Thursday, September 23, 2010 for Prisons and Jails

Los Angeles, CA--Managing prisoners is no easy task for any warden. Phone privileges are used as management tools. Also telephone providers make a financial killing on providing recordings of inmate phone calls.

If you’re familiar with you know that it’s free and will give you video of both sides of the conversations. Software to record is also cheap and available for the prisons and jails.

Prisons are located in geographically challenging places for families to visit inmates. Skype can close the miles anywhere in the world.

Inmates with family ties and outside mentors can do better that those with none. Utilization of Skype for well-behave inmates can make a difference. Often it is a real hardship for loved ones to travel sometimes hundreds of miles to visit inmates.

Perhaps 20 minutes per week on Skype per inmate could reduce violence and other misbehavior. It won’t cost much to find out.

Prosecutions with Reluctant Victims and the Police State

Los Angeles, CA—Nearly every day cops working busy beats are sent to disputes that have gotten physical. They involve fights between strangers, friends, lovers and spouses. Most of these cases without visible injury are resolved without arrest if peace has been restored.

There are those cases with injuries to one or both combatants. Sometimes the injuries are quite serious. In the days before America became a Police State, victims to assaults told police they did not want to prosecute and the case was cleared and closed.

Today police, prosecutors and judges force victims into court through coercion.

A horrible by product of this kind of prosecution is that the person arrested may be totally innocent and the reason the so-called “victim” does not want to prosecute is that the original accusation was a lie. Fearing arrest for making a false report a person in this position is pushed into a wrongful prosecution.

There are those that argue that serial wife beaters have escaped justice and forced prosecutions are the only way to protect their victims. I say, “Hogwash!” This concept is un-American. Reluctant victims have all kinds of reasons tom not cooperate. Some are legitimately afraid and government’s responsibility should end when these victims refuse intervention and protection.

Government should provide temporary emergency shelter for any spouse to afraid to return to a residence where they claim they are in danger.

Being a cop and later a private investigator I had hundreds or perhaps thousands of cases and found that the classified victim was the cause of the problem.

Sometime there are people that just don’t want to subject themselves to police questioning and multiple court appearances. Their rights need to be protected, not to prosecute.

Orders of Protection.

Many of these orders are obtained in good faith but they are a waste of time when a domestic partner is in real danger. The only way to protect someone is to get them far away from their abuser. These orders don’t accomplish anything in that regard.

These things are far too often a nightmare for the innocent. Frequently they are only sought to give one spouse the ability to loot a home of possessions, and give a spouse an advantage in divorce and child custody settlements. These fraudulently obtained orders are public record and cause people to lose jobs or business relationships especially when they involve celebrities.

One case that stands out was when I got an emergency call from a lawyer late in the day to meet him and his “client” at court after hours at nearly 7:00 PM. I arrived to find a very concerned lawyer that just obtained an Order of Protection on behalf of a young attractive married woman. The Order was granted to evict the husband from the home. The lawyer told me he was fearful his client would get a beating if I did not get the husband served right away.

I went out to a very plush Scottsdale home where I contacted and served the husband. Normally I leave once I hand over the order but this fellow insisted on telling me his side of the story. Under the circumstances I felt I should listen for two reasons. One was to determine his mental state and dangerousness and the other is to let him blow off a little steam.

The story was indeed intriguing. The man’s wife was getting her car serviced so he drove her to work at a law office. They man had a scheduling problem that would affect his picking his wife up at 5:00 PM telling her he’s not arrive until around 6:00 PM. Things changed and he was unexpectedly able to be there at 5:00 PM.

The husband arrived to find the front door of the law firm locked. So he went around to the back door. He passed a large picture window to the conference room where the mini-blinds were ajar on one side. He saw movement and it was his wife having hot sex on the conference room table with the lawyer who instigated the Order of Protection!

To get the Order the woman had to say she had been either assaulted or threatened by the husband and that never happened. Not one but two divorces followed. Yep, the lawyer’s own wife learned of the affair.

