Monday, October 26, 2009

The GOP Must Die

There was a time when the Republican Party represented Conservatives and their views. That’s no longer the case as they leadership has embraced pretend Conservatives like John McCain, Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, and of course both Presidents named George Bush. These are men with a very pronounced Left Wing agenda and records that are in virtual lockstep with Democrats.

These are tax and spend, big government Liberals that have never had anything in common with Conservatives. To a one, they were and are significantly Left of the revered and assassinated John F. Kennedy. Kennedy is a Democratic icon who enjoyed a life membership in the NRA, and a fiscally responsible administration that took the hard line with our Communist enemies.

The GOP leadership has been corrupted by the free flow of pork projects, deal making and personal enrichment to the determent of American taxpayers.

There is nothing Conservative about today’s GOP. The GOP has been hijacked and needs to be abandoned altogether. A new Conservative party must come from the ashes of the GOP that will unite Conservatives.

Conservatives need their own party. The Libertarians can fill the bill but they first need to raise their political and social profile since most Americans don’t have a clue what a Libertarian really is or is not.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mister Obama, Please Resign

Dear Mr. Obama,

You had no achievements beyond having a broad smile and reading from a teleprompter. You were an example of affirmative action run wild as you made the right contacts in the most corrupt political organization in the United States.

You were in all the right places to get the full Marxist indoctrination and roadmap for that failed Ponzi scheme program of government that’s never worked anywhere. Your kind of government only works with repression and violence. As Margaret Thatcher said, "you will run out of other people's money."

You have made the mess left by George W. Bush much worse if that was possible. You have taken steps to destroy free enterprise, health care, and freedom. You have reauthorized slavery in America that will last for generations as you print money to pass to corrupt businesses and banks.

You have become a liability to your own and your family’s safety by making patriots everywhere hate you and only see you as a despot and traitor.

Please Mr. Obama, resign while we still have a little freedom.


Paul Huebl
Crimefile News

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Ronald Reagan Library Is Fabulous

Simi Valley, CA—Just North of Los Angeles sits the Ronald Reagan Library and the final resting place of the greatest President in my lifetime. This man led us out of a recession and showed our enemies a better way through the example of freedom.

This place will take your breath away as you see Air Force One inside this wonderful museum. Visiting this place can easily take up an entire fun filled day.

In light the current administration’s destruction of free enterprise, hostile takeover of private businesses and the planning in secret of America’s direction and legislation, the Reagan years are a breath of fresh air.

We fought wars to prevent the crap Barack Obama is doing to America today and it’s a downright shame. Obama’s treason will be ended soon.

In the meantime watch as Andrea shows you some of the sights to be seen at the Reagan Library and Museum.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Dealing With The Swine Flu And Immunization

As the flu season approaches, getting the regular flu shot is generally good advice. This year we have the H1N1 version threatening young folks for the most part. Just what should we do?

The Obama Administration is working hard to sell Americans on a special vaccine that is largely untested. I’d wait until a few million Kool-aid drinking believers have taken it and lived to tell about it. The majority of physicians and nurses I talked with are in no hurry to offer themselves as laboratory rats. They are passing on the H1N1 immunization for themselves and families at least for the time being.

I took the advice and got a flu shot and the extra protection of a phenomena shot warranted by my age and general health.

We are in uncharted territory with every new strain of any type of infection threatening our population.

Here was the first shot being given to me by a genuine angel of mercy.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Will Major Media Carry Water For Obama As His Cronies Restrict Free Speech?

Washington, DC—The Obama administration hates free speech and have put their weight behind the misnamed “Net Neutrality” that would silence criticism and end free speech as we know it.

The question is, what position will the major media players take? Since the major media always spoke in a uniform Left Wing voice when they had a monopoly on news distribution, I expect they want to see an end to any view but their own. Will they carry Obama’s water? You bet they will!

I see the imposition of censorship of my speech, writing or publishing a blatant act of war on Liberty and Freedom. I hope there are Americans still willing to spill yet more blood in order to preserve free speech and all the rights Barack Obama wants to curtail.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

State, Local Governments And Mall Operators Facilitate Terrorists

As we near the busy holiday shopping season terrorists are planning shooting attacks on mall shoppers. An arrest of a radical Muslim just happened today and now investigators are swinging into action to find others involved.

Terrorists are smart enough to target busy malls in cities with repressive gun laws. Even in right to carry states they have declared many malls as Gun Free Zones. These are the kind of targets that will always tempt cowards.

