Los Angeles, CA—For the past several days in California the Gay marriage proponents are fighting mad learning about a fight for rights. Voters just passed a ballot provision to outlaw Gay Marriage. I’m no more sympathetic about Gay rights than most Gays are about protecting my gun rights.
Rights are rights and worth shedding blood to keep and protect. Do Gays have a right to be married in the legal sense? No, the Constitution had not provided for that. Should they have that right? Yes, if they can get Americans to create that right under our Constitution. Until then it must be a state by state issue.
I did not grow up to accept gays or their strange lifestyle. As an adult I learned they are human and more importantly the checks I’ve gotten from Gay clients spend just as fast as the ones I get from my straight clients.
Later I learned to tolerate Gays and I have no interest in controlling what they do behind closed doors. Allright, if they're hot looking lesbians I want to watch. We are a diverse society and yes there are Gays that are staunch defenders of our Second Amendment rights, hence the Gay gun association known as the Pink Pistols.
My religion is just, that, my religion and I don’t expect any others to follow my church teachings.
Gay marriage troubles me for one simple reason. It will add yet another large group to recipients of our already bankrupt Social Security system. If we could trade off the illegal aliens, drug addicts and people who never paid into the system I’d go for gay marriage in a heartbeat.
Would the right to life groups trade taxpayer funded birth control medical services for an end to abortion on demand? Can you imagine if the right to life crowd, gun owners and Gays all joined forces as a single political force to protect each other’s rights? It would be a happier and better world for sure.
How about a single Constitutional Amendment that would create an actual right to life for the unborn, marriage for Gays and absolute Gun Rights for the law-abiding, sane and sober with total elimination of all Gun Free Zones? I know we are all better off with more liberty rather than less. Okay that’s not possible and will never happen.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
The Obama Memorial Where And How Big?
Washington, DC. –They have them everywhere, memorials to dead politicians. The grandest of them all was that artistic structure at the opposite end of the vast Capitol Mall from the Capitol building.
The 16th President and the most divisive one our history caught a lead ball in the brain as he watched a play in Ford’s Theater. The killer was no disturbed whack job but a Southern Patriot exacting revenge for Abraham Lincoln’s reign of terror that killed so many people over a really simple issue.
The Southern states simply wanted independence from Lincoln’s political agenda and policies strangling them. There was no need for war, death and destruction. It’s the winners however that write the history books and build memorials like the one they erected for Lincoln.
We will all die too soon. Aside from illness and old age, Presidents have around a ten percent chance of becoming statistics based on violent American history. Barack Obama will soon ascend to the Whitehouse disliked more than any President in my lifetime. Obama’s detractors loathe him because of his color.
It’s not Obama’s dark skin color but the Red color of his vile Marxist politics. I don’t see a way in the world Obama will survive the next four years.
The killing Obama would be an exercise in futility, since waiting in the wings to take over that office is Joe Biden and then Nancy Pelosi. That, plus the kind of a backlash the Liberals in power would punish Conservatives with would be on par with post Civil War reconstruction.
Obama should not be given that kind of importance. What needs to happen, is for Americans wake up and oust every last Bolshevik in two years at the ballot box. With any luck Obama will prove to be an unpopular one term mistake like Jimmy Carter. Come January 20, 2009 it will be a great time for foreign governments to kidnap and kill Americans, because Obama can be counted upon to do absolutely nothing about those kinds of provocations.
Obama needs to be forgotten and dumped in a landfill with other dead Communists when he dies of old age.
The 16th President and the most divisive one our history caught a lead ball in the brain as he watched a play in Ford’s Theater. The killer was no disturbed whack job but a Southern Patriot exacting revenge for Abraham Lincoln’s reign of terror that killed so many people over a really simple issue.
The Southern states simply wanted independence from Lincoln’s political agenda and policies strangling them. There was no need for war, death and destruction. It’s the winners however that write the history books and build memorials like the one they erected for Lincoln.
We will all die too soon. Aside from illness and old age, Presidents have around a ten percent chance of becoming statistics based on violent American history. Barack Obama will soon ascend to the Whitehouse disliked more than any President in my lifetime. Obama’s detractors loathe him because of his color.
It’s not Obama’s dark skin color but the Red color of his vile Marxist politics. I don’t see a way in the world Obama will survive the next four years.
The killing Obama would be an exercise in futility, since waiting in the wings to take over that office is Joe Biden and then Nancy Pelosi. That, plus the kind of a backlash the Liberals in power would punish Conservatives with would be on par with post Civil War reconstruction.
