Washington, DC—The attacks are here, on our personal liberty and freedoms. These attacks come, not from enemies abroad but from politicians within our own government.
Okay, some religious leader wants to burn Korans and hold a mock trial of Islam. This only came after repeated wholesale murder and bloodshed by Islamist maniacs.
Now the Islamist murderers have stepped up their world-wide terror and our politicians want to curtail American freedom.
I tolerate Muslims that can behave themselves. Islam has made a poor showing as a religion of peace around the world and because of the actions of some of their believers have terrorized millions. I will never tolerate religious inspired or for that matter any violence against innocent victims from any religion or group.
I will never tolerate any compromise on hard won freedoms in America. Here some of our politicians want curb offensive thought, speech, broadcasting and publishing. These are the same politicians that go out of their way to protect the rights of foreign Muslims we allowed to live in America. These politicians are either traitors or complete fools.
If the offended Muslims don’t like burned Korans, or to see the covered with the excrement of pigs they, need to stop inciting this kind of response with their campaigns of murder.
Americans have the absolute right to hate and insult Islam or anyone all they want without government interference.
Just because I defend the right to hate does not mean that I hate anyone other than someone that would injure, kill or violate our freedom. Hate was criminalized in Nazi Germany. Thousand who publicly professed hate or even dislike for Nazi policy were put to death after being arrested and tried in the courts.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Now We Must Pay for the Unwise Decision not to Drill For Oil in the USA
We have entrusted a bunch of savage 13th Century dwelling Muslim tribes in the Mideast as our nearly exclusive oil source. They have spent decades using their position to extort from us at an unbridled pace. The Arabs relied on us and European nations for help and technology to make them very wealthy. The payback has been a giant bite to our hand that fed the bastards.
Our fuel costs are dramatically skyrocketing but soon the cost of our food and anything else will be mindboggling because everything is all tied to the price of Arab oil. I see no fix this time.
The Greenies have been relentlessly screaming that drilling for oil in America is bringing on Global Warming and we’re all going to die. Of course, they want us to believe that drilling for oil in the Mideast is really harmless and does not endanger anyone. That’s the logic of the Left. The Left wants to destroy the American economy and free enterprise so their motives for the anti-drilling are obvious.
Now we can pay for what our Socialist Controlled Congress has forced upon us. Before it’s all over we will be paying with the blood and lives of our children. Did we get the government we deserved?
I don’t see how we can avoid total collapse and Anarchy. That will make it so much easier to establish a one world Socialist Government.
America, it’s far easier to reject the Socialist straightjacket now than to let this happen and try to fight it later. We must do whatever is necessary to get the Socialists and Communists out of every level of American government.
Anyone who blocks the exploration of oil on American property is a traitor and must be severely punished.
Our fuel costs are dramatically skyrocketing but soon the cost of our food and anything else will be mindboggling because everything is all tied to the price of Arab oil. I see no fix this time.
The Greenies have been relentlessly screaming that drilling for oil in America is bringing on Global Warming and we’re all going to die. Of course, they want us to believe that drilling for oil in the Mideast is really harmless and does not endanger anyone. That’s the logic of the Left. The Left wants to destroy the American economy and free enterprise so their motives for the anti-drilling are obvious.
Now we can pay for what our Socialist Controlled Congress has forced upon us. Before it’s all over we will be paying with the blood and lives of our children. Did we get the government we deserved?
I don’t see how we can avoid total collapse and Anarchy. That will make it so much easier to establish a one world Socialist Government.
America, it’s far easier to reject the Socialist straightjacket now than to let this happen and try to fight it later. We must do whatever is necessary to get the Socialists and Communists out of every level of American government.
Anyone who blocks the exploration of oil on American property is a traitor and must be severely punished.
Monday, April 04, 2011
The Berlin Wall Was a Monument to Socialism
(Peter Leibing’s famous picture of the East German soldier Conrad Schumann jumping over the Berlin Wall. Leibing’s photograph of the 19-year-old East German border guard throwing away his rifle as he hurled over barbed wire on his way into West Berlin was taken on August 15, 1961, two days after East Germany sealed off its border with the wall.)
Berlin, Germany—The Russians captured Berlin at the End of World War two. The Nazis were replaced by the Socialist pigs of the USSR. The Soviet soldiers were allowed to rape the women and children of Berlin as spoils of war long after it ended. One horrid form of Fascism was replaced with another. After 12 long years of Nazi rule the people of East Germany had to endure over four additional decades in a captive nation.
