Monday, March 07, 2011

Oak Brook Police Officer Stephen Peterson Files a Lawsuit to Keep his Job

Oak Brook, IL—The son of retired Bolingbrook police sergeant Drew Peterson refused to tell investigators what they wanted to hear about his father. The penalty was that he be discharged in a two-fold effort. Part one was simply to pressure and punish Drew Peterson and part two was to turn the younger Peterson into a snitch.

Oak Brook Police Chief Thomas Sheahan danced vigorously to the music of Will County State’s Attorney James Glasgow. Glasgow simply brought a case against the elder Peterson despite a lack of admissible evidence and is suffering embarrassment accordingly as a result.

The good news here is they will be in a different court where Glasgow has no jurisdiction. I don’t think this action by the Oak Brook Police and Fire commissioners will pass Constitutional muster.

The younger Peterson’s FOP lawyer, Tamera Cummings fired the first shot with her petition filed below:

Stephen Peterson wrongful discharge petition

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Lindsay Lohan’s Defense Investigation Laundry List

Venice, CALindsay Lohan is accused of the felony crime of Grand Theft. This was in connection with the temporary removal of a necklace from a jewelry store. The reasons for the removal are not all that clear nor is the intent to permanently deprive needed to establish a theft case.

As a criminal defense investigator these are what I would do to establish Lohan’s innocence:
1. Learn the reasonable value or worth for the necklace to see if it really meets the threshold minimum dollar amount required to classify this as a felony offense.
2. Interview every witness listed in the police or news media reports. The witnesses’ friends must be also interviewed to determine inconsistent statements. There will always be inconsistent statements in a case like this.
3. Conduct a full background investigation on every witness including examination of internet social networking sites visited by these people.
4. Examine the scene where this event took place.
5. Determine if any media leaks were the result of witness instigation or celebrity information commerce.
6. Establish any and all increased traffic to the “victim” business and their website after this story was published in the media and its influence on the witnesses.
7. Full investigation of prospective jurors and their social networking activities. This would continue throughout any trial.
8. Any other tasks though necessary by the defense counsel.

The defense lawyers have no choice but to fully test the evidence. Failure to do so could result in a wrongful conviction and years of unnecessary appeal work.

Lindsay Lohan cannot risk a serious conviction. It would affect her ability to work and for any future foreign travel.

I already believe the state’s theory is full of gaping holes and that Lohan should be very reluctant to seek any plea bargain that could damage her significantly. Of course that’s a decision she must make on her own after being fully advised by her lawyers.

The next question I have, are Lohan’s lawyers up to the task of trying this case? I’m not so sure of the answer. One of her lawyers, Blair Berk is a master at facilitating generous plea agreements. That’s however not the same as trying the case.

Me, I’d bring in Chicago Uber-Defender, Jed Stone. Stone is one of the better death penalty lawyers in America. He may be over-kill but he has special abilities to get the right information to the jurors in a way they can all understand.

In any even I hope this case plays out in a way that will make us proud of our Bill of Rights and the way we conduct criminal trials.

You never know when the victims show their real motives in matters landing in our criminal courts. Check out this one!

Friday, March 04, 2011

Hiring and Promotion for The Chicago Police Department is a Disaster

Chicago, IL—It began in the 1970’s when it became obvious that Chicago educated African Americans and Hispanics were not literate enough to pass the police civil service examinations. Lawsuits were filed making claims that the tests were culturally biased. This notion was in vogue with the political left. The testing as we knew it was scrapped.

Yes, the department really did not hire very many woman and the ones they did were either Matrons for the lockups or Policewomen for the Youth Division. There were no rank promotions after that. It was generally accepted that women were the weaker sex and could not have presence and appearance of a strong man for those difficult people police must deal with. Others feared the day when our daughters would be killed in the line of duty just like the men.

Frankly the women had to compete with thousands of women for a handful of positions so academically they were for the most part brighter and better educated than most of the male officers.

The real cultural issue was simple enough. African-Americans in Chicago were not motivated to succeed in school or do much more than collect entitlements. That was and is Chicago's African-American culture. Should some ghetto dwellwrs change their minds at age 20-21 it’s really too late to re-enter school to learn the basics and failure with poverty is the hand they’re dealt.

White males were left out in the cold unless they were politically connected by blood or at least bed sheets.

The Socialists running the city turned over hiring and promotion to neighborhood political strongmen. That includes the local reverends.

The new police headquarters at 35th Steert and Michigan Avenue has the well-deserved nickname of Fort Fellatio. Your imagination will help you arrive at how that became the moniker.

