Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sophie Scholl And The White Rose

Munich, Germany—On my recent trip to Switzerland and Germany, I spent some quality time at the Bendlerblock military complex in Berlin. This was the origin of that failed internal military, 20 July 1944 bombing plot to kill Adolph Hitler at Wolf’s lair in East Prussia.

Today Bendlerblock is still an operational military facility but it also houses the informative, German Resistance Memorial Center. This museum utilizes the very offices of the key players in the most notorious plot against Hitler. Standing in these rooms is an incredible experience.

The museum honors the entire anti-Hitler/National Socialism resistance movement, not just the Valkerie bombing plot.

For me it was a somewhat emotional experience because I see the same conditions of the old Weimar Republic in our own country that enabled Adolph Hitler.

I’ve been captivated by the shocking and heartbreaking story of 21 year-old, Sophie Scholl. She was an unlikely hero and martyr of a Nazi era, peaceful resistance movement called, The White Rose.

Scholl and others in the movement learned about the summary executions of Russian POWs and the mass killings of Jews and began an effort of peaceful resistance against Hitler’s idea of Hope & Change. Their weapon of choice was writing, printing and distributing leaflets critical of Hitler and National Socialism. That was a death penalty offense.

The wartime atmosphere saw Scholl, her brother Hans Scholl and another member, Christoph Probst arrested and tried by Nazi Judge, Roland Friesler. Friesler convicted the young trio of High Treason and sent them to the guillotine that very same day.

The kids were beheaded in the Stadleheim Prison that's still being used in Munich today. The graves of Scholl and the other two can be found next to the prison.

There has never been an English language film about the White Rose and it is long overdue. I wish I had the funding to produce and make that movie.

Every government on earth is only a heartbeat away from sudden metamorphosis into unimaginable horror. Today, our very own government is on the very edge of tyranny. Americans must be ever vigilant and ready to forcefully fight any curbs on any freedoms for any reason.

Optimism, patience and trust did not protect a single victim of the many holocausts that have stained this earth. Peaceful resistance like that of the White Rose did nothing to stop a despot and restore freedom.

America, please learn from history and don’t let a corrupt despot seize our freedom or tax us into slavery! History is a teacher for those who will pay attention and recognize tyranny is redundant throughout human civilization. Optimism, patience and inaction are killers.

Bendlerblock German Resistance Musuem Today In Berlin!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

An Alarm, We Are In Danger!

Washington, D.C-Barack Obama has not hidden the fact that he is a Communist while he has openly added proud Communists to his entourage of Czars and advisors. It is the general public and news media that has remained optimistic that Obama is somehow not a Communist.

Every single act of the Obama Administration has come right out of the Karl Marx Playbook, Das Kapital. What else must Obama do to convince us of his allegiance to Communism?

The American news media has fallen in love with Obama just as they did with Fidel Castro as he took power. The talk of the American media at the time was when, not if Cuba was going to become the 49th state in the Union.

That all changed when Castro and that rogue medical doctor, Che Guevara began executing thousands and joined the Soviets. Eventually Castro allowed the Russian pigs to aim nuclear weapons at the USA in Cuba.

How can we forget the murderous ways of Lenin, Stalin, Zedong, Pot, and Castro? Everywhere Communism thrives there have been horrific holocausts. Freedom is non-existent and poverty and deprivation rule. Adolph Hitler was a Socialist and look what he brought on his own people. At first things were a little better in Germany under Hitler for all of course but the Jews. We need to simply remember what punishment he brought to this earth.

Modern civilized humans are optimists even while they stand in line for firing squads, gas chambers and gallows. They refuse to believe that innocent people can be murdered by their own governments.

Barack Obama is a Communist and we have hundreds more of these traitors in our own Congress. Our optimism is allowing them to gain complete rule with false promises of their Utopia. We know from history what follows. We must recognize it is them or us while we are still alive.

Communism is the ultimate criminal form of government. The leaders force equality on the masses as the government officials gain unlimited wealth. George Orwell made it clear in Animal Farm with that quote, “Some pigs are more equal than others.”

We only have two choices stop them cold or risk enslavement or worse. Put your optimism aside for a brief moment and simply look at history. How will this somehow play out differently today?

Obama is deliberately destroying our currency and economy be recklessly printing money as the Weimar Republic did at the end of World War One. The destabilization of our country is sure to follow.