The many miles of wall and border guards became a massive public works project of the East German Democratic Republic. They wanted to stop the hemorrhage of citizens fleeing to freedom in the West.
Scores of liberty loving people were legally murdered by East German border guards for merely trying to escape the yoke of that Socialist disease. Additionally thousands were imprisoned and had their children permanently taken away for resisting this nasty form of government.
I find it most interesting that Rudi Dutschke who became the Godfather of West German Marxism student movement during the 1960s, spent the later part of his life fighting a war of ideals against the Soviets. I guess Dutschke had a little buyer’s remorse.
Anyone that thinks Karl Marx had a better idea is either a fool or a criminal seeking to control others and more importantly, their wealth.
Is America’s Liberty on the Ropes?
We have all watched our government’s politicians tighten the noose around our necks for the last 40 years. Laws were passed that have taken rights of the accused under the label of “Victim’s Rights”. No rights for victims were ever enhanced through any of these bogus laws.
What has happened is that those accused are obstructed from full defense investigations and those seeking to frame the innocent are enabled. It is easier to frame the accused when witness/victims are allowed to sit in courtrooms to hear all the testimony. That invites and abets perjury.
More laws were passed giving government more ability to snoop through our private affairs. Court decisions have all but gutted our rights to be free from unreasonable searches in our persons, cars and homes.
They told us that airline passenger searching is about combating terrorism but it is as much or more about snooping on airline passenger’s personal business. What you don’t hear about, are the cash seizures being made that assist the IRS. The TSA uncovers 500 minor drug possession cases for everyone involving a so-called weapon. I say so-called since anything is a weapon to the TSA’s way of thinking.
Free speech is under a major attack these days. They want to make so-called hate speech a crime. They want political correctness to be the law of the land. They want to make a crime to denounce politicians or their political ideas. They want to jail anyone that dares to label a Socialist as a Socialist. This kind of law policy helped Adolph Hitler silence his critics, permanently.
There is a precedent for an American President suspending the Constitution in America. Our “heroic” 16th President, Abraham Lincoln did just that. Lincoln shut down newspapers critical to his administration and incarcerated thousands without bail or trials.
Will a floundering American President and his Socialist supporters follow Lincoln’s lead as a way to force another term or three with an iron fist? I think we must all be on guard because the historic signs are all in place today.
Please stay alert and keep your powder magazines full and dry. I think we will smell a lot of gun smoke in the next few years. This always happens with every government sooner or later. Remember, what’s past is prologue.
What has happened is that those accused are obstructed from full defense investigations and those seeking to frame the innocent are enabled. It is easier to frame the accused when witness/victims are allowed to sit in courtrooms to hear all the testimony. That invites and abets perjury.
More laws were passed giving government more ability to snoop through our private affairs. Court decisions have all but gutted our rights to be free from unreasonable searches in our persons, cars and homes.
They told us that airline passenger searching is about combating terrorism but it is as much or more about snooping on airline passenger’s personal business. What you don’t hear about, are the cash seizures being made that assist the IRS. The TSA uncovers 500 minor drug possession cases for everyone involving a so-called weapon. I say so-called since anything is a weapon to the TSA’s way of thinking.
Free speech is under a major attack these days. They want to make so-called hate speech a crime. They want political correctness to be the law of the land. They want to make a crime to denounce politicians or their political ideas. They want to jail anyone that dares to label a Socialist as a Socialist. This kind of law policy helped Adolph Hitler silence his critics, permanently.
There is a precedent for an American President suspending the Constitution in America. Our “heroic” 16th President, Abraham Lincoln did just that. Lincoln shut down newspapers critical to his administration and incarcerated thousands without bail or trials.
Will a floundering American President and his Socialist supporters follow Lincoln’s lead as a way to force another term or three with an iron fist? I think we must all be on guard because the historic signs are all in place today.
Please stay alert and keep your powder magazines full and dry. I think we will smell a lot of gun smoke in the next few years. This always happens with every government sooner or later. Remember, what’s past is prologue.