Adding to the problem are the marginally selected and trained mall security guards. They are incapable of doing anything more than dialing 911. These guards are nothing more that potential victims or hostages. They are zero protection for the mall workers and shoppers.

As retailers have taken a huge hit because of our tanking economy. Accordingly the funding for even minimal trained and armed security is non-existent and our enemies know that.

It is time to dismantle the Gun Free Zones and at least give some Americans the ability to protect themselves. Off duty and retired cops should be invited to the malls with their side arms. Weapon permit holders would reduce potential carnage as any resistance at all would encourage the terrorists to flee.

The alternative is and UPS. I boycott malls anywhere I can’t Carry with all the gun permits I possess.

As few as four well-armed terrorists can and will kill Americans like ducks in a barrel if they feel like it.

Chicago’s Water Tower Place along with The Grove and The Beverly Center in Los Angeles are perfect targets for massive attacks. The gun laws in these places could not be better written for terrorists to facilitate the slaughter of innocent American women and children.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Yet Another Bedtime Story With A Happy Ending.

Orange County, Fl.--Anthony Julien , 50, and Peter Julien, 57, came home and surprised two, or possibly three, burglars inside their home. The two took care of business very well leaving one 17 year-old intruder dead and the other 26 year-old burglar wounded.

Two promising careers were ended and we never will know if the two unfortunate lads could have won the Nobel Peace Prize for their wealth redistribution efforts.

So far, no charges have been filed against Anthony Julien and Peter Julien.

Obama’s Secret Government Is Evil and Tyrannical

Washington, DC-- Barack Obama’s administration has shut out America. Obama's Communists, racists and other anti-American advisors have done what Hitler, Castro and Stalin did. They allo formed policy in secret. The danger here is that the mass murders ordained by these despots were not planned in open meetings either.

Obama has misled even his strongest supporters on every campaign promise he has made. Obama must be removed from the Whitehouse before it’s too late.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

For Los Angeles It's Great This Time of Year-A Flash Back for you!

As I returned from a too cold Windy City, I though of this gem from Randy Newman. Please sit back an enjoy!

Another Immigration Extortion Scandal

Chicago, IL—I recently got a call from Europe. It was from an elegant lady friend and mother of a lad in his 20’s who possesses two Master Degrees and is close to winning his PhD. The young scholar has already been educated at a prestigious American university wants to live and work in the United States.

I foolishly thought that since he reads, writes and speaks impeccable English, is superbly educated, and is destined for greatness my country would accept him with open arms. Unfortunately, he’d be much better off as an illiterate, non-English speaking citizen of Mexico or some other Central American banana republic.

I was shocked to learn the only options available for this very desirable potential immigrant are as follows:

1. Find and marry an American citizen.
2. Apply for a Green Card from Europe and wait in line behind millions including those undesirable aliens that have already broken American law by sneaking into the country.
3. Investing no less than $500,000.00 cash into an Obama approved company that must remain untouched for five years. Setting that application in motion requires legal services of an immigration lawyer. One well-know Chicago immigration lawyer quoted me $75,000.00 fee to facilitate the application process and set up the investment.

I can’t help but be frightened by the investment required especially when our economy is tanking at a rapid rate. Will this investment be stolen or otherwise devoured? The legal fees to process the application are also astronomical.

I’m shocked and embarrassed that my own country would extort money from such a promising young man. This is not the country I was raised in, nor the one whose call to duty in the military I answered four decades ago.

Someone please tell me what went so wrong?

For those That Support Obamacare

Washington, DC—The hostile takeover of the healthcare industry by Barack Obama and his henchmen is not about helping anyone. This is only about replacing our system of government with the failed Communist model. It is nothing but a total fraud. This is just another false promise of a corrupt regime.

Congressman Mike Rogers makes his opening statement on Health Care reform legislation that is under debate in Congress. Rogers said it well as so many Communist traitors are ready to ignore their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution and sell out America.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

What Are The American People Waiting For?

Each day the Communists in our Congress and the Whitehouse are forcing the American people further into slavery. They have set in motion the destruction of free enterprise, our currency, and the American dream. This is happening at breakneck speed as Obama's shadow government Czars secretly write the legislation our Congress refuses to make public or even read.

I envision Chinese troops on our soil invited by Barack Obama to “keep order”. Our own police and soldiers for the most part can be expected to help patriots purge the un-American traitors and not make war on fellow Americans. The Chinese nation has been waiting for that opportunity for a very long time.

