Saturday, April 04, 2009

Video: Muslims beat girl, 17, in Islamic stronghold of Swat, Pakistan

Swat, Pakistan--I watched this sickening and horrible video of a vicious beating of this girl. Her screams are bone chilling. Her crime or the justification, evidence for this punishment will evade anyone but a cruel sadist.

I can’t imagine what these scumbags would do to Western women if they had a chance. Islam demands this kind of horror and is still considered a religion. Of course the so-called honor killings of women are a way of life. Islam needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.

When you watch this video you will want to bomb or burn every Islamic mosque on earth to the ground. It is easy to understand the need for the Crusades.

Watch this if you can stomach the brutality.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Getting’ Ready For A Special Chicago Summer

Chicago, IL—As our economy is destroyed by Barack Obama’s Band of Bolsheviks the natives will be restless. Obama’s checks will bounce and gangs of thugs will be on the prowl. The obvious targets will be banks, jewelry stores; any cash based business along with expensive homes. Carjackers will be everywhere.

Chicago’s gun ban will leave the law-abiding citizens at the mercy of well-armed criminal gangs. The undermanned and outgunned Chicago Police Department will never be up to the task because mismanagement by Chicago’s politicians.

Another Gunman kills innocents

Binghamton, NY-Today an angry Vietnamese, armed predator trapped people in a public building and opened fire on them killing at least 12, and wounded numerous others.

As usual the shooter picked a soft target. It was in The Gun Free Zone of New York.

In the days to follow police will investigate and try to learn and tell us the motive for this mass killing. What they won’t dare say is the sad truth, that any armed and trained citizen could have stopped this event cold and saved lives.

As usual all the gun bans in New York only disarmed the law-abiding. The police were minutes away and did too little, too late. The gunman stopped himself with a self-inflicted gunshot wound before the police mustered the courage to approach him.

It’s not the duty of government to protect you and your family. That’s your job. Handing over your personal safety to a government agents via a 911 call is suicidal. That concept defies common sense. The police always arrive in time to remove the bodies and clean the mess. That’s just not good enough.

Americans have got to accept their duty for a common defense. The keeping and bearing of arms is our right. Training and quality firearms are available.

In our society there are criminals and unfortunate people who just can’t cope and are beyond the reach of help. No American need sacrifice family members or themselves to victimization. Gun bans are the problem, not a lack of them.

Obama Administration Uses Lies And Scare Tactics To Take American Gun Rights.

Washington, DCThe Barack Obama Socialist Propaganda Machine is in full swing. They are assigning blame for the guns used in Mexican crime to American gun owners and dealers. The lie is being spread with the help of eager media outlets that 90% of the weapons used by Mexican criminals are from the USA.

The obvious effort is to obtain public support to planned efforts to ban gun ownership by the lawless Obama minions. The outrageous lie was uncovered by FOX NEWS.

My long time friend, William La Jeunesse reports on the story below:

Great Video Primer On Our Right To Keep And Carry Arms In America

Great Video Primer On Our Right To Keep And Carry Arms In America
This film speaks well for itself. All of our freedoms are under attack more than ever. Every level of government is resorting to extortion to provide just what we don’t need. What we do need is the freedom so may brave men and women gave their lives protecting. It looks like we will have to again fight and die protecting freedom from our current politicians.

Sit back and enjoy the three-part film below!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Chicago Police Stand Up Against Mayor Daley’s Olympic Bid

Chicago, IL—All the Olympic Games are to Mayor Richard M. Daley is an event providing an endless supply of political extortion opportunities. Contractors will be lining up to overload City Hall bagman with cash or they won’t be allowed to participate in city work.

The Daley-Burke Machine is looking at this event to pay off for them from committee selection day forward, like a slot machine. This exactly what these clowns don’t need or deserve.

Chicago police officers have been working with greatly reduced manpower, without a contract and working conditions worsen every day. At the same time Daley and the City Council have no problem rewarding campaign contributors with hefty chunks of taxpayer money.

The only way things can possibly improve is for the current city administration takes a long much needed vacation at Club Fed. The cop’s morale has never been lower in many decades. I expect the worst summer ever for Chicago as the Obama checks begin to bounce.