Like Hitler’s thugs burned the Reichstag in Berlin, what will Obama create as an excuse to take our freedom? Obama’s henchman, Rahm Emmanuel said it best we he suggested, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

We need more than those benign Tea Parties; we need forceful resistance before it’s too late.

Friday, November 20, 2009

UCLA Students Protest Radical Tuition Hikes

Los Angeles, CA-At the relatively quiet Westwood Village college campus angry students are protesting huge tuition hikes. Students are seeing a 32% increase along with disappearing after school jobs for those who must work to pay their way.

The reality is that this is a disaster sure to derail the educations of thousands of good kids.

The situation has been brought on by reckless spending on various pork, social programs and massive medical care costs for illegal aliens. California’s politicians have attacked productivity for decades and now the punishment is leveled at productive young adults trying to get an education.

Let me go on record saying I support the students and not the politicians. The politicians never make a single concession on their own salaries, benefits, or comforts as they victimize productivity and reward criminality.

This is a sign of what’s gone very wrong in America. Instead of voting for these Communist politicians Americans should be hanging them for treason instead.

Shameless Promotion!!!! A Special Report From Crimefile!

Chicago, IL—December 4th 2009 is the 40th Anniversary of the justifiable homicides of two dangerous Black Panther Party leaders in Chicago.

Crimefile News has uncovered some very interesting information about that ill-fated raid and will publish a special report. Be sure to drop by and visit on 4 December 2009!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Civil War In America And Wealth Redistribution

Washington, D.C.—It should be abundantly clear to all by now that Barack Obama and his cronies are Communists. Their actions rather than admissions prove that point.

Every day the Obama Administration takes another hard turn to the Left that I consider un-American and an intentional effort to destroy our economy. With a destroyed economy they think it will be easier to control Americans like me.

Hungry and dependant families seem to always cooperate better with a benevolent government.

Obama is seizing businesses and banks as he hands billions in newly printed cash to his supporters and crooked friends. At some point I expect to happen very soon, the optimism of Conservatives will end and a Civil War will begin.

I really expect that any day there will be a shot fired in this country that will be heard around the world. History rather than Conservative rhetoric tells us this will happen. Americans have been hoarding firearms and ammunition for over a year in anticipation of combat, not new gun laws as some would like to believe.

What our Communist leaders are not expecting is that their personal property and wealth will become the spoils of war. If folks like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are lucky enough to be allowed to live they will be left homeless and destitute.

The property of members and supporters of the criminal regime will be simply handed over to patriots who have earned it by protecting the American way of life.

I don’t think it is realistic for our American born Communists to believe that our military and police will abandon their oaths to our Constitution and open fire on fellow non-Communist Americans. Instead they will be on the side of their families and neighbors.

Obama’s supporters will see redistribution of wealth but it won’t be the way they envisioned. Perhaps they should choose another direction while they still can. Politicians in our Congress can answer to the voters rather than blindly following a despot. In the long run it will be their wealth that gets redistributed first by American patriots.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Germany 40 Years Later

Berlin, Germany—It was 40 years ago that this draftee narrowly escaped combat in Viet Nam as a Light Weapons Infantrymen. I’d gotten orders to report to Oakland, CA for transportation to The Republic of Viet Nam. Miraculously that all changed when I got a new set of orders sending me to Germany.

40 years later I was invited to assist a film makker in Lausanne, Switzerland and traveled to Berlin and many places in between.

Somehow I wound up as an OJT medical corpsman in a busy dispensary. It was nice work for sure. I was clean, dry and happy for the rest of my military obligation.

Germany was still repairing damage from the war less than 25 years earlier. The fence around my barracks contained many bullet strikes that were still visible.

The exchange rate for a dollar was four marks and that made me very comfortable. Many Germans still did not trust the American occupying force. Parents were never happy to see their daughters dating American servicemen.

My fellow soldiers were not sensitive to the German culture and never bothered to learn the language. These young men were rarely able to land dates that were not bought and paid for with cash. The hookers for the most part charged $12.50 for their services.

I wanted no part of the hookers beyond voyeuristic exploitation. As an Army medic I gave more penicillin injections to my patients than I care to admit. Quell cream was the treatment I provided Africa-American soldiers who always got more than their share lice along with the SDTs.

I learned German immediately and went out of my way to understand culture and customs. That exercise paid off well in the form for delightful female companions. After a while I also gained the trust of the girl’s parents. Being able to read menus and communicate gave me special power my fellow American soldiers did not have.