Designated victims should always have the right to refuse prosecution and that should be the end. Prosecutors complain that victims are bought off by the offenders. Can it be so wrong that a person resolve his prosecution by paying his victim rather than the government? The victims would be far better off if they could be compensated for injuries and damages without government or taxpayer involvement.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Socialist Coercion Techniques Against Families

"Alle 10 Jährigen zu uns" which means "All 10 year olds (come) to us.".

Washington, DC—I want to warn my visitors of the despicable and frightening way Socialist governments abuse children to enforce and establish absolute control over the population.

The Socialist state indoctrinates children in vital youth programs. They all emulate the highly successful, Hitler Youth. The idea is to create a sense of cult-style loyalty to the government or political leaders above and beyond that of the child’s parents.

The properly indoctrinated child will be rewarded for “helping” their parents by informing on them. The children are programmed to spy on their parents and their parent’s friends. The children are encouraged to inform on the reading material or broadcast viewing habits of their parents along with things like weapons ownership or plans to escape from or otherwise defeat Socialism.

Parents that cause discomfort to politicians and bureaucrats by political activity or an expressed desire to flee from the Socialist state get a visit from the local social service agency and police. The parents are deemed unfit to raise children and they never see them again. The kids are sent for adoption or orphanages that groom them for government or military service.

Innocent children have been duped into sending their parents to firing squads, gulags, concentration camps and torture chambers in every Socialist nation. Yes, it can happen here too.

This form of punishment was a common practice by the East German Communists during the Cold War against people believed trying to escape to the West. It was also used by the National Socialists against all parents in the countries they occupied during World War Two.

School teachers are rewarded for their ability to get children to tattle on their parents under Socialist regimes. Socialists hate the concept of private schools and any form of home schooling because it removes children from Socialist indoctrination that’s absolutely necessary to keep power.

The Socialist’s abuse of children is popular because it works so well.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Why Chicago Can’t Succeed in our Lifetime

Chicago, IL—After decades of rule by the Daley/Burke Crime Families Chicago cannot recover it’s once proud character. The city and its productive taxpayers have been plundered to death by the crooked local government officials.

The vast majority the inhabitants of this city are ignorant, drug and entitlement addicted zombies. They will vote only for someone who promises more handouts. They don’t care about jobs, education, or self-reliance.

African-American voters won’t cross skin color lines for Mayoral candidates without their tribal leader’s demands. The tribal leaders are the local reverends and Aldermen. The Daley/Burke Syndicate had this down to a science. They bought off the sellout tribal leaders with perks and cash long ago.

The second large voting block is the Liberal Lakefront Liberals. These are Jewish voters with a special love for Marxists. Remember it was the Bolshevik troops that freed the Eastern Europe Nazi Concentration Camps at the end of World War Two. Additionally the Lakefront Liberals have been brainwashed by the socialist college professors and never developed minds of their own. The Lake Front Liberals will blindly vote the Socialist ticket every time.

No Mayoral candidate with an agenda for jobs, commerce, and productivity of any color will get serious consideration from the majority of voters in this Bankrupt metropolis.

Police and fire services will continue to degenerate until the entire city is a, dog eat dog jungle. The Lakefront Liberal may ultimately fill the dietary needs of South and West-side cannibals.

To change this horrible direction only dis-incorporation and a total gutting of every entitlement program could bring change. The able bodied must work or starve. Breeding for entitlements can no longer be the primary occupation of Chicago women.

Chicago has three major industries in the ghetto, entitlement breeding, drug pedaling and prostitution. Ending the Drug War will put a lot of Chicago’s criminals out of business. Prostitution should be legal while pimping should remain a crime.

Eventually in some future, lifetime education, self-reliance and civic pride will be valued and a new Chicago can emerge from the ashes.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Let’s Hang Dr. Richard Kimball!

Los Angeles, CA—Most of us remember the TV series or at least the Andrew Davis film, The Fugitive. Kimball comes home to find his wife murdered, get’s arrested, tried, convicted and sent to Death Row. He was innocent because the killer was a mysterious one armed man who simply got away. In the end the one arm man is captured and Kimball goes free.

