Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Taxpayer Funding for Public Radio and TV is Un-American and Wrong

Washington, DC—I can’t imagine where the idea that the Government should fund television or radio broadcasts came from. The idea is really ugly effort to control what Americans hear or view. It also is a threat to the free market principal.

Yes, there has been really fine programming from this public broadcasting mixed in with lots of Leftist propaganda. The fine programming such as Sesame Street could succeed independently without taxpayer support. The specials along with the Frontline news series would have little difficulty finding their way onto the broadcast or cable spectrum.

National Public Radio commentary however only belongs in the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda run by Dr. Göbbels. This is shockingly contrary to what our founding fathers would have wanted Americans forced to fund.

The NPR and PBS operations should be put on the auction block and sold off to private owners. Then they could compete in the free market where they belong.

The same people that beckon to the constant begging calls for money by PBS can invest their cash in the shows of their choice.

Taxpayers are being forced to fund public broadcasting and that is actually taking the food from their mouths. That is outrageous especially in tough economic times.

Another Interesting Las Vegas SHOT Show Item

Las Vegas, NV--I don’t want to overlook a new revolver from Smith & Wesson. It’s called, “The Governor” and it’s very versatile in ammunition choices and would be a formidable defense revolver for sure.

Cops Forced to Live in the Cities They Protect

Chicago, IL—For a city politician to suggest that if a residency requirement for city employees was lifted that there’d be a mass exodus is an important and very negative admission about that city’s misery index.

The sad truth is that the City of Chicago is no longer a decent place to live and raise a family. Residents of the city not sponging off of government entitlements are constant targets. They are targets of local criminals, and a city that can’t seem to find enough ways of making the city unaffordable through extortionate taxation schemes.

White people are now the all-time robbery and home invasion choice for African-American thugs in the Windy city. The stores in the upscale White neighborhoods are now the exclusive fertile prey for Chicago’s more mobile, African-American criminals

Sending children to Chicago’s schools is a dangerous prospect. A check of sex offender registries, consistently show that Chicago’s African-Americans dominate the list. One can explain why theft crimes are increased as African-Americans suffer from poverty but someone tell me please what poverty has to do with raping women and children? Again it’s about a bankrupt culture.

The Chicago Police Department had a hard and fast rule that prohibits cops from being assigned to the district where they reside. The idea is to keep cops from having to police their own neighbors. That’s sound logic but should be expanded to the entire city not just the districts.

Right now city employees that would try and sell their homes cannot because there are no buyers.

The City of Chicago cannot give their cops a deserved raise pay-raise but they can let them leave the city where they will pay less in taxes, parking fees and for goods and services in the suburbs.

Today Chicago is exclusively run by Communists, criminals and entitlement zombies. But for the wealthiest people who can afford to live in nearly all White and low crime neighborhoods Chicago disappearing middle income neighborhoods have become absolutely unlivable.

There is no fix outside changing the violent, drug-filled and bankrupt culture of the African-American community and finding decent and honest people to lead Chicago out of the darkness. Frankly without a civil war that’s never going to happen.

To force cops to live in the city invites police corruption and racism. It is time to let cops get a little refuge from the misery associated with living with the criminals they are asked to arrest.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Government’s Warrantless Searches of Americans are Tyrannical and Pernicious

I don’t care where you go anymore some government agent is violating your privacy and Fourth Amendment rights. Searching law-abiding people as dangerous criminals is something out of an Orwellian nightmare. It is here and like in all police states people are simply afraid to question the abuse of authority.

We’d normally expect protection from our courts but as it turns out our courts are some of the biggest offenders with their intrusive and unlawful search programs. They are not going admit they are violating anyone’s rights or end their misconduct. We need our elected officials to take their oaths to support, defend and protect the Constitution seriously or remove them.

Here are just some of the places when your rights are violated by our tyrannical police state:

1. Entering commercial aircraft.
2. Entering a passenger train.
3. Entering a government building.
4. Entering a cruise ship.
5. When reporting for mandatory jury duty.
6. When responding to a court subpoena as a witness.
7. Entering venues for sports and concert events.

One thing for certain the numbers of places where you must submit to searches formerly meant only for criminals is increasing every day.

They suggest this kind of search happens only after you waive your rights and that’s total nonsense. They suggest that you don’t have to enter these places if you want to avoid being gropped, fondled and insulted. That’s like saying you can avoid bad air by simply not breathing.

Americans must travel by air and rail. The must do business in government buildings and there are sometimes serious penalties for those who refuse to enter government buildings.

When you raise this issue with folks they will say that, “times have changed and things are different now.” That’s a ridicules and ignorant statement to make. We have gone over 200 years in this country without suspending the Fourth Amendment. That was even during the Civil War, World War One and World War two.

