Obama like all political despots is no fool and seems to have planned a coup d'état to maintain control. Obama has already trashed our Constitution by eliminating Posse Comitatus Act and our right to a Writ of Habeas Corpus as he set new higher bar for government tyranny. Additionally yesterday, he has set up new administrative regulations authorizing the government new tyrannical powers unheard of in America.
Obama is putting into place a chapter of his mentor, Saul Alinsky’s method of operation. Through local community organizing Obama’s minions will step up lawlessness and chaos in America’s ghettos that will impact commerce and public safety in a big way. That will trigger an excuse to suspend elections and shut down all public access to the Internet.
Obama’s next move will be to wage war on political conservatives through arrests, gun confiscation and mass democide.
Chicago will be the epicenter for this plan. They have deliberately allowed the Chicago Police Department to be so lacking in manpower, equipment and training they will be ineffective and unable to stop even the smallest of insurrections.
Obama minions are in total control of Chicago’s Entitlement Zombies that can be counted upon to lay the foundation for a new American Dictatorship. Get ready for redistribution of wealth by force and violence. Get ready for some serious democide and mass incarceration.
This is not some brand new concept. This is a very old story that has played out redundantly since the beginning of governments on Earth. What’s past is prologue. Stop Obama now or he will stop you!