I never understood why the Army did not require mandatory German classes for soldiers. In combat soldiers need to be able to communicate with the civilian population and helps in getting needed cooperation.

I loved Germany, the people and found their pride, work ethics and behavior was superior to that of my fellow Americans.

Today Germany has too much government, too many taxes and an immigration problem that rivals our own. Germans like Americans take the taxes and their own prosperity in stride. Gone are the jackets and ties every man wore all nearly all the time. The young women still dress to impress and they look so good.

In Germany the unwashed minority are the dreaded Turks. The Turks are gypsy like people who just don’t fit in the German culture. The Turks that immigrated into Germany didn’t seem to fit in Turkey any better.

Since the fall of the Berlin Wall and Communism the former Communists miss their nanny government and free handouts. The former Communists have little respect for law and are prone to criminal activity.

Credit and debit cards along with technology have invaded every castle and hamlet. The same products sold here can be found there.

Now, if I only had independent wealth or a job that would allow me to spend my summers in Germany…

Was Chicago School Board President Michael Scott Snitching On Valarie Jarrett?

Chicago, IL—Was it a suicide or cover-up murder that took Chicago School Board President Michael Scott’s life?

Currently Chicago police are looking at every angle. Despite the Cook County Medical Examiner’s ruling of suicide the police investigation continues.

The area of interest was a corruption probe of Scott’s land acquisition in hope of a hugely profitable expected condemnation for the anticipated 2016 Olympics. Barack Obama insiders including Valerie Jarrett stood to make millions had Chicago been awarded the games. Jarrett is a senior advisor and assistant to Obama.

Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey took unusual steps to influence the Olympic Committee which turned down Chicago in the very first vote.

Not only did Scott have his personal fortune at stake he was under investigation over the conflict of interest.

One insider tells Crimefile News that Scott was cooperating with authorities in their probe and had given information on Jarrett and others.

The corruption trail leads straight to the Whitehouse. Unfortunately the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Cook County State’s and Attorney, Illinois Attorney General are all friendly to the Whitehouse. A special prosecutor needs to be appointed and given manpower along with funding to resolve this mess.

Chicago police homicide investigators have the ball in their court right now. It remains to be seen if this investigation will be shut down.

Somehow this story evokes the memory of Vincent Foster and Hillary Clinton. Did Hillary Clinton locate and destroy the Presidential Order to suspend the Posse Comitatus provision of our Constitution? Vince Foster reportedly had possession of the Clinton Whitehouse order to enable the use of the military against the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Washington, D.C.—Citing the failure of state and local government to effectively run their own public transportation systems, Barack Obama has a better idea.

The plan is to seize control of all public transportation. The TSA will be in charge of security and eventually all riders must scan their national identity card to board. The illegal aliens need not worry because they will be issued the cards freely.

If you like the way IPASS works on toll roads, so does Big Brother since the databases store your movements on every toll road. The people using public transportation will be feeding their movement information into a vast new federal database too!

Obama’s says the mass transit takeover is for our safety. As I recall, the Nazis made a lot of creative changes for public safety too.

The TSA will be searching passengers whenever possible, again for our safety. Don’t you want to be safe???

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Killing A Nation’s Leader May Be Necessary

Berlin, Germany—On July 20, 1944, Aldoph Hitler’s idea of Hope and Change was nothing but death and destruction for the German people. There were still patriots around that put country before a politician.

Several military men including Colonel Claus Von Stauffenberg knew their real duty was to kill a despot.

Stauffenberg planted a briefcase bomb in a room where Hitler was directing the war effort in Wolf’s Lair in East Prussia which is now Poland.

Things went wrong and Hitler though wounded survived. Over 200 people were implicated, many tortured but all killed in a legal bloodbath.

Today there is museum with an incredible amount of photographs and documents that shed light on this historical event. It’s is worth a trip to Berlin to see.

Let’s hope there are always brave patriots willing to risk it all for their fellow Americans.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Justice Phoenix, AZ Style—Caught On Tape!

Phoenix, AZ—The video is indeed shocking! Detention officer Adam Stoddard snoops at the defense table then swipes the item. He then hands it over to Sheriff’s Deputy Francisco Campillo.

This is a crime and the officers involved need to be made into an example. This is a clear violation of civil rights of both the defendant and the defense attorney.