The concept for The Fugitive was based on a real case where a young Cleveland Osteopathic physician, Dr. Sam Sheppard who was falsely convicted of murder in a media Trial Orgy. We have not learned much from the Sheppard case or the thousands of convicted people cleared through DNA evidence.

We’ve turned newsworthy crime stories into a sick form of entertainment over the last three decades. People who don’t have lives of their own want to become a part of high profile missing persons or murder cases.

There are those professional victims like John Walsh and Marc Klaas that have capitalized on the murders of their own children to become celebrities. Then there are the wannabes like Beth Hollaway Twitty looking to cash in as they seek fortune and fame. Of course there are those crime infotainment presenters like Nancy Grace and Geraldo Rivera who rush to judgment as they gleefully smear anyone under suspicion with a vengeance. We have a newer element and they are bloggers that now jointly ride the True Crime Smear Wave.

The cases ripe for infotainment exploitation all are strikingly similar. An attractive woman or child is missing or murdered. Tabloid producers rake the muck as they put their thumbs on the scales of justice. They sensationalize the cases putting cops in the limelight adding significantly to the pressure to make an arrest.

The missing and murder cases all follow the same direction. The boyfriend, husband, jilted lover of the victim is always the first person to be grilled by police. Interrogations usually yield incriminating results and mysteries are solved.

When there is no confession the audience of the crime infotainment purveyors take charge of the case. They mount a hate campaign just to be part of the action. These are the True Crime Harpies that believe they are doing something important.

They flood the Internet and call in programs with their vile and baseless opinions. What they are doing is poisoning the jury pool for whenever a suspect is charged with that crime of the week.

We fought so hard for the liberty and freedom we have left in America. I cannot understand why people can’t just let the cops and prosecutors do their jobs.

If our Bill of Rights was up for a vote tomorrow the True Crime Harpies would be working overtime to destroy every aspect of a fair trial. The Presumption of Innocence is dead in America.

I have no problem with reporting on a crime case but excuse me if I leave the issue of guilt or innocence to our juries.

Our trial system is not broken. The vast majority of people arrested plea bargain their cases. Of those who are not offered plea agreement deals and those who are innocent stand trial. Of those people actually tried over 80 percent are convicted.

Our punishment system on the other hand is broke where ever Liberals run government since street thugs are able to quickly use the revolving prison and jail doors redundantly. Liberals don't support fairness in trials, just lifelong government sponsored enabling "treatment" for thugs.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

We Need to get Out of Lindsey Lohan’s Personal Life

Los Angeles, CA—Actress Lindsey Lohan is a talented young lady with personal problems that need to stay personal. She may need help but what she’s getting from the public, press and the government is simple torture.

Lohan’s has been turned into a Los Angeles Superior Court show pony that receives punishment in an ongoing, bizarre entertainment news freak show. Do we really need to know the contents of this woman’s urine?

Lohan is partially a product of the ill-advised and insane Drug War. We have no business jailing anyone for simple drug use. If Lohan can be helped it won’t be by some court ordered treatment but something she seeks on her own.

I’d like to see Lohan and so many millions of other Americans freed from addiction so they can lead productive lives. The failed Drug War needs to end.

Lohan needs to deal with her demons. Right now the public, press and government have Lohan on a fast track to major depression. Do we need to see Lohan hanging from a noose in her apartment before we learn?

I’d love to see the media have the decency to end the unnecessary coverage of Lohan’s and other celebrities’ addiction issues.

As for Lohan she bears responsibility for her problems and needs the privacy to work them out or not. There have been some great musicians, artists and even physicians with life-long drug addictions that have avoided the kind of humiliation Lohan has suffered in her short life.

Welcome to the Chicago Park District Gun Club!

Chicago, IL—When I’m elected Mayor I will put out to bid a contract for a world class gun range on the lakefront.

Chicago’s new gun range and club would be placed where noise would not pose a problem for local residents. There would be a year around, well ventilated, indoor pistol range with 200 positions. There would also be an outdoor trap & skeet range where the lead could be collected and recycled.

