Saturday, September 11, 2010
An Anniversary of Infamy
The result of the 9/11 attack instigated two separate Mideast wars that have cost us even more. Instead of burning Iraq and Afghanistan of the face off our earth we chose to do the impossible, separating the bad Muslims from the good. That will never work except to destroy the lives of American children we send to fight.
Hate is the byproduct of this entire conflict. Whether fueled by a twisted religion or cultural differences hate is our biggest enemy.
Unfortunately hate is bigger than all of us and the carnage will simply continue until every last human is dead.
We have no choice but to protect ourselves, our freedom and our families. We have allowed our own politicians to trade our own precious liberty and freedom for the vague promise of security. Today, we have neither freedom nor security. That is just as evil as any act committed by fanatical Muslims. The thieves of our freedom inside and outside of our country must be stopped cold.
Friday, September 10, 2010
It’s Time to Thank My Blog Visitors
Talking on the telephone was nearly impossible for that period. Frankly I did the blog to fight any depression and feelings of helplessness the deafness brought. The blog really made that period bearable for me. Being able to avoid those mood chemicals was a huge benefit.
The doctors told me I had a blockage in my Eustachian tubes that would be temporary. They underestimated the time I’d be deaf considerably. My hearing has returned but with less volume and on some days it’s better than others. I’m very grateful for the hearing I’ve retained. I’m also grateful that I have missed an insult or two thrown my way.
As my readers know I have a strong Libertarian/Conservative background. I was intermittently raised by dysfunctional single mother destroyed by entitlement addiction in Chicago. My mother did the best she could but was shattered by the Nanny State. I was on my own since age 14.
In addition to the therapy and pleasure of creating this site along with debating, this blog has improved my writing chops considerably. Additionally, I am the editor and proof-reader.
I don’t expect everyone to agree with my positions but I sincerely hope we provoke serious thought as we test our various philosophies.
I thank God for our hard won Freedom that allows me to express some pretty strong feelings.
In the future I want to report from as many places as I can. I want to bring forward more stories complete with quality video and images.
I serve you the visitor. I want to bring a broad variety of useful information to you. Please feel free to bring story requests to my attention as often as you like. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generous visits.
Beating A Robot Camera Traffic Ticket in Court—A New Court Ruling!
Judges around the country have let the Extortion Camera Photo Enforcement Mafia get away with, Hearsay Murder. Not anymore, at least in California.
Since Arizona judge’s retirement is actually attached to traffic fine collections they have a significant conflict of interest every time they hear a traffic case. I will never understand how that kind of crap can stand in America.
That California Camera Hearsay Ruling should get the attention of every lawyer and judge in all 50 states since we are dealing with the same Constitution.
The problem with the camera enforcement evidence is that denies the accused the Constitutional rights to face and cross-examine his accuser. It is insufficient for some clerical person or cop to claim the evidence presented is accurate. The contract providers of the extortion cameras are simply not set up to deal with American Due Process of law.
There are significant additional helpful roadblocks that exist but of course they need to be argued by an experienced lawyer. Top notch Los Angeles, personal injury lawyer and my friend Lowell Steiger put all the sordid details on his law blog.
Drop that Weapon!
Many people ask me how to deal with an in-progress violent crime. That is a crime were the offender is armed or the threatened force is overwhelming as in multiple assailants. This is not some movie or TV show but real life.
Let me begin with words you can live by, “Conflict avoidance is always the best policy.”
Many people look at this subject as repugnant because it involves violence and perhaps even killing. Too often people refuse see the opposite side of the picture where guns save many more innocent lives every day. I’m writing to protect human life from the most dangerous predators on earth, their fellow human beings.
There are those who carry firearms for self-defense. Most thankfully live where the law allows that with or without special carry permits. There are also those who live in New York, California or Illinois that criminalize the carrying of self-defense weapons. The rules for the use of deadly force, are the same everywhere in the United States, and its possessions.
Today the Heller and McDonald Supreme Court cases allow you to keep and bear arms in every state. State laws in conflict with Heller and McDonald are no longer enforceable but until they are overturned one at a time renegade jurisdictions will try and prosecute you.
You’re confronted by an armed assailant/s or you confront one. The seemingly fair thing to do is warn him to drop is weapon or cease his attack. That unnecessary sense of fair play is foolhardy and will get you killed.
