Showing posts with label self defense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self defense. Show all posts

Sunday, July 14, 2013

George Zimmerman Acquittal Reflections and Lessons Learned

George Zimmerman
Sanford, FL--This sad case began with a tragedy.   Travon Martin was a troubled lad who made terrible choices.  The data recovered from his cell phone and was later unlawfully hidden from George Zmmerman’s defense lawyers by prosecutors showed that Martin was heavily involved with illegal guns, drugs and fighting. 
Judge Debra Nelson later ruled that cell phone evidence inadmissible and that was not at all unusual in our courts.  It may seem unfair to some but that’s what they normally do.
As for Martin he apparently had personal issues with what he called, “crappy assed crackers” and was the one actually profiling Zimmerman clearly by race.  To me it’s logical and believable that Martin caused his own death by assaulting Zimmerman.  However we all must recognize that there are no witnesses or video to establish this fact with absolute 100% certainty.
We must not never lose sight of is the fact that we don’t require accused people to prove their innocence and that burden is the government’s to prove that self-defense was not somehow necessary.  In the Zimmerman case both the government and media led us astray in that regard.
What is certain are the injuries to Zimmerman obviously inflicted by the stronger and faster, Travon Martin.   They’re not serious injuries but they clearly substantiate an attack by an aggressor.  The police carefully investigated the case and there was simply no probable cause to arrest Zimmerman. 
Zimmerman could have avoided his horrible and expensive ride on the Wheel of Misfortune by simply asking for a lawyer rather than cooperating and answering every question put to him by the cops. 
The cops were fair and also the first set of prosecutors however; a special prosecutor shanghaied the case.  In the end the only evidence they had was Zimmerman’s admission that he shot Martin.  His verbal claim to police of self-defense became a confession they used to file the case!
Martin’s parents did not understand or even care about the truth as they sought legal counsel, after all their son was now dead.  Suddenly a public relations campaign was set in motion to incite, inflame and distort the facts of the case.   The media used and misused the information as they sensationalized facts.  NBC NEWS actually went to far as to cleverly edit the 911 tapes to place Zimmerman in a false light as they misled the entire world suggesting that Martin’s death was a hate inspired crime.
Even the Whitehouse and the Attorney General wrongfully got involved.  They used public tax funds to help Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson lead race baiting public demonstrations.  Politicians for purely political reasons hijacked the normal investigation and prosecution procedure.  Zimmerman was quickly charged in a misleading criminal complaint that even bypassed normal Grand Jury review.
God given rights to protect oneself their family and even innocent bystanders is what was threatened by vile and nefarious race baiters inside the Whitehouse and by certain members of the Civil Rights movement.   
We’ve all been given the gift of fear and the instinct for survival.  If not we’d have never survived as a species.  We also have the ability to make tools and weapons for self-defense.  The shameless and unwarranted injection of racial hatred into the Zimmerman case was an intentional campaign to undermine the legitimacy of self-defense rights. 
The self-defense rights of members of every race and religion; are sacred and personal.  Denigrating these rights will land and has landed thousands of innocent people behind bars.  That could happen to you or someone you love.  Tampering with these rights is dangerous to all of us.  There are millions of cases where weapons other than guns are used in self-defense so these laws have nothing to do with the separate issue of gun control. 
In court prosecutors are generally more experienced in ways to subvert justice by hiding evidence and confusing juries.  They have huge budgets for investigators, experts and litigation support that are never equal to public defenders or most private attorneys. 
The George Zimmerman case was nothing less than an exercise in prosecutorial and government tyranny.  Here the government actually created a bogus crisis.   They claimed a hate crime was committed by a racist vigilante, when they knew otherwise. 
Oddly enough here the government further and shamelessly victimized Travon Martin’s parents by the deliberate obstruction of justice in allowing this charade of a show trial to even happen.  In the end the jury saw through the subterfuge and followed the law rather than the tainted emotion and hyped prosecution smokescreen.   Zimmerman’s lawyers proved themselves up to the task of his criminal defense and prevailed.  
Zimmerman will forever be a marked man and a curiosity.  He will be virtually unemployable and if he has any success it will be in some business unrelated to security, law enforcement or private investigation.
As for the reaction of the African-American community to this trial it was surprising to me personally.  There were the many thousands of hateful and scary threat messages plastered all over the Internet.  So far there were only a few scattered related incidents of violence and they were on the West Coast.

The New Black Panther Party thugs put their silly costumes on and came to Sanford to openly incite a riot in violation of existing federal laws.  Attorney General Eric Holder will never prosecute his panther pals in a million years.  This was very similar to the crap we saw that  the Ku Klux Klan got away with in America’s dark past.  Apparently as a nation we never outgrew this kind of hateful activity. 
The Panther’s shrill cries landed on deaf ears and millions of disappointed African-Americans went home peaceably.  Perhaps they understood how they were being used and ultimately that violence would prove nothing at all.
As a nation we saw what happened here and we can pull together where government has pulled us apart.  Those improvised African-Americans must begin to recognize that the way to real wealth is through education and achievement not government handouts.  They need to adapt to a culture free of drugs, crime and a sense of entitlement.
If Americans could pull together we could once again be the greatest nation on earth. Instead of cursing each other, helping each other is a beginning.   We need to strengthen not weaken the laws protecting self-defense rights.  It’s actually the poorest people in the ghettos of America's large cities that are in real danger of criminal attack.  They need gun rights and the ability to defend themselves, their families and neighbors. 
As a criminal defense investigator I recognize that if we don’t protect the self-defense rights of every minority we lose our own rights.  We must stand up to the right of self-defense for everyone everywhere.  That is, the strongest most meaningful message by far we can ever send to those cowardly thugs, thieves, rapists and killers.
As Americans we must end bullying and avoid conflicts rather than to create them.  Bullying is in our blood.  That’s what done in every government on earth.  That is why humans have courts, armies and holocausts.  As for lovers of law and government muscle we must remember that everything Adolph Hitler and Josef Stalin did was perfectly legal.
When we must use deadly force we must never forget George Zimmerman and refuse to answer questions or cooperate with the police.  In the video below I explain how to deal with the government authorities after a self-defense event.  This is about your rights.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

America Will See Its Worst Race Riot Yet This Summer

Star Prosecution Witness, Rachel Jeantel
Sanford, FL—Yes, the George Zimmerman trial here has thousands of African-Americans getting ready for some serious bloodletting.
I don’t want to make idle and dire predictions but this nation has never been so divided and racially sensitive.  Our African-American President took sides on this case at the very beginning.  That ratified a George Zimmerman guilty verdict in the minds of millions.
There’s just one little problem, and that is the murder case should have never been filed.  It was filed purely for political reasons despite the fact that it was a simple justifiable homicide. 
Zimmerman was on the block watch lookout program and followed a suspicious Trayvon Martin after he used an improper entrance to a gated community.  Zimmerman was acting as the eyes and ears of the Sanford Police Department. Martin did not like being followed and knew that he could easily beat up the out-of-shape Zimmerman and did so.
The force was unequal and Zimmerman was getting his head pounded on the concrete sidewalk.  Zimmerman was fighting for his life when he removed his