Here is the KPNX-TV news story:

Here is the complete unedited video:

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Your right to remain Silent and Ernesto A. Miranda

Phoenix, AZ---Ernesto A. Miranda was an armed kidnapper who tried at least twice to kidnap and rape young women on the streets of Phoenix, Arizona.

One of the cases involved a young box office girl at the old Orpheum Theater downtown. After finishing work one evening she took the 7th Street bus North to Maryland Avenue and got off that bus walking along the gravel road to her home.

What the girl did not know was that she was being stalked by Ernesto Miranda who was following her in his old gray Packard. Miranda was armed with a knife when he jumped out and forced the girl into his car.

Miranda had a little problem, he could not get it up and commit the act so he let her go. She called the police and Detective Carol Cooley and his partner Wilford Young were assigned to this and another similar case that involved a somewhat retarded 18 year-old girl.

Soon Miranda and his Packard became tangled into the investigation. Miranda was arrested, didn’t talk and was placed in a line up. The victims viewed the line up but could not identify anyone as their attacker. Cooley was understandably disappointed but pulled out his handcuff key and was about to free his suspect.

Curiosity got the best of Miranda and as Cooley approached him asked, "How’d I do?” A quick thinking Cooley replied, “Not so good Ernie, they picked you out.” Miranda sighed as he slumped into his chair and asked advice from Cooley. Cooley suggested Miranda cooperate because it would look better in front of the judge. Miranda confessed and some serious legal history was made.

Miranda was tried and convicted. His confession I have attached here below was no small part of the evidence.

Years went by as Miranda served time in prison and the U.S Supreme Court ordered his retrial without the confession. That was because of the failure of police to give adequate warning about self-incrimination and a waiver of that right from the suspect. The late, great and colorful Phoenix criminal defense lawyer named, John Flynn'strial work was responsible for the ultimate success of that appeal.

A young deputy Maricopa county prosecutor was told to dismiss the case by his superiors but refused. That was my dear long time friend, Robert K. Corbin. Corbin felt either a judge or a jury should let him go no matter how weak the case was, Corbin was not about to let a confessed rapist go.

Corbin began to read the file and found something interesting. Miranda was married, well sort of. You see Miranda lived with a woman, Twyla Hoffman who was listed as a common-law wife. Arizona did not recognize common law marriages and Hoffman could be interviewed, subpoenaed and required to testify against Miranda in court.

Corbin quickly dispatched investigators out to interview Hoffman at their old home in Mesa, AZ. Hoffman said Miranda confessed to her too. Since Hoffman was not a government agent Miranda had no self-incrimination protection from his ex-common law wife. She testified about that confession at the retrial.

Miranda was quickly convicted again and actually served more prison time than he would have if he never appealed his case.

Eventually Miranda was released from prison and found gainful employment autographing Miranda Rights cards for cops and lawyers he'd approach on the steps of the courthouse.

On a quiet Sunday night in 1976, while in a seedy bar, Miranda got into a fight with a knife wielding illegal alien. Miranda was slashed and stabbed to death. Police quickly arrested the suspect covered in blood. The police got out their Miranda cards and recited the required warnings to their suspect. The suspect asked for an attorney and the questioning ended. They were never able to convict anyone for Miranda’s murder.

Of course I’d like to help produce this as a feature film and I have the records as well as know many of the players of that story.

Ernesto Mirands Confession

Donald Lang—A Study In American Justice

Chicago, Il-Donald Lang was a poor, African-American deaf mute. Lang was the subject of cruel jokes his entire life as he tried to cope and be self-sufficient. Lang did not know sign language, lip reading or how to read or write.

I met Lang during the period the Cook County Jail’s guard force went out on strike in the early 1970s. Lang appeared to be well adjusted and seemed to understand whatever it was I wanted him to do. I asked him when his next court date was and he’d point to a calendar date. Lang’s understanding was uncanny. Lang would grunt, groan and had the pantomime skills of the late, great Marcel Marceau.

I really enjoyed my time with Lang and found he was incredibly interesting. He truly seemed to be able to read other’s minds.

Lang was being held for a second murder of a prostitute that was attributed to him. He walked on one murder charge after making legal history. Lang was appointed a deaf lawyer, Lowell Meyers who proved to be a real hero in this saga.

The issues of Miranda rights, self-incrimination and police evidence gathering were well beyond all conventional wisdom’s solutions. Nobody in the American justice system was capable of dealing with the complexities of Lang’s case.

