solution to the Jewish Question was formulated at a 1942 meeting of Nazi officials nearly ten years after they took power in Germany. The term Final Solution was simple a deceptive code name for genocide that was a carefully guarded state secret.
Stalin and his evil empire engaged in mass murder equal to Hitler’s deeds but he targeted counter-revolutionaries and non-Communists. It was the winners of World War Two that determined who should be prosecuted for war crimes and write the history books.
The Soviets got away with their mass murder program along with the non-stop rape of women and little girls during their occupation of Germany that lasted for years. German females were simply forced to become Soviet military sex slaves. The Communists were every bit as evil and cruel as the Nazis if not more so and they got away with it.
Wherever Socialism’s flags fly, mass murder is the only way they can obtain and keep power.
Hitler’s reign was horrible indeed. It was not just because he and his SS cohorts murdered six million Jews and other assorted unpopular groups, but because he sacrificed nine million German lives in the process. Hitler was a much larger threat to Germany than the Jews could ever be.
Socialism is all about absolute power with an elite group of unaccountable leaders basking in the wealth while their nation is enslaved to support them.
Socialism is for you if you like living in a police state where:
1. Your children are rewarded for informing government on their parents.
2. TSA style checkpoints where you get frisked you like a criminal are everywhere.
3. Thousands of petty laws control every aspect of your life.
4. You want and need constant government supervision.
5. To earn the same wage as the hamburger flipper after medical school.
The only good Socialist is a dead Socialist.
Monday, October 04, 2010
It’s Come To This! Oh, Big Brother...
New website lets citizen spies snoop on thousands of CCTV cameras - and get cash rewards for spotting 'crimes'. This will truly become the busybody’s, Nirvana!
Get the Juicy details right here!
European Airport Attack Rumors Are Nonsense
The fools in media and our own state department are waning travelers of non-specific threats, but their hysteria defies logic.
Yes airports have been attacked before but today they are now somewhat protected at least in Europe by cops with automatic weapons. Airports are no longer the soft attractive targets they once were.
If there are going to be Mumbai, India style attack in Europe or for that matter in the United States, they will happen in places traditionally unprotected or covered by unarmed and therefore worthless security. I’m talking about rock concerts, schools, shopping malls and churches that are filled with people. What better place for terrorism than a Gun Free Zone?
It makes more sense to threaten the hard targets and attack the soft ones. One thing for sure governments despite their claims can’t protect their citizens from terror attacks. Governments are expert in insulting and aggravating their own citizens through random searches of innocent and law-abiding people. Government loves to trade pretend security for liberty.
I will take my chances with the American second Amendment and terrorists any day over Nazi style random searches.
Yes airports have been attacked before but today they are now somewhat protected at least in Europe by cops with automatic weapons. Airports are no longer the soft attractive targets they once were.
If there are going to be Mumbai, India style attack in Europe or for that matter in the United States, they will happen in places traditionally unprotected or covered by unarmed and therefore worthless security. I’m talking about rock concerts, schools, shopping malls and churches that are filled with people. What better place for terrorism than a Gun Free Zone?
It makes more sense to threaten the hard targets and attack the soft ones. One thing for sure governments despite their claims can’t protect their citizens from terror attacks. Governments are expert in insulting and aggravating their own citizens through random searches of innocent and law-abiding people. Government loves to trade pretend security for liberty.
I will take my chances with the American second Amendment and terrorists any day over Nazi style random searches.
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