Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Enjoying Some TV From My Childhood

There was a really exciting TV series called Sky King I eagerly watched as a kid. It was about an Arizona rancher/do-gooder with a Cessna 310 twin engine airplane called Songbird. King was a quasi-cop who with his plane did what the best of law enforcement could never do without him.

King played by Kirby Grant seemed to be retired at a young age with no visible means of support. He’d fly around with his “niece” Penny as a knight tangling with rustlers, robbers and spies. King was the good guy who never carried a gun but always had one when he needed one.

Penny, played by Gloria Winters was the spunky girl who was more like Batman’s Robin. Penny added comic relief to this show or at least I’ve found the humor as an adult. Of course I wonder today just what kind of a relationship they had both on and off screen.

The third wheel to this car was King’s nephew Clipper, played by Ron Hagerthy. Clipper was Penny's brother who was not in every episode.

You can’t just watch one of these episodes because they are addictive. This was a captivating show that’s still enjoyable 50 years later.

All 62 episodes can be found and watched at this site without charge.

Chicago Police Recruit Weapon Uniformity

Glock is the current winner of this contest. Officers are limited to using the Glock at least until they complete probation.

Superintendent J-Fed wants everyone to use the same weapon and there are valid reasons to do that for a military infantry unit. However it’s not so necessary for street cops as long as the firearms are functional and safe.

Officers will be stuck using the crap 9MM round so we can count on hearing people complain and demand to know why the cops are firing so many rounds at suspects.

My only concern is every officer knows how to use their own gun and that of any partner they may have. Chicago cops must locate and purchase their own firearms using fund from their uniform allowance.

I’m surprised Daley did not allow the local reverends decide what the officers could carry. The problem is that both Alderman Ed Burke and Daley have taxpayer funded bodyguards they don’t want to see equipped with rubber guns.

Here’s more about this story.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Imagine Being In This Mess…

Click to enlarge,

MONTERREY, Mexico --This amazing photo was taken today as an American drunken driver plowed into a bicycle race killing one and sending more than a score to the hospital. The arrested drive is believed to be 28 year-old Juan Campos, an American citizen of Brownsville Texas. I suspect Mexican justice will be swift, sure and punitive in this case.

Are The Democratic Kamikaze Attacks On Each Other Over?

It was just starting to get good. I love the idea of Mrs. Clinton standing behind Obama concentrating on that big red bull’s eye on his back. Will she call out the Arkansas sharpshooters?

I can’t imagine the excitement of any of the pathetic choices we have to run this country. By the time November comes I expect an entirely different look to both the Republic and Democratic tickets.

I predict the best excitement is yet to come including a major challenge to our fragile democracy.

I did Not Have Sex With That Man… Mr. Clinton!

So says that really hot looking actress, Gina Gershon. That’s what Gershon’s lawyer claims in a demand letter to Vanity Fair Magazine that published a different account of the Gershon/Clinton business.

If Buba had that opportunity with Gershon and missed it Hillary should be looking for giant seed pods under the bed.

Okay Gina, I must say that I’d love for you to have bragging rights to having done the nasty with me!

Gun Control In A Free Society Can’t Work Just Ask Mayor Daley!

The primary difficulties in maintaining a gun free population is that those Fourth Amendment Constitutional Rights prevent random police searches or people, property and homes hinder enforcement.

Two classes of Chicago’s population just won’t cooperate with Daley’s gun ban. First there are those gun owners that just refuse to accept government’s presumed authority to outlaw guns and legitimate self-defense. Then there are the criminals that rob, rape and murder who don’t obey any laws.

Mayor Daley hates anyone who violates his gun ban and could care less what methods police employ to get those guns away from the population.

The methods of some of Chicago officers ran roughshod over the Constitutional Rights of those gun owners. When the complaints of illegal searches came in, they were simply shelved by Daley’s administrators within the police department.

Richard M. Daley has personally suspended our sacred Bill of Rights in order to enforce Chicago’s Gun Ban.

One Chicago gun owner’s horror story

I have a long-time, close friend who was victimized by these illegal and un-American methods. He was a wealthy insurance company owner who lived in Marina City.

My friend became a gun collector who assembled one of the finest collections anywhere. He had many hundreds of fine pistols, revolvers, rifles and shotguns. He had a WWI solid brass antique cannon on his balcony arranged with fabulous flowers.

My friend also obtained a federal firearm collector’s that allowed him to buy and sell firearms across state lines like a dealer.

The guns in the collection were either unfired in their original boxes or as clean as the items could be found anywhere. Few of these weapons were fired as not to lower their collector’s value.