I was asked tonight if Commander Penny Trahanas better known as Hennypenny was qualified to be a District Commander. My response was simple, I don’t know since she’s not been tested. We don’t know if she is smart or literate enough. She does however, apparently have the right political sponsor.

As for her personal life it has proven to be a major embarrassment with criminal charges and now a child abuse complaint.

Trahanas' wisdom for allowing assorted vagabonds, and beggars the run of the Harrison District to me is both appalling and dangerous.

As for the pending matter with Hennypenny’s teenage daughter, that’s why we have Due Process. That being said, a police commander has to avoid the appearance of improperly. In that regard she has failed.

Update: There are now published reports that Commander Penny Trahanas has abdicated the District Commander’s Throne in 011. At this point giving up her gold star will cause her to revert to the rank of captain and this will result in her reassignment in some other unit. Retirement may hold a better option for her in the long run.

This will improve things for the beleaguered Filmore Rangers formerly under Hennypenny’s command in the short term.

In any event it’s doubtful that Chicago will see an end to fraternization or nepotism or promotion by fellatio. The current culture of the Chicago Police Department must return to just and discipline for all officers. The return of legitimate civil service testing is one sure way to improve department morale and the quality of those selected to lead their fellow officers. Without reform this once proud department is doomed.

As for Captain Trahanas, she deserves full due process and punishment to harsher than any other officer if she has been found to have violated laws or departmental rules. Immunity for the chosen few should become a thing of the past.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Lisa Madigan Wants to Make Stalking and Killing Cops Easier in Illinois!

Chicago, IL—Illinois forces it's gun owners to surrender their privacy rights for the privilege of possessing a firearm. You say owning a gun is a right in Illinois? Surly you jest! If you are required to pay for a FOID card and wait months to receive it that’s hardly a right at all considering they don’t make you wait for a driver’s license. The same holds true for waiting periods and redundant background investigations. Remember driving is not a right, but a privilege!

Illinois requires completed applications with your personal demographics and a photograph. Attorney General Lisa Madigan feels that this is a public record and intends to disclose it to anyone and everyone accordingly.

I’m not saying Madigan’s legal opinion is wrong at all. I think she’s absolutely correct! It’s the requirement for gun owners to provide the information before they can enjoy their second Amendment rights is what’s wrong!

Most police agencies require all current and retired cops who possess firearms to have the FOID card as a condition of employment even though the law has a peace officer exemption.

Anyone wanting to kill a cop will have free access to the home address of every cop in Illinois! Criminals will be able to quickly learn whether the people they intend to rob, rape or murder owns a gun! If this is unsettling and even frightening then something needs to remedy this mess.

This matter should be addressed with emergency legislation. The legislation should protect all city, county and state records. Hunting licenses are also a great source for this kind of privacy invasion.

I support the notion that public records are just that. I don’t however support government collecting this kind of information from its citizens.

L.A. Tunnel Gang Scores Millions in Jewelry Heist

Los Angeles, CA—It happened in the downtown Jewelry District of this city. Right out of a Hollywood screenwriter’s imagination, like the Michael Mann plot for that James Caan flick, Thief.

It was on February 19, 2011, between the hours of 7:30 PM and 9:30 PM when an industrious pair of thieves tunneled through the walls and lifted some really hot ice worth well over $3 million. This was at a yet to be named business located in the 600 block of South Broadway.

Rather than put their merchandise in the vault that night, employees left the goodies out in the display cases like candy. Yes, I agree this scenario has a strong odor of being an, inside job. Getting the LAPD to prove that theory is yet another matter.

The merry burglars were able to tunnel in to the business with ease and they purloined the gems while fully covered with hooded outfits and back packs.

The question I have is will insurance cover this claim if they simply did not vault the loot while the store was closed?

Stay tuned and see if LAPD’s, Sergeant Joe Friday can crack this caper! Somehow, I don’t think he up to the task.

Sit back and watch the gang do their magic to the elegant music of George Gershwin.


Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Your Turn, Tell Me What You Want Me To Cover

The fun about having a blog is that you get to do what you want to do subject of course to your budget of time and money. I know a lot of you may have ideas for stories and this would be a great time to put in your requests.

Christina Aguilera’s West Hollywood Arrest Sounds Fishy

West Hollywood, CA—While most of us slept last night, singer Christina Aguilera found herself under arrest and booked into jail for public intoxication .

The singer’s boyfriend was stopped by Sheriff’s deputies and arrested for DUI. Aguilera was simply a passenger in the car. I have a huge problem with this arrest. Since the singer was inside the car sitting I’d suggest she was not appearing on a public way in a state of intoxication until she was ordered out of the vehicle by the deputies.