In America we are only a heartbeat away from having the kind of government that was ruled by the likes of Josef Stalin, Adolph Hitler and Mao Zedong. You must stop despots in their tracks or perish.

My question to America is, when will we have enough of this tyranny? As always, what's past is prologue.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Putting an End to an Unwanted Lindsay Lohan Prosecution

Los Angeles, CA—In the past several decades we’ve managed to become a Police State. Government has taken total control over people’s lives with tactics that are harmful to our relationships involving, family, friends and business associates.

An example is actress Lindsay Lohan. The actress now stands accused of felony theft of a necklace. The store owner has publicly said she wanted her property returned and not the arrest or prosecution of Lohan.

There is a way out for anyone that does not want to cooperate in prosecution. The prosecutors will force you to testify threatening contempt punishment including jail if you refuse to testify. They will also threaten you with criminal charges if you now claim that your original story to them was false. Here is how it would work in the Lohan case.

Prosecutors have a digital video recording of the alleged movement of Lohan with the necklace as she leaves the store. That video alone is absolute hearsay and therefore inadmissible as evidence without an eye witness that can say he that video reflects what they saw with their own eyes.

I’m not suggesting a perjuries denial by a witness under oath. But anyone can force anything they wish out of their memories. It then is simple enough to tell prosecutors that you’ve put this matter out of your mind and cannot recall anything about it. If they persist in forcing you to testify you can simply tell the court that you’ve put that police contact and investigation in the land of unpleasant or regretful memories and no can no longer recall.

The primary block to any perjury prosecution is the statement by a party or witness that they cannot recall. That cannot punish anyone for what they cannot recall.

The store owner in the Lohan case has every right to contact the District Attorney and tell them they cannot recall. A quick phone call, note or other communication to the defense attorney to this information would result in a dismissal. Prosecutors would be unable to continue in the absence of a confession by the defendant.

If the jewelry store owner is sincere in her claim she does not want to prosecute Lohan she can do just that without fear of reprisal from anyone.

Why should taxpayer be funding prosecutions of anyone where there is no willing victim? Perhaps we can begin to end the nearly absolute power of prosecutors, one case at a time. After all, a victim has the right to not be a victim.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

LA Passport Office Security Mindboggling

Los Angeles, CA—I have always said that security should be taken seriously. Security officers should be well screened, well-trained and well-armed and that anything less actually creates more dangerous conditions and vulnerabilities.

The security on some government buildings has gone well out-of-control. Our government has wasted untold billions in payments to government contractors for crap America does not want or need. The L.A. Passport office is an example of wasteful spending.

First of all who ever heard of an assault or robbery of a passport office clerk? The job is not confrontational or less than pleasant. Issuing travel documents can’t be more dangerous than states issuing drivers licenses.

To apply for a passport in person there is an incredible gauntlet that defies imagination. There are nearly a dozen uniformed and armed security officers. Entering the passport offices requires a TSA style search. Cameras, sharp objects, pepper sprays and such are strictly forbidden.

Once inside the passport offices heavy bank like bullet and bomb resistant windows protect every clerk from any contact with the already frisked and unarmed applicants.

Surveillance cameras and vigilant security guards monitor the applicants no differently than maximum security prison convicts.

Signs everywhere preclude weapons, cameras and cell phone use. I’m not sure what the camera ban is all about, but let’s say it is not quite perfect.

Can anyone please tell me why we need to waste these kinds of resources that could better be used to protect our borders and our endangered Border Patrol officers instead?

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Lindsay Lohan is Starring in Felony Court Tomorrow

Updated 2/9/11 at 2:10 PM. Los Angeles, CA—Lindsay Lohan will be starring as an accused felon in this real life drama. She will be appearing with her lawyer at the Airport (LAX) Court at 1:30 PM.

Lohan will be served with a criminal complaint through her lawyer and advised of her rights. There should be no issue of bail assuming Lohan appears.

The rub here is a likely probation violation that may get Lohan taken into custody. That would bring about the question of bail.

Under the judicial microscope will be an allegation that the troubled actress purloined a $2,500.00 necklace from a Venice Jeweler. That will take many months if not over a year to resolve under most conditions.

The defense will be entitled to police investigative reports as part the discovery process. Lohan will need a top notch experienced criminal defense investigator to assist her lawyer in getting the evidence.

The whole thing sounds fishy to me because of the delay in reporting and because they knowingly let her leave the store wearing the merchandise. There also seems to be a Hollywood policy for jewelers and such to loan out their wares for marketing purposes.