As for my friend’s collection, he was diligent in registering every weapon. I helped him in that labor intensive task. Registration was free at the time. Then the local politicians changed the law. They required re-registration of all privately owned firearms in Chicago.

With the new law came a curious exemption from registration extended to “licensed sellers of firearms”. It was curious because all the gun dealers but for one wholesaler were run out of Chicago. They could have exempted licensed dealers rather than sellers but they didn’t. Licensed collectors were in fact licensed sellers so my friend saw the exemption and did not re-register his collection and pay the thousands of dollars in new fees to the city.

My friend wanted to be able to carry a gun and in Illinois there existed no provision to be able to do so through permits. My friend quickly found a way around it by getting himself appointed as a one day a month Cook County Deputy Sheriff.

With minimal training he not only got to carry his gun but had full police powers. He liked that role and when he retired wanted to enter law enforcement.

A position became available with the Cook County Adult Probation Department and my friend sought and obtained that job. He did it for several years until some rogue cops changed his life.

The Chicago Police Department established a Gun Team to go after those people who did not re-register using previous portions of the city’s registration database. Rather than go out an interview my friend about his collection the Gun Team took the low road.

The officers found a former Chicago cop who had troubles and simply fabricated him as an informant. They also fabricated the information they claimed he gave them.

Soon the Gun Team officers falsified a search warrant application claiming their “informant” told them my friend living in his downtown, Marina City Condo apartment was selling guns to Chicago street gang members.

Of course there was not a single instance of my friend transferring any guns to anyone. He was a collector only adding to his collection and never selling anything.

The well orchestrated and publicized raids were conducted. The bulk of the seized firearms were taken from a room that was converted into an alarmed vault with special military gun vaults inside.

The gun team removed all the guns from their boxes and paraded them past the eager reporters who were painting my friend as mad, middle-aged terrorist. Soon the members of the Gun Team received Department Commendations for getting this man’s exquisite firearm collection off the street.

There were no felony charges to then, Cook County State’s Attorney, Richard M. Daley’s lament. There were instead hundreds of Quasi-Criminal charges having no more weight or penalty than parking tickets.

The case dragged its way through the Cook County Courts for no less than eight years! During that period the city adopted yet more gun prohibitions that outlawed significant portions of my friend’s collection.

One day this ordeal finally ended when the city simply agreed to return the collection and drop the bogus charges. My friend simply agreed to move his collection out of the city. The guns including now banned so-called assault rifles were returned.

My friend sold his four Marina City Condos along with the single home he owned and moved far from Chicago. Chicago will never benefits from any taxes he’d ever pay again.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Visit The UK Where Civilized Politicians Banned Guns And Knives!

Of course the law-abiding folks surrender any means of self-defense so that the local newspapers can have a front page like this!

Police Can Now See You Inside Your Home

They can if they have this little toy. I expect this to be refined and in widespread use in applications that have nothing to do with hostage or barricade situations.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Disgraced Ex-Chicago Police Officer Is Star Of CBS 60 Minutes.

Is Keith Herrera a liar or just a snitch trying to save his skin by telling the feds what they wanted to hear? Additionally the alleged ringleader, Jerome Finnegan has also cut a deal with the feds. Can Herrera and Finnegan be trusted to tell the truth? I don’t think so since their testimony is being bought by something far more valuable then gold, their freedom.

At stake are the very lives of their own brothers and teammates. Many of these officers may never live to see freedom again. Their families will be left in a shambles.

This 60 Minutes broadcast was more about a public relations publicity stunt between a Mayor and his new Superintendent of Police who is pulling strings at the Justice Department.

Herrera would never be able to talk to the media without total approval from the U.S. Attorney’s Office. As for me, I smell some real rats.

Watch the 13 minute orchestrated story.

Should Process Servers Be Armed?

Process serving for the most part is lucrative and enjoyable way to make a living. Too many people enter this vocation without understanding or preparing for very real dangers associated with this job.

Process servers serve summonses, writs, subpoenas, and restraining orders. They sometimes are government employees, sworn or civilian Marshal's, Sheriff’s and Constable's workers or a part of private enterprise.

Those servers employed by large agencies are given beats according to their abilities and experience. Older men and women are assigned to serve only corporations, banks, hospitals and government agencies. There are no dangers associated with these types of services but for the potential of automobile accidents and such.

Eviction, debt related summonses, divorce actions and restraining orders should be served only by trained, fit and armed servers. There are only so many of these riskier papers that can be served before servers are, threatened, assaulted or someone tries to kill them.