Sunday, April 03, 2011
Government Tyranny and Law Enforcement
Americans have been fortunate in that law enforcement officers have been selected for the most part through civil service testing that includes mental health screening and background investigations. That is followed by intensive training that includes conflict resolution, law and the Bill of Rights. They are simply trained as peace officers to make peace in our world.
So they can protect us, we actually license our cops to kill, invade private property including dwellings and to forcibly jail suspects under tightly controlled conditions. Accordingly we need cops that are honorable, well balanced and intelligent enough to understand the complicated laws and the Bill of Rights that we live under.
The challenge of any free society is to have cops that serve and protect in the background. We don’t want cops in our bedrooms and personal business. We want friendly cops that we can trust and count upon in an emergency. This sound simple enough but it’s not.
History has taught us redundantly that true democracy style Republics are challenged by despots or would be despots the same things happen. Those criminals seeking power always create new uniformed authority that will bear allegiance to the new regime rather than the nation and its people.
Post World War One Germany had honorable police and a military dedicated to the people. As National Socialism grew they gave local thugs, snappy new brown uniforms and security duties at party functions. They were the SA or Sturmabteilung. That translates to the important sounding title of storm trooper. Their training was marginal at best and geared up for a military style appearance through marching drills and such. Their primary purpose was to keep competing political groups terrorized and away from National Socialist functions.
The German military was made up of honorable men that understood their duties to the people not, temporary politicians. Adolph Hitler knew that his plans would not sit well with these fellows and had to create a new military force to do his dirty work. The SS or Schutzstaffel or protective force was born. Those amazing black uniforms with the death’s head medallion on the cap along with the bright swastika armbands designated these men as Adolph Hitler’s bodyguards.
As the new paramilitary SS grew so did their duties. They were the primary enforcers of the Holocaust. It was the SS that rounded up, transported and secretly murdered millions in Eastern European concentration camps.
The SA and the SS were quickly given absolute police powers, firearms and made a part of the existing German police force.
Needless to say the SS and SA made their own enforcement rules and brought a major blight over a once honorable profession. Law enforcement in Germany became an international and historic shame.
Blind obedience and loyalty to Nazi superiors, along with relentless brutality by SA and SS thugs was always rewarded. The deserving and productive monsters received huge cash gifts along with deeds to beautiful homes, hotels and businesses.
There were members of the German police and military that were privy to the criminal activities of the Nazi Administration that remained loyal to their countrymen. They were the ones that made numerous and daring attempts to kill Hitler to save their nation.
Such a group, was the so-called 20 July 1944 Conspirators. There were as many as 500 men and women who worked with Colonels Henning von Tresckow and Claus Graf Schenk von Stauffenberg to bring an end to Nazi tyranny.
At least 500 German 20 July patriots were taken to scaffolds where they were garishly hanged with piano wire when the plot failed. Most of them were tortured at the Gestapo headquarters at 8 Prinz Albert Strausse in Berlin.
The lesson here is a good one. The standards for selection, hiring, promotion and training of cops must always remain solid. To allow pollution of the ranks of police with political hacks, thugs, thieves and murderers is a travesty that always ends horribly in history.
Don’t let politicians create shadow military and police forces. Don’t let them give police powers to anyone but honorable and well qualified police officers. Don’t ever let government dumb down admission requirements to hire and promote the dregs of our society.
Don’t let government turn cops into armed tax collectors confiscating property or extorting from citizens through pretend or petty violations.
Imagine if they allowed the thugs and assorted misfits the TSA hires to screen baggage at the airports, firearms, police powers and turned them loose on our streets. They know nothing about the Bill of Rights or much of anything except blind obedience to their unqualified administrators. The Obama Administration has big future plans for these TSA creeps.
Here is one would be despot’s plans for a shadow military/police force:
So they can protect us, we actually license our cops to kill, invade private property including dwellings and to forcibly jail suspects under tightly controlled conditions. Accordingly we need cops that are honorable, well balanced and intelligent enough to understand the complicated laws and the Bill of Rights that we live under.
The challenge of any free society is to have cops that serve and protect in the background. We don’t want cops in our bedrooms and personal business. We want friendly cops that we can trust and count upon in an emergency. This sound simple enough but it’s not.
History has taught us redundantly that true democracy style Republics are challenged by despots or would be despots the same things happen. Those criminals seeking power always create new uniformed authority that will bear allegiance to the new regime rather than the nation and its people.