I know millions of loyal Americans are thinking the unthinkable right now as they have horded weapons, ammunition, food and medical supplies. Patriots know that freedom is never free and exists only as a result of the same kind of brute force dictatorships inflict on their own citizens in order to stay in power. .

Either the resistance to the in-progress Communist revolution is stepped up quickly or we will never be able to resist later.

Obama and his fellow Communists have divided the American people into two groups, those who work and pay taxes and those parasites that don’t. Today the Communists have populated our nation with millions of Mexico and Central America's ignorant, poor and criminals that are sucking the lifeblood of our nation. This was no accident.

Will our patriots reach the point of no return and begin the purge? These criminals must be stopped from raping America, by whatever it takes. Failure to resists will enable the one Communist world nightmare of Karl Marx.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Extortion And Racketeering By The Arizona Department of Public Safety

Arizona—Politicians here in desperate measures to fund their spending have allowed a private company, Redflex, to install cameras on the highways in an effort to extort money from drivers. The cameras capture driving violations and the information is used in the courts as evidence.

You can call this effort good intentioned all you want but it’s a simple criminal conspiracy and the conspirators include officials inside the Arizona department of public safety.

They have invited Redflex to gather evidence on behalf of state government for use in court proceedings that they claim show speeding and bad behavior of citizens. Any person or company doing that must first be licensed as a private investigation agency by none other than the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

The major scandal here is that all private investigators are regulated and licensed by the very same law enforcement agency that has been facilitating and utilizing Redflex’s unlicensed and unlawful activity.

As a private investigator I must meet qualifications, requirements and pay fees to the state before I can engage in business. Redflex instead operates with a wink and a handshake from corrupt public officials and the money keeps rolling in.

Because they are breaking the licensing laws the entire scheme reduces the Redflex/DPS action to criminal racketeering and extortion.

I don’t think our founding fathers would ever approve of the creative efforts to strong-arm the men and women of Arizona by criminals acting under color of law.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Oprah Winfrey, Obama’s Kool-Aid Czar

Chicago, Il-The Barack Obama Presidential campaign caught a wave of support from the Queen of the Zombies herself Oprah Winfrey. Winfrey has a knack for promoting authors that misled, with a psychologist with no license and a history of questionable behavior, and recently James Ray whose Sedona woo woo sweat lodge proved fatal for two followers.

Winfrey’s track record has not been something to admire. Despite the dangerous people Winfrey promotes her Zombies show no signs of sidestepping their loyalty.

Winfrey asked her legions of Zombies to vote for the candidate who surrounded himself with Communists, terrorists, Black racists, tax cheats and at least one educator who supports Gay sex between Adult men and little boys. The Oprah Zombies delivered.

It is only fitting that Winfrey personally serve the Kool-Aid made famous by the late San Francisco Marxist that brought his flock of fools to Guiana. Yes, People’s Temple founder Jim Jones and Barack Obama seem to be cut from the same cloth.

Obama’s followers are being groomed to forgo personal success and empowerment for generational utter and complete dependence on government benevolence.

Such a Utopia was Jonestown and Obama is following that model on a much grander scale. Go ahead and drink the Kool-Aid, but you were warned by me.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Horror Unleashed In UCLA Chemistry Laboratory

Los Angeles, CA-The sprawling campus located in Westwood Village is usual a place for serious learning as the youngsters here prepare for a great life and future.

The students are a wide mixture of the brightest and best from all over the globe. If there is an act of violence it is usually an outsider involved.

That was not the case today during the noon hour as one male student cut, slashed and stabbed a female student who is fighting for her life at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center located on campus. UCLA police have so far refused to identify the students involved other than to say they were both 20 years-old.

The cutting happened on the sixth floor of Young Hall inside an organic chemistry lab. The involved students were in an undergraduate class. Other students heard an argument and at least one saw a fight but did not see the knife. There are as many as 30 witnesses who were being interviewed by police. UCLA police are being assisted by the LAPD in the investigation

The assailant surrendered peaceably and was taken into custody. One thing for sure one if not two promising young lives were destroyed.

Update: A hospital employee provided information that the victim is responding well after surgery and is in critical but stable condition. I followed up with a call to a UCLA media spokesman who said that it is against hospital policy to divulge information on the condition of any patient.