Obama should not be given that kind of importance. What needs to happen, is for Americans wake up and oust every last Bolshevik in two years at the ballot box. With any luck Obama will prove to be an unpopular one term mistake like Jimmy Carter. Come January 20, 2009 it will be a great time for foreign governments to kidnap and kill Americans, because Obama can be counted upon to do absolutely nothing about those kinds of provocations.
Obama needs to be forgotten and dumped in a landfill with other dead Communists when he dies of old age.
Cops As Soldiers In The War On Gun Owners
Cops everywhere sign on to enforce the law and keep the peace. As a cop you take an oath of office to defend the state and federal Constitutions and to faithfully perform your duties. Your first duty is that of a protector. Arresting people for petty gun violations and confiscating their only protection is counter-productive and in serious conflict with that effort.
In many cities there is a serious conflict between the Constitutions and the gun laws passed by politicians. Americans have a right to keep and bear arms and too often politicians simply refuse to accept that and want you to knowingly violate their Civil Rights. It’s time to put the Constitution before politicians and their ignorant whims.
No matter if you’re a local cop or an agent with the BATFE simply stop arresting people for vague technical violations and carrying guns for self-protection. Instead concentrate on criminals with guns or those fools introducing guns into arguments, drug dens or involved in other misbehavior.
A good beginning is to back off those middle-aged gun collectors for failure to register or those with guns in the Gun Free Zones unless other criminality or unjustified violence is involved.
This is a way you can do your part to keep a safe and strong America. You also give these Americans a better ability to survive a criminal attack. Nobody will give you Department Commendations for this but you will be in a better position when you get your turn at St. Peter’s gate.
In many cities there is a serious conflict between the Constitutions and the gun laws passed by politicians. Americans have a right to keep and bear arms and too often politicians simply refuse to accept that and want you to knowingly violate their Civil Rights. It’s time to put the Constitution before politicians and their ignorant whims.
No matter if you’re a local cop or an agent with the BATFE simply stop arresting people for vague technical violations and carrying guns for self-protection. Instead concentrate on criminals with guns or those fools introducing guns into arguments, drug dens or involved in other misbehavior.
A good beginning is to back off those middle-aged gun collectors for failure to register or those with guns in the Gun Free Zones unless other criminality or unjustified violence is involved.
This is a way you can do your part to keep a safe and strong America. You also give these Americans a better ability to survive a criminal attack. Nobody will give you Department Commendations for this but you will be in a better position when you get your turn at St. Peter’s gate.
Investing In A Feature Film May Be A Good Idea Today.
Los Angeles, CA—As our economy s being flushed down the toilet along with our retirement and 401K plans we look in other directions for our money that's left. Whereever we put our money it is risky these days.
Movie investing in considered somewhat risky but people do that and sometimes do it very well. For it to work you need a very trustworthy bean counter that will protect the investors.
Not long ago I was chatting with actor James Woods about my own film offering on the life of the late but heroic Chicago Policewoman Ann Leybourne, Come Friday. This amazing story still needs to be told and hit the big screen.
Woods told me about former LAPD cop, Joseph Wambaugh’s 1979 film he was in, The Onion Field. Woods played LA cop killer, Gregory Powell.
At the time Wambaugh was disillusioned and pissed off at Hollywood after they took one of his better books, The Choirboys and made an unsalable and unwatchable movie mess of it.
There were hard feelings at the time and Wambaugh wanted to tell the intriguing and horrific 1963 saga of two career criminals that abducted two LAPD detectives after a traffic stop. The two killers were able to abduct the detectives and brought them to a Bakersfield, CA area onion field. One officer, Ian Campbell was executed by Powell and his sidekick, Jimmy Lee Smith. The second detective Karl Hettenger somehow managed to escape and eventually testified against the two kidnapping-killing thugs.
Wambuagh crafted this compelling story into a book and screenplay and nobody in Hollywood wanted to touch it. The onion Field sat undisturbed for years until Wambuagh was able to get retired cops to invest in the project. That had never been done before. Even more than a great feature film was born, the old coppers made a handsome profit.
Woods should have won an Academy Award for his portrayal of the despicable killer Gregory Powell. Woods was absolutely unforgettable as he played the hateful murdering bum who is still alive in a California prison today. Powell now 84 years-old credits Wambaugh's movie about the crime for his never getting a chance at parole. Fellow killer Jimmy Lee Smith was paroled in 1983 but kept violating and getting returned until his 2007 death at age 76 while in LA County custody on yet another violation.
The cop killing duo originally were sent by a judge and jury to suck some gas at San Quentin but the California Supreme court prevented that from happening.
As for the surviving cop, Hettinger lived with severe bouts of depression, always ashamed for having run from the scene. The LAPD bosses wrongfully treated him as a coward.