Former IL Gov Rod Blagojevich Has Been Indicted!

Chicago, IL--The other shoe fell on the former Illinois Governor Rod R. Blagojevich. It is impossible to believe that these defendants don't have information to bring the Whitehous down before this is all over.

Defendants and charges are as follows:
United States v. Rod R. Blagojevich, et al., 08 CR 888 (N.D. IL)
Rod R. Blagojevich, 52, of Chicago
Christopher Kelly, 50, of Burr Ridge
Alonzo Monk, 50, of Park Ridge
William F. Cellini, Sr., 74, of Springfield
John Harris, 47, of Chicago
Robert Blagojevich, 53, of Nashville, Tenn.
Charges: Count(s) Defendant(s)
Racketeering conspiracy Count 1 Blagojevich and Kelly
Wire fraud Counts 2-12 Blagojevich (2-12)
Harris (4)
Monk (11)
Robt. Blagojevich (3, 12)
Fraud conspiracy Count 13 Cellini and Kelly
Extortion conspiracy Count 14 Cellini and Kelly
Attempted extortion Count 15 Cellini and Kelly
Attempted extortion Count 16 Blagojevich
Extortion conspiracy Count 17 Blagojevich
Attempted extortion Count 18 Blagojevich
False statements Count 19 Blagojevich
Forfeiture Blagojevich
Penalties (maximum on each count): Imprisonment Fine*
Racketeering conspiracy 20 years $250,000
Wire fraud &
Fraud conspiracy 20 years $250,000
Extortion conspiracy &
Attempted extortion 20 years $250,000
False statements 5 years $250,000
* Note – On some counts, an alternative maximum fine of twice the gross gain to any
defendant or twice the gross loss to any victim, whichever is greater, may apply. If convicted,
the Court would determine the appropriate sentence to impose under the advisory United
States Sentencing Guidelines. The defendants are presumed innocent and are entitled to a fair
trial at which the government has the burden of proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt

The Press Release from the US Attorney:
The actual 75 page indictment:
Blago Indictment Publish at Scribd or explore others: Business & Law Other rights corruption

The Phil Spector Jury Gets More Time To Engage In Misconduct

Los Angeles, CA--The Phil Spector murder trial jury returned to a four-day holiday only to deliberate a half day yesterday and they have been released by Judge Larry Paul Fidler until Monday. One juror claims to be ill and instead of replacing him with an alternate juror they have been sent home.

Will those jurors be able to stay away from the Internet? Will they be able to avoid the loads of published material that has been ruled off limits for the trial? I say there is no chance in Hell that will be the case.

Judge Fidler is doing all he can to taint this jury into convicting Phil Spector. Letting this jury to avoid timely deliberations can only work against Phil Spector and his right to a fair trial.

Hollywood’s Leftist Film Making Control Can Be Sidestepped

Hollywood, CA—I’ve been peddling a film, Come Friday that’s based on a real Chicago policewoman’s story for a few years now.

I’ve had big problems getting the film produced because it involves a Black serial rapist that stalked and attacked scores of pretty White women. The rapist was arrested after a prolific wave of sexual cruelty and beat all of the charges in court on a legal technicality.

The rapist was freed only to select the wrong beautiful young White woman for his horrible violence. She was an off-duty recruit policewoman and she was somehow able to stop this predator forever.

I had several offers to make the film if I would agree to change the race of either the rapist or his victims. They told me that the audience could not handle the explosive racial reality of this real 1973 event. I refused to make theat change and as a result I’m still in search of funding for this project.

The Big Hollywood talent agencies control everything from the casting, production and distribution of films. They are deeply committed to the far Left of politics and fight to control the standard for political correctness in film making. That is starting to change.

Today the art and science of film making is much more common and the price for the equipment to make films has dramatically decreased. Chicago or any large city in the world can replace Hollywood as the film capitol.

Yes there were a few films that were made violating the rules of Hollywood and had great success. Death Wish and Dirty Harry gave American’s a different idea on fighting crime. You can count the films with a conservative or politically incorrect point of view on your fingers.