Of course there needs to be a pro-shop with a staff of instructors. There would be a restaurant for the shooters. The range could also be used by police agencies and security companies during off peak hours.

There was that Lincoln Park trap & Skeet range at Diversey and the Lake that the Lakefront Liberals shut down long ago. It was a busy range and gave the lakefront character. Today there would be legitimate concern of lead contamination of Lake Michigan if the shooters were constantly spraying lead into the water.

The Cook County Forest Preserve could also operate two such ranges, one North and one South.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Toy Guns in America’s Schools

I’m reading today how an 8 year-old boy was suspended from a Florida school for two years for getting caught with a toy gun in his backpack. The Zero Tolerance by this school’s administrators tells me that the child is better off anywhere else but at that school.

Americans don’t have to surrender to or accept that kind of silliness from our tax dollar, sucking educators. They are free to find employment somewhere in the private sector.

Guns are a part of world and American history. We have established a Constitutional right to keep and bear them. Toys and toys and children possess them. All toys should be equal in that a yo-yo or a doll is no different than a toy gun even at school. The children deserve their toys for fun during recess.

As a fifth grader I remember packing a water pistol to class for some serious combat during recess periods. I remember how on Boy Scout uniform day we all had out Boy Scout knives hanging from our belts. We all lived through those dangerous times somehow.

At Senn High School in Chicago we drilled with genuine .30 Cal M-1 Garand rifles in our Junior ROTC class. We also had close up and personal exposure to the Browning automatic rifle and the .30 caliber carbine. Chicago’s public high schools with ROTC all had indoor 50 foot small bore rifle ranges.

As a member of the ROTC rifle team, I had my own Springfield M-2 .22 caliber bolt action rife and commuted on two CTA buses with the rifle in a case with a box of ammunition in my pocket every week. I brought it to the ROTC room where Sgt. Ketzner would put it into the vault for me during the school day. At the end of classes I’d take the rifle home again on the CTA. Today that activity would be a national news story and I would be banished to some Gulag for life.

When I was drafted a few years later my ROTC training was a huge help in facing basic training and the specter of deadly combat in Viet Nam. I served in Cold War Germany as a medical corpsman instead.

We have allowed pathetic, frightened Socialists to run our schools. ROTC and its important training for national defense, has been expelled. Our country is weaker as a result. There is no evidence that the now decades old wave of anti-gun rights hysteria has made anyone safer in our schools.

Can we please return to the days when men were men, women were women and we celebrated our freedom?

We need to purge the intolerant, un-American, Socialists from our soil before they purge us.

A Prediction, Gold Sale and Possession Will Be Banned Once Again in the USA

Washington, DC—A wild card for the banking industry is the competition with gold in addition to land and of course the stock market for our investments. The Obama Administrations hates anything being traded as currency beyond the dwindling and over-produced American paper dollar.

Taking a cue from Franklin Roosevelt’s Administration, Obama can be counted upon to destroy the gold investments predominantly made by politically Conservative investors with a ban.

The Liberals are quick to point out that it’s nearly impossible to collect any income tax on the earning’s of gold as people sell or barter gold among themselves.

The government will create an artificial low currency price for gold and demand that all bullion privately owned be turned into the government. Remember when government dictated that gold was only worth $35.00 per ounce?

Can silver be far behind this time?

Roosevelt and Obama both share a love for Marxism. Roosevelt got us half the way and Obama wants to finish the job.

A good Communist is a dead communist.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Surreptitious Recording of Conversations in Illinois and the Law

Chicago, IL—Illinois has had a criminal law on the books for many decades that bars the recording of any conversation public or private unless all parties to the conversation give their consent.

The statute itself has never been changed, despite the reality that the law was all but gutted in a 1990 decision by the Illinois Appellate Court in, Illinois vs. Jansen. Jansen is still the law of Illinois today.

The current state of affairs is that most people are unaware of their rights under Jansen. The court ruled that the use of a recorder is merely enhanced note taking when the recorder, is not a government agent.