Post World War One Germany had honorable police and a military dedicated to the people. As National Socialism grew they gave local thugs, snappy new brown uniforms and security duties at party functions. They were the SA or Sturmabteilung. That translates to the important sounding title of storm trooper. Their training was marginal at best and geared up for a military style appearance through marching drills and such. Their primary purpose was to keep competing political groups terrorized and away from National Socialist functions.
The German military was made up of honorable men that understood their duties to the people not, temporary politicians. Adolph Hitler knew that his plans would not sit well with these fellows and had to create a new military force to do his dirty work. The SS or Schutzstaffel or protective force was born. Those amazing black uniforms with the death’s head medallion on the cap along with the bright swastika armbands designated these men as Adolph Hitler’s bodyguards.
As the new paramilitary SS grew so did their duties. They were the primary enforcers of the Holocaust. It was the SS that rounded up, transported and secretly murdered millions in Eastern European concentration camps.
The SA and the SS were quickly given absolute police powers, firearms and made a part of the existing German police force.
Needless to say the SS and SA made their own enforcement rules and brought a major blight over a once honorable profession. Law enforcement in Germany became an international and historic shame.
Blind obedience and loyalty to Nazi superiors, along with relentless brutality by SA and SS thugs was always rewarded. The deserving and productive monsters received huge cash gifts along with deeds to beautiful homes, hotels and businesses.
There were members of the German police and military that were privy to the criminal activities of the Nazi Administration that remained loyal to their countrymen. They were the ones that made numerous and daring attempts to kill Hitler to save their nation.
Such a group, was the so-called 20 July 1944 Conspirators. There were as many as 500 men and women who worked with Colonels Henning von Tresckow and Claus Graf Schenk von Stauffenberg to bring an end to Nazi tyranny.
At least 500 German 20 July patriots were taken to scaffolds where they were garishly hanged with piano wire when the plot failed. Most of them were tortured at the Gestapo headquarters at 8 Prinz Albert Strausse in Berlin.
The lesson here is a good one. The standards for selection, hiring, promotion and training of cops must always remain solid. To allow pollution of the ranks of police with political hacks, thugs, thieves and murderers is a travesty that always ends horribly in history.
Don’t let politicians create shadow military and police forces. Don’t let them give police powers to anyone but honorable and well qualified police officers. Don’t ever let government dumb down admission requirements to hire and promote the dregs of our society.
Don’t let government turn cops into armed tax collectors confiscating property or extorting from citizens through pretend or petty violations.
Imagine if they allowed the thugs and assorted misfits the TSA hires to screen baggage at the airports, firearms, police powers and turned them loose on our streets. They know nothing about the Bill of Rights or much of anything except blind obedience to their unqualified administrators. The Obama Administration has big future plans for these TSA creeps.
Here is one would be despot’s plans for a shadow military/police force:
Friday, April 01, 2011
TV News is Being Hampered By Dead Weight News Readers
New York, NY—They are called news anchors and they are somehow graded by perceived public trust. They are somewhat pretty people, that simply read teleprompters and rarely gather any news themselves.
Some make as much a $50 million dollars a year for sitting in a makeup chair and next reading, but pretending they’re just talking to the audience. It’s really somewhat phony since the story is written by producers and or reporters in the field and not the anchor.
The real reporters and producers are lucky if they get a little more than $100 K per year to make the prima donnas look good.
The fact is wasting so much money on the anchors guarantees a pathetic news product.
News Managers bend over backwards sending the anchors to major disasters and even war zones to make it look like their stars are somehow in the trenches. It would make so much more sense to better-staff regions where lots of news is made.
They do audience market research with people that have never seen anything except the same cookie cutter, monkey see, monkey do kind of news. That's hardly a comprehensive examination.
I will single out David Gregory, as an anchor that always seems to flounder if he even does a simple politician interview. He’d be better replaced with three reporters professionally diverse in their fields.
I’d do things differently. I’d groom and train cops to do crime and gun control stories, lawyers to cover complex legal issues, pilots for weather and air disasters, doctors or nurses for medical stories, military veterans for military stories. Most media outlets seem to do okay with their choices for entertainment reporters, technology reporters.
I don't believe in the concept of a General Assignment reporter other than for covering school boards and feel-good stories.
