Sunday, July 18, 2010

Chicago Officer Down

Chicago, IL—It was a central District (001) officer who had just finished a shift protecting mayor Daley’s residence in downtown Chicago. He was about to retire under mandatory conditions since his 63rd birthday was August 14th. His name is Michael R. Bailey.

Crimefile News offers our condolences to the entire Bailey family along with his brothers and sisters in blue.

Ghetto Rats Murder Yet Another Chicago Cop This Morning

Chicago, IL—This time it was an off duty cop who was simply cleaning the windshield on his brand new Buick automobile in front of his own house. The officer had just arrived home after his shift protecting Richard M. Daley’s residence.

Details are scarce right now but it appears there were multiple assailants and apparently lots of shots fired at the scene. The officer was still in full uniform when he was murdered.

This senseless attack happened shortly after 6:00 AM near the intersection of 74th Street and Evans Avenue. Police are still processing the crime scene and trying to determine the motivation and identification of the killers.

This was a career Chicago cop facing mandatory retirement August 14th on his 63rd birthday.

Chicago’s African-American community is in a non-stop, mid-summer orgy of violence. The underpaid, undermanned, out-gunned and demoralized police department is totally incapable of keeping a lid on the ghetto carnage.

Chicago’s corrupt politicians have wasted millions on questionable projects that were never wanted or needed while they allowed the department to degenerate into the mess that it is today.

Mayor Daley will certainly scream about guns again, when he knows full well it was his own corruption and mismanagement that facilitated this deadly anarchy. The Daley/Burke cancer on Chicago must be taken out for good and the streets returned to the law-abiding folks.

The law-abiding citizens of Chicago need to get firearms, training and courage to stop the armed monsters in their tracks. Police alone will never be able to reclaim Chicago.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Obama’s Hope and Change has Evolved Into a Communist Revolution

Washington, DC—Barack Obama has not delivered on even the slightest improvements he promised. The Marxist scheme of Obamacare is nothing more than a prescription for fiscal doom for Americans and their future grandchildren.

I wonder how many sick people could be treated for the millions of tax dollars being spent to fund elective abortion as a birth control method for the irresponsible. Of Course Obama lied and said that would never happen to ensure the passage of the massive scheme. No matter how you try and define it, pregnancy is not an illness.

Obama has only impressed me with his ability at unbridled deception. Obama has continually manipulated reality and has proven to be a master of the cover-up. Instead of transparency he’s built a brick wall that he and his un-vetted and unelected Czars that have also evaded Senate confirmation have conspired behind.

The Seizure of banks, automakers and Wall Street by the Obama Administration has been a death knell to private enterprise, competition and everything that has made this nation exceptional. Corrupt and inefficient businesses must be allowed to fail in America to provide opportunity for others to succeed. The massive bailouts are an anti-American outrage.

The work of Obama and his fellow conspirators to destroy our economy, currency, national defense and Constitution is nothing less than High Treason.

Remember the dreaded Patriot Act that Liberals say they hated? Not only has Obama made no effort to lift it he allowed it to be expanded. That’s about power grabbing that the dictator needs and nothing more.

Obama has lost the support of the moderates, independents and voters rightly disillusioned by the pathetic performance of George W. Bush that elected him.

Many want to forgive Obama as a inexperienced rookie that’s not up to the job. That’s a big mistake. Obama was and is nothing less than a foreign insurgent and political operative in the process of leading a Marxist/Communist revolution.

Barack Obama is the worst threat to freedom we’ve ever faced. Americans must resist this cabal and the enslavement they’re bringing us. Waiting for elections will prove disastrous.

The Tea Party demonstrations have been an exercise in futility. Americans must find their muscle since their voice has been ignored by the arrogant despots.

Americans have an absolute right to use violence to stop an overthrow of our Constitution by anyone including a rogue president. Failure to act will invite the exact kind government led by Stalin, Castro, Pot, and Hitler to rule our daily lives.