Lang was an incredibly strong and hard working kid who had no special education or guidance for coping in a hearing world. His existence and ability to survive was based on his comedy skills and what he could physically do to earn money. He had a tough job at the South Water market. Lang was reliable and very grateful to have a job.

Lang loved women but lacked traditional romantic skills. Lang was reduced to love for cash and carry. There were problems in that Lang’s apparent sexual appetite and ability were nearly super-human. The local hookers wanted his money but he was more than they could handle.

Unfortunately Chicago’s West side hookers were not all stellar women with a proper work ethic. They and their pimps sometimes resorted to robbery, even murder in their sordid and drug induced world.

We will never really know what led to the deaths of Lang’s two known victims. Justifiable homicide and self-defense seems plausible but impossible to investigate without solid and accurate information form Lang himself.

Lang seemed smart enough to know that officials wanted him to get training in sign language and such not to help him but to perhaps even kill him in the electric chair.

Lang was in a legal, No Man’s Land having beat one charge of murdering a prostitute only to be arrested again for a similar killing after his release from jail.

I don’t know where Lang is today. Lowell Meyers has long since passed away.

Author, Ernest Tidyman wrote a book, Dummy which was made into a well made 1979 movie staring Levar Burton, Paul Sorvino and Brian Dennehy. The movie was broadcast on CBS and never made it to home video and is never re-broadcast on television. I call it lost art.

Here is a CBS tease for this film that I found.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Media’s Love For Obama May Be Cooling Off

Washington, DC—They were all in the bag for the young, charismatic, Left leaning Presidential Candidate turned President, Barack Obama.

No small part of this media excitement was the pathetic performance of George W. Bush for eight solid years. Bush managed to waste as many tax dollars as any Democrat. Immigration enforcement was reduced to a sad joke as Bush took us to impossible adventures in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The media is learning that rather than the Liberal image they created for Obama in reality he was nothing less than a genuine Communist. American media with all their faults have always jealously fought for open government records and the right to publish and broadcast without government interference. They are starting to learn free speech is in real danger.

Everywhere Communism has gained a foothold in any country the concept of free speech was eliminated. The Obama Administration despite redundant promises of openness and transparency reneged and began secret strategy with the shadow Czar Government. Of course the Czars included a questionable bunch of Communists, tax cheats and worse.

The media knows they have been used, abused and misled. Even the staunchest of Liberal journalists reject censorship and government control. They loathe government's concealing of public records or being misled.

I see the media starting to wake up and their seeming mild discomfort is turning to anger. The media made Barack Obama and the media can turn on him in an instant. I predict that they will soon begin doing their job and asking those questions they’ve avoided for more than a year.

The big question I have is, which members of the media will begin to report what’s really going on in America and which will remain on the Obama Propaganda Machine?

Elections In NJ, NY, VA Are A Referendum On The Obama Administration

Washington, DC—Today the Far Left in our government are zealously pandering Obamacare and the continued destruction of Freedom and free enterprise. That's about to change somewhat.

The election outcome Tuesday will set the mood for just how Congress will accept the Marxist agenda of the current Whitehouse. It does not look good for the Liberals. To the Whitehouse the upcoming minor elections are a giant wet blanket.

Since politicians like the perks of office holding they always seek to do what it takes to keep their seats. They may not be true to their constituents but they can be counted on to be true to themselves. Some serious cold water may be dousing the fire behind the Obama Administration after Tuesday.

I suspect we are going to hear the Whitehouse whine about, Congress doing nothing for the next three years even though there is a Democratic majority. I like that idea and would like to lay Congress off for the next couple of years like so many other American workers. If they were laid off for a few years, would we really miss Congress al all?

Conservative Themed Film Making All But Dead, For Now

Los Angeles, CA—There is no question that the capital of America’s subversive, Leftist, Marxist philosophy is Hollywood. The who’s who of stars, writers and directors love to outdo each other showing their allegiance to all things Left.

Of course these clowns make their money not from a Socialist system but a free market where they can earn tens of millions for each film. They live lavish lifestyles as they castigate the American way of life and buy their Communist friend’s various political offices.

Hollywood’s Leftist elite use their fame as a Marxist pulpit as they whine about the blacklisting days of the 1950s. The fact is Hollywood was always loaded with Communists that professed hatred for the American system of government. That still is true today.