When it comes to reporting on political campaigns, Congress, the Whitehouse and government agencies the anchors and reporters all seem to be sleeping with the most Liberal politicians and candidates. They’d never dare for example to put the Obama Birther story to bed with some hard simple questions. The down side of this kind of reporting is that political propaganda has obviously replaced news about our government.
Anchor prima donnas are better kept in the home broadcasting studios as news managers pay educationally diverse professionals to do the heavy lifting out in the field.
I’d love to revamp and direct a local major market TV news operation. You’d see much less of the anchors and more real people reporting the stories. I’d find the right hybrid reporters and get them prime time ready. They may fumble a little, not be as pretty but they’d know their material and provide what news readers cannot, real information.
RT did a story on this subject at least from the angle of network news:
Some make as much a $50 million dollars a year for sitting in a makeup chair and next reading, but pretending they’re just talking to the audience. It’s really somewhat phony since the story is written by producers and or reporters in the field and not the anchor.
The real reporters and producers are lucky if they get a little more than $100 K per year to make the prima donnas look good.
The fact is wasting so much money on the anchors guarantees a pathetic news product.
News Managers bend over backwards sending the anchors to major disasters and even war zones to make it look like their stars are somehow in the trenches. It would make so much more sense to better-staff regions where lots of news is made.
They do audience market research with people that have never seen anything except the same cookie cutter, monkey see, monkey do kind of news. That's hardly a comprehensive examination.
I will single out David Gregory, as an anchor that always seems to flounder if he even does a simple politician interview. He’d be better replaced with three reporters professionally diverse in their fields.
I’d do things differently. I’d groom and train cops to do crime and gun control stories, lawyers to cover complex legal issues, pilots for weather and air disasters, doctors or nurses for medical stories, military veterans for military stories. Most media outlets seem to do okay with their choices for entertainment reporters, technology reporters.
I don't believe in the concept of a General Assignment reporter other than for covering school boards and feel-good stories.
When it comes to reporting on political campaigns, Congress, the Whitehouse and government agencies the anchors and reporters all seem to be sleeping with the most Liberal politicians and candidates. They’d never dare for example to put the Obama Birther story to bed with some hard simple questions. The down side of this kind of reporting is that political propaganda has obviously replaced news about our government.
Anchor prima donnas are better kept in the home broadcasting studios as news managers pay educationally diverse professionals to do the heavy lifting out in the field.
I’d love to revamp and direct a local major market TV news operation. You’d see much less of the anchors and more real people reporting the stories. I’d find the right hybrid reporters and get them prime time ready. They may fumble a little, not be as pretty but they’d know their material and provide what news readers cannot, real information.
RT did a story on this subject at least from the angle of network news:
The Coffins Still Arrive carrying our Children Home from the Mideast
Remember when George W. Bush was president? The media plastered all the images they could of flag draped caskets returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Needless to say I could not find an similar image anywhere made after Bush left the Whitehouse.
Now that the Media has a President they love sucking up to, those heartbreaking photos have stopped. The bodies continue to keep coming and soon we can expect even more from Barack Obama’s new war in Libya. Don’t count on seeing the caskets or televised interviews with grieving parents. It won’t happen as long as there is a Communist traitor in the Whitehouse.
How many Lives Would Have Been Saved if Booth Met Lincoln Years earlier?
Washington, DC—So many Americans were brainwashed by revisionist history that they made what still may be the worst president in our history a hero.
Abraham Lincoln was the great divider and a ruthless despot. He shut down newspapers, ordered arrests without trials for thousands along with other outrageous acts. He simply and unlawfully suspended our Constitution.
It was Abraham Lincoln who presided over the earliest genocide of American Indians.
Yes, it was that known racist, Lincoln who ordered the largest mass execution in American History of 38 Suix Indians.
It was the technology of the cotton gin not Lincoln, that freed the slaves. Lincoln was a dictator that wanted to rule the states and the American people with an iron fist.
The sad truth is that John Wilks Booth did not shoot this bastard when he first got to the Whitehouse. Both's good deed was too little and years too late.
Abraham Lincoln was just another war criminal who cheated the gallows.
America cannot afford another Abraham Lincoln. If there is a Hell Lincoln is there with Hitler and Stalin.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Sensational Chicago Police Sex Case Sounds Overblown
Chicago, IL—If investigators really thought there was a Kidnapping/Sexual Assault involving two of their own they’d have been charged and had taken the perpwalk by now. I’m not making light of the media reports of the accusations.