Crimefile’s WIND Radio interview in Chicago on Gun Rights

Chicago, IL—In light of the Supreme Court decision on the McDonald case that struck down this city’s 28 year-old gun ban, I was a guest on Big John Howell and Amy Jacobson’s drive time radio show.

It was a fast moving half-hour show. You can listen to it here.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Every American Taxpayer Is Now an Abortionist

Washington, DC—Barack Obama signed a contract of sorts and promised America that the massive ObamaCare legislation would not fund abortions. Many members of Congress voted for the bill based on those assurances or that Marxist inspired legislation would have never passed.

Personally I dislike abortion as an ugly alternative but in some cases I remain convinced they may be necessary. Unfortunately abortion has become nothing more than a bloody form of birth control, for the irresponsible. I even think government should pay for this nasty procedure under certain conditions beyond just the life of the mother. More than elective abortions, I dislike deceptive politicians.

Obama has lied in a big
way since millions are going to establish abortion mills despite anything Obama promised. Obama dared to label those who voiced doubts about the claims of no public abortion funding as liars. In the end it’s Obama who is again the liar.

Every American taxpayer is now a willing accessory to the extraction and demise of innocent fetuses. Anyone who sends money to the government is as guilty as the person holding the suction device actually doing the abortions.

Those Americans that feel justified to use violence to stop abortion now have lots of deserving targets for their wrath starting at the Whitehouse. Those who want no part of taxpayer funded abortions or violence can only absolve themselves by refusing to pay any taxes bound for the federal government. Frankly tax resistance could shut the monster down quickly. I guess how this plays out depends on just how committed the abortion foes are to their core values. I think we will see just how committed those right to Life activists are.

One thing for sure America needs to evict the Communist traitor from the Whitehouse immediately. Waiting for 2012 will certainly enable the destruction of our Constitution and way of life.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Another Major Federal Court Complaint RE: Chicago’s Gun Ban

Chicago, IL—The U.S. Supreme Court’s opinions in the Heller and McDonald matters will bury Mayor Richard M.Daley and other Chicago officials under litigation.

For some 28 years Chicago’s politicians violated the civil rights of citizens to keep and bear arms for lawful self-defense. Many people were arrested for being in possession of guns city officials banned. Their firearms were confiscated and ordered destroyed by local courts that marked the victims with a criminal record.

Many people were denied employment because of the criminal record they were branded with for engaging in constitutionally protected activity. In addition these people sat in jail cells, paid for bail and legal fees. Some people even had their automobiles confiscated. There were other factors too numerous to mention here that were simple punishment that was unlawfully administered.

A class action federal lawsuit was filed, Second Amendment Arms, et al. vs City of Chicago, et al. seeking compensation for those victimized by Chicago’s politicians. The fun part is that those responsible and named individually as well as in the official capacities. Perhaps these despots can be bankrupted for their transgressions.

Can the city afford the continuation of violating the gun rights of people that will be able to sue for every arrest over the possession and carrying of firearms? Yes, I said carrying since the court held that the people have the right not just to keep arms but to bear them as well.

If you think you should be made a member of the class to be compensated you should contact the lawyer listed at the bottom of the attached complaint.
Chicago Class Action Gun Complaint

At Last, A Worthy Candidate for Cook County Sheriff

Chicago, IL—On my very recent trip to Chicago I attended a freedom rally at the State of Illinois building plaza. They were celebrating two U.S. Supreme Court decisions that reaffirmed the rights of all law-abiding Americans to keep and bear arms. I visited with many old friends and met some new ones at this friendly gathering.

I was very delighted to meet a young career cop who is wise, well beyond his years. Sheriff's candidate Frederick Collins wants to resurrect the Cook County Sheriff’s image, professionalism as he earns respect from the voters. Collins told me he was at the rally to celebrate with those assembled and to meet and greet them. I must say, I was impressed.