That necklace now has an increased value not only because Lohan wore it but because of the controversy that suddenly surrounds it. That in and of itself, could have motivated the theft allegation.

UPDATE 2/9/11 2:10 PM:

Lohan was ordered to post $40,000 bail to secure her release on the theft charge and allegation of the Probation Violation.

There was talk of a “settlement” in this matter. That indicates that a misdemeanor plea agreement of some sort is in the works.

A conviction for a misdemeanor would cause a probation violation and undoubtedly a jail term as part of any agreement.

In court today the prosecutor alleged that Lohan had flowers sent to the “victim” and asked for an order precluding any future contact by Lohan or her agents. That order was granted with the exception of Lohan’s lawyer and or defense investigators.

Lohan remains to be fingerprinted, photographed and for bail to be posted by a waiting bondsman. I suspect that could take hours to complete.

Bail is to insure a defendant’s appearance in court and since Lohan came in without more than a summons indicates she in fairness should not be required to do more but promise to appear in the future. Bail here seems particularly punitive without a lack of evidence that she would abscond.

The judge went out of his way to admonish Lohan that she’d be jailed without bond should she be accused of any additional offenses pending the outcome of this theft case.

Crimefile Reviews: The Chicago Code

Los Angeles, CA—How do you do a TV show about the inner-workings of the Chicago Police Department? The answer is, you can’t.

The Chicago Code’s creator, Shawn Ryan instead created a strange parallel universe that has the look of a fantasy CPD. The actors are too pretty and well groomed to be the real thing. Don’t get me wrong there are pretty cops in Chicago that care about their appearance but they make a much smaller percentage of the department. Frankly, Chicago cops for the most part need a serious glamour makeover.

Having Jennifer Beales as police superintendent Colvin, is great for this entertainment effort. She looks so cute in her Superintendent’s field cap indoors. Wearing the cap indoors looks so out of place until you think about the different rules of feminine fashion dictate where women wear hats indoors unlike men. In today’s real life women all but stopped wearing hats and too many of today’s men wear ball caps while they eat in restaurants. A cop serving at an indoor security post should wear the cap. Cops addressing the City Council should not.

Here the story line begins when Superintendent Colvin begins by biting the very hand that fed her. Targeting the powerful Alderman, played by Delroy Lindo as a suspect in a major homicide investigation would not happen in Chicago, ever.

The intense, Prima Donna detective played by Jason Clark is an interesting character as he changes partners like his underwear. Seeing a Superintendent targeted for a hit is unheard of and sensational to say the least. I can’t deny this is entertaining. The acting is top quality and the characters are rich.

I have to say Chicago has never looked better in film and the Chicago cop props are first rate and authentic. This cannot be taken as reality even if they try and rip stories from actual Chicago headlines.

All things considered this show should be a hit series and employ lots of Chicago actors for a good run. I enjoyed the pilot show and hope the writers can sustain the momentum.

If only the men and women of the Chicago Police Department would try and compete with sharp uniforms, great hair and makeup of this parallel universe.

If only my agent could get me a recurring role in this show as a corrupt Cook County judge this series would really rock! Yes, I’d like to get my fingers into the writing and producing of this too.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Boycott the Absolute Cowards of the NFL

Dallas, TX—Super Bowl Sunday will be a fest for cowards and sheep. An American event will be transformed into something America should be deeply ashamed of. No longer can we say we are in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Francis Scott key would pull his song, The Star Spangled Banner from this event if he were alive today. The mutual cowards of the NFL and our Federal government are frisking every attendee of the Super Bowl. They’re looking for weapons, cameras, laser pointers, fireworks and a host of additional harmless items such as simple hair spray. Metal detectors and pat-down frisking await anyone foolish enough to submit to this garbage.

Any real American would skip this candyassed exercise in pure revulsion. I have stopped attending any event where the venue demands patrons be frisked. No event that carries a frisk as part of the price of admission will be attended by me.

This year I’m also going to skip watching these NFL cowards on TV too. No Super Bowl commercials or half-time shows for me. Yep, I already turned down one Super Bowl party invite. Thinking about tens of thousands of sports fans submitting to the un-American frisking in a Police State has zero appeal for me.

This is not the country I grew up in and I am losing interest in living here with so many sickening cowards.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Adolph Hitler’s Remarkable Success Can’t be Ignored

Berlin, Germany—Timing is everything and for one budding world leader he made all the right moves.

Let me say that National Socialism and Adolph Hitler left a nasty scar on this earth that will remain forever. Hitler should forever be remembered as one really evil politician. If we must thank Hitler it will be for the many thousands of miles of film, photographs and documents the NAZI’s left behind that documents their horror.