Right now the published reports seem to indicate that a drunken and very promiscuous young woman willingly engaged in public sex in a police vehicle, played strip-poker with the two cops when she finally degenerated into a psychotic crisis.
Was a crime involved? Was it only misdemeanor, Public Indecency? Right now, Kidnapping and Sexual Assault sounds very unlikely.
There are a lot of unanswered questions here. I suspect that there may be terminal police rule violations along with a boatload of humiliation.
Keeping the cop's names secret will never happen. Of course the claimant and I use that in monetary terms will enjoy complete anonymity just like that phony Duke La Cross rape victim.
This case begs for a complete investigation. They will be going over communications logs involving these officers and their assignment. Surveillance tape will be found and any lies may well be exposed.
This case sounds a lot like that of a high-ranking public employee who managed to do high level government business over his office telephone while receiving oral sex. That fellow lied about the incident under oath and was exposed. He never lost a day’s pay and receives a handsome pension today. That of course was President Bill Clinton. I don’t think any lowly Chicago cops will fare as well as Buba did.
Remember how the Clinton apoligists said it was all just sex? So mush for Equal Protection under law.
If there is Probable Cause of a serious crime here it deserves prosecution and the accused deserve a fair day in court.
Right now the published reports seem to indicate that a drunken and very promiscuous young woman willingly engaged in public sex in a police vehicle, played strip-poker with the two cops when she finally degenerated into a psychotic crisis.
Was a crime involved? Was it only misdemeanor, Public Indecency? Right now, Kidnapping and Sexual Assault sounds very unlikely.
There are a lot of unanswered questions here. I suspect that there may be terminal police rule violations along with a boatload of humiliation.
Keeping the cop's names secret will never happen. Of course the claimant and I use that in monetary terms will enjoy complete anonymity just like that phony Duke La Cross rape victim.
This case begs for a complete investigation. They will be going over communications logs involving these officers and their assignment. Surveillance tape will be found and any lies may well be exposed.
This case sounds a lot like that of a high-ranking public employee who managed to do high level government business over his office telephone while receiving oral sex. That fellow lied about the incident under oath and was exposed. He never lost a day’s pay and receives a handsome pension today. That of course was President Bill Clinton. I don’t think any lowly Chicago cops will fare as well as Buba did.
Remember how the Clinton apoligists said it was all just sex? So mush for Equal Protection under law.
If there is Probable Cause of a serious crime here it deserves prosecution and the accused deserve a fair day in court.
Chicago Cops On Trial
Chicago, IL—There may have been a time when prosecutors protected cops from even valid allegations of criminal conduct. If that was the case, the pendulum has swung the other way, and with a vengeance.
The current Cook County State’s Attorney ran on a political platform promising her police hating constituents she’d relentlessly prosecute police abusing their badge. That seems to indicate that she wanted to treat cops unequally and to a more punitive extent that other citizens. That seems to be the case with the way cop’s cases are handled in this administration.
Prosecutors can count on Cook County juries within the First Municipal District of Chicago to be heavily stacked with police hating minorities. Knowing this is beyond unsettling to any cop trying to get a fair trial in Chicago.
Any Chicago cop sent to jail or prison would be in constant danger as inmates would most certainly stalk them. Since the Illinois correctional system’s population is 95%, non-White, a White Chicago cop is assured massive additional punishment on account of simple race and occupation. That extra-judicial punishment comes from inmates, not properly controlled by the short staffed prisons.
Chicago cops and their families fear this and that results in many destroyed careers and needless felony convictions. That’s because the officers plead to bogus charges simply to avoid the specter of constant sexual assault or being stabbed to death in prison. They will accept any punishment short of being incarcerated and subjected to constant horror. Believe it, when I say prosecutors take full advantage of this situation when they offer plea agreements to accused cops.
Chicago police officers sometimes can get free representation from the lawyers working for the FOP. They fail for the most part because they are too often lazy, uncaring and ineffective. I have never seen a case yet where an FOP lawyer had bothered to obtain the needed assistance of a decent criminal defense investigator.
The FOP’s criminal defense money would be better far spent in the form of a cash grant to officers for the representation of their choice. Cops may find themselves better off with public defenders that at least have massive experience with serious felony cases. The rub here is they have heavy caseloads and suffer from a lack of resources. Innocence seems to motivate public defenders because they infrequently are assigned to represent anyone but extreme losers.