I’ve watched nearly forty years pass in Cook County as the Edward Burke Crime Family had nearly absolute power over the city and county. The power controlled every move made at the Sheriff’s Office.

The office of Cook County Sheriff’s Office once had real term limits ousting every one after a single term until the mob wanted their favorite one to stay. They law was changed just for Richard Elrod who was elected in a 1970 race so close it took four months to re-count the ballots. The Democrats kept counting until every vote from every Cook County cemetery was counted. Elrod was installed by a fixed election.

Elrod soon gutted the merit system established for hiring and promotions and went on to become the worst Sheriff ever. When Elrod was finally appointed as a Circuit Court Judge in 1988 he was succeeded by Democratic Party hacks that never served the voters.

Chicago’s Sheriffs have smeared law enforcement for far too long now. There are plenty of good men and women that go to work every day dreading the political intrigue inside the Sheriff’s office. The stench of corruption here is overpowering and now is the time to bring integrity, professionalism and honor to this important office.

Because Chicago’s African-American substantial Democrat voting block tends to only stray from the democratic ticket for candidates of their own race and that Regular Democratic Organization controlled by racketeering criminals only a Democrat can win. That is until now.

I will predict that the substantial African-American voting block will stray from party lines to elect a dark skinned candidate in a heartbeat. With the Conservative and African-American vote combined Collins could easily be the next Sheriff.

Collins is a proven Chicago police crime fighter who has worked in my old Monroe Street (012) District. Collins is a political Conservative that owes and pledges his allegiance to the Constitution and voters not the Daley/Burke Mob.

Collins has vowed that he will do all he can to bring down the draconian and unconstitutional gun laws that inhibit the right to lawful self-defense. Collins wants Cook County to protect the rights of all law-abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms for lawful purposes.

Collins granted Crimefile News and interview so you can meet him in that discussion seen below.

Please support this lad with a generous contribution you can arrange at

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Swiss Denied Steve Cooley His Campaign Show Pony

Bern, Switzerland—The Swiss government formally announced that they have freed film director Roman Polanski. They will not be turning Polanski over to the star struck, Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley for more victimization in a court system rife with corruption.

Cooley needs Polanski or any high profile person to publicly torture and vilify to help is campaign for Attorney General of California.

There are thousands of older men that have impregnated California’s teen girls that go unpunished simply because nobody cares if those predators don’t have name recognition. Cooley knows Polanski would have been a wonderful campaign show pony to delight voters with.

Polanski will not be winning any humanitarian awards for his conduct more than three decades ago with a 13 year-old girl in Jack Nicholson’s hot tub. It’s interesting that Polanski’s victim had disclosed to police and prosecutors her two prior sexual encounters with other men. Those offenders were never were never sought by authorities for their crimes.

Polanski entered into a plea agreement in good faith and served time at the state prison in Chino as a result. The judge and prosecutor reneged on that agreement and Polanski fled. For four decades they covered up the corruption of the case and refused to give the Swiss investigative documents. The Swiss were absolutely right in putting an end to this exercise.

It was very un-Swiss like for this country’s government to involve themselves in the Polanski matter at all. I was In Geneva and Zurich shortly after Polanski’s arrest and I found the Swiss people to be very unhappy with their government over this case. That controversy caused the government to allow Polanski’s house arrest rather than keep him in jail while the official extradition decision was being made.

If I could vote in California Cooley would not get my vote over his sickening mishandling of celebrity cases. Celebrities fail sometimes but when they do they do not deserve more punishment that any other citizen.

Nobody deserves to be a politician’s show pony.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Chicago Police Officer Thor Soderberg Murdered at 43

Chicago, IL—Thor Soderberg was a police academy instructor currently assigned to deal with South side Chicago gangs and violence. Late this afternoon while leaving a police building a local thug snatched Soderberg’s service pistol and shot him in the head killing him.

The offender attempted an armed robbery nearby with the gun and was shot and wounded by other officers. The suspect has non-life threatening wounds. The yet to be identified thug reportedly has an extensive criminal record of mostly drug related crimes.