Shortly after 9:00 PM the LAPD booked the suspect, Damon D. Thompson, a Black male on a charge of attempted murder. Currently he is being held on a $1 million dollar bail requirement.

Victim ID:
The victim of the apparently unprovoked attack was a White student, Katherine Rosen, 20. She is still hospitalized as of Oct 13 but is out of intensive care. The bail required for the suspect has been incresed to $3 Million.

Update from Superior Court Oct 13, 2009

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Fun and Games For Arizona’s Illegal Aliens

Phoenix, AZ—Holding illegal aliens for ransom helps the bottom line here. I guess at least one intended victim made a good guess as to his fate.

Doroteo Estrada-Perez, 38, faces kidnapping, aggravated assault and conspiracy to commit murder charges. Mariano Perez-Gonzalez, 27, is looking forward to charges of kidnapping, theft by extortion, misconduct involving weapons and conspiracy to commit murder.

KTVK-TV’s pretty Marissa Wingate gives us the fun facts on the welcome wagon some illegal immigrants put out for their very own kind.

Of course the worthless Obama administration and their pathetic Homeland Security Secretary are delighted to be accomplices to this sort of thing.

Will Obama Bomb Iran To Boost his Ratings?

Washington, DC—Barack Obama knows he is coming off as a weak and ineffective president. His ego can’t take that so will he get us into adventures of yet another war, this time in Iran? Of course he will, because that’s the Presidential thing to do.

Wars initially unite Americans but then division begins and we have an unresolved mess and more division than ever.

A Groovy Ride Down Ventura Blvd In Sherman Oaks, CA

Sherman Oaks, CA—On the way to lunch in Sherman Oaks yesterday, I pulled out my trusty Flip-HD to give you a look at my world. I hope this and Roy Hargrove's music will help my visitors get their groove. Please enjoy…

Monday, October 05, 2009

This is The Future Of Chicago’s Law Enforcement

Chicago, IL—A violent purse snatcher is captured by bystanders as a professional news photographer documents the criminal’s resistance to a citizen’s arrest. Before it’s over the unidentified thug is bloodied.

Had Chicago police officers caused that incidental injury they’d be stripped of the stars, firearms and police powers perhaps for months until they are cleared of wrongdoing or are suspended or fired.

As for the hapless mutt, he was eligible for release for a $100.00 cash misdemeanor bond. This fellow is undoubtedly free right now to do his deeds until he gets caught killing someone or gets killed.

If you live in Chicago you’re used to avoiding these predatory savages. They are here to stay. Don’t ask the police to risk their lives but also the ability to feed their families by confronting and arresting criminals.

Chicago police have been transformed to observe and report rather than actually enforce the law.

Go ahead brush up on your unarmed combat skills so you can waste a whole lot of your time in court.

See all the pictures and hear the photographer describe the event.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Chicago’s Next Gun Control Fight

Chicago, IL—City officials know the days of Chicago’s gun ban will be over by next summer. The reason is very simple Chicago’s politicians have been violating their citizens Civil Rights for nearly three decades.

Today the polls are showing that an overwhelming majority of Chicago’s citizens want the gun ban scrapped.

The right to possess firearms and use it for self-protection is a right to survive. It’s difficult for me to imagine people willingly giving up the right of self-defense, but if you can remember the Nazis had no trouble getting Jews to line up orderly, disrobe and accept being executed.

Chicago is currently being run by a gang of criminals that hold office. They have turned taxation into extortion and are looting the city dry. They can be counted on to try and turn Chicago’s gun registration laws into their very own ATM machine.

They cannot tax you for enjoying a right or they’d still have poll taxes in the South. Of course they know that it will take years for a legal challenge to get resolved in the courts. If you allow them they will continue to violate your rights through gun registration taxation.

The late Mayor Richard J. Daley brought us the gun registration law in 1968 with his personal promises that registration would always be free and that it would reduce crime by making investigation easier. Both promises proved to be false.

As it stands they will collect $65.00 per gun per year. We know that they will be as punitive as they possibly can by raising the fee to whatever they want.

The whole purpose of the gun registration is rendered meaningless since the state mandates a Firearm Owner’s Identification card. City gun registration is both unnecessary and redundant.

There has never been a better time for a campaign to repeal Chicago’s gun laws. Call 311 and ask for the Mayor’s office. Tell him to restore our rights to self-defense.

Most important, after you make the call get at least two of your neighbors, relative or friends to also be heard.