Saturday, August 22, 2009

Obama Can And Should Be prosecuted And Removed From Office

Washington, DC—Fox News exposed this criminal activity and they have continued to uncover a serious theft of public funds. It all began with a massive spam e-mail from the Whitehouse authored by Barack Obama’s Propaganda Minister, David Axelrod. Obama was campaigning for support of his Socialist health program.

Fox News reporter, Major Garrett asked about the spam e-mail messages sent out by Axelrod to campaign for Obamacare at a Whitehouse news briefing. Garret was treated like a skunk at a picnic over his persistent questioning and now we know why.

The problem was and is that taxpayer funds were diverted from use in legitimate government functions to a political campaign pushing the hostile takeover of the health care and insurance industries in America. That was theft pure and simple.

The Whitehouse paid our tax money to a private firm, Govdelivery to spam the nation with unsolicited junk e-mails promoting Obama’s political agenda. In addition to the Obamacare fiasco they used public funds to push Supreme Court Candidate Sonia Sotomayor’s Senate confirmation efforts. This was nothing short of a major theft and an impeachable offense.

The Obama Administration has adopted the idea that since they won the election they can do whatever they want with reckless abandon. It’s time to put the brakes on this lawless bunch of traitors and send them off to prison.

Read the Fox News exclusive Story here.

Why So-Called Tort Reform Is Justice Denied

You hear the medical community and insurance industry incessantly carping and whining for Tort Reform. The title itself is incredibly misleading. It should be called what it is, The Insurance Company Protection Act.

A tort is an act that injures someone. There are accidental torts and intentional torts. An automobile accident involving simple negligence is a tort. So is an act of libel, assault, or even murder. In this mix are dog bites, construction accidents and the surgeon who amputates the wrong leg.

Most people cannot afford lawyers to force those responsible to pay for the damages they have caused. Usually there is a liability insurance policy involved and insurance companies are in the business of collecting premiums and doing whatever they can to avoid paying claims.

For the average working American the legal community invented the contingent fee arrangement. The lawyers front the sometimes huge expenses related to bringing your claim to court and charge you nothing unless or until they prevail on your behalf. A working man who was injured through a tort may be unable to work and have zero income can pursue his claim even though he has no money.

When and if you prevail in court, the contingent fee lawyer charges one third or more of the final award and the lawyer is entitled to recover the costs they advanced on your behalf.

The alternative is to pay a lawyer’s hourly rate and all of the costs for experts, court reporters or whatever else it may take to prove your case to a jury.

The Insurance companies want absolute caps on jury verdicts and awards. The real effort here is to destroy the contingent fee system altogether. The people who can’t afford to pay $50,000.00 up front to a lawyer will be denied their day in court. Insurance companies will rarely ever be forced to pay claims. That is the real goal of those pushing Tort Reform.

The fun part of Tort Reform is when your own insurance company does not pay up for your valid claim. There will be no contingent fee lawyers to go after them on your behalf.

Will We Pay To Obtain News Content On The Internet?

Hell No I say! We bought newspapers and magazines because we knew the cost of printing and paper required this.

As for news content on the Internet advertisers will pay or the readers will evaporate.

Bloggers like me get nothing for putting up content until we get enough visitors to make advertising worthwhile. Many put up donation boxes but to little benefit.

Rupert Murdock’s News Corp has announced intent to eventually charge visitors. I can live without access unless or until they have something that I really need that I can’t get anywhere else.

Murdock must get real since even quality porn can be viewed for free in Cyberspace!

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Latest In TV Broadcasting Gizmos

Los Angeles, CA—Yes, I’m a camera and gadget junkie. I’ve just got to have anything new and exceptional.

Bryan Frank is a gifted photojournalist and blogger who works for KCBS/KCAL here. His blog shows you the news behind the news.

He just profiled the latest remote broadcast item that’s changing broadcasting and electronic news gathering as we knew it.

He is using a JVC Camera with a backpack that can stream high quality live video over a cell phone. That means there’s no need for a satellite transmitter, or even a short range microwave transmitter to get a video signal live on TV or over the internet.

This talented photographer has shared his photos with his blog readers.

Here is a link to BeFrank and the story!

