Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cooking The Books On Crime Statistics

Phoenix, AZ—After leaving Chicago to open my detective agency in Phoenix I learned that over-reporting crime was all the rage in this city. This sent me into a police culture shock.

I had spent my prior years learning that as a policeman my job was to kill crime with my pencil rather than a gun. The City of Chicago wanted to create an illusion of low crime and at the same time show our uncanny ability to solve the more serious crimes at a much higher rate than the national average.

Crime reporting nationwide by police is done through the Uniform Crime Reports made to the FBI. There are the more serious Part One Crimes and then there are the lesser Part Two crimes.

The whole thing becomes complicated with those abused, wasted and mismanaged federal funds created and maintained during 50 years of political progressives controlling Congress.

The most common examples for Chicago cops are as follows.

1. You respond to a call of a burglary and find no suspects or viable leads to solve the crime. The door or window has been broken and property stolen. The only acceptable report you can now submit if for Criminal Damage to Property and Theft. These ate Part Two Offenses.

2. You respond to the same crime and catch a burglar with the loot and arrest him. Now you write the crime as a Part One offense and you call it cleared by arrest.

3. The burglary detectives “investigate” the burglar you caught and they pin (at least on paper) every possible similar neighborhood crime on him with dubious evidence that will never stand up in court. This is not about obtaining false convictions but showing that multiple crimes are now solved and cleared by arrest.

4. You find a strangled or beaten to death prostitute in a dumpster. You assume that’s the case since she has needle tracks on both arms and because of the neighborhood where she’s found. You have no suspect to arrest in this case or witnesses that can tell you what happened. This is not going to be a Part One Murder offense but merely an investigation into a death of unknown causes. It will never get reclassified to a Murder unless there is a suspect arrested for the crime.

The most common examples for Phoenix cops are as follows:

1. Whenever possible theft by shoplifting with or without an arrest is upgraded from a Part Two offense to either Burglary or Robbery boosting this to a Part One crime.

2. Every offense involving a Part One Robbery, Sexual Assault or Murder is written up as a Part One Kidnapping in addition.

3. A thief reaches into a convertible car and steals a GPS device and that’s considered a Part One Burglary crime again with or without a suspect.

4. At a domestic disturbance call the woman of the house claims that her husband threatened her and took $20.00 on a dresser as he left the house while putting a hunting knife in his belt. I remember only too well a Phoenix cop, Reginald Mark Nash, Sr. calling that an Armed Robbery in his report. The cash of course was community property of that marriage.

Crazy you say? Perhaps but that’s the way it is. The cops that don’t play along with this charade are destined for new careers elsewhere.

Chicago kills crime for Public relations purposes. They want citizens to have a false sense of security that crime is low and the police are effective.

Phoenix on the opposite end of this attracts visitors and new residents with sunshine. Since World War Two, Phoenix has grown faster than anyone could imagine, so killing crime is apparently not necessary. In addition crime prone communities can get millions in special federal funds corrupt politicians can steal or otherwise mismanage.

Now the City of Phoenix along with its Mayor and police chief are under federal investigation for artificially boosting their kidnapping statistics. The only real crime here is robbing the taxpayers.

The whole system of Uniform Crime reporting nationwide has degenerated into an unreliable and expensive mess. Your city’s crime rate is whatever your local politicians and bureaucrats want it to be.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Merry Christmas from your TSA

In keeping with tradition of Americans to travel for the Christmas holidays. Here is the latest offering in Christmas music! The TSA has a very special Christmas "gift" for you!

Enjoy the newest Christmas song!

If Barack Obama had any Decency He’d Pardon Army Physician, Terrence Lakin

Washington, DC—After nearly 2 ½ years of legitimate questions there is mounting evidence that shows Barack Obama was born not in America but, Kenya, Africa.

Obamas lawyers have earned some $1.5 million dollars successfully protecting his birth, passport, school loan and IL State Bar records from exposure. The only answer for that is obvious and that is Obama was born in a Kenya maternity hospital as his very own paternal grandmother publically proclaimed.

