Talking on the telephone was nearly impossible for that period. Frankly I did the blog to fight any depression and feelings of helplessness the deafness brought. The blog really made that period bearable for me. Being able to avoid those mood chemicals was a huge benefit.
The doctors told me I had a blockage in my Eustachian tubes that would be temporary. They underestimated the time I’d be deaf considerably. My hearing has returned but with less volume and on some days it’s better than others. I’m very grateful for the hearing I’ve retained. I’m also grateful that I have missed an insult or two thrown my way.
As my readers know I have a strong Libertarian/Conservative background. I was intermittently raised by dysfunctional single mother destroyed by entitlement addiction in Chicago. My mother did the best she could but was shattered by the Nanny State. I was on my own since age 14.
In addition to the therapy and pleasure of creating this site along with debating, this blog has improved my writing chops considerably. Additionally, I am the editor and proof-reader.
I don’t expect everyone to agree with my positions but I sincerely hope we provoke serious thought as we test our various philosophies.
I thank God for our hard won Freedom that allows me to express some pretty strong feelings.
In the future I want to report from as many places as I can. I want to bring forward more stories complete with quality video and images.
I serve you the visitor. I want to bring a broad variety of useful information to you. Please feel free to bring story requests to my attention as often as you like. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generous visits.