That means that any and all video or audio recording accomplished in a public place within your earshot by private citizens is legal. That also means recording telephone conversations is also legal as long as they are conversations you’re participating in.

Since 1990 at least in Illinois you should smile, because you could be on Candid Camera!

This does not cover potential civil remedies that may exist should the recording be used in a way intended to cause harm or unnecessary embarrassment. Civil remedies are generally not available for people recorded making threats, harassing or engaging in fraudulent or other criminal activities. You may have a rather nasty civil problem when you sell that sex tape you avoided telling your girlfriend you shot on the sly.

Audio and video recordings take the guess work accuracy of testimony taken in courts. Should a witness testify to something inconsistent to a video or audio recording efforts will be made to admit the recordings to impeach and expose the deception.

The difficult part of this ruling is that it does not cover police recording civilians! Cops can be still be charged if they are doing it in their official capacity.

Ill Recording Law People vs. Jansen 561_N_E_2d_312-1

Name Chicago’s Cool Coyote

Chicago Animal Care and Control has been dispatched to a dog park at Huron Street and the Chicago River, where this coyote showed up today. (Nancy Stone/Chicago Tribune)

Chicago, IL
--This cunning and majestic creature deserves to be the Wind City’s new mascot. He deserves a special name and I will leave that up to my visitors.

Unlike a hapless mountain lion that showed up by Lane Technical High School a while back who was cut down by police gunfire, this critter is safe and sound and most likely on his way to re-settlement somewhere.

As for that rogue mountain lion police claim they found a gun not far from his paw. That was the cop’s story and they’re stickin’ to it! That killing was finally ruled as a Justifiable Homicide.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Citizens Recording Cops On Video

Like it or not cameras are everywhere and people are using them. Cops have the same rights to film citizens and their conduct.

The Conservative think tank, The Cato Institute produced this film with their position on cameras.

Cops can come off as tyrants or heroes on video recordings. The cameras are not going away and officers must learn how to use them for their advantage.

Watching My Fellow Bloggers Grow With Technology

As I write this I’m wringing my hands that I’m not in Chicago setting up a live video feed of the historic and unprecedented FOP march seeking the ouster of a police superintendent. At a minimum I’d like to put up a three minute video package that would accurately sum up today’s happenings.

Second City Cop
, Shaved and this outlet has brought text, photos and canned video. I’d like to say I lead the pack with the video production, but I’m acutely aware that the other blogs are operated by working Chicago cops who must protect their identities. Shooting video and getting interviews requires exposure and that’s the rub for any anonymous blogger. Crimefile News operates freely under my name and reputation.

There are those out there that know how to use cameras and that can feed video to any blogger without spending a nickel beyond the cost of the camera and laptop computer. On the other hand minimal funding for newsgathering assistance would solve the problem.

The blog readers are often out in the trenches and should capture video for their favorite bloggers. They can simply send their captured video the bloggers on those tiny flash drives. The bloggers can in turn get that video out to the masses.

Cell phone video sucks, but the cheap and tiny Flip Video HD cameras are terrific. The above photograph shows a Flip Ultra HD with a recommended Small tripod.

Bloggers must learn to shoot and edit video or be left in the dirt by competition. A $150.00 Flip Ultra HD camera along with a MackBook computer is that’s needed to get started. Any Apple Store offers free lessons on video editing with the free I-Movie software already on that MackBook. As the experience of the blogger progresses better cameras, microphones and lighting equipment will be acquired.

The Second City Blog is unique. It offers three simple stories per day of interest to Chicago Cops and their families. The excitement comes from the anonymous people posting comments. There is a huge amount of department gossip spread here. Journalistically it’s lacking in every respect but the banter opens the door for legitimate investigation of claims made by contributors.

Information left in the comment section has become very newsworthy on several occasions. One thing Second city Cop does well is casting sunshine onto questionable departmental policies and practices that imperil cops or the public.

Every blogger must strive to be accurate, honest and above all, get the best information to the masses.
Second City Cop
Here is a Flip HD generated video.