Blacklisting was and is real today. Conservative themed films are very rare but are usually huge moneymakers if they are allowed to see the light of day. The films, Dirty Harry and Death Wish attacked the Social Justice crowd’s ideals as the film’s criminals were stopped dead in their tracks through justifiable homicide. Both of these films saw life in numerous sequels.

The film, Red Dawn made money at the box office but also made a pariah of its director and writer, John Milius. That film depicted heroic high school kids defeating a Communist invasion on American soil.

I have experienced firsthand rejection of my film, Come Friday that is based on a true story of a Chicago policewoman, because those in Hollywood can’t deal with the subject matter. The film’s villain is an African-American that viciously kidnapped, raped and robbed scores of White women on Chicago’s Gold Coast. After the justice system failed and the serial rapist was let go he took up his old ways only to be shot dead by a lovely, off-duty recruit policewoman he kidnapped at gun point.

Incredibly, I had offers to make, Come Friday if I’d change the race of the rapist or his victims. They told me it was just too racially charged! In this case the purveyors of Social Justice and Marxist ideals in the film industry just could not deal with the truth.

Things are slowly changing because the financing arrangements have become far more creative. The cost of equipment for making films is only a fraction of it once was and many more filmmakers know this craft.

There is no reason a large film studio can be built far from Hollywood where control is centered with the investors and actual artists rather than Leftist talent agents, gone wild like in Hollywood.

Learn more about Come Friday here.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Local Television News Breaks New Ground

Washington, DC—It’s November Sweeps time which is the most important rating period for television all year. They must do whatever they can to attract and keep or fold up their tent and disappear.

This time it is a lesson in breast self-examination without censorship. Frankly I don’t know how TV has gotten away with the bogus self-exam stories without exposing real breasts.

My God even men have breasts! Okay, men’s breasts are far less interesting than women’s. Bare breasts are everywhere in our world and the sight of them is not graphic, lurid or shocking. Why the big deal? Especially when the life and death matter of breast cancer is involved?

ABC-7 did their job of informing the public about breast self-examination. Men need the information too since they never miss a chance to explore their girlfriends and wives. It is often that a man discovers lumps and other symptoms. It may be rare but sometimes men get breast cancer too.

ABC-7 went out of their way to redundantly warn viewers of the “graphic adult content” and I wonder if that was intended to attract and keep viewers. No warning should be needed for images of women’s breasts. I don’t think the sight of them will change anyone’s life. That kind of censorship is silly and unnecessary.

Here is the report and please excuse me if I don’t warn you about the content. If you don’t like it take your little mouse and you can quickly escape from this blog!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

News Reporters Promoting their products, It’s a good idea

Los Angeles, CA—As the news sources from radio, TV and the Internet are increasingly more plentiful, keeping track of your favorite reporters seems to becomes more difficult. The truth is it is easier than ever! One thing for sure we can ignore TV news schedules and look for those news packages on the net.

Most news reporters don’t go the extra mile to keep us informed. They get their assignments and get something out to satisfy the suits back at their stations. Some reporters bring a little show business to their work because keeping the attention of the audience is paramount, but generally there’s little else.

Most of my favorite reporters are some of the incredibly attractive women and I watch them for all what some people would say are the wrong reasons. I don’t care about weather unless it’s extreme. I watch a certain hot blond on KCAL/KCBS-TV not to learn about the weather but simply to watch her.

When I want to get the hard news too many of the lady reporters have a habit of getting out of the way of the news and covering it from the distance. For me I’m not happy until the reporter gets inside the story from the inside. Timid reporters suck.

One reporter that can be counted to get right in the center of the news is KNBC-TV’s top morning news gun, Robert Kovacik. A while back he was reporting on an early morning murder story and the manhunt police were conducting for the reportedly armed and dangerous suspect. Kovacik encountered the suspect while on a live shot and never blinked as he began a totally unexpected, exclusive interview with the killer!

I’ve not seen that kind of work since KSAZ-TV reporter Steve Kraft and I approached and interviewed numerous wanted fugitives in Phoenix. Okay I confess I was packing a .45 for personal protection at the time. Some of the fugitives whined about not wanting to go to jail but there was no hostility.

Kovacik certainly was unarmed and if he had any fear at all he never showed it as he went the extra mile to make sure his viewers got the whole story.

With Twitter and Facebook reporters can make their work available 24/7 and their work can be viewed anywhere in the world. I will soon be globe hopping and getting my news from Geneva and Berlin. I often go to India and feel empowered when I can see my personal favorite’s on the Internet. Yep, I will need to see what the weather is in L.A. too!

