The keeping and bearing of arms is not a right if you must pay the government for the privilege to exercise it. This is no different than the Poll Taxes of the deep-South that were outlawed by the Supreme Court long ago.
In Illinois you can defend yourself and family only if you can afford it so of course this will create a hardship for lower income people.
What the Chicago despots also overlooked is that gun owners will be unable to have reasonable shooting skills because they won’t be able to afford needed regular practice.
The real and very grave unintended consequences are that innocent people will be endangered anytime justifiable shots are fired. They also forgot to exempt cops and security workers from the tax furthering this horrible public policy.
Rep. Cassidy speak well for the kind of politicians running the dysfunctional City of Chicago. It's in their world that defending your spouse and children is a sin.
Frankly I’d not loose sleep if someone used an untaxed Louisville Slugger to rearrange Cassidy's bones somewhat.