There is a lot more to Conservatism than being tough on criminals that are in real stories played out in history that deserve to be brought to the silver screen.

More and more the movie theaters are being replaced by the home theater. Distribution is becoming democratized by the DVD and other digital forms. The movie theater owners are getting desperate to attract and keep patrons anyway they can. Like never before money talks, even Conservative money.

There is a somewhat small group of Conservatives in Hollywood and I met many of them at a dinner honoring Medal of Honor winners at the Reagan Presidential Library a few weeks ago. For me attending this event was a treat of a lifetime. Meeting he greatest living military heroes and the best of Hollywood honoring them in one place was way beyond cool.

Money for Conservative themed movies will make a difference in the political climate and our culture.

Today’s American Tea Parties Lack Gusto

Boston, MA—It was held on December 16, 1773 at Boston Harbor. A group of American patriots protested a tax on tea that was nowhere near as outrageous as what politicians have saddled us with today. The colonists committed serious crimes to make their point. Had they been captured, the Boston Tea Party protesters would have been hanged.

The colonists forcably boarded three of the King’s ships and damaged a significant amount of property. It became an historic moment that showed the world that Americans were mad as Hell and not going to take anymore.

Today several thousand people show up to protest and are arrogantly ignored as they chant a little. These modern protests lack any signs that these people mean business. Little more than insignificant whining will never be recognized or noticed by anyone.

Within a few months of the real Boston Tea Party the King and Parliament responded by pushing back with laws affecting freedom and liberty. Things deteriorated so bad that with great loss of life and lots of unspeakable suffering the United States of America became the sweet fruit of a revolution.

Unfortunately, before disenfranchised taxpayers will get the attention of their elected officials significant destruction or loss of life must happen. We must be prepared for a crackdown on liberty and even more abuse. Frankly the Obama Administration will never get the cooperation from the cops and military they have already alienated to take violent action against taxpayers.

As for my fellow Americans we must step up our resolve to engage in much riskier protests or prepare to be ignored.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Parking Meter Rebellion Has Mayor Daley On the Ropes!

Chicago, IL—Chicago patriots have been destroying meters, boycotting parking on city streets and the private company can’t deal with their nightmare. Mayor Richard M. Daley is on the ropes for this terrible corrupt parking disaster.

Now is no time to soften up! As long as there are still working meters the extortion against residents and visitors of Chicago will be standard operating procedure.

Making war on the meters will cause the contractor to fail and void the contract. I hope this is only the beginning of taxpayers saying no to government. A good hammer, lots of Crazy Glue, slugs and eye protection are the weapons of this war. Cordless drills, saws and heavy trucks work really well to strike at this enemy.

Remember Chicago, don’t snitch on meter vandals. If you ever get jury duty for a meter vandal the verdict is always NOT GUILTY! Keep up the good work!

Here is an instructinstructional video on how to fix Chicago's parking meters.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Mexico Won’t engage In joint US Border Patrols Why Should We Help Them?

Mexico City, Mexico-- Mexican President Felipe Calderon has ruled out joint patrols to stop smuggling and violence along the US-Mexico border.

It’s very simple; Mexico has only exported violence, narcotics and poverty to the United States. This worthless banana republic deserves no aid and all of their trespassers returned at once. Corrupt American politicians will never let that happen.

Mexico is corrupt through and through and unfortunately so is our own government.

Americans have no choice but to take control of their own government by demanding the sealing of our border to prevent further spread of the Mexican Drug War onto our soil.

To set an example we must demand the resignations and removals of the likes of Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Christopher Dodd, Arlen Specter and the others deeply involved in America’s financial failure. We also need to oust anyone in government promoting violation of American immigration laws.

Things Go Better With Coke! VP Joe Biden’s Daughter Caught on Tape

Wilmington, DE-Last month somebody claimed to have used a video camera to capture the Vice President Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley Biden snorting lines of white powder that was allegedly cocaine. That photographer is looking to peddle his prize for some big cash.

This scandal is being ignored by the dying Leftist media who are lockstep with the Barack Obama Administration. Remember the shabby media treatment VP candidate Sarah Palin received because her 17 year-old, unmarried daughter was knocked up? I thought the use of an illegal narcotic drug was much worse; it is after all a felony. Getting knocked up is no crime unless your mom is running for office against a Leftist sacred cow like Obama.