Chicago’s Media Shields Embattled Police Superintendent And City Hall Corruption

Chicago, IL—The Daley-Burke Crime Families learned long ago that owning the media insures incumbency protection. Today that ownership has never been more obvious.

Not once in recent memory has Chicago’s media undertaken an investigation of City Hall chicanery, their insider dealing or their violations of the Shackman Decree. Instead the local media editors and news directors are only doing, “puff interviews” of these miscreants serving instead as the Daley-Burke Public relations machine.

The local media welcomed Jody "J-Fled" Weis as they canonized him to Chicago’s Sainthood. Of course Weis had no real say in day to day operations since police operations are micro-managed by the Daley-burke Syndicate that serves its own nefarious agenda.

There was no way for Weis to succeed in public safety efforts under City Hall constraints. Weis was never equipped for the job by training or experience. Weis’0nly real job was to placate the local reverends and provide the media with meaningless doublespeak about crime control efforts.

The facts are that Chicago’s tourists are the most desirable targets for Chicago’s violent thugs because they never return to testify in court and the criminal charges are always dropped. Any arrests are rendered meaningless.

Chicago’s mass transit has been abandoned by police in favor of cameras. I guess cops don’t make campaign contributions to politicians but the selected camera vendors do. Cameras positively can’t identify or arrest anyone. Even the finest quality digital video of a crime without a living eye-witness is inadmissible hearsay evidence in court!

Cops themselves have been targeted because the thugs know they can’t summon sufficient help for back-up. The organized thugs have a wide selection of heavy weapons to use against the police. Most cops on the other hand are barred from carrying more than their underpowered pistols or revolvers.

There is only one proven cure for Chicago’s law enforcement troubles and that’s enough well-armed manpower to take the criminals to task.

Chicago’s media get’s there direction from City Hall’s political hacks rather than the experts. The real experts are the rank and file street cops who are forbidden by the department from talking to the media.

Chicagoans demand that cops to magically appear the second they press 911 on their cell phones. By the time a police communications worker can answer that call the crime is usually over and the offender has already fled. With any luck the victim is somehow still standing.

The citizens of Chicago have been forcibly disarmed by unconstitutional laws, and are at the total mercy of violent criminals. Instead of citizens struggling with cell-phones they should be drawing suitable defense weapons as the unceremoniously end the attacks. Thugs are notorious cowards and don’t want to face armed citizens.

Dealing with Chicago’s crime takes a combination of sufficient well-equipped officers, along with trained and armed citizens.

Chicago’s City Hall owned media is a part of the problem rather than the solution.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Chicago’s Mass Transit Passengers Are Under Violent Attack

Chicago, IL—The robberies on CTA property are beyond epidemic right now. Many crimes are reported and many others aren’t. The public knows police can’t do much after the fact, so why bother making a report? Passengers have no choice but to provide their own security.

The criminals are targeting high tech gadgets, but purses and wallets are high on the list. The police can’t help and passengers are absolutely on their own. Over 95% of the CTA robbers are African-American and the remainder, are Hispanic. The victims are overwhelmingly White people.

These crimes will only increase until passengers arm themselves and refuse to be victimized. If you must take the CTA be well-armed and trained. You have the right to bear arms even in Illinois as their total ban on carrying is now unconstitutional and unenforceable.

With all the thousands of passengers there must be someone that will dispatch a thug or two. Simply blow the bastards right out of their Nike sneakers and flee for your own safety. Say nothing to police unless advised by a lawyer to do so. No lawyer will let you do that anyway. It’s very simple, shoot and scoot.

World War Two Hero “Agent Rose” Readied for a Pauper’s Grave

Torquay, UK—Her name was Eileen Nearne and on September 2, she died without known relatives. Social workers discovered her amazing history through documents, photos and medals they found in her flat.

Nearne was exactly what screenwriters search for to make blockbuster films. However this humble and unassuming woman died in near obscurity, despite her incredible service to her country and demonstrated ability to repeatedly escape and survive.
They will now bury her with national honors.