Mexico Takes Smartest Step Yet In Drug War!

Mexico City—Lawmakers here finally figured out just how to hurt the drug traffickers. They legalized the possession of user amounts of drugs including Heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine.

This will deal a devastating blow to the drug cartels and price of these drugs to the end users. A major portion of the profits has just evaporated there.

Now the drug lords have no choice but to export their poisons to the USA and Canada where the Drug War keeps the prices and crime sky high.

We need to monitor Mexico’s new experience for crime, violence and overdose rates.

American drug addicts can be counted upon to heavily visit or even relocate to Mexico. Hopefully that will make a dent in our own crime rate and rid us of thousands of troublesome people.

Our own lawmakers need to follow suit.

Read more here.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Missing Woman Believed Murdered Found Alive!

Boulder, CO--People love to assume murder in the case of a missing woman. That goes double if the perception of the missing woman’s significant other appears to be a womanizer or jerk.

I never understood why so many people anxiously wring their hands and become angry when a police investigation does not lead to an arrest when there’s no body or corpus delicti.

If no dead body can be located or if there is one but the cause of death cannot be determined you can’t assume there was a murder. You can’t then take the next giant step and accuse someone of the most serious crime we have on the books.

Bolder County Sheriff’s investigators assumed murder in a 1954 case. Amazingly enough, the woman, Katharine E. Farrand Dyer was located alive and positively identified today in Australia. She’s now 84 years old. Thankfully nobody was charged or convicted of killing this woman!

Read more about this strange Colorado case here.

Was Obama’s Hope And Change Less Than Some Wanted?

Barack Obama was elected on his redistribute the wealth platform. Not everyone is that thrilled about what’s happening.

The lesson here is to be careful what you wish for…

Phoenix Women Held In Torture Murder Of A Disabled Man

Phoenix, AZ--Confined to a motorized wheelchair in his Sunnyslope neighborhood, Terry Neely, 46 apparently sought some female companionship. Instead Neely found the most unimaginable nightmare of his life.

According to the confession of a woman being held by police in an unrelated armed robbery told a tale beyond the vivid imagination of even Edgar Allen Poe.

Angela Simpson, 33 told police how she drove a three inch nail into Neely’s skull, stabbed him 50 times, struck him with a tire iron, strangled him with a cable and dismembered him. Simpson disposed of Neely’s remains in an alley trash bin where she set them on fire.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday’s Lunch With An Old Chicago Copper In Burbank, CA

Burbank, CA—My friends former Chicago police sergeant, Andy Murcia and his wife, the lovely star of stage, screen and television, Ann Jillian took me out to lunch today.

Andy met Ann in the late 1970’s when he was working as a part-time house dick at the Ambassador East Hotel in Chicago. Ann was appearing in a show and stopped by the Buttery there afterwards. Sparks flew and Andy went on a wild ride with Ann ever since.

They took me to the incredibly popular Porto’s Café and Bakery. This was my first experience at this place and proved to be a real treat. Thanks Ann and Andy for being dear friends!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Enjoy Lunch With Me Today In Santa Barbara!

Click on pictures to enlarge (Santa Barbara County Jail and today’s lunch)

Santa Barbara, CA—Most of the time I can’t talk about where I’m working because of the sensitive nature of what I do. This time I had an adoption related assignment that took me to the Santa Barbara county Jail.

I travel to cities I can only describe as armpits or worse. Sometimes I’m in some of the great cities of the world. Today it’s one of the better places.

The sun went into hiding but other than that it was just fine. For lunch I stopped at the Warf and shot some pictures and video before and after a good meal.

There is a lonely side of these trips in that since I work alone I have nobody to have lunch with. So today I will have my lunch with my blog visitors. Enjoy five minutes of the sights and sound associated with our lunch.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Will County, IL Judge Stephen White’s Impossible Task RE: Drew Peterson

Joliet, IL-Retired Bolingbrook police sergeant, Drew Peterson is on trial for his life for murdering his third wife. Despite paper thin evidence consisting of double hearsay a Grand Jury has returned a murder indictment.