Later in life, Hettinger seemed somewhat better adjusted. He won an appointment as a Kern County supervisor in 1987. Hettinger died in 1994 of cirrhosis of the liver, at 59 having never really escaped from that terrible onion filed.
As for Come Friday which is about a beautiful young, recruit policewoman, Ann Leybourne and a cunning career criminal, serial rapist and a kidnapping gone very wrong. That story needs to be told. Perhaps as James Wood’s suggested the funding may come from an unusual source like retired cops.
I can be reached through My profile about Come Friday.
A side note: That wildly popular TV series The Twilight Zone sat in a lonely file cabinet for nearly 13 years before someone took a chance and produced the series.
Here is the story behind Come Friday.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
San Diego Is Host to The IACP
San Diego is always worthy of a visit. Any excuse to trek to this seaside community is a good one.
The International Association of Chiefs of Police is there today and until November 12. Police bosses from all over the world will be attending workshops and seminars on management, public relations and the latest tools used to combat the changing face of crime.
I ran into at least one Chicago police boss who said he was not supposed to attend. His identity is safe for now but others will see him.
Also here is an exhibit hall loaded with the latest and greatest equipment departments can no longer afford.
Also missing was any kind of ideas or methods to deal with a crime wave born of the pending Great Depression of 2008 and forward.
If you can make it, do so because it is worth it. Next year the conference will be held in Denver, CO.
The International Association of Chiefs of Police is there today and until November 12. Police bosses from all over the world will be attending workshops and seminars on management, public relations and the latest tools used to combat the changing face of crime.
I ran into at least one Chicago police boss who said he was not supposed to attend. His identity is safe for now but others will see him.
Also here is an exhibit hall loaded with the latest and greatest equipment departments can no longer afford.
Also missing was any kind of ideas or methods to deal with a crime wave born of the pending Great Depression of 2008 and forward.
If you can make it, do so because it is worth it. Next year the conference will be held in Denver, CO.
Obama has Just Announced his Deadly War On Gun Owners
That Bolshevik Bastard America has elected has already announced his plans to gut the Second Amendment. This is from the Obama Transaction Team setting the agenda for a War on Gun Owners that they consider “commonsense”:
“Address Gun Violence in Cities: As president, Barack Obama would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals who shouldn't have them. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets.”
This is the same old mild sounding rhetoric the radical gun banners have been using for decades. As usual they’re claiming their only going after criminals when they’re really trying to make criminals out of gun owners.
Get ready for a new round of very bloody raids like the one on Randy Weaver or the Branch Davidians. The jackbooted, bucket helmeted thugs will be knocking on doors again more than ever. How many American men, women and children will they kill during resistance to un-Constitutional gun bans and civil rights violations?
Will this be the first American President to be tried and hanged for treason?
Here is the transition team’s current agenda to end our 232 year-old American experiment.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Skyrocketing Gun Sales Are About More Than Fears Of New Gun Controls
The Marxists will soon be in charge as they begin their reign in January. They were elected by a relatively small percentage of America’s population that bothered to vote.
New gun bans will be at the top of their lists because guns in the hands of private citizens are a threat to the insatiable Marxist thirst for total control of the population.
Obama will install only gun-rights haters to the Supreme Court we can expect to overturn Heller and abolish the Second Amendment. The Marxists will have a majority on the court in short order.
The surge of gun buyers is for three reasons, anticipation of a gun ban, a crime wave instigated by the economy and the election of hard corps Bolsheviks to run this country.
Marshall Law and suspension of our Constitution may be on the horizon over the economy and resistance by too many Americans as the “change” begins. A second Civil War may well be in the cards for this country.
New gun bans will be at the top of their lists because guns in the hands of private citizens are a threat to the insatiable Marxist thirst for total control of the population.
Obama will install only gun-rights haters to the Supreme Court we can expect to overturn Heller and abolish the Second Amendment. The Marxists will have a majority on the court in short order.
The surge of gun buyers is for three reasons, anticipation of a gun ban, a crime wave instigated by the economy and the election of hard corps Bolsheviks to run this country.
Marshall Law and suspension of our Constitution may be on the horizon over the economy and resistance by too many Americans as the “change” begins. A second Civil War may well be in the cards for this country.
Smile Officer, You’re On Candid Camera!
A police officer in Florida has not made his best career move. He let his guard down and seemed not to notice those video surveillance cameras while “helping” a lady look for her purse.
This reminds me of a story before DNA was used as a method to determine ownership of bodily fluids left at various places.
A Chicago cop was accused of having sex with a woman in the back seat of his patrol car. IAD was called and began their investigation. They seized the back seat of the officer’s car and sent it to the crime lab to determine what if anything was left on the seat that would substantiate the complaint’s claims.