I like it when an accused is represented by the public defender and I’m hired to assist them separately. These too often underrated lawyers love the things I’m known for doing like taking a wrecking ball to the state’s case exposing one lie at a time. Cops needing lawyers seem to pick whet they believe are cop friendly or get their names in headlines. That's nearly always a poor choice. Accused cops need to make better informed choices of lawyers that get innocent clients their lives returned. That’s not an easy task in the laid back Cook County Criminal Courts.
Cops needing a criminal lawyer need to get recommendations from almost anyone other than a working cop! Cops in trouble need top criminal litigators and investigators especially if they are innocent or vastly overcharged.
Run like Hell when the lawyer says, “Don’t worry about a thing kid, bring in that hefty retainer and we will get you off.” The days of Dean Wolfson are gone, probably for our current lifetimes. Promises are easy, not cheap and usually broken. Justice, especially for a Chicago cop may bankrupt an entire family.
Everyone somehow believes that an acquittal will somehow bring a financial payback. Nothing could be further from the truth. It happens but it’s usually a rare event.
The Case of Chicago policeman Bill Cozzi has given every cop a clear warning. Administrative Rights protections are no longer enforceable. Do not under any circumstances say anything to investigators without having a decent criminal lawyer at your side. You may lose your job but that beats a prison term and felony conviction any day
If you’re a cop and become charged with a serious felony you will be in a fight for your very life.
The current Cook County State’s Attorney ran on a political platform promising her police hating constituents she’d relentlessly prosecute police abusing their badge. That seems to indicate that she wanted to treat cops unequally and to a more punitive extent that other citizens. That seems to be the case with the way cop’s cases are handled in this administration.
Prosecutors can count on Cook County juries within the First Municipal District of Chicago to be heavily stacked with police hating minorities. Knowing this is beyond unsettling to any cop trying to get a fair trial in Chicago.
Any Chicago cop sent to jail or prison would be in constant danger as inmates would most certainly stalk them. Since the Illinois correctional system’s population is 95%, non-White, a White Chicago cop is assured massive additional punishment on account of simple race and occupation. That extra-judicial punishment comes from inmates, not properly controlled by the short staffed prisons.
Chicago cops and their families fear this and that results in many destroyed careers and needless felony convictions. That’s because the officers plead to bogus charges simply to avoid the specter of constant sexual assault or being stabbed to death in prison. They will accept any punishment short of being incarcerated and subjected to constant horror. Believe it, when I say prosecutors take full advantage of this situation when they offer plea agreements to accused cops.
Chicago police officers sometimes can get free representation from the lawyers working for the FOP. They fail for the most part because they are too often lazy, uncaring and ineffective. I have never seen a case yet where an FOP lawyer had bothered to obtain the needed assistance of a decent criminal defense investigator.
The FOP’s criminal defense money would be better far spent in the form of a cash grant to officers for the representation of their choice. Cops may find themselves better off with public defenders that at least have massive experience with serious felony cases. The rub here is they have heavy caseloads and suffer from a lack of resources. Innocence seems to motivate public defenders because they infrequently are assigned to represent anyone but extreme losers.
I like it when an accused is represented by the public defender and I’m hired to assist them separately. These too often underrated lawyers love the things I’m known for doing like taking a wrecking ball to the state’s case exposing one lie at a time. Cops needing lawyers seem to pick whet they believe are cop friendly or get their names in headlines. That's nearly always a poor choice. Accused cops need to make better informed choices of lawyers that get innocent clients their lives returned. That’s not an easy task in the laid back Cook County Criminal Courts.
Cops needing a criminal lawyer need to get recommendations from almost anyone other than a working cop! Cops in trouble need top criminal litigators and investigators especially if they are innocent or vastly overcharged.
Run like Hell when the lawyer says, “Don’t worry about a thing kid, bring in that hefty retainer and we will get you off.” The days of Dean Wolfson are gone, probably for our current lifetimes. Promises are easy, not cheap and usually broken. Justice, especially for a Chicago cop may bankrupt an entire family.
Everyone somehow believes that an acquittal will somehow bring a financial payback. Nothing could be further from the truth. It happens but it’s usually a rare event.