United States Army, Lt. Colonel Terrence Lakin
refused to deploy to his duty assignment in reasonable belief that Obama is unlawfully holding office. If Laken was correct in his assertion any order from Obama would be null and void. We will not learn anything from this prosecution since the judge refused to order the records open or to even put Obama under oath. Lakin was convicted on one charge and pled guilty on another related to this issue.

Now this physician/soldier who previously had a stellar service record faces three and a half years in federal prison.

It’s Christmas which may not mean much to Obama but he should do the right thing and show some class. I somehow know what to expect from Obama and it won’t be mercy.

Watch this video I put up that shows the documentation of his birth and how NBC anchor, Brian Williams refused to follow up in this area during an interview with the anointed one.

Today It’s Greece

Europe--In as many days The United Kingdom, Italy and today Greece has exploded in mob violence. This dramatic video shows a deadly effort to kill the local cops. When will this unrest come here? It’s a just matter of time.

Where’s The Rest of That School Board Shooting Story?

Panama City, Fl—When Clay Duke, 56 took the floor at the local school board meeting Tuesday he did so with spray paint and a gun. What followed can be seen below in a somewhat graphic video.

Duke’s wife was fired from her job by the board. It’s obvious that Duke did not see justification for the firing and there can be no doubt that the tough economy would have a substantial impact on the Dukes. Hiring lawyers to undo wrongs by boards and commissions is financially crippling to most Americans.

When boards and commissions fire people they are often reckless with the due process rights of the employees. The basis of firings are far too often, rooted in sexual, racial, or pure personality conflicts between employees and superiors. He who has the political clout win these battles far more often than when simple justice prevails. Those with the financial ability to fight arbitrary board actions very often win in the courts winning reinstatement and back pay.

Duke served five years on an aggravated stalking conviction after he armed himself and shot out the tires on his then estranged wife's car. He was obviously a man with serious mental health issues. He was released from prison in 1994 and prohibited by punitive local and federal laws to possess firearms.

It’s a monument to our civilization that more members of boards are not targeted for revenge by the people whose lives they affect considering their track record for being wrong.

Telling the story of the madman shooting up the school board is less than half the story. I think the media needs to learn just what’s going on in the schools served by this board. I certainly want to know the whole story behind the action the board took that prompted such a drastic response.

It is very obvious that Duke knew how to handle his pistol and deliberately missed the board members when he fired in their direction. That fact that Duke did not shoot Ginger Littleton who violently struck him with her purse shows a mindset that the gunman did not want to kill or even injure anyone.

School Board Superintendent, Bill Husfelt is grandstanding today as Adolph Hitler did after the July 20, 1944 bombing attempt on his life at Wolf’s Lair in Prussia. They both proclaimed providence saved them. For Husfelt it was only the mercy of the gunman and nothing more that allowed him to return to his family.

If there is a hero in this story it’s the former cop that was the school district security officer, Mike Jones who followed his training and made sure that Duke could not fire more shots. Today we learned that the bullet that fatally injured Duke came from his own weapon.

Perhaps all the people that serve on boards and commissions need to remember they can suffer deadly retaliation should they become arbitrary, capricious or otherwise become insensitive to the rights of the people they victimize. Not everyone turns to the courts for justice.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Last Week London, This Week it’s Rome!

Rome, Italy—Europe is taking on the same look as it had prior to World War Two. Past is prologue. Can civil unrest in America be far behind in light of the Obama Administration corruption?

At least 50 police and 40 protesters have been injured as hundreds of students clashed with police near the residence of Silvio Berlusconi in Italy's capital on Tuesday. The riots came as parliament decided on the prime minister's future. Berlusconi secured a comfortable victory in the no-confidence vote at the senate, but survived a similar motion in the lower house by just three votes. Demonstrators marched through Rome's historic center, throwing firecrackers that boomed as lawmakers cast their votes. Similar protests took place in other parts of the country.