Should you walk into a supermarket or restaurant stick-up and have a clear shot at an offender, take it! You may never have another chance. Just because you hit your target does not mean you’ve stopped him. You must remember over 60 percent of those shot survive and that means he will be shooting at you or cutting you with his knife. Of course you keep shooting until the offender is stopped.
In all 50 states there is no requirement to warn anyone to drop anything or to stop before using deadly force in self-defense or defense of a third person. Frankly shouting warnings and especially firing warning shots is terribly risky business.
Warnings do little but increase the flow of adrenalin in your adversary’s bloodstream. You are already in grave danger, why give a dangerous criminal a chance to show off his superior reflexes and killing skills?
I say always avoid the conflict whenever possible. Just because you’ve got a gun you’re certainly not invincible. But when you’re in a situation with no graceful exit strategy, the best plan is always to be able walk away rather than be carried away.
Once the shooting seems to have stopped collect the weapons for yours and the public’s safety and get away from the scene before additional criminal accomplices begin arriving. As always, don’t ever talk to police or answer questions without a lawyer by your side.
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Chicago’s Lakefront Needs The return Meigs Field
Chicago, IL—With Richard M. Daley’s wise self-imposed exile, undoubtedly fueled by his approval ratings sinking to nearly 30 percent some of his foolish destruction may become undone.
Meigs Field was a great little airport for general aviation and a historic landmark. It was the first airport I saw as a child so long ago.
Businessmen need a place to commute by air that’s convenient to Chicago's Loop. Meigs Field was important to business. Richard M. Daley spent his time destroying business in Chicago and Meigs Field’s removal was high on his list.
It was during the pre-dawn hours of March 30, 2003, without required approval from the FAA, Daley ordered the runways destroyed and stranded scores of airplanes tied down there. Chicago’s taxpayers have suffered ever since.
Whoever replaces Daley as Mayor should have the brains to restore Meigs Field to the taxpayers who supported the facility.
Provocation? Burning The Koran should be a Non-Event
Muslims already are prosecuting a despicable holy war against America and I fail to see how this book-burning can possibly make things worse. The same violent and ignorant Muslim zealots will continue to use every murderous tool they have against Americans at every opportunity.
This is a classic case of that child’s saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.” The pastor need not have a real copy of the Koran, just a paste-up look-alike for news cameras in order to inflame crazy Muslims.
I guess nobody is smart enough to defuse this public relations bomb. The media could simply choose not cover the burning or the threats to do so. I guess that was far too simple.
Burning a book is not violence nor is it criminal. Anyone committing violence against any American exercising his absolute Constitutional right is a criminal.
Any American public official especially Barack Obama that would even respond to that pastor’s announcement to burn the Koran is deliberately throwing gasoline on to the fire. Obama has raised the importance of a small-time Christian preacher to limitless new heights and wealth.
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
The Official Crimefile Review of Call Northside 777
1932 was a tough year for Chicago that recorded 364 murders. Eight of the victims were Chicago cops. The police stars they wore hang in the lobby of Chicago Police Headquarters today.
Some 18 years later in 1948 a classic movie was made of this compelling tale starring Jimmy Stewart, Richard Conte and Lee J. Cobb. This film is available at Netflix.
The locations used in Call Northside 777 are all very real including the old Cook County Jail, Criminal Court Building, a Chicago police district station, Stateville Prison and Tribune Tower. The Chicago police uniforms with the authentic stars and shields of that day were used by the filmmaker and director Henry Hathaway.
The relatively new pseudo science of lie detection through the polygraph machine was used in this film. Playing the role of the examiner was none other than real polygraph pioneer, Leonarde Keeler. Keeler played himself before he died only a year later at age 49 from too much booze, cigarettes and hard living.
They changed the names of the real characters including changing Lundy’s name to Bundy.
A real surprise for me to learn was that most of the cops in the film were not Hollywood actors but Chicago cops! The director found some pretty decent actors in the station houses.
One scene in the film shows an actor climbing some stairs with the narrator saying he was he was turning himself into a police station. That grand staircase is really just inside the former main entrance of the old Cook County jail. It is still there but sits behind a fence now.
You won’t find this style of film made today and that’s a crying shame. This was what Film Noir was all about. This is riveting stuff and a must for Chicago cops, prosecutors, defense attorneys and crime reporters to watch.