The Case of Chicago policeman Bill Cozzi has given every cop a clear warning. Administrative Rights protections are no longer enforceable. Do not under any circumstances say anything to investigators without having a decent criminal lawyer at your side. You may lose your job but that beats a prison term and felony conviction any day
If you’re a cop and become charged with a serious felony you will be in a fight for your very life.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Obama was supposed to reduce not expand the Wars of George W. Bush
When I ask Barack Obama's supporters if they’re still happy with their choice they all say how much better he was than George Bush. I guess they did not know that Bush was not up for re-election and they had other choices both in a primary and general election. Obama’s supporters are really not that smart anyway so it’s understandable.
We sent our children to fight in Afghanistan then again in Iraq. I saw little value in either war that has cost hundreds of billions and sent too many of our kids, home in rubber bags. I was never a fan of either George Bush.
Obama was billed as being a candidate that would get us out of these dubious wars. Obama was the one who’d lead us to peace and peaceful coexistence with the entire world. They even gave this jerk the Nobel Peace Prize he never earned!
As hard as I try I cannot think of an excuse for Obama to involve us in Libya’s revolution. There are no good guys on either side of this war so why are we involved at all?
Obama was and is a total fraud. He has slapped the faces and humiliated those fools that elected him. Obama has done all he could to destroy the economy and bankrupt America and hard working Americans. The only answer this Communist traitor has is to print more money and enslave a nation to an insurmountable debt.
It’s for Obama to fold his tent and crawl back under the rock he came from.
We sent our children to fight in Afghanistan then again in Iraq. I saw little value in either war that has cost hundreds of billions and sent too many of our kids, home in rubber bags. I was never a fan of either George Bush.
Obama was billed as being a candidate that would get us out of these dubious wars. Obama was the one who’d lead us to peace and peaceful coexistence with the entire world. They even gave this jerk the Nobel Peace Prize he never earned!
As hard as I try I cannot think of an excuse for Obama to involve us in Libya’s revolution. There are no good guys on either side of this war so why are we involved at all?
Obama was and is a total fraud. He has slapped the faces and humiliated those fools that elected him. Obama has done all he could to destroy the economy and bankrupt America and hard working Americans. The only answer this Communist traitor has is to print more money and enslave a nation to an insurmountable debt.
It’s for Obama to fold his tent and crawl back under the rock he came from.
Controlling Government Spending One Car at a Time
A huge expense that American taxpayers must fund, are the automobiles that government workers, bureaucrats and politicians use.
Most working Americans must use their own cars for company business and are lucky to get the minimum IRS deduction for that requirement.
Our local, state and federal governments on the other hand buy and maintain millions of cars for those privileged politicians and their appointed political hacks. Many of these cars are Cadillac Escalades or Lincoln Navigators and such. Rather than place government license plates the vehicles have civilian plates on them.
Outside of military, police, fire and postal vehicles few if any other government vehicles have any markings at all. Those using them can usually take care of most of their personal needs with them. If they are observed driving outside of working hours they can always claim they were taking the vehicle to a car wash.
The worst offending states are California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey and the others that are now bankrupt. Looking at the cars driven at taxpayer expense it’s easy to see why.
We need to take the cars away for the most part. The others that can show a need for a taxpayer funded car should have the least expensive cars available with clear markings of the government agency involved.
In a time of financial disaster why do we allow the government elite the cars most taxpayers cannot afford?
Most working Americans must use their own cars for company business and are lucky to get the minimum IRS deduction for that requirement.
Our local, state and federal governments on the other hand buy and maintain millions of cars for those privileged politicians and their appointed political hacks. Many of these cars are Cadillac Escalades or Lincoln Navigators and such. Rather than place government license plates the vehicles have civilian plates on them.
Outside of military, police, fire and postal vehicles few if any other government vehicles have any markings at all. Those using them can usually take care of most of their personal needs with them. If they are observed driving outside of working hours they can always claim they were taking the vehicle to a car wash.
The worst offending states are California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey and the others that are now bankrupt. Looking at the cars driven at taxpayer expense it’s easy to see why.
We need to take the cars away for the most part. The others that can show a need for a taxpayer funded car should have the least expensive cars available with clear markings of the government agency involved.
In a time of financial disaster why do we allow the government elite the cars most taxpayers cannot afford?
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