Monday, December 13, 2010

YouTube Vows to Remove Videos Deemed Extreme

I guess it was going to happen since Internet free speech is just too free. People are using YouTube to suggest violence as a way to deal with government tyranny. YouTube will resolve complaints by viewers of political content that suggest those routine and historical ways to preserve freedom. YouTube has said they will begin disabling accounts. This is a simple and pure effort to tightly control Americans, and YouTube and its Google parent are taking sides against thought and speech.

Free speech is considered by too many in this world as too powerful a tool for Americans to possess. Every criminal political regime in history has found it necessary to control thought and speech. YouTube should butt out and simply let the law and our courts decide what’s over the top rather than become a part of a repressive political force. Perhaps this is a move by Google to gain favor with impending regulation via the so-called and misnamed, Net Neutrality Internet control effort by the Socialists in our government.

Had our own founding fathers been able to use the Internet, YouTube would have shut them down for doing things like organizing the Boston Tea Party. Yes, the Boston Tea Party was a violent event where Americans forcibly and ferociously entered the Kings ships and destroyed his property. Today, YouTube would side with King George.

Tyranny by government is always an honorable reason and catalyst for revolution. Governments have proven themselves to be prolific mass murderers redundantly throughout history. Any government that restricts freedom, including our own should be stopped in its tracks by whatever means is necessary including deadly violence. Failure to take action only invites more repression.

What’s past is prologue
and history books are filled with horror stories like The Third Reich. Adolph Hitler started out with a role model benevolent political image, but things quickly changed when they gave him absolute power. Hitler did his nastiest deeds in secret and quickly executed anyone trying to expose them. Any government on earth is a heartbeat away from becoming a danger to their own population.

When government becomes more powerful than the citizens is when things become dangerous. Speech, movement, arms possession and other controls slowly ratchet up under every rogue government. Anyone suggesting freedom restriction must be viewed as nothing less than an enemy of America and its founding principles. Violence is a just and reasonable alternative when the politicians turn a deaf ear to the demands for freedom by their subjects.

Over the last two years we saw a rogue administration defy the wishes of the majority of the population. Despite major demonstration and nationwide polling results the Obama Administration turned a deaf ear to America. Americans strongly objected to Socialist style bailouts, nationalization of businesses and the takeover of the health care and insurance industries. The Socialists and Communists in our government turned against the people.

Thankfully we had an election that jettisoned many enemies of the American form of government and way of life from our Capital building. There are still too many Communists and Socialists in our government and of course the Whitehouse.

Free speech is a way for all Americans to have a say in just government impacts them and their families. Long live FREE SPEECH and those with the courage to exercise it.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

What’s Wrong With The TSA, Paul, They’re Protecting Us?

I got a simple rebuke of sorts on Facebook from a journalist friend I knew since she was a TV news intern. She defends the TSA as necessary and says traveling is a privilege, not a right. I have an answer for her that follows:

First of all let me say that millions of brave Americans died and were maimed in war so we could have a Bill of Rights that is the basis for our freedom. Nobody including our Presidents, Congress or popular opinion trumps our Constitution short of using the Amendment process.

Americans cannot be forced to waive their rights to in order to travel, breathe or raise their children.

The TSA cannot stop explosives or terror with the means they have employed anyway. The TSA has still never stopped a single terrorist event despite billions of our tax dollars and thousands employed by that Socialist inspired TSA Jobs Program. Any terrorist incidents to date that have been interrupted were only stopped by alert and courageous passengers.

The TSA program is all only a not so cheap, theater illusion that can’t deter suicide bombers but instead is used to deceive Americans that must fly and their loved ones. These searches are easily defeated since explosive compounds are simple to disguise and manufacture into any everyday item. The X-Ray machines and sniffer gizmos are nothing more than expensive theatrical props.

I have many years experience as a soldier, cop and private investigator and take the safety of those I love that must travel at heart.