I keep asking myself why, they don’t make movies like this masterpiece anymore. This film still rocks today.
Other than to say the acting, direction, and story-telling was first rate. They did get a little melodramatic with the ending but it added to the excitement. I don’t want to spoil your experience by giving away the story line. This trailer will give away too much as it is.
After you watch the film get all of the real details on this case from Northwestern University's Center Against Wrongful Convictions.
Who Will be the New Mayor of Chicago?
Chicago, IL—With today’s wonderful announcement by Richard M. Daley that he won’t seek re-election comes speculation on Chicago’s future.
The majority of Chicago’s voters are the most ignorant found anywhere. The schools here have been reduced to kindergarten style daycare centers. Too many of the high school graduates can’t even read the words on their diplomas. There are productive people here of every race but they’re the minority and can’t carry the weight of the thieves and slackers.
African-Americans in Chicago for the most part are addicted to entitlements, drugs or both. They will sell their votes for impossible and empty promises of more handouts. They could care less about new jobs as they demand larger balances on their government provided Link cards.
African-Americans need to learn the sad truth, that the Leftists are worse than the Southern slave traders of long ago.
What Chicago really needs is a new pro-business attitude that will lure business and taxpayers to return. This will be an impossible uphill climb since Chicago’s expatriates will be skeptical about sincerity.
Daley’s Mad Dog hatred of gun rights has transformed the city into a mugger’s paradise. Self-defense rights need to be returned to Chiagoans both inside and outside their homes.
The police department needs to be turned around, eliminating hiring and promotion based on dubious political sponsors rather than qualifications. They must have additional manpower and heavier weapons. The cops and law-abiding citizens need to work together in order to take the streets away from the Hood Rats.
I feel that Chicago is a sinking ship destined to dissolve its charter and file Bankruptcy. The politicians here are world class tax revenue thieves and whores.
There can be no real hope for this city without a massive change in the local culture. Socialism has been a massive failure here
Yet Another bedtime Story with A Happy Ending!
Chandler, AZ--Two thugs were shot dead by a gun packing man protecting his wife. You can read all about this happy tale right here: People in Arizona carry guns," said Detective David Ramer, a Chandler police spokesman. "You better be careful about who you are picking on."
Monday, September 06, 2010
One Way Politicians Dangerously Divide our Cops from Citizens
Chicago, IL—At the worst possible time in our economy the traffic fines here have nearly doubled. This is not about safety, but revenue for out-of-control spending by local government.
Police here are forced to strong-arm motorists for petty and harmless violations. Even those robot cameras out there have the face of the local cop who will eventually become involved in those prosecutions.
It’s only the street cop, not the politicians that are seen as the villain taking the food out of suffering family’s mouths. Not only does the government commit extortion but the automobile insurance companies jump on the bandwagon to boost their profits. Of course it’s that cop who is deemed responsible for the infliction of the misery.
Traffic enforcement for revenue rather than safety is a vile practice that will guarantee to sabotage any trust or respect citizens have for police. When citizens lose respect for police they also lose respect for the law and the result is a society where criminal activity is acceptable. The, us or them mentality between cops and citizens creates dangerous conditions that only foster the breakdown of law and order.
Politicians cannot be allowed to paint a target on every policeman’s butt. The cops themselves must resist being involved in the extortion.
In a city such as Chicago there is already a nasty divide between citizens and police. What is government doing to heal this rift?
Go ahead and argue it’s the traffic violator that created his problems. There are many millions of decent people that are forced to drive endlessly on our streets just to make a living. Those are generally low paid jobs where efficiency and speed determine whether the rent is paid. Let’s just take these folks out of the productive workforce and put them on welfare through the traffic extortion concept.
Obama Is Killing His Pals!
This kind of spending can only bring the hyper-inflation and misery that doomed the Weimar Republic and gave Adolph Hitler absolute power. The lesson of history was not wasted on Obama who was reminded by his Chief of Staff to, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”
The very politicians that rabidly campaigned for Obama are about to pay for their indiscretion with their own political blood. They’ve been desperately trying rid of the foul smell of Obamacare and the rest of the radical Socialist agenda they supported out of their offices and off their clothing. That odor however is just too nasty to go away. They misjudged the Internet’s ability to prolong the public’s memory. Free speech is such a campaign spoiler.