My question is which, A List Hollywood, femme fatale will play Nearne in the movie?

Learn more about “Agent Rose” right here.

World War Two Hero “Agent Rose” Readied for a Pauper’s Grave

Torquay, UK—Her name was Eileeen Nearn and on September 2, she died without known relatives. Social workers discovered her amazing history through documents, photos and medals they found in her flat.

Nearne or "Agent Rose" as she was known was exactly what screenwriters search for to make blockbuster films. However this humble and unassuming woman died in near obscurity, despite her incredible service to her country and demonstrated ability to repeatedly escape and survive.

They will now bury her with national honors.

My question is which, A List Hollywood, femme fatale will play Nearne in the movie?

Learn more about “Agent Rose” right here.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The FOP Marches To Remove Jody “J-Fled” Weis

Chicago, IL--It’s happening here Wednesday and it was not supposed to be like this. Superintendent Jody "J-Fled" Weis said early on that if he did not have the support of the officers he’d leave the department. They even had a survey completed and the results were kept secret. Of course it’s no secret that the officers openly talk despairingly about Weis’ inability to fit into the department.

The march will draw media attention as demoralized, out-gunned, out-manned officers openly display their disrespect for City Hall’s anti-police, Yes Man.

It is not a question of the popularity of Weis with cops, but his loyalty or lack of it to the simple mission of the Chicago Police Department. Weis has obstructed the mission in his zeal to kiss the asses of Chicago’s most corrupt politicians. Weis should be investigating and arresting those City Hall thugs instead.

Weis needs to simply walk off the job rather than pretend. Weis has dishonored the oath of office he took that supersedes the agenda of the crooks who appointed him Superintendent. Public safety and integrity must be the first priority.

Hanging a few cops for little misdeeds in the field while turning a blind eye to organized criminal behavior demonstrates nothing except his being a willing co-conspirator.

Mr. Weis, perhaps it’s time to enjoy your pension.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Actor Kevin MCarthy Dead at 94--YOU'RE NEXT!

As a youngster I saw a classic horror film that left a huge impression on me. It was, Invasion of The Body Snatchers. It starred Kevin McCarthy and a strikingly beautiful actress, Dana Wynter. This was one of my favorite films of all time.

The TV series Twilight Zone came along and my favorite episode was called, “Long Live Walter Jameson.” McCarthy played a history professor with a special gift. He could explain history just like he’d been there. That was because he had. Along the way he outlived a number of wives most of which he left when they aged and he didn’t.

McCarthy was in so many rolls working both live theater and films that spanned nearly 70 years. His good looks and commanding baritone voice never left him.

It was about six years ago that I had a chance meeting with McCarthy in Sherman Oaks, where he lived. McCarthy was a man who enjoyed life along with his family and friends. He still enjoyed making new friends.

McCarthy lived a full and exciting life that most people can only dream about. McCarthy will live on because his passion and life’s work is preserved by our wonderful technology. He may be gone now but he won’t be soon forgotten. McCarthy's greatest line from Body Snatchers was: “Look! You fools! You’re in danger! Can’t you see? They’re after you! They’re after all of us! Our wives…our children…they’re here already! You’re next!”—Dr. Miles Bennell

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Drug Test Politicians?

Washington, DC—We claim we’re fighting an all important War On Drugs. As a result, in order to qualify for most jobs, a urine and blood test is required to screen out criminal drug abusers. Somehow our elected officials and Czars they’ve appointed somehow escaped that scrutiny.

I’m convinced that a surprising and shocking percentage of the current occupants of the Whitehouse and Congress are themselves drug dependent criminals. Wouldn’t it be great if they were all tested? Their radio-active, drug laced pee could be a newly discovered source of energy.

We know today that Adolph Hitler was under the influence of a daily morphine IV cocktail. His judgment and conduct was shaped by his drug use and so many millions died as a result. .

If it is important enough for a mailman, fireman or bus driver to submit to drug testing why are elected officials entrusted with our precious tax money exempt from such testing?