Perhaps it’s because their Bolshevik hero, Barack Obama describes his own cocaine use in his autobiography they are ignoring this criminal act.

Remember that picture of swimming champ Michael Phelps taking a hit from a marijuana bong? He was crucified over a soft drug but Ashley Biden get’s a free ride. I guess if you’re connected with the Obama Administration things do go better with coke!

An Update: So far no news agency has paid for or published this video. The lawyer assisting the seller has quit. Now it’s reported by Radar Online that the woman in the photo was someone that looked like Ashley Biden and that the allegation was false.

If this is the case I look for this creep to face federal charges for wire fraud for trying to scam the news agencies.

Glen Beck And His Message

New York, NY—Fox News has showcased the talent of a 45 year-old modern version of Paul Revere. Glen Beck is warning America that the country is under an attack by Communists seeking world domination. The problem is a whole gang of them have been elected and are in at least temporary command.

Beck is energizing Americans while reminding them that they, not elected officials are in charge. That’s the way our government was designed. Beck is simply telling Americans to make their voices heard.

Make no mistake; Beck is an accomplished showman who makes a lot of sense. To the likes of Barack Obama, and his merry band of Bolsheviks, Beck is a serious threat. Beck will be targeted for removal any way they can make it happen. Beck is shaking up the airwaves on both radio and television.

Getting Americans unified and empowered so they can keep their freedom and liberty is no easy task. The IPod and Xbox generation don’t realize their wealth and comfort came from the blood of millions of brave Americans defending the freedom they enjoy. Freedom has been under attack in every society since the beginning of the human race.

Communists need walls to keep their population from voting with their feet to escape that form of slavery. If there is a single Communist world government with no place to escape they know it will be easier to control the population with an iron fist.

We need more Glen Becks, but can Americans handle the truth?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano Is Obstructing Justice

Washington, DC—It’s usually a serious felony to obstruct a federal officer in the performance of his or her duty. Nobody changed the law but the former Arizona Governor, Janet Napolitano is taking the law into her own hands to satisfy her own personal anti-American agenda. This lawless director has halted ICE raids on suspected illegal aliens.

I can’t imagine why this woman with zero law enforcement or military experience has been given the job to protect our homeland. Napolitano is a run of the mill lawyer and former US attorney whose best qualification is being a Democratic politician.

If government agents don’t like the laws they must wait until they are changed by Congress or struck down by the courts before they can ignore them.

Any law enforcement officer that refuses to adhere to the oath of office they took upon appointment should be removed and is this case of actual obstruction should be charged with a crime.

Read more here.

Lana Clarkson’s Life and Death OnThe Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

Venice, CA—In a tiny cottage here lived Lana Clarkson. She was a great looking glamorous lady. She sought work as an actress/entertainer with limited success. In Hollywood you either have an agent or you are unemployed. Agents are difficult to obtain even for very talented people. Clarkson needed an agent.

Lana Clarkson was not particularly talented but talent is not a requirement to make it in this town if you have the looks. There is no formula, but getting famous before your famous helps a lot. Hollywood was the birthplace of the publicity stunt. The trick is to pull one off without getting arrested. Actress and comedienne, Carol Channing was always a champ of the PR stunts.

Lana Clarkson had one B-movie, starring role and little to brag about or more importantly, pay the rent. I know many like Lana here in L.A. that are emotionally hurting while waiting to fulfill a dream.

Hollywood is unforgiving about age. For women it is doubly true. Clarkson turned 40, a milestone of old age for any actress. For an actress that has not achieved the desired career it is devastating.

Clarkson had another problem that destroyed her hope and that was a horrible fall that fractured both of her wrists crippling her for months in the recent time frame before her tragic death.

Lana became dependent upon pain killers for her emotional pain as well as the physical pain. Alcohol was also a big problem but still Clarkson tried to cope in an untenable situation.

Clarkson was forced to take a minimum wage job serving the people that she hoped were her peers. The earnings for that job were insufficient to pay for her cottage, a car with insurance, her utilities, food and her Vicadin addiction.