That Communist traitor Barack Obama may be the greatest thing to happen in America throughout its history. People are quickly learning how quickly the can lose freedom and liberty to Socialism/Communism.
Booting the Bolsheviks out of the House and Senate could save America from a Civil War instigated that the Great Divider, Barack Obama. With Conservative control of Congress, the investigations will begin that will bring the end to Obama’s presidency and Treason.
Sunday, September 05, 2010
How Brave and Patriotic Men Deal With a Madman Ruining their Country
Berlin, Germany—It was 1944 and what started out over a decade earlier as a new government offering Hope and Change progressed into a regime that kept horrible secrets from their citizens. Those who knew the secrets and tried to alert their neighbors were tried for High Treason, branded as Liars and sentenced to the guillotine or piano wire.
Today at the Bendlerblock military complex in Berlin a portion of the property houses the German Resistance Museum. It’s dedicated to those 5,000 heroes who did too little, too late but lost their lives in the process. It’s too bad that we can’t force Americans visit this museum before they’re allowed to vote.
The lesson to be learned from these resistance fighters is that perhaps killing Hitler years earlier would have spared tens of millions of lives. The problem was people believed in Time Magazine’s 1938 Man of The Year and the National Socialism he brought with him.
We must stop Socialists and Communists in our government before it’s too late.
Saturday, September 04, 2010
John Demjanjuk’s Life Story Should be A Hollywood Mini-Series
Munich, Germany—Currently on trial here for War Crimes is retired Cleveland auto worker, John Demjanjuk. Demjanjuk was simply a Ukrainian fellow who was forced to work for the Nazis or face death. What he may or may not have done is based upon conflicting accusations backed by no real evidence.
Today, Demjanjuk, 90 is frail and very tired and trying him for wars crimes is taking Germany many months. The trial has been stopped numerous times because of Demjanjuk’s health.
Our own Justice Deoartment has a little known agency called the Office of Special Investigations or OSI. They have been given the task of locating and providing evidence against Nazi war criminals hiding in the U. S. The OSI has very little to show for the huge budget they’ve been given. The short version is that the OSI framed Demjanjuk as being a horrible war criminal named Ivan the Terrible, using a forged identity card and a horribly suggestive photo lineup shown to some Treblinka Concentration camp survivors.
Stripped of his American citizenship, Demjanjuk was handed over to Israel where he was tried and sentenced to hang. Later an Arizona Department of Public Safety document examiner, Bill Flynn discovered the OSI produced identity card used to convict Demjanjuk was a pasted up forgery. Flynn proved the forgery in court and Demjanjuk was sent home.
That was not the end of the story. The red-faced OSI agents soon made a new case. Now they claim that Demjanjuk was a nasty camp guard at Sobibor Concentration Camp. Ironically it’s also is an air tight alibi for the Ivan the Terrible allegations that brought the earlier death sentence.
The OSI wrangled through the courts again stripping John Demjanjuk of his citizenship and shipped him off to Germany for a Show Trial that very few are watching.
If they convict Demjanjuk his punishment will be to spend the rest of his life in a German nursing home getting very good medical care at the expense of Germany. Demjanjuk is already a broken man without a country so I don’t think the outcome of his trial will make much of a difference.
The real losers in all of this are John Demjanjuk’s innocent family members that have suffered for the last 35 years throughout this epic nightmare.
War is Hell and the causalities still continue. As for the idea of a mini-series, Hollywood stopped making them nearly two decades ago.
September 2010 Update:
From the Associated Press
At least One Masquerade is Finally Over in Chicago
Upon arrival to the department Weis was quickly nicknamed J-Fed but that changed when he actually fled from an in progress shooting during a CBS2 television interview. His nickname was quickly changed to J-Fled as he was publicly humiliated for his cowardice.
One of the worst sins Weis committed during his tenure was wearing the uniform of a Chicago cop that he never earned. The only other civilian Chicago police superintendent in my life time at least was an Almeda County cop in California. That was before he became a criminologist and author. The late, Orlando W. Wilson never once wore the uniform, but he was both admired and well-respected by the rank and file officers.