The crime lab came back with proof that a certain substance was left on the seat was in fact sperm! The officer’s career seemed over for sure.
Never underestimate the ability of a sharp lawyer! The officer’s lawyer obtained a Subpoena Duces Tecum from the Police Board and got possession of a dozen back seats of patrol cars in the officer’s district. They were sent to another lab for analysis and everyone tested positive for sperm. Politicians and police bosses were shocked at the thought that back seat sex was so commonplace for their officers.
The glib lawyer offered up a simple and clear explanation for the results. Police cars are used everyday to transport hard working prostitutes. As these hapless women sit in the back seat gravity does its thing and the donations pile up on the seats.
That Chicago police officer was cleared and eventually he went on to retire and collect his pension.
I don’t dare want to think about what’s in this officer’s future.
This reminds me of a story before DNA was used as a method to determine ownership of bodily fluids left at various places.
A Chicago cop was accused of having sex with a woman in the back seat of his patrol car. IAD was called and began their investigation. They seized the back seat of the officer’s car and sent it to the crime lab to determine what if anything was left on the seat that would substantiate the complaint’s claims.
The crime lab came back with proof that a certain substance was left on the seat was in fact sperm! The officer’s career seemed over for sure.
Never underestimate the ability of a sharp lawyer! The officer’s lawyer obtained a Subpoena Duces Tecum from the Police Board and got possession of a dozen back seats of patrol cars in the officer’s district. They were sent to another lab for analysis and everyone tested positive for sperm. Politicians and police bosses were shocked at the thought that back seat sex was so commonplace for their officers.
The glib lawyer offered up a simple and clear explanation for the results. Police cars are used everyday to transport hard working prostitutes. As these hapless women sit in the back seat gravity does its thing and the donations pile up on the seats.
That Chicago police officer was cleared and eventually he went on to retire and collect his pension.
I don’t dare want to think about what’s in this officer’s future.
We Can No Longer Afford The Luxury Of A Drug War
Our economy is in the toilet and our way of life is in substantial danger. Our country just took and wrong turn in a Marxist direction As we speak our stock market is dropping to zilch and taking all of America’s college funds, and retirement plans into the Phantom Zone.
None of us really have a clue about our own futures and that of our children. As our income begins to rapidly shrink more people will resort to crime for survival. As I write this New York City is in preparations to lay off 1000 cops in a metropolis where law-abiding citizens are denied the right to protect themselves with firearms.
The illegal drug trade is recession proof because addiction and the crime that feeds it will continue. Addicts will become more desperate and violent to quench their thirst for the hundreds of tons of drugs entering our country every month. The drug lords and government drug czars are the primary recipients of this blood money.
It’s time to legalize the possession, sake and manufacture of every common street drug. The immediate effects will be to put the worst criminals on earth into a depression of their own. The legalized drug sale profits would be on par with those selling tacos.
We could and should release every prisoner or person on probation or parole for mere possession, sale or manufacturing of drugs. The benefit of that is so we can keep the violent offenders and property criminals behind bars where they belong.
The immediate savings would be $200 billion per year. Perhaps it’s time to provide drug treatment only to those who want it since those who don’t are beyond help anyway.
I’m in possession of a really nasty video of a nearly a dozen beheaded Drug War soldiers in Mexico. It’s a really gruesome sight that I will spare my readers for now. I’m wondering when this will spread North? The drug lords are getting more vicious and greedy everyday and the only option we have the ability to hurt them economically through legalization.
The Drug War is the biggest failure and quagmire we’ve ever gotten ourselves into and it is also the easiest one to get out of.
None of us really have a clue about our own futures and that of our children. As our income begins to rapidly shrink more people will resort to crime for survival. As I write this New York City is in preparations to lay off 1000 cops in a metropolis where law-abiding citizens are denied the right to protect themselves with firearms.
The illegal drug trade is recession proof because addiction and the crime that feeds it will continue. Addicts will become more desperate and violent to quench their thirst for the hundreds of tons of drugs entering our country every month. The drug lords and government drug czars are the primary recipients of this blood money.
It’s time to legalize the possession, sake and manufacture of every common street drug. The immediate effects will be to put the worst criminals on earth into a depression of their own. The legalized drug sale profits would be on par with those selling tacos.
We could and should release every prisoner or person on probation or parole for mere possession, sale or manufacturing of drugs. The benefit of that is so we can keep the violent offenders and property criminals behind bars where they belong.
The immediate savings would be $200 billion per year. Perhaps it’s time to provide drug treatment only to those who want it since those who don’t are beyond help anyway.
I’m in possession of a really nasty video of a nearly a dozen beheaded Drug War soldiers in Mexico. It’s a really gruesome sight that I will spare my readers for now. I’m wondering when this will spread North? The drug lords are getting more vicious and greedy everyday and the only option we have the ability to hurt them economically through legalization.