On Friday Peterson’s attorneys argued a motion before Judge Stephen White for a change of venue over pre-trial publicity issues. Because of heavy publicity and prosecution fueled venom the public perception is that Peterson is not just a murderer but a double murderer.

Can Peterson get a fair trial? I say no jury can be found that has not already been influenced beyond repair. They may find jurors that give the right answers to questions about impartiality but the answers will be deceptive.

Judge White’s Problems:

1. Many jurors, particularly those that don’t have a life, love to get selected for high profile cases. They see opportunities for fame, fortune and perhaps even a book in their future. They will do anything including lie during Voir Dire to get picked on a juicy case such as Peterson’s.

2.Jurors are admonished to avoid any discussion or news material involving the case. Nearly 100% of jurors can be counted on to violate the orders of the court in that regard. It’s not just pillow talk at home but today’s jurors are Tweeting, Facebooking and Googleing everything because the judge can’t follow them home. They do it to be empowered and to get the “real information” the court tries to hide from them. How many people do you know could go Cold Turkey from Internet for a trial lasting from one to several months?

The only way to protect the right of Peterson to a fair trial is in addition to painstakingly questioning of the jurors is to sequester them during the trial.

Internet misconduct:

I can tell you about a case in Los Angeles I covered on this blog. There was a shooting that was an act of self-defense involving two men with unusual names that never were revealed by Google searches until I published them on my blog.

The L.A. District Attorney disingenuously prosecuted the victim who shot his attacker in self-defense for aggravated assault.

The victim being prosecuted had four children, three jobs and no criminal record. The state’s star witness who they claimed during trial was the “true” victim was a nasty drunk who had convictions including hate crimes, assault. In addition he was an illegal alien.

I wrote two stories about this case and published the criminal record and immigration status of the state’s star witness. That information was ruled inadmissible at the trial.

Most or all of the jury members Googled the names of the parties and found their way to my blog. They continued to “check in” for more salacious and inadmissible details for the length of that two week trial. The jury foreman was kind enough to post a comment informing me of the acquittal the very day it happened.

I checked the ISP address of the foreman and it was identical to one that had visited my two articles on the case. I had subsequent telephone conversations with him and never revealed what transpired.

The reality was that 14 different ISP addresses were on my blog for the entire time period of the trial. The jury consisted of 12 members and two alternates. I’d say it’s a safe bet that more members of that jury beyond the foreman violated the court’s admonishment.

Judge White, you have an impossible task before you. We live in a high tech, information or for that matter a misinformation age. How do you protect the rights of a presumed innocent man to a fair trial under these conditions?

Wacha gonna do Judge?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Germany Rocks!

Click on picture to enlarge it.

Aschaffenburg, Germany—As a U.S. Army conscript I was lucky enough to sit out the Viet Nam War as a medical corpsman here. I was all of 20 years-old when my Military Airlift Command jet touched down on a snowy Frankfurt runway in December of 1968. I lived and worked there until my military obligation was completed in June of 1970.

I wasted no time in getting to know the people customs, and language. I avoided spending any time around my fellow soldiers as I went on a non-stop exploration of a country that was still making repairs from allied bombing a couple of decades earlier.

Many of the older people were unhappy with Americans and viewed us as an occupation army. Others were happy to have us protecting them from the Bolshevik bastards that raped the women and children when Germany fell.

Many Americans want to blame the German people for the acts of their politicians that led to World War Two. Adolph Hitler mesmerized that population just as that Marxist Barack Obama has our own. The people had no clue what Hitler’s idea of Hope and Change would be until it was too late.

Germans are a proud, hard working and law-abiding people. West Germany was no welfare state. The people were just really nice. It’s too bad we don’t have that kind of culture in the United States.

The young women of Germany I met were, refined, elegant and especially pretty. Dating American soldiers was never popular especially with the girl’s parents. Having a working knowledge of the customs and language saved the day. I found myself accepted. At the time I felt I was way too young to hook up with a German bride and fled from that idea.

I truly had the time of my life there but was not smart enough to know it. Getting drafted turned out to be one of the better things that ever happened to this Chicago kid raised in poverty.

In hindsight I should have stayed in Germany and gotten my education there. We all make or choices and we don’t get second chances. My Austrian heritage would have quickly gotten me dual citizenship.