There is no question that the deputies had responsibility for the safety and well-being of the allegedly drunken singer. But she could have been handed over to a sober friend or relative rather than get booked in the slammer!

The way I see it there was no crime since she was sitting in a car at night. Nobody could possibly tell whether she was sober or intoxicated to become offended by that sight. Things however changed when the cops forced her out to public view. The deputies created the crime for which Aguilera was arrested.

Celebrity justice means that the cops, prosecutors and judges involved in celebrity cases get fame. Perhaps this time the fame should come in a form of a whopping judgment for the violation of Christina Aguilera’s Civil Rights.

Update: An L.A. County spokesman has said this morning that she was arrested for safekeeping and there will be no prosecution referral to the DA’s office.

We used to make “safekeeping” arrests in Chicago until the Federal Court deemed that a Civil Rights violation. I think what happened is they got some needed legal advice and now want to cut their losses. Oooops! This ain't Mayberry and this was not Otis arresting himself!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Charlie Sheen, Demons, Lawyers and CBS

Hollywood, CA—I was not going to weigh in on this story until I began to think of the huge collateral damage caused by the abrupt cancellation of, Two and A Half Men.

Estimates of the financial loss to CBS are an astronomical, quarter-billion dollars. The show was wildly successful during a period when people everywhere have been avoiding television altogether. The show was the main choice of our airlines to entertain passengers in the sky. Yes, the show is downright funny and the players all have great chemistry.

At the heart of this mess is a talented, handsome but troubled Charlie Sheen. Exhibitionistic excessive womanizing, drug and alcohol consumption has taken center stage. That behavior seems to now be pushing Sheen out in the cold.

Sheen has been reckless not only with his own blessed career but the careers of everyone connected to the show. I don’t want to see this quality show end. The losers will include the fans

America’s Drug War is beyond an abject failure. It has destroyed many more lives than the drugs themselves if that’s possible. It has also torpedoed the basic freedom that made this once great county. Americans still believe that drugs are bad and enforcement is good. The Drug War was absolute proof that propaganda is a powerful tool.

Sheen has opened a very public war of vitriol with the show’s creator and CBS. The dispute is as ugly as anything this town has ever seen. There is no end to the disaster in sight.

Let’s talk about Sheen’s chemical dependence. There are loads of so-called experts on this subject and they all have one thing in common, failure. I say there are no experts and we must let nature take its course. The treatment programs are meaningless exercises fueled by relapse. Either Sheen will survive or he won’t and only he, not the government, CBS or anyone else can do anything about it.

One thing for sure, Sheen has gotten through eight season of his show and despite his difficulties has avoided interruption. The current stoppage is not because sheen could not perform but over the publicity generated by off-duty behavior deemed scandalous by our society’s moral code.

What must happen is that Sheen needs calm down and try to behave. I want a ceasefire and the two sides to negotiate a settlement that includes the resumption of the show with Sheen provided he shows up sane and sober with the proviso he can deliver the product he has for the last eight years.

CBS and Sheen are not so big or tough that they can’t put this mess where it belongs, behind them. Quality shows are too difficult to come by in the vast wasteland of television.

The only people that will profit from this continued public battle are the bottom-feeding lawyers that are gearing up for years of great paydays. In the meantime the rest of the cast and crew of the show have to learn how they will be making car and mortgage payments.

As for Sheen he like all of us is aging. His shelf-life in entertainment is too short to endanger his health and that of the people that count on their's and Sheen's ability for survival.

Charlie Sheen is may be very rich with money but he is impoverished in many other ways. His dad, Martin Sheen for example is one truly fine human being. The elder Sheen can only be suffering greatly right now because of this mess.

If I could I’d lock all of these players in a room together and not let anyone eat, drink or use the bathroom until they could resolve this in a way that does not hurt innocent people.

In the world of entertainment the only real truth is that, the show must go on. This show must go on too!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Socialism Can Be So Much Fun!

When enough people want the free ride Socialism promises, they’ve made the bed they probably will have to sleep in for the rest of their lives. Of course any nation could simple get recreated by a Socialist style, coup d'état.

When Socialists gain power they always convince the peons that they need so many more laws for their own good and safety. Perhaps convince is the wrong word, perhaps insist may be a better choice here. This can happen all at once of slowly over decades like it has in the United States.

Since so many the peons will eventually find themselves somewhat uncomfortable or enslaved they too often vote with their feet and find a freer place to live and raise their family.

This is where all those new and helpful laws they enacted come in handy. So many things become illegal nearly everyone becomes a criminal. The police can round up the violators of ration card abuse, curfew violations or fraternization with those counter-revolutionary terrorists. Now they have fertile pool of peons they can create government snitches from. It’s all very simple snitch or lose their family and be imprisoned. Soon everyone is snitching on everyone and government knows all!