As our news sources improve their websites it’s never been easier to skip the junk and go right to the pros for your information.

Good reporters deserve your patronage. You can catch Kovacik on Twitter right here:

Today JFK Would Be Branded A Right Wing Extremist

John Fitzgerald “Jack Kennedy was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Being driven by a master Capitalist, Joseph P Kennedy, Jack went all the way to the top. He did pay his dues every step of the way as a patriot.

When the American way of life was threatened during World War II, young Kennedy tried to enlist in the Army only to be rejected because of a bad back.

Not being deterred he went to the Navy and had his dad call in favors so he could go to combat for his fellow Americans. Kennedy wound up as a skipper of a PT boat and undertook a disastrous rescue mission. The deaths and injuries on that PT boat are convincing evidence that Kennedy was no coward. Kennedy in fact was like every other member of his crew, a genuine hero.

Jack Kennedy understood the importance of a national defense and our Second Amendment when he became a life member of the National Rifle Association.

Kennedy was elected to the Senate and later as our President. The Communist menace was everywhere including inside our own government. Kennedy went to Berlin, Germany to proclaim our alliance to the German people standing up to Communism and gave his famous, “Ich bien eine Berliner!” speech at the newly erected wall to imprison a nation.

Kennedy stood up to the Soviet Union and at least made an effort to defeat Fidel Castro during the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion. The Communists in our own Congress deserve credit for the failure of that mission. When the Soviet Union brought missals to Cuba threatening America Kennedy stood tall and strong.

I will never say I agreed with everything Jack Kennedy did, but I never once questioned whose side he was on. Imagine a President today saying, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Instead today the presidential message is, “We must redistribute the wealth.”

Of course after France gave up it was JFK who brought our troops into the effort to protect South Viet Nam from Uncle Ho and his Chinese Communist friends. It was Uncle Ho’s fellow American Communists that prevented a win over the North by shortchanging our military troops of their weaponry and other resources. As a result of our own Communists nearly 60 thousand of our young men came home in rubber bags. We can’t blame JFK for the acts of the traitors in our own Congress.

I don’t know what happened to his brother, Teddy Kennedy but the Irish curse of alcoholism pickled his brain for sure. He went the way of the Bolsheviks.

Today, I know that Jack Kennedy would loathe what the administration of Barack Obama is doing today. We must stop this cancer on America before it spreads any further.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Berlin Wall Falls—20 Years ago!

The picture above:

Dying Peter Fechter is carried away by East German border guards who shot him down when he tried to flee to the west in this Aug. 17, 1962 photo. Fechter was lying 50 minutes in no-man's land before he was taken to a hospital where he died shortly after arrival.

The agency that manages the records of former East Germany's dreaded secret police has uncovered an order for border guards to fire on escaping citizens that is far more explicit than others on record, an official said in remarks published

Berlin, GermanyNovember 9th 1989 freedom came to Berlin as the dreaded wall finally came down. The Communists ruled with their guns, jackboots and an iron fist until that failed form of government fell under its own weight.

It was not all celebration since the Communist system created two generations of totally dependent people who were never motivated, able to fend for themselves or realize opportunity.

The former Communist citizens were used to living off other people’s money. They were demanding free apartments, food and were prone to criminal activity when their needs exceeded the handout they received. Suddenly, these folks were introduced as equal citizens of a united and free Germany.

Some of these people found education, self-sufficiency and are proud to be free today. Others still pine for the old nanny government. Communism did tremendous damage to these people and it may take generations to repair.

As Germany celebrates freedom, America is traveling to the failed Marxist model at breakneck speed. God please help us!

Why Obamacare Must Be Killed By Americans

Washington, DC—We may have a flawed heath care system but it’s still the best in the world just the way it is. Socialized medicine has failed everywhere it has been tried. If government could get a handle on waste and fraud with what we already have, costs could be reduced. Government has a dreadful record for any kind of efficiency.

The so-call health care reform, Insurance reform, socialized medicine, or whatever you want to call it is disaster in the making. Secret authors doing their deeds behind closed doors for a Congress that will never read or try to understand thousands of pages of dealmaking through clout is not a responsible solution.

The desperate administration plan is to get something, anything passed to help Barack Obama save face and avoid failure.

A better directed effort to deal with what we already have is the only thing that makes sense. Just say NO to Obamacare in any form. We must redouble our calls to Washington since they are not listening.