The FOP, Lodge 7 is believed by many officers to be owned by the Daley/Burke Crime Syndicate. I can’t help but believe this planned protest to improve officer safety and bring the ouster of Weis is fully sanctioned on City Hall’s fifth floor. Daley will save face through giving some meaningless concessions, “for the good of Chicago.”
It will take a lot more changes to raise the morale of the rank and file officer than dumping Weis. The next superintendent must have independence from City Hall and the neighborhood reverends.
Blaming law-abiding Chicagoan’s gun rights for the carnage on the city streets must end as those rights are bolstered through solid support of a right to carry law. Police must enter into a partnership with the law-abiding public to keep the cowardly thugs under control or in prison. This can happen with the right leadership and citizen involvement.
The hiring and promotion based on anything other than real qualifications must end within the department.
For safety sake, officers must be immediately given wide latitude in obtaining and carrying proven police carbines and shotguns. Training should be an issue but officers get almost nothing in the way of in-service training for their handguns. This is an emergency that can’t wait for funding that will probably never arrive. Certainly every military veteran within the department has that training on the M-16/M-4 carbines already.
Manpower is a huge problem and police recruits just can’t fill the need for seasoned officers. Perhaps a temporary program to hire already retired cops would be cheaper than overtime to fill the manpower gap. Officers older than 63 can be hired as civilian investigators or be placed in other less active positions. Of course they can and should carry firearms.
I don’t expect much from the Daley/Burk team who just want the Weis problem to go away because it has been embarrassing. They have no intentions of giving up control over the police department’s day to day activities.
Chicago cops and their families need to participate in this effort:
Protest March
Friday, September 03, 2010
Enthusiastic Obama Groupies are Avoiding their Messiah as Elections Near
Barack Obama is the tar-baby no Congressional candidate wants to be seen with today. They know punishment is on the way from betrayed voters. It was only two years ago when these same politicians stood tall next to their hero but just as these pathetic creatures were disloyal to the voters they are disloyal to Obama.
They want Obama’s Leftist donors but now they want to appear more moderate and centered. They’re hoping Americans are ignorant of the support for every failed Socialist idea and program. Let’s hope that the Internet has kept voters informed because thankfully the dying major Leftist propaganda machines don’t have their influence anymore.
It’s so much fun to not see Obama making ringing endorsements of Congressional and Gubernatorial Candidates. That would be the kiss of death for those campaigns.
We must always remember these Leftist incumbents were and are fully committed to Obama’s communist agenda and purge them accordingly. They will never be rehabilitated.
1994 proved to be a post-Clinton “mandate” political bloodbath and lots of bums went out with the Capital trash. Obama’s groupies need a double dose of 1994 correction.
When we throw these bums out the Congressional subpoenas will raining on Washington. We will know the truth about such things as Obama’s birth records, conspiracies of corruption behind the obscene amount of taxpayer cash funneled to crooks. Instead of promised jobs Obamanomics has plunged this nation into bankruptcy and weakness. Perhaps we can create a whole new Congressional wing at Club Fed.
Perhaps these Liberals can further protect themselves by doing away with the Federal death penalty. They need to remember treason is a capital crime. Oh I forgot Socialists are the most prolific sponsors of government sanction killing. Stalin, Hitler, Zedong, Pot and Castro were the experts on mass murder of their political opposition. I can’t help but wonder if they will still like it when they are on the train to Death Row?
Self-Defense for Dummies where guns or carrying them are banned
Chicago, Il—You live in this once proud city but now it’s broken. Police are outnumbered, outgunned and demoralized. Chicago police have taken to holding diplomatic summit meetings with the city’s most notorious thugs to stop the killing. Chicagoans are simply not safe and must turn to self-reliance for simple safety sake.
If you have a job or a life that puts you in proximity to danger you have little choice but to take steps to survive. I’m not talking about being in constant fear but where you have those moments when the hair on the back of your neck sticks out.
Our creator has given us some gifts to help with survival. One is the gift of fear and another is the basic instinct for survival. Some politicians have placed themselves above our creator and the Constitution of the united States that give you the absolute right to keep and bear arms. They have taken it upon themselves to decide for you what steps you can take to defend your life and that of your family. If you voted for these slugs you deserve exactly what you got.