Some jurisdictions actually write laws or try to enforce rules that take away process servers rights to carry weapons for self-defense. I’m alive today because I knowingly and intentionally violated a presiding judge’s unlawfully enacted process server’s gun prohibition. Not only did I survive the armed attack I was able to cause the prohibition to be rescinded.

Process servers serve wherever they can. Too often it’s at private homes where all manner of weapons are present. The people being served are too often intoxicated, frightened, angry and even suicidal.

Some examples I can cite is that twice men I served divorce papers on killed themselves within minutes of my visit. One man kidnapped and murdered his soon to be ex-wife and yet another went to a Scottsdale dental office and shot his wife’s employer, a dentist and another worker before being subdued by his wounded victims.

This is not a job for an adventure seeking novice. Process servers work without back-up and other than matters involving domestic violence police cooperation is non-existent.

The catalyst for this article was a particularly brutal murder of a 58 year-old process server in Loveland Colorado. The news gathering and story-telling of the local news media was really deficient on this event. I have provided several articles so my readers can try and understand what happened.

As for the question I asked about process servers being armed I wall say survival dictates that answer. Process servers should always wear seat belt when they drive and carry a reliable gun.

Read about that Colorado case here.

Rev. Michael Pfleger And The IRS May Be Meeting Soon

Chicago --Rev Michael Pfleger has his political pulpit at Chicago’s South Side, Roman Catholic, St. Sabina’s Church. Pfleger has been arm in arm and lock-step with Mayor Richard M. Daley and other far Left politicians in the political arena. Pfleger’s agenda seems to be more about saving political candidates rather than the souls of his flock.

According to recent revelations in the Chicago Sun-Times, Pfleger gave Barak Obama's campaign $1,500 between 1995 and 2001, including $200 in April 2001, just three months after Obama steered $225,000 in grants to St. Sabina programs.

When tax exempt religions push political agendas and candidates the pirates at the IRS will simply take away their free ride.

Now Pfleger claims he’s received thousands of death threats in connection with presidential candidate Barak Obama’s latest pastor problems. Pfleger also got a well-deserved public spanking from Cardinal Francis George for his latest pro-Obama political antics.

Will Pfleger be killed and become a venerated Catholic martyr? We will just have to wait and see. Somehow I suspect Pfleger will just find himself defrocked and ignored for being the crackpot he is.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Democratic Party Is Self-Destructing…

So much for delegate deal-making.

Obama Just Threw His Own Church Of 20 Years Under The Campaign Bus.

Barack Obama moments ago resigned his membership with Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, where Jeremiah Wright was formerly pastor and a Catholic priest mocked Hillary Clinton.

The Democratic Primary fight has been so much fun! Mrs. Clinton’s forces has done so much to help us all know more about Barak Obama then anyone wanted.

As Obama’s friends and associates have come out to help him he’s disavowed them one by one. Far too many radicals, bombers, racists and assorted crooks have fallen all over themselves trying to get their friend and confidant elected. The more help Obama gets the more his amazing campaign flounders over redundant gaffes.

Obama has not yet seen how he will be tarred with the brush of the criminal Chicago political organization that he was spawned from. That will come from both Republicans along with Obama’s disowned and now disgruntled pals.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Dennis Farina Cleared Of Felony Gun Charge From LAX Incident!

Los Angeles—L.A. County District Attorney Steve Cooley’s office has declined prosecution of retired Chicago police burglary detective, turned actor, Dennis Farina on that felony gun charge.

The case was referred for review to the Los Angeles City Attorney, Rocky Delgadillo for review of any potential misdemeanor prosecution against Farina.

The requirement of intent for such a gun possession charge must be present in any misdemeanor violation prosecution. Perhaps Farina will be cleared altogether very soon. Let’s hope that happens.

Read earlier stories here.

Drew Peterson's First Legal Shot Fired At Prosecutor On That Gun Charge

Joliet ILDrew Peterson’s lawyer, Joel Brodsky has filed a motion on simple, plain English grounds to dismiss the complaint filed over a gun seized last November by Bolingbrook police.

When the gun was seized Peterson was a police sergeant and member of the department’s SWAT team. The rifle was equipment that was used in connection with that assignment.

Unlike many police departments across the country, Bolingbrook requires their officers to find and purchase their own duty weapons. The officers are reimbursed through their police uniform allowance. That includes any weapons used by the SWAT team.

The complexities of department technicalities about issues of barrel length are just that, departmental issues. The weapons themselves are covered under a federal law preemption that immunizes the officers from criminal prosecution under any state law. Peterson was charged under Illinois law that cannot be used against him.