The Drug War is the biggest failure and quagmire we’ve ever gotten ourselves into and it is also the easiest one to get out of.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
It’s Time To Join, Renew Or Upgrade Membership With The NRA
Washington, DC--Barack Obama and his new Congress promised us change. Look out here it comes!
In 1994 the new congressional majority sandbagged American gun owners with a ban on millions of rifles and pistols they arbitrarily labeled assault weapons based on looks and simple features. They called it the Assault Weapons Ban as they lumped with it their bogus Crime Bill that was nothing but a jobs program and Socialist giveaway.
The ban did nothing about crime or violence but snaged a bunch of middle-aged gun collectors on meaningless technicalities. Felony convictions were handed to non-violent gun collectors like candy.
After Americans were burned by the Clinton Administration and the Democrat controlled Congress, gun owners put up a political fight ousting a platoon of gun rights-hating lawmakers from the Beltway. 14 years later politicians memories have faded and they will move again to destroy the Second Amendment.
The misleading Assault Weapons Ban expired and Heller was decided in the Supreme Court because of the expanded membership in the NRA and other groups like the Second Amendment Foundation. Had these organizations not fought a huge battle our government would have seized millions of guns and put thousands of gun owners behind bars.
Take the time today to, join, renew or upgrade your membership because our guns are at the very top of Barack Obama’s and his merry band of Bolshevik's to do away with list. Make no mistake our new government will make war on gun owners. We will have many more Wacos ahead of us. After our new government is in place we can expect to see lots of jack-booted, bucket helmeted thugs kicking our doors down once again.
Join the NRA today right here.
In 1994 the new congressional majority sandbagged American gun owners with a ban on millions of rifles and pistols they arbitrarily labeled assault weapons based on looks and simple features. They called it the Assault Weapons Ban as they lumped with it their bogus Crime Bill that was nothing but a jobs program and Socialist giveaway.
The ban did nothing about crime or violence but snaged a bunch of middle-aged gun collectors on meaningless technicalities. Felony convictions were handed to non-violent gun collectors like candy.
After Americans were burned by the Clinton Administration and the Democrat controlled Congress, gun owners put up a political fight ousting a platoon of gun rights-hating lawmakers from the Beltway. 14 years later politicians memories have faded and they will move again to destroy the Second Amendment.
The misleading Assault Weapons Ban expired and Heller was decided in the Supreme Court because of the expanded membership in the NRA and other groups like the Second Amendment Foundation. Had these organizations not fought a huge battle our government would have seized millions of guns and put thousands of gun owners behind bars.
Take the time today to, join, renew or upgrade your membership because our guns are at the very top of Barack Obama’s and his merry band of Bolshevik's to do away with list. Make no mistake our new government will make war on gun owners. We will have many more Wacos ahead of us. After our new government is in place we can expect to see lots of jack-booted, bucket helmeted thugs kicking our doors down once again.
Join the NRA today right here.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Spector’s Lawyers Moves For A Mistrial Over Prosecutorial Misconduct
Los Angeles, CA—After prosecutor Alan Jackson’s cavalier smear of legendary record producer Phil Spector’s character in his opening Statement Doron Weinberg shot back with a formal motion for a mistrial.
Spector is on trial for murder in connection with the death of troubled and drug addicted, 40 year-old Lana Clarkson. The evidence seems to point a self-inflicted gunshot wound and that’s the defense.
Judge Larry Paul Fiddler has allowed Jackson to bring in any woman Spector ever employed or bedded in his 68 years to complain about what they now claim happened decades ago.
For the most part these women have been thieves, whores or gold diggers. They all seem to have become angry when Spector would not marry them or make them wealthy. None of them were ever injured or killed. Judge Fidler had the discretion not to allow any of them to testify but he did anyway.
One of the bimbos was Diane Ogden who since died in a drug overdose in Utah. Judge Fidler has allowed Ogden to testify from the grave via video tape. The jury however will not get to hear about her drug use and exactly what led to Ogden’s death.
Jackson has a huge problem, no reliable evidence so he is desparate to destroy Spector’s character in order to make the jury hate the hapless defendant. A jury that hates a defendant will convict in the absence of evidence and Jackson only knows that too well. Jackson overstepped the rules and as always you can expect Judge Fiddler who wants Spector convicted at any cost to let it slide.
Here is the Mistrial Motion:
Spector Mistrial
Spector is on trial for murder in connection with the death of troubled and drug addicted, 40 year-old Lana Clarkson. The evidence seems to point a self-inflicted gunshot wound and that’s the defense.