Today I look for any reason to travel to this great place. Investigations, film work and news gathering have rarely facilitated my travel here. I’m ready to go again at the slightest excuse.

I have a real answer to California’s budget Crisis!

Sacramento, CA—Facing bankruptcy for decades of wild spending California has to come to grips with a new court order to release tens of thousands of convicts to the streets. This will be the first order of business when the State Assembly returns from their recess on Monday.

They are looking in every wrong direction at ways to change laws like reclassifying felonies as misdemeanors. They will probably repeal the so-called, Three-Strikes Law as they look for the wrong ways to save some operating expense.

Undoubtedly the convicts will migrate to and ravage nearby states once the doors swing open. The cost to taxpayers for the new crime committed will dwarf the present corrections budget. It’s not difficult to imagine the hospital bills for the new victims will be as these unemployable felons raid the communities.

Of course giving the law-abiding citizens of California the right to protect themselves with concealed weapons will never see the light of day in the Socialist run state.

The easiest way out for California and its taxpayers is to legalize victimless crimes. Can we really afford the Drug War anymore? Do we really need to arrest prostitutes and gamblers? Why are we arresting gun owners for highly technical, difficult to understand and unconstitutional gun laws where there is absolutely no threat or breach of the peace?

There is a much better way to solve this problem then letting thieves, thugs and predators lose on our streets.

California can wage war on victimless crime laws.

It’s Time To Boycott Some Businesses!

These companies pulled advertising from Glen Beck’s Show at FOX NEWS. They no longer deserve the patronage of liberty loving Americans:

ConAgra (maker of Healthy Choice products)
Roche, Sanofi-Aventis, RadioShack
Men's Wearhouse
State Farm
Procter & Gamble
Progressive Insurance
SC Johnson

Friday, August 14, 2009

YouTube Is Dangerous For Political Tyrants, So Why Not Empower Yourself!

As our mainstream broadcast and print media fades off to the sunset, YouTube has risen. Yes, YouTube is a free for all but it’s free speech at its best.

Those video moments of politicians misleading Americans can be counted on being replayed the very second memories begin to fade.

These days political or corporate corruption can’t seem to escape exposure on YouTube. If the mainstream media chooses to keep the public in the dark, YouTube citizen reporters and producers fill that vast void.

Free speech is the very cornerstone to our free society. As a staunch and unyielding Second Amendment supporter I can say the computer keyboard and the video camera are mightier than the sword. Each right protects the other.

The Internet is a natural enemy to dictators and despots. We must fight to keep it free or they will tax and regulate it out of existence.

The camera and the keyboard are not tools for the exclusive use of Conservatives or Liberals.

If you don’t have a video camera get one! There are some great, new generation, inexpensive, high definition cameras like the $200.00 Flip HD. Learn how to edit and put your exposé’ up on YouTube for the world to see. It is really easy to do!

Don’t be afraid to jump in front of your own camera tell your story.
Be sure to use the YouTube Tag line so people searching on Google can zero in on the names and subject matter of your reports.

Why allow waste and corruption when you have the power to stop it? Why allow injustice when you can expose the truth? Technology has given us the greatest tools ever to protect and defend liberty and we all have a duty to use them.

Once you have that camera, don’t leave home without it!

An American Presidency Built On A Lie…

Washington, DC—I can’t imagine that anyone was really that stupid to believe this pretender’s claims to never raise taxes. Barack Obama did what all crooked politicians do best; lie to the voters just to get elected.

Obama has been closely following the Marxist playbook; Das Kapatal and can only succeed with his government model with a totally dependent and impoverished population. Marxists judge their success on how well they keep their population orderly and silent through heavy handed police state tactics.

We all know that with Obama’s non-stop bailouts, massive efforts to end free enterprise, cap and trade scam, the hostile takeover of the health care and insurance industries enormous tax increases would enslave every American.

It is time to rid ourselves of this fraudulent President and start over. Polls show many Americans that voted for him, are now remorseful. Obama is well past the point of no return before he completed the first year of his term.

In case you missed it watch this despot as he repeats his campaign lie.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Website For Hate Mongers Of The Looney Left!