The only way out is to slaughter the Socialist Party leaders and return freedom, starting with scuttling all those unneeded laws, frisking checkpoints and phony anti-terrorist programs.

Perhaps we must make snitching socially unacceptable through severe retaliation. I’m not in any way suggesting we protect thugs, rapists or such. It’s very simple here. If the law involved has no victim or personal violence to innocent people snitching must be discouraged.

Anyone helping Socialists maintain absolute power and control on the other hand is fair game for any curbside or extra-judicial punishment at all. Perhaps we can show our displeasure with those traitors working for the TSA Socialist Jobs Program. A good candidate might be someone just like TSA Screener, Butler who was caught on tape trying to seize my camera from me outside of an airport terminal.

Ms. Butler had no legal authority to assault or rob me of my camera under any federal, state or local law. TSA screeners thankfully have no power of arrest. Ms.Butler, did not need any law here because she appointed herself not only judge, jury and executioner but also as a lawmaker!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Having too much fun with video tonight!

Okay, a close pal gave me a video green screen for a present. He knows I’m always looking for things to juice up my blog. I broke the thing out tonight and gave it a little spin. Within a couple of Moments I was in both the Borgata of Scottsdale, AZ and outside a movie theater in Westwood Village of L.A. There is magic in television indeed!

Hidden From View, Cops Suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.

Chicago, IL—Being a cop here can bring on incredible pain and suffering. There is the avalanche of verbal and sometimes physical abuse from suspects. There’s always the constant reality of placing yourself in danger responding to radio calls.

If it’s not the low level of humanity you must deal with everyday it’s the threat and fear of swift and draconian departmental discipline that can put officers under the gun.

Cops must never show fear, or appear to be stressed out. Cops have no choice but to put up an act that masks reality. If a suspect smells a cop’s emotional blood he will walk all over him or her. If the department sees anything too emotional manifested by a cop he will be disgraced and sidelined.

Cops become very proficient in hiding their emotional suffering, fears, depression and general anxiety.

I can’t help but think about Chicago policeman Bill Cozzi. He was verbally abused by Randle Miles who was very combative in a hospital emergency room. Miles was already restrained in a wheel chair but it did not prevent him from spitting on Cozzi.

Cozzi whacked Miles a few times in retaliation with a leather sap. Since Miles was not noticeably injured by Cozzi, the physical assault was what we call an insulting or provoking kind. That was caught on tape and today Cozzi is serving a 40 month federal prison term.

Was Cozzi suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome as a result of being a cop? Does anyone really care? The truth is, that mitigation factor was never weighed because Cozzi would have had to admit to a stigmatizing mental disease. It came to making a choice of being called a criminal or a nut. However you call it Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome played no minor part in this event.

Cozzi was a real candidate for duty disability as the professionals would have called his assault on Miles symptomatic of mental illness brought on by simple occupational hazards.

Cozzi at a minimum should have received punishment less than incarceration and certainly putting him on duty disability would have made more sense than prosecution and imprisonment. Cozzi should have been allowed to rest and even be returned to duty at some point.

Cozzi’s family was saddled with many tens or even hundreds of thousands in legal costs for both local and Federal prosecutions. Cozzi’s life was destroyed as a result of all the aggregate punishment and disgrace.

Suicide among cops is high and it’s easy to understand why.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ask a Liberal Why He/She Voted for Obama

When I ask people this question the answer was always the same, "Barack Obama is a big disappointment, but George W. Bush was so much worse!”

One, not so minor problem with that answer is that Bush was not running for President! The Republican ticket was led by that Liberal pretend Republican, John McCain. They could have voted for the Liberal they knew instead of that Communist they did not.

Bush was never even close to a Conservative and was a really crappy president. Was Bush really a good reason to elect a Communist to lead our nation?

Obama either is a Muslim or at least has strong Muslim ties. This is evident in his behavior during the uprisings in the Muslim nations. If the Muslims cease fighting among themselves Israel would become a sad memory. It looks like this may well yet play out. We must also remember Obama was raised as a Muslim. We all know Muslims hate Jews.

Obama will be reluctant to help Israel as he keeps our military resources tied up in the very places he criticized Bush for occupying.

It’s strange to have watched Obama and his minions blame Bush for Afghanistan, Iraq and garbage like the Patriot Act. The most complained about Bush policies are more prevalent than ever under Obama!

I guess blaming one’s self for making a disastrous choice in the voting booth is more difficult when you can blame Bush instead! I think it's obvious now that it's like Bush has never left the Whitehouse but for the trillions in additional government waste.