Clarkson had the looks and appeal to be a great porn star but sidestepped that temptation. That to me shows she was making a better choice.

Her job as a hostess at the House of Blues put her face to face with aging music legend Phil Spector. Clarkson did not know Phil Spector, but joined him at his home after work. I’m convinced this was an opportunity to supplement her income with a low profile act of prostitution. There’s no question Clarkson needed any money she could get.

I don’t condemn Clarkson for doing what she had to do in order to try and survive. It should have never been a matter for public consumption. Hollywood is full of part-time hookers that later became stars. Many wanted to be stars but wound up as hookers and porn stars instead.

There are other unflattering things that came out about Clarkson. She often raided medicine cabinets of her friends in search of drugs for her addiction. She swindled several friends out of as much as $60,000.00 to finance a vanity film she wanted to use as a demo to showcase her act. The demo tape was an entertainment disaster. I’m sure she expected her stalled career to move and she’d pay back her friends in full. It just did not happen.

Clarkson’s hopes and dreams evaporated. A 40 year old woman with no marketable skills was out of luck and money. That left her even more despondent and hurting. This is incredibly sad but often repeated scenario in Hollywood. If someone could have whispered to Clarkson before she left school, “Lana, don’t quit, stay in school.” Maybe there would have been a much better ending.

While very drunk in Spector’s home Clarkson found a gun. I’m convinced horseplay began and an accident or suicide resulted. There were no witnesses. People are left to guess, speculate or wonder what really happened.

Found by police on a sink, were a pair of false eyelashes. On Phil Spector’s Scrotum Saliva belong to Clarkson was found. On one of Clarkson’s breasts Spector’s Saliva was found. This supports the prostitution angle since she was a stranger to Phil Spector.

Clarkson’s friends and family have been in immense pain. They blame the record producer just because he’s an easy target. The evidence for murder or manslaughter is just not there. Lana Clarkson is not coming back. She’s dead.

I grieve for Clarkson’s mother and sister. They did not deserve their loss. There is nothing for them to do but move on and make the best of their lives. We are all in this together and none of us will be leaving this world alive.

I hope people can still smile about some good times with Lana Clarkson. I’m sure there must be some great memories.

Clarkson should live on in an image she created of the hopeful starlet that had beauty and worth even though she was never properly recognized on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams.

Could A Conservative Republican Mayor be Elected In Chicago?

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Chicago, IL—Impossible you say? Not really, the city is such a total mess right now it could be the only hope.

Imagine a new mayor who will offer two thirds reductions on taxes while ripping out those extortionate parking meters to bring needed businesses back into the city?

Imagine a mayor who will lower sales taxes below the suburban areas to bring new shoppers, life and wealth into this once great city?

How about a mayor who would allow a developer to bring back a larger and better Meigs Field Airport to the lakefront and the revenue it once generated?

How about a mayor dedicated to seeing all of Chicago’s dangerous, slums civilized and gentrified.

How about a mayor that would facilitate the return of horses and affordable stables to the Chicago Park District?

How about a mayor that would offer significant financial incentives to film makers so they locate or bring their business and jobs to the city? (I know one film I want to make in the Windy City!)

How about a Mayor looking for every possible way to reduce taxes and make Chicago a good value as a city rather than the Socialist Hell it’s become.

How about a mayor that would return a larger and better Lincoln Park Gun Club to the Lakefront?

How about a Mayor that would encourage concealed weapons permits for the law-abiding making Chicago hostile to muggers, rapists and killers?

How about a mayor who will dismantle the worthless and expensive city gun registration system duplicated by the state firearm licence required of all gun owners?

It’s time for a mayor that will return Chicago to its rightful place as the City of Broad Shoulders poet Carl Sandberg wrote about.

It could happen! He or she should be Conservative, young, vital and look good on Youtube!

If this happened Chicago would be the greatest city in the world!