Two recent U.S. Supreme court cases, Heller and McDonald have reaffirmed your right to carry firearms and protect yourself. The problem will be having those jurisdictions like Chicago to not violate your civil rights. They want to hold you down while street thugs beat, rob, rape and murder you. No you don’t have to accept this.
The Fourth Amendment allows you to be free from police searches. Law-abiding people are very rarely searched outside of airports and government buildings. Contraband found during an illegal search can’t normally be used to convict you of anything. When was the last time you were searched by police?
Carrying a gun for self-defense in jurisdictions that simply refuse permits or have an outright ban carries little risk of discovery.
Carrying a gun does not permit you to behave differently. It’s really no different than wearing a seat belt when you drive. The gun gives you a fighting chance depending on your ability. There is a serious need for professional training in safety, marksmanship and the justifiable use of deadly force. A visit to will give you loads of training options near where you live. There is a cost involved but generally it’s affordable.
Proper carry techniques that will insure the low profile of your pistol or revolver is extremely important. You gun must be accessible but the gun or its profile must not be visible or you could find yourself arrested.
Bigger is better so please avoid those tiny pocket guns. Usually a decent knife is a better defense tool than small caliber handguns.
In Illinois, by all means obtain the Firearm Owner’s Identification Card. You need it to buy or possess guns and ammunition. This law is enforceable because they freely issue the cards with only minimal cost.
Carry the gun wherever you feel the need to do so. It’s your judgment and yours alone. The rules are simple if you are vulnerable you need a gun.
You can use deadly force to stop assault, robbery, burglary, child molestation, kidnapping, and those especially violent crimes. You can’t use deadly force to stop a shoplifter or anyone running away from you. The use of deadly force to stop assault is tricky. Your attacker must possess superior size, strength, have a weapon or have the assistance of one or more accomplices. You must also remember your attackers will tell police every possible lie to turn the tables against you.
Lawful self defense rights are never nullified if you use even an illegal weapon.
If you are somehow arrested in Illinois, for carrying a concealed weapon you usually are required you to post $2,500.00 in cash to stay out of jail pending court. If you don’t have the cash you will be put in front of a judge and as long as you don’t have legal baggage like a criminal record you probably will be released on a simple promise to appear. Waiting for a judge can take 24 hours so keeping cash on hand is a better idea.
If you must resort to deadly force don’t stop shooting until your attackers are no longer a threat. Next is a video that will advise you further.
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Cops in Crisis and it’s only getting worse
Chicago, IL—Depression is no stranger to cops. Our cops see the ugliest side of life every day. Abused, injured and dead children along with the neglected elderly leave deep marks on the souls of our defenders.
Hate, violence, and corruption is everywhere that our cops are sent. Politicians use cops to forcibly take money from struggling families through petty enforcement of non-criminal events such as parking violations where there are no viable options. The victimized public continuously vents their anger at our police.
Being a policeman today is a one way ticket to the dark side. People with cell phone cameras are stalking cops in order to make YouTube stars out of them for misdeeds and mistakes. Dashboard cameras and GPS snooping have stolen any hope of privacy.
Yes, there is still satisfaction for helping good people with serious problems but justice is elusive. Yes, there are some laughs and along the way cops meet friends they will have for life. But too often the bad simply outweighs the good.
I have grown to live by my own quote, “If justice ever happens it’s usually by accident and for all the wrong reasons.” Am I being cynical? Yes, but unfortunately it’s all too true.
Police Internal affairs investigations are a Circus of Horrors. People lie even where there is no benefit to be gained by lying. Investigators and police boards or commissions are not clairvoyant but they rule primarily for political expediency rather than provable facts. The result is too many officers are suspended, fired and disgraced unfairly. Some do deserve their fate.
Family life for cops is another problem. The crappy hours, the days off along with, missing important family events is common. Angry and distrusting wives inadvertently promote infidelity. For too many cops, divorce is a sad reality.
The constant threats and assaults are guaranteed to bring Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome to officers just as they do to combat soldiers. Cops know seeking treatment is a career ender. For too many cops alcohol, mood altering medication and depression is a way of life.
There was that Chicago cop who went to his fiancée’s home on duty, with his squad car and filled the dashboard and windshield with his brains out of confusion and frustration. I think of the young Phoenix policewoman who ate her gun on the steps of her child’s school after dropping him off. Or another cop I recall, that hanged himself in full uniform. Most police suicides are kept secret. You know who and when but somehow you never get the sordid details and you just never want to know them.