Judge Larry Paul Fiddler has allowed Jackson to bring in any woman Spector ever employed or bedded in his 68 years to complain about what they now claim happened decades ago.
For the most part these women have been thieves, whores or gold diggers. They all seem to have become angry when Spector would not marry them or make them wealthy. None of them were ever injured or killed. Judge Fidler had the discretion not to allow any of them to testify but he did anyway.
One of the bimbos was Diane Ogden who since died in a drug overdose in Utah. Judge Fidler has allowed Ogden to testify from the grave via video tape. The jury however will not get to hear about her drug use and exactly what led to Ogden’s death.
Jackson has a huge problem, no reliable evidence so he is desparate to destroy Spector’s character in order to make the jury hate the hapless defendant. A jury that hates a defendant will convict in the absence of evidence and Jackson only knows that too well. Jackson overstepped the rules and as always you can expect Judge Fiddler who wants Spector convicted at any cost to let it slide.
Here is the Mistrial Motion:
Spector Mistrial
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My Cat Nerak’s Reaction to yesterday’s Election
Los Angeles, CA—My cat Nerak asked me who won yesterday’s election. I had no clue she’d take it that hard. She’s been barfing all morning and I thought she had it under control.
I had to tell her that President-elect Barack Obama was set to get his first CIA briefing and how he was going to bring us much closer to what the United Nations wants as fast as he could. That must have set something off because she’s been in a commode hugging funk ever since.
Does anyone have any ideas how I could make Nerak feel better?
I had to tell her that President-elect Barack Obama was set to get his first CIA briefing and how he was going to bring us much closer to what the United Nations wants as fast as he could. That must have set something off because she’s been in a commode hugging funk ever since.
Does anyone have any ideas how I could make Nerak feel better?
Doubling the Secret Service Presidential Productive Budget
Washington, DC—I see it coming in a country where a President has a ten-percent chance at being assassinated just for being a president.
Now we have a President-elect that is already very unpopular with a large segment of society and considered by many to be an un-American Marxist. Many Americans feel there is now a clear and present danger to their hard won American personal freedoms posed by the man who will next occupy the Whitehouse.
The Secret Service has a real problem now since the next, would be John Wilkes Booth or Lee Harvey Oswald may use the latest technology to accomplish his mission. No longer need a killer rely on marksmanship and a wish for his own death in order to carry out such a high profile killing.
Today there are so many cheap and easy remote control ways where a killer could bring down an American President from anywhere in the world. The designers of the most sophisticated weapons of war for the most part are political Conservatives and the majority of them live in or come from America’s Deep South where feelings are very antagonistic right now.
The Secret Service must fight hard to stay ahead of the technology curve. That one-shot muzzle-loading Philadelphia Derringer Booth used to dispatch Lincoln 143 years ago has been replaced by much more efficient devices and criminally creative ideas. I don’t envy the life of a Secret Service agent today assigned to Presidential protection duties.
Now we have a President-elect that is already very unpopular with a large segment of society and considered by many to be an un-American Marxist. Many Americans feel there is now a clear and present danger to their hard won American personal freedoms posed by the man who will next occupy the Whitehouse.
The Secret Service has a real problem now since the next, would be John Wilkes Booth or Lee Harvey Oswald may use the latest technology to accomplish his mission. No longer need a killer rely on marksmanship and a wish for his own death in order to carry out such a high profile killing.
Today there are so many cheap and easy remote control ways where a killer could bring down an American President from anywhere in the world. The designers of the most sophisticated weapons of war for the most part are political Conservatives and the majority of them live in or come from America’s Deep South where feelings are very antagonistic right now.
The Secret Service must fight hard to stay ahead of the technology curve. That one-shot muzzle-loading Philadelphia Derringer Booth used to dispatch Lincoln 143 years ago has been replaced by much more efficient devices and criminally creative ideas. I don’t envy the life of a Secret Service agent today assigned to Presidential protection duties.
Proposition K Decriminalizing Prostitution Fails In San Francisco
San Francisco, CA-- The free-wheeling Gay capital of the entire world rejected a measure that would take local law enforcement out of the business of arresting and prosecuting adult hookers and their customers.
The ballot measure would have saved taxpayers untold millions in the costs to combat the world’s oldest profession. I’m sure if the proposition was re-written to only decriminalize Gay prostitution the measure would have passed by a landslide.
Why Chicago Is Not Burning Today…
Chicago, IL—Barack Obama and Richard M. Daley gambled with the lives of Chicagoans by inviting an unprecedented one million people to celebrate at an event where only 60,000 could be accomadated.
Thankfully less than a quarter of the invitees actually showed up for the event. It became a much smaller and manageable crowd for the men and women of the Chicago Police Department to handle. It was simple mathematics of a substantially less overwhelmed police department and luck aided by a very speedy vote count with the results that pleased the attendees that ruled the night.