Hitler was a student of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Hitler was and is a product of the Radical Left wing as was Josef Stalin. Hitler had his own spin on Socialism. The radical Left wing has made a nearly seven decade deceptive campaign to somehow assign Hitler to the Far Right. I guess they don’t want to accept Hitler as one of their own.

Hitler redistributed wealth in grand style and fed the starving people of Germany. He was considered a rising Socialist star as he was selected for Time Magazine's Man of The Year.

Hitler came from the middle class. He studied art, architecture and politics. Hitler served Germany in World War One and earned the Iron Cross for bravery. Hitler was also injured in a mustard gas attack that put him in a Munich Hospital.

Hitler created his own image as a popular public speaker and man of new political ideas. This gifted public speaker could attract a crowd and keep them spellbound. Soon Hitler was making a good living by charging people admission to hear him speak.

Hitler quickly felt the ability to challenge the post World War One German government with an attempted coup d'Ă©tat. This effort was the failed Beer Hall Putsch of 1923 waged against the Weimar Republic by some 3,000 NAZI’s.

When the dust settled fifteen NAZI’s and four German cops lay dead. Hitler and some of his cronies were arrested for Treason, tried and convicted. Hitler managed to turn his trial into a spotlight political venue where he characterized his acts as done for the good of the German people. Hitler’s trial became his moment in the sun. Hitler only served about eight months behind bars for his crimes using that time to write Mein Kamph (My Struggle).

Hitler emerged from prison more popular than ever. The NAZI movement was still a minority trying to break out into the political mainstream. Hitler began a wildly successful political campaign using political promises instead of force to gain absolute power. Like all politicians, Hitler promised something for everyone.

One only has to see the numerous historical films of huge adoring crowds that followed Hitler wherever he went. Countless women and girls shed tears of joy just for an opportunity to be momentarily close to the rising rock star of National Socialism.

Had it not been for his ill-advised attack on the Soviet Union Hitler may have survived to be considered the greatest political leader of all times.

As for anti-Semitism and the deportation along with the enslavement of Jews was popular at the time. The elite Jewish financial leaders were blamed for all that ailed Germany. When it came to the Jewish question the secret plan of total liquidation only became problematic when exposed by the Allies at the fall of Germany. I don’t think even the world’s staunchest Jew haters could stomach the idea of the Holocaust. Murdering women and children has no place in any civilization.

Adolph Hitler was genuinely loved by the people of Germany. When government becomes so powerful and all-important to people this is the result each and every time throughout history. Government can never be allowed to grow like the Socialists demand, or people will always suffer. In the end 50,000 million people perished during World War Two. That includes six-million Jews and nine million good Germans.

Political leaders are hazardous for our health and safety. Politicians should be reduced to being simple servants hired to make roads, infrastructure and maintain national defense.

Study every so-called great leader in the world and you will find a total corrupt tyrant behind their phony smiles. Trading liberty for wealth or security is always dangerous and foolhardy.

Snitches are Vital to Barack Obama’s Police State

Dallas, TX—Barack Obama’s answer to Heinrich Himmler wants Super Bowl fans to become Homeland Security snitches. Janet Napolitano brought her plan to recruit busybodies and others that don’t have a life to become her secret police to the Super Bowl.

The Gestapo was a relatively small organization that relied on a huge snitch network during the 12 year Nazi Reich horror. Government clerks simply read the snitch reports and dispatched the Gestapo officers who quickly rounded up those turned in by their neighbors for resisting National Socialism.

There will always be those despicable people in our world that turn their neighbors and family members in for fun and profit. They need to be identified, exposed and severely punished by American patriots.

I’m not suggesting that robbers, rapists and killers should not be exposed but the new Homeland Security program is clearly looking to get a handle on resistance to their political efforts to fundamentally change America into a Socialist form of government. We all have a duty to report real crime to local authorities.

Homeland security has been deliberately vague on the type and scope of information they’re looking for other than to say, suspicious. That is a sign that they want petty details in volume to selectively use against counter-revolutionaries and patriots.

We must dismantle, de-fund and decapitate Homeland Security while we still can. This organization’s direction is absolute control over Americans and the total destruction of our sacred Bill of rights. The TSA’s full frontal assault on our Fourth Amendment is just Napolitano’s opening act. This is no small threat. What’s past is prologue.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Sig-Sauer’s dazzling .45 Rings My Bell

Las Vegas, NV—I’ve been so busy I’ve not gotten all my SHOT Show favorites up to share with the Crimefile News viewers.

This is a variation on the P-220 .45 ACP that has a lot to offer. This Sig would also make a great service pistol for a street cop.