Soderberg leaves a wife and many friends who are devastated by this despicable and cowardly and racist driven act.

My thoughts tonight are with departed role model, his family and friends.

Another Chicago Cop Murdered In The Englewood Combat Zone

Chicago, IL—It’s long been a neighborhood ruled by thugs enabled by Mayor Richard M. Daley’s long standing gun ban. The 7th Police District is a combat zone and scene of multiple shootings daily. When they are not shooting they’re stabbing and beating each other in this neighborhood filled with horrible wild savages.

For police unfortunately this ghetto is steadfastly in an, us or them hateful mentality. The African-American inhabitants of Englewood simply hate anyone with white skin. Chicago cops are high value targets here and yet another cop gave his life simply trying to keep the peace.

This time it was a 42 year-old, eleven year Chicago police veteran. His name won’t be released after someone tells his wife and children that he’s not coming home ever again.

There was one offender shot by police returning fire that’s said to be in critical condition at a local hospital. The investigation is still under way and more will be known later.

This ghetto culture of violence is a direct result of enslavement through entitlements. Schools run by committed Socialists conveying the message that there is no need for ambition, excellence or self-reliance have made this monster.

Ebonics is tolerated and encouraged along with a bankrupt culture that makes the darkest African jungle seem civilized. The forces of evil have been fueling this lost civilization for way too many generations. Their self-genocide may be the only solution.

Prosecutors Duck Drew Peterson Trial

Joliet, IL—Prosecutors have turned tail and fled from selection of a Jury tomorrow after the Judge in the case ruled against some of the hearsay statements against retired police sergeant Drew Peterson.

Citing their wish to appeal the ruling, Will County State’s Attorney James Glascow has asked Judge Stephen White to continue the case. Because of the time involved in perfecting such an appeal the case could take six months to a year before a trial could commence.

Under those circumstances it’s now clear there is a substantial lack of evidence and Drew Peterson will likely be ordered released. Peterson has been in custody for a year since he was indicted and arrested on a charge of murdering his third wife Kathleen Savio. There is the serious issue of speedy trial rights of anyone accused of crimes in America.

The difficult part for anyone reporting this story is that motions are filed under seal and the lawyers are barred from talking about specifics of the hearsay conversations excluded from evidence.

One thing for sure, the case against Peterson always was incredibly weak and if Peterson is acquitted they won’t be able to try him again should any real evidence surface.

Prosecutors and police have been recently claiming that they’re close to locating the remains of Peterson's fourth wife Stacy Peterson who has remained missing. It remains to be seen just how true those claims really are.

Prominent defense team member, Joe “The Shark” Lopez said Glasgow. “chickened out, since he has no case.”

Peterson is expected to be released from custody in time for lunch tomorrow.

In the mean time all those people that hate drew Peterson will have to return to wringing their hands and relentlessly complaining about the rights of an accused to a fair and speedy trial.

Update 8 July:
Judge Stephen White just ruled that Peterson must remain in jail. That ruling will get quick review by the Illinois Court of Appeals. I suspect Judge white did not have the gonads to do his job because of all the whiners.

New Daley Gun Ban Is Object of New Litigation

Chicago, IL—The ink was not dry on Chicago’s defiant new gun ban before a new federal District Court lawsuit was filed against Mayor Richard M. Daley and the City of Chicago. The new case is Benson vs City of Chicago.

The plaintiffs are asking that the new effort to keep Chicago’s law-abiding citizens disarmed be declared unconstitutional and an injunction be issued preventing its enforcement.

The complaint which is attached below also contains verbatim quotes from members of the City Council insulting and criticizing the United States Supreme Court as they conspire to violate the Civil Rights of Chicagoans.

The gratuitous remarks of the Council members quoted complaint are a window into their lawlessness and intent to simply defy the law of the land.

Benson v. Chicago Complaint FINAL[1]