There were however a substantial number of reports of gunshots having been fired; one police car I know about had its windows shot out. The classy Drake Hotel on Michigan Avenue also had some windows shot out.
Still my hat goes off to the greatest law enforcement agency anywhere for their courage and efforts Last night.
Thankfully less than a quarter of the invitees actually showed up for the event. It became a much smaller and manageable crowd for the men and women of the Chicago Police Department to handle. It was simple mathematics of a substantially less overwhelmed police department and luck aided by a very speedy vote count with the results that pleased the attendees that ruled the night.
There were however a substantial number of reports of gunshots having been fired; one police car I know about had its windows shot out. The classy Drake Hotel on Michigan Avenue also had some windows shot out.
Still my hat goes off to the greatest law enforcement agency anywhere for their courage and efforts Last night.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Welcome to the United Socialist Republic Of America
The voters have spoken. They’ve rejected the government our founding fathers gave us. Instead they have embraced Karl Marx and his followers Obama, Reid and Pelosi to lead us straight to Hell.
The cornerstone of Marxism is the redistribution of the wealth. The productive are punished and the unproductive are rewarded. That system has never worked and won’t work now.
John McCain was no prize and could not and did not rally the Conservatives. McCain disappointed us on everything from dealing with illegal immigration, the massive Socialist bailouts and even gun control. His campaign was beyond weak because his position was too similar to Obama’s.
Had it not been for the refreshing Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, McCain’s support would have been minimal at best. Palin brought the only significant votes he got.
The American experiment seems to have run its course. We will have change all right beginning with the erosion of the freedom and liberty so many American’s cherished.
I don’t know what incentive people will have to invest in American businesses but after the bailouts nationalization of every major industry is next. Our Constitution may be offered up to a Constitutional Convention where the only rights that remain are collective tights.
Talk radio and the Internet are the next targets to control the information through the Fairness Doctrine’s next evolution. Free speech is very bad for political incumbent protection.
By the time four years of total domination by the Bolsheviks we just elected ends we may never be able to recapture what we once had.
Governments run in cycles as they embrace the concepts they once fought wars to protect their citizens from. I don’t really think McCain was going to take us in the right direction anyway.
For me George W Bush was an eight year disappointment along with the unnecessary Iraq War he brought us. Had we not gone to Iraq that country along with their rogue neighbor, Iran would have probably neutralized each other by now. Think of the savings to taxpayers.
Hope seems elusive right now but I can start to imagine the day Americans begin to flee to Mexico as we become the economic fugitive wetbacks of the future.
Nov 4 2008 Voting In Westwood Los Angeles Next To The UCLA Campus.
Los Angeles--No fistfights or emotion here just polite and friendly young Americans out to make democracy work. Being that this is a very Left Wing community I suspect in this precinct Obama has a landslide. That's too bad.
I don’t know what tomorrow brings, but troubled times are ahead for all Americans. The Bolsheviks will be minding the store for a while…
I don’t know what tomorrow brings, but troubled times are ahead for all Americans. The Bolsheviks will be minding the store for a while…
Why Violence From Chicago’s African-Americans Is Easily Predicted at The Obama Fest.
Chicago, IL—Chicago’s African-Americans have a difficult time controlling their emotions. A racist statement you say? Then why is the population of prisons in the entire state of Illinois loaded with over 70 percent with Chicago’s African-Americans? You can argue how poverty breeds violent crime but that does not change reality of just who is generating the violence.
I have vivid memories of my hundreds or perhaps thousands of visits to the Cook County jail and Morgue. The numerous bodies being posted on the autopsy tables were overwhelmingly African-Americans. The jail was a sea of dark faces. Both facilities handle the populations of the city and all its suburbs. Violence and crime is a huge part of Chicago’s African-American culture.
Putting an overwhelming crowd of jubilant, frustrated or angry young Chicago African-Americans in one place like they are doing at the Grant Park Obama celebration is both dangerous and reckless. Any and all deaths resulting and property damage from the very predictable violence should rest directly on the shoulders of Mayor Richard M. Daley and Senator Barack Obama. As for those emotional triggers, I know before the night is over we will experience all of them.
Since the crowed will vastly outnumber police, the temptation to engage in violent misbehavior will be answered in a very tragic way. This disaster will detract from what should be a grand celebration of our democracy.
When I saw that Chicago press conference with that group of older African-American clergy members urging people to stay home and celebrate there it was obvious they knew just what to expect. Those men were as serious about their message as a heart attack. Don’t listen to me; instead listen to those members of the African-American clergy because they know!