People are quick to castigate cops when they’ve never walked in their shoes.
For the cops who are in emotional trouble during these difficult times, get the help you and your family deserve.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Why America Can’t Trust NBC Network News
Washington, DC—Brian Williams asked Barack Obama about the percentage of our population that suspects or believes he’s a Muslim and that birth controversy.
Williams was so, predictably lame as he ducked asking a single follow-up question. Remember the brutal inquisition NBC and the other two propaganda networks gave
Sarah Palin?
Lame Duck Revenge In Store For America
Washington, DC—The hard corps Leftists in Congress together with Barack Obama know that their treason will be shut down by voters in just over 60 days.
They’ve been on a drunken, power grabbing orgy throwing precious tax money at connected crooks and fools as they plunged America further into poverty and Bankruptcy. It was all about the destruction of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. This was never an effort to stimulate the economy but a further step to a Socialist form of government.
A big problem is brewing between Election Day and the forced January exodus the scoundrels. They will be making plenty of mischief as they punish America for rejecting them.
They can be counted on to appoint their pals in government jobs as they pass legislation hated by the majority.
Of Course Barack Obama is resigned to being lucky if he can even finish his first and only term so he has nothing to lose by making their most dangerous moves during November and December.
Will there be Civil War provocations coming from this group of despots? No matter what happens it will be a troubling period.
If only we could send these bums home for these last two months.
After January the natural balance of political power will finally return and Obama’s power will be somewhat neutralized.
An Open Letter to Mayor Richard M. Daley
Dear Mayor Daley:
I was born and raised in Chicago. Your father was an honorable and good Mayor that deserved my vote. Unfortunately, unlike your father you have miserably failed.
Your father was a fiscal conservative that spent taxpayer money wisely. He cared about the citizens above all. Being a cop under your father was an honor if for no other reason he showed real concern for their welfare and safety.
Your father was no fan of gun rights but he took no steps to leave Chicagoans defenseless through gun bans. He brought free but unneeded gun registration and promised everyone it would not infringe further.
You have turned over the streets to armed criminals. That’s because you left the law-abiding defenseless by violating their Civil Rights to protect themselves under the Second Amendment.
Cops always used department provided ammunition to qualify on a firing range four times per year. If they had to shoot extra ammunition to qualify that was also provided.
Now you have police qualifying only once per year with a measly 30 rounds. That endangers the police and public. Additionally it creates liability issues potentially costing many millions of dollars.
Shoulder fired weapons are both easier to shoot and substantially more powerful. Under your leadership only the street thugs have these and but for few exceptions the police are miserably outgunned as a result.
By comparison, every police car in the state of California has both an M-4 carbine and a repeating .12 gage shotgun.
Under your father’s leadership there as many as 14,100 cops protecting the city. Today, even with the cooked manpower books there are substantially fewer.
Under your father’s direction all Chicago cops were bright, large and strong men. That changed with affirmative action and as intelligence testing was altogether eliminated. Instead dumber, weaker and much smaller cops were put in the trenches and that has impressed nobody especially dangerous criminals.
Under your woefully unqualified Superintendent more cops have been ambushed, killed or maimed despite wearing modern body armor. Your superintendent may have worked for the FBI but he never once patrolled the streets of a large city enforcing laws. In fairness, no police superintendent can keep a lid on violence under the Daley/Burke administration.
You have traded public safety for frivolous projects that Chicagoans did not want or need to feed you campaign contributors hundreds of millions of precious tax dollars. That, as you have turned taxation into an extortion program, that has chased vital business and productivity away.
As a direct result of your mismanagement and disastrous leadership the City of Chicago is so badly broken, the needed repairs will take many years.
Last night two more cops were gunned down and the body count keeps climbing. Instead of well armed and trained police you rely on cameras, computers and now summit meetings with dangerous criminals.
Law abiding Chicagoans must be allowed to protect themselves with firearms when they are outside of the safety and comfort of their own homes. Right now only well-armed criminals and marginally armed cops have any firearms at all.
The voters of Chicago need leaders that can enable employers and tourists to return to Chicago.
Mr. Mayor you need to walk away from City Hall and not look back. The city needs real leadership like your father once provided.
Paul Huebl