Washington, DC—In human history every nation where politicians have seized power for emergency population management there has been a holocaust.
The population is always told they must make sacrifices and freedom is curtailed. The population habitually takes on the characteristics of simple sheep and willingly march to their deaths.
Tyrants prey on human nature in that people are optimists and expect only humanity and government salvation. When in doubt humans can always be counted on to trust authority to their peril.
In America the Communists are now firmly in place both in our Congress and the Whitehouse. There is a shadow government also in place in the form of Czars for every kind of problem that could obstruct their revolution.
Make no mistake with millions of disenfranchised poor Blacks, illegal aliens, and incarcerated criminals seeking their turn at the wheel of fortune as loyal American taxpayers are outnumbered. Our Communist chairman can feed, mobilize and arm his new security force to exterminate his revolution’s opposition.
In turn the Communists can control food, water, fuel, power, and communications to starve taxpayers and feed their new security force. Of course, as always to the victor go the spoils.
Is this scenario familiar? Only to the educated and wise Americans that believe history.
We are beyond ripe for Armageddon in America and the right emergency such as flu pandemic any other event could trigger it. Our own apathy is to blame since we are the ones asleep while they took control. Tyrants, dictators and demogogs always seem to begin their kind of Hope and Change program with an adoring population.
Our carefree children with their Ipods and cell phones will be caught in the middle.