Frustrated state police investigators have no evidence of murder so they took another route to disrupt Drew Peterson’s life. Perhaps someone should have bothered to read the law first.

Here’s a motion filed today in The Circuit Court of Will County, IL:
Read this doc on Scribd: Dismiss Motion

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The TSA Is Really Gutting Our Economy

According to the Travel Industry Association, 41 million airplane trips were avoided last year by fellow Americans. That in turn dealt a $67 Billion cumulative cost to our economy.

A landmark survey revealed shocking information that points directly at the TSA and the misery they pile on to travelers with mindless security screening games and indignities that do nothing more that provide an illusion of security.

Flying today is a truly miserable experience.

This well researched report reveales the devastating impact the TSA's pretend security is having on our entire economy. Add to this prohibitive fuel costs and you more airlines will soon be asking for bankruptcy protection along with restaurants, hotels and other tourism generated businesses.

The tax man has been suffering too but don’t worry they will be given new tools to raid our wallets soon.

Read the survey:
Read this doc on Scribd: Air Travel Survey Summary

Meet A Spunky Gal In New York City...

New York--Meet young Internet broadcaster and journalist, Samantha Henig who visits Manhattan’s only gun range. Henig is a natural for television presentations. This lass puts most seasoned medium and large market TV reporters to shame.

I predict a bright and wonderful future for the talented Henig who went into unfamiliar territory and turned a great story!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Got Gas?

Westwood, Los Angeles--Just in case nobody noticed we are in trouble. Perhaps some of us are smug that we can afford the extortionate amount at the gas pump but all costs are about to follow suit. The poor and muddle-income folks are facing a depression. Jobs will start disappearing soon too.

I’m not sure just what will follow but this country is too spoiled to cope with deprivation. The far Left will have their disastrous answers that too many Americans are ready to embrace. Our economy can’t take all the phony Congressional, stop-gap, artificial fixes they’ve unloaded on us.

Our Arab oil suppliers are working against us and want to see turmoil and civil war here. How soon will it be before the food supply is interrupted?

Supreme Court’s Parting Shot Before The Summer Recess

Like so many of my readers I’m waiting for the Washington D.C. handgun ban case, D.C. vs. Heller to be decided. Checking their calendar I know they must publish their opinion before the summer recess.

June 23rd is the last Monday they will release opinions and I will go out on a limb and predict that hot potato, Heller case to be their parting shot.

The best informed guesses are a 7-2 win for The Bill Of Rights and against Liberty haters like the Mayors of New York, D.C., Chicago and L.A. I hope to hear their whining soon along with dire predictions of blood in the streets.

Whatever the decision it will be historic and an all day news event. My chances of being right about the date of release are only one out of four. Vegas should be taking bets on this one…

Ivan The Terrible Or Just Another Nazi?

Washington D.C.--Retired Cleveland autoworker John Demjanjuk is 88 years-old now living in a quiet Cleveland suburb. This morning our nation’s highest court cleared the way for his deportation.

Demjanjuk’s life has been quite an adventure since the newly formed United States Office of Special Investigations (OSI), an obscure outfit entrusted to locate and bring to justice Nazi war criminals focused on him in 1977.

They falsely got his citizenship revoked and extradited him to Israel as, Ivan the Terrible. That was a moniker for a sadistic Treblinka guard named Ivan Marchenko. Decades later, in an incredibly suggestive photo line-up Holocaust survivors picked out Demjanjuk as the fugitive war criminal.

OSI investigators produced a NAZI identity card that proved its position as to Demjanjuk’s identity as the Treblinka sadist. That ID card was later examined by Bill Flynn a noted forensic document examiner with the Arizona Department of Public Safety. Flynn was able to conclusively prove that the card was a forgery pasted together from more than one identity card of that era.

Demjanjuk was convicted and sentenced to death and set to be only the second “war criminal” executed by Israel. That changed all when the Israel Supreme Court saw the injustice and freed Demjanjuk.

Demjanjuk returned home only to be once more identified as a Nazi by the OSI and run through the courts all over again. The standard of proof is much less than required in our criminal courts and OSI succeeded in again revoking Demjanjuk’s citizenship winning yet another deportation order.

Now what’s left for the old man is finding a country to accept him. He was ordered deported to Germany, Poland or his native Ukraine. This seems like such a waste of time and money.

Too bad that Demjanjuk was not a rocket maker so he could have been a spaceflight hero like, Dr. Wernher von Braun who as a Nazi arms maker utilized Jewish slave labor to build rockets that hit London.