Legalization Of Narcotics Will Destroy Criminal Organizations

Let me apologize for the gruesome and graphic photo here. This is one of hundreds law enforcement officers have sent me to show just what’s going on in our border towns. I used this photo because it’s of poor quality compared to the other photos and videos that show this sickening horror fueled by our American Drug War. If you are shocked, that was my intention because we as a country have the power to stop this carnage. We must stop this now.

Washington, DC—With so many hundreds of billions of dollars wasted on the so called Drug War America’s addiction for narcotics is stronger than ever.

The forced treatment programs for those addicts arrested just don’t work. For treatment to work it must come as a result of desire by the addicted to get cured. Prison has proven to be counterproductive since all the likeminded addicts are together and exchange ideas on furthering their drug activities.

The real victims are not the addicts. They are the thousands murdered every year by criminals committing crimes so they can pay the Drug War fueled extreme prices for the banned substances. The other victims are the taxpayers, businesses damaged by crime and the vast underground cash drug economy.

The worst people from the drug countries invaded our borders to profit, murder, and exploit the conditions the Drug Prohibition has delivered.

The Drug War is a solid example of how good intentions bring unexpected results. The only people that benefit are the Drug Lords and Drug Czars.

Because of government failure Mexico needs the Drug War for their economy. Mexico would have failed long ago without the constant flow of cash and jobs related to narcotics. At the same time American government officials have profited handsomely with government contractors who are also political campaign contributors raiding our treasury.

Narcotics not used for under the direction of medical providers should be deregulated. The cost to addicts will drop to that of sugar or coffee. The bloodshed will end, and the criminal organizations will fold. The flow of criminals into the United States will dramatically decrease without the illegal drug trade.

Narcotics enforcement here should simply be through zoning laws and existing laws for protection of children, public intoxication or impaired driving.

If there was any data at all that showed the Drug War reduced demand by Americans there might be justification for this crusade. The exact opposite is true as the demand and prices have increased along with the Drug Holocaust happening today along the Mexican Border.

A side note: For those who don’t remember or never knew America West Airlines exists today because of the drug smuggling efforts and invested profits of four founding airline pilots. They were apprehended and sent to Club Fed but their airline continued.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Spector Jury Under Cutting Edge Defense Investigation Scrutiny

Los Angeles, CA—Jurors are on a four day holiday until Wednesday when they return to Judge Larry Paul Fidler’s jury room to determine the fate of legendary record producer, Phil Spector.

What the jury does not know their Internet activities have been closely monitored for violations of the court’s order to avoid conversations along with any form of publication involving Spector and any witnesses.

Cutting edge surveillance devices have already exposed some jury Internet surfing and e-mails. The involved jurors will only have to face the music for this behavior should Spector be convicted.

If there is a conviction on any count the defense will move for a mistrial and present their evidence. A single incident will be sufficient to obtain a mistrial and a third trial would be likely. Should Spector be acquitted or the jury hangs, the defense will not need to reveal whatever they know about jury misconduct.

Any members of the jury exposed for misconduct will have a serious problem with Judge Fidler. Considering the cost of Spector’s trial it will be understandable.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Barack Obama Is Public Enemy Number One!

Washington, DC—As the Obama Administration is raping our free market system; his staffers have floated their incredibly outrageous, dangerous and destructive ideas endangering the way of life and safety of Americans. .

The Secretary of Treasury is open to the idea of discontinuing the dollar and adopting a new world currency issued by a totalitarian Communist nation. The Attorney General is planning to bring the most onerous infringements on the right to keep and bears arms ever in America. The National Intelligence Director now wants to release dangerous Guantanamo inmates trained to kill Americans on our own soil and give them free money. Americans are being taxed beyond the level of extortion.

This was not the platform Barack Obama expressed during his political campaign. Had he expressed these ideas Obama would never been elected. His true colors are showing now. Now that it’s too late to take back those votes.

Barack Obama clearly wants to see America weak, defenseless and broken as a nation. If this miscreant holding the office of President is not stopped cold we will all become prisoners, slaves or be killed. Had any American politicians or officials engaged in this kind of behavior at any other time in our history they’d have been arrested, tried and executed as traitors.

Frankly I’m wondering just what will be the last straw be that will cause Americans to use force and violence to stop the treason by Barack Obama and his administration?