I have vivid memories of my hundreds or perhaps thousands of visits to the Cook County jail and Morgue. The numerous bodies being posted on the autopsy tables were overwhelmingly African-Americans. The jail was a sea of dark faces. Both facilities handle the populations of the city and all its suburbs. Violence and crime is a huge part of Chicago’s African-American culture.
Putting an overwhelming crowd of jubilant, frustrated or angry young Chicago African-Americans in one place like they are doing at the Grant Park Obama celebration is both dangerous and reckless. Any and all deaths resulting and property damage from the very predictable violence should rest directly on the shoulders of Mayor Richard M. Daley and Senator Barack Obama. As for those emotional triggers, I know before the night is over we will experience all of them.
Since the crowed will vastly outnumber police, the temptation to engage in violent misbehavior will be answered in a very tragic way. This disaster will detract from what should be a grand celebration of our democracy.
When I saw that Chicago press conference with that group of older African-American clergy members urging people to stay home and celebrate there it was obvious they knew just what to expect. Those men were as serious about their message as a heart attack. Don’t listen to me; instead listen to those members of the African-American clergy because they know!
Monday, November 03, 2008
Why The Returns Of This Presidential Election Will Be Really Slow
Trust me, I know my way around a precinct polling place especially in Chicago. As most voters know polling places are geographically located within walking distance inside areas containing less than 1000 voters.
Within the precinct there are precinct captains. Any political party has a right to their own captains. Within the inner-city the rarest precinct captain is a Republican. Because they just don’t exist. The captain’s job is to convince the voters to vote for party endorsed candidates and make sure the precinct voters vote right.
Next are the election judges. They are the ones in charge of the precinct election. There are three or sometimes more of them. One of them must be a registered to an opposite party. In heavily Democratic precincts the Republicans are Republicans on paper only for sheer convenience.
The judges are poorly paid and minimally trained people that are supposed to supervise the process protecting the integrity of the vote and privacy of the voters. Often the judges are very elderly. When the polls close their real work begins for the judges and the Precinct Captains keep a watchful eye open everything.
The sad reality is the precinct captains are the only ones that really know the procedures. They are not supposed to handle the election materials but the judges always give in begging for the precinct captain’s help.
When you have a big election with a turnout of 60% or more of the voters the election judges get overwhelmed and dysfunctional. The captains far too often take over the judge’s duties. If you believe that people don’t vote early and often the dead are incapable of casting a ballot you live in a dream world.
The horrific realty is that valid ballots are very often invalidated by chicanery such as defacing the ballot by making it show falsely that the voter voted for more than one candidate for the same office. Those voters that failed to show up have their ballots cast for them along with the dead. The truth is the ballot manipulation and ghost voting takes time. That’s why the inner-city returns are always last to be counted. Don’t complain now because this is the democracy we created. The Democrats fight all reform or voter fraud control efforts at every stage.
Thing are not always what they seem.
Within the precinct there are precinct captains. Any political party has a right to their own captains. Within the inner-city the rarest precinct captain is a Republican. Because they just don’t exist. The captain’s job is to convince the voters to vote for party endorsed candidates and make sure the precinct voters vote right.
Next are the election judges. They are the ones in charge of the precinct election. There are three or sometimes more of them. One of them must be a registered to an opposite party. In heavily Democratic precincts the Republicans are Republicans on paper only for sheer convenience.
The judges are poorly paid and minimally trained people that are supposed to supervise the process protecting the integrity of the vote and privacy of the voters. Often the judges are very elderly. When the polls close their real work begins for the judges and the Precinct Captains keep a watchful eye open everything.
The sad reality is the precinct captains are the only ones that really know the procedures. They are not supposed to handle the election materials but the judges always give in begging for the precinct captain’s help.
When you have a big election with a turnout of 60% or more of the voters the election judges get overwhelmed and dysfunctional. The captains far too often take over the judge’s duties. If you believe that people don’t vote early and often the dead are incapable of casting a ballot you live in a dream world.
The horrific realty is that valid ballots are very often invalidated by chicanery such as defacing the ballot by making it show falsely that the voter voted for more than one candidate for the same office. Those voters that failed to show up have their ballots cast for them along with the dead. The truth is the ballot manipulation and ghost voting takes time. That’s why the inner-city returns are always last to be counted. Don’t complain now because this is the democracy we created. The Democrats fight all reform or voter fraud control efforts at every stage.
Thing are not always what they seem.
Crimefile Does Mancow In The Morning
Chicago, IL—I will be on the Mancow show at 10:30 Chicago time on Election Day. The popular Mancow has been resurrected at WLS-Radio 890.
If you’re outside Chicago you can listen here.
If you’re outside Chicago you can listen here.
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