If you want to see the reality of extreme hatred of Americans who want to preserve Liberty and Freedom in America, the pathetic souls at, have lots of ideas to offer for their vision of America.

They seem so desperate to silence Americans finding their voice and making their Congress aware that they don’t want a Communist United States.

They are a dangerous bunch, which seems anxious to bring on violence against Conservatives. The whack jobs at believe free speech is only for them.

Visit The democraticunderground hate site here.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Rise in militia groups across the county, sound the alarm!

Montgomery, AL—The Southern Poverty Law Center is warning of a, Second Wave of the militia movement inside the United States. They call the militia movements anti-government, but are they really? Are they really just trying to preserve our form of government that’s been under constant attack by Marxist operatives?

The SPLC has long been known for their Communist leanings under the guise of protecting the poor and disenfranchised minority groups. In fairness they have diligently worked against real crimes committed by such groups at the KKK and various neo-Nazi groups.

The problem with the SPLC is they lump Conservative Americans or anyone who opposes their own Marxist agenda as hate mongers. They have zero credibility as they goad government and law enforcement officials to wage war on gun owners and those seeking to reduce the size of government and extortionate taxation.

The SPLC has just issued and distributed a new report claiming the Second Wave of the militia groups is building after being dormant during the years of the Bush Administration. Perhaps the rise against long held American principals and basic freedom by government Leftists is fertilizing the militia groups. In any event the sentiment among angry taxpaying and loyal Americans is feeding a movement that is ready to explode.

Americans have been buying record amounts of guns, ammunition and survival equipment as the Red Menace of the Obama Cabal has taken over government. Contrary to what is believed by our media pundits, it is not from worrying about new gun prohibitions but they have been preparing for a potential Civil War.

Most taxpaying Americans are absolutely horrified by the un-American business bailouts, seizure of banks and businesses, that bogus Cap and Trade tax scam and the hostile takeover of the medical and insurance industries. This is nothing but the ongoing destruction of the American way of life and form of government under the leadership of tyrants and traitors.

We need people to train and be ready to stop the Communist takeover of America. The traitors will not peacefully cease their attack on America. Soon there will be the “last straw” and traitors will begin to pay dearly for their deeds.

Yes, the Second Wave is here and they will not tolerate any more Waco or Ruby Ridge style operations against fellow Americans.

There is a peaceful solution and that to simply end this ongoing Communist revolution in America.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Gettin’ Old and Can’t always remember?

You are not alone! Just find yourself a support group and a middle-aged mistral to help you cope.

Hysterical Response To An Armed Man Is Fun To Watch

Portsmouth, NHChairman Barack Obama went to town hall meeting in the, Live Free Or Die state of New Hampshire.

An anti-Obama protester, William Kostrick was present in a position well outside the meeting hall with a loaded and holstered handgun. That was his unquestionable right except in the eyes of some people who went absolutely berserk at the simple display. The man also carried a sign with a quote from a great American, Thomas Jefferson that was and is still provocative.

Freedom is here because as George Orwell said, “Men sleep peacefully in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”

Freedom is being threatened by the Obama regime and the threat is not idle. He and his un-American cabal has begun dismantling free enterprise, our entire monetary system and is moving to place Americans under the yoke of Socialist slavery.

We still have the right to peaceably assemble with the right to keep and bear arms. Both rights of these rights are under attack by the same people who support Obama and all his Marxist programs.

The Secret Service understands our laws and a presidential visit, does not trump freedom. They live with the law and yes some people want to and have killed our presidents. These agents have worked around a free society since the organization was created in 1865. It’s a tough job sometimes.

I once got to meet a United States President, Jimmy Carter and I carried a legal concealed weapon to the meeting. It was a real non-event other than I was under the watchful eyes of the Secret Service. Okay, I was an off duty cop but never advertised it or made national news over that fact.

I guess there are lots of people who want to assume every gun is owned or carried by evil persons. People who want to preserve freedom and our way of life like me feel it’s our duty. If they continue to take our freedom the smell of gun smoke will once again be in the air. That’s exactly why we have a Second Amendment.

Perhaps it's time for American Presidents to not be dividers and accept the form of government our founding fathers gave us.