We must ask ourselves, by whose authority did they suspended the Fourth Amendment? Ask the cowards in our courts including the United States Supreme Court why they insist on violating the laws of search and seizure of those Americans entering their courts?

Ask yourself, why our politicians allow people on our planes that travel on passports from countries hostile to America?

The only effective way of preventing terror in our skies is though behavior profiling of passengers by trained law enforcement officers. We also need to train and arm every pilot and let all off duty, certified law enforcement officers to fly with their weapons.

We got along fine for nearly 200 years or the mid 1970's without searching each other like criminals in this country. Nothing has changed except this is no longer the land of the free or the home of the brave.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Phoenix Murder Rate in Free Fall After Gun Control Laws Abolished!

Phoenix, AZ—Arizona this past summer lifted virtually all restrictions on the possession and carrying of firearms by all but convicted felons, wife beaters and mental defectives.

Today, Arizonans can pack as many loaded weapons on their persons or in their vehicles as they can carry. There is no registration of either the guns or the owners. There are no waiting periods or other obstructions to buying firearms. There remains the federal instant background check and other requirements involving transfers and sales of firearms.

The state’s largest newspaper, The Arizona Republic has announced a substantial reduction in homicides for Phoenix and it surrounding communities. That’s despite a large increase in illegal alien drug violence and human trafficking related behavior.

Somewhere since statehood (1910) Arizona’s gun hating politicians outlawed concealed weapons for all but active peace officers. Citizens could make an end run around the ban simply by joining their local Sheriff’s Posse. That practice ended when peace officer standards and training certification requirements became law. The posse members lost their right to conceal a firearm.

I remember having a conversation with my late, Republican Arizona State Senator, Jackie Steiner in the early 1980s about lifting the ban on concealed weapons through a somewhat restrictive permit system. Steiner was horrified! She said to me, “Don’t you know what would happen if we did that?” She than told me, “Why’d there be shootouts at every traffic accident!” Steiner was also obviously ignorant in that existing law allowed for loaded guns to be kept in unlocked automobile glove compartments.

Steiner was a well-meaning lady but she did not have a clue. She like the majority in the Arizona Legislature came from the larger metropolitan Eastern cities where draconian gun regulation and bans were in vogue. Steiner had hopelessly bought into the big lie.

I spent the next 14 years along with another Arizona gun rights lobbyist, Landis Aden pushing various bill at the State Capital to legalize or at least create a shall issue permit system. It was a difficult and protracted fight that finally ended in a victory. A true hero of this fight was the late Prescott Republican Representative, Dave Carson. Carson took an incredible amount of abuse even from his own party over the continued support of gun rights during his legislative career.

Is the drop in murders related to the abolishment of restrictive gun laws? Have Arizona’s cowardly criminals reacted to the real risk that their potential victims can and do carry weapons for self-defense?

The nation’s gun control advocates have lost all of their credibility after all but a few states have clung to their failed crime-enabling policies to keep victims unarmed.

Now it’s the politicians, police, prosecutors and the courts of Illinois, California, New York and New Jersey have to deal with the Supreme Court’s decisions in Heller and McDonald. For it is now the officials in these jurisdictions that are breaking the law of the land, not their citizen’s who dare carry weapons for self-defense.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Are the Wikileaks Revelations The Crisis Obama Was Looking For?

Washington, DC—The Obama Administration and their Czars have control of the banks, industry, health care, fuel and our food supply. They have neutralized our military by prolonging their presence two unnecessary wars.

The Perfect Storm needed by the Obama Administration to suspend the Constitution may have arrived.

I have written previously that the time of such a move would take place in the short time between the election and the time the deposed politicians are evicted from the Capital. The Congressional investigations brought on by the new Conservative majority would quickly result in Obama being impeached or otherwise removed. That hour is approaching and the rejected Socialists are now desperate.

Controlling the information is the last frontier for any revolution. The First Amendment with the rest of our Constitution is ripe and ready to be suspended and Wikileaks is the excuse they’re looking for.

The signal for the start of America’s second Civil War will be the shutting down or severe restrictions on the Internet. If the Internet is interrupted it’s a sure sign that the Obama Administration is at war with America and the Constitution.

Recognizing the enemy will not be so easy. Raids by military, paramilitary or federal teams on your neighbors will come next. They will suggest they are defending Americans from terrorists and criminals.

There are many more able bodied patriots and military veterans then any force the Obama Administration can assemble. The side with the most determination and resolve will win but the loss of life may be heavy.

I hope America is ready with survival supplies and the courage to fight for freedom. I know there is enough guns and ammunition in the right hands in conservative states. New York, New Jersey and Northeastern Illinois may not survive the absolute anarchy that may take place.

The administration can be counted upon to enable the anarchy by starving out those people living in densely populated cities lacking any form of self-reliance. They will of course blame White racists for the trouble in order to incite the ghettos into violence. The guaranteed violence is the perfect excuse to seize our freedom.

If you wake up and find the Internet is under government lockdown it will be time to lock and load your weapons. Make sure you have plenty of water. Anyone sent to the homes or businesses of Americans to exercise powers under Martial Law must be destroyed at once.

Anarchy Rules in the UK Today!

London, England--The UK has spent itself into Socialist Bankruptcy. They have no money and now it’s time to shut off the handouts to the now heavy Muslim population. It won’t be pretty as the damage puts taxpayers against the wall for even more deprivation.

Today is only the beginning of what may sweep the formerly free world. The next step is the suspension of all civil rights and Civil War.

Enjoy the video:

How Firearm Balisics fit into the Ronni Chasen Murder

Beverly Hills, CA--Here is some theory, science and investigative issues police must deal with is this killing of Hollywood publicist, Ronni Chasen.

Someone could have searched for and recovered the empty brass ejected by a semi-automatic pistol but at night that seems unlikely. The reality is that the cops simply never determined the shooting location so they did not know where to look for the brass.

Ballistic firearm identification science can be easy or impossible. In the case of revolvers there are only the expended projectiles. Soft lead that had been sent into flesh, bones and heavy clothing are often damaged beyond recognition. This is especially true for smaller caliber high velocity ammunition.

Slower moving larger bullets suffer less damage and are more easily identified.

Most of the modern center-fired ammunition have copper jackets covering the softer lead. This material is more likely to have identifiable rifling marks for the examiner’s microscope.

With semi-automatic firearms, examiners get a second bite at the apple, so to speak. They have the projectiles to compare but also the ejected shell casings that also have their own characteristics.

Some criminals will recover all the empty casings before the leave the scene or they can employ something called a brass catcher that makes searching for the empty brass unnecessary.

Result possibilities are that the items submitted for identification are:

1. Inconsistent and excluded as having been fired from the weapon
2. Consistent with being fired from the weapon
3. Consistent with and having been fired by the same weapon.

It is much easier to rule projectiles and shell casings out than make a match that is consistent to a scientific certainty as having been fired by the same gun.

Because of the delay and confusion in the Chasen case I suspect that there were only enough similarities in the comparisons for police to draw conclusions, but would not be surprised to know that the certainty is significantly less to 100%. Remember they don’t have to prove to a jury in any courtroom that this was in fact the same gun.

I don’t know the make or model of the gun nor the caliber and type of ammunition used in the Chasen murder or the Smith suicide.

Had police found the actual scene of the Chasen shooting it’s most likely they’d have recovered some or all of the expended brass. There is an additional possibility and that is the gun was fired from a vehicle and the brass stayed inside that murder car. If the killer put his gun and arm out the window there would have been brass hitting the asphalt.

I can’t really imagine anyone that just fired those deadly shots scrambling around in the dark trying to recover the empty brass.

Here are pictures of two S&W 940 9MM revolvers.

Those little revolvers use full moon clips to hold the five rounds so these rimless cartridges don’t fall through the cylinder.

I don’t think that this or the even more rare Ruger 9 MM revolver were used in this crime. These guns do not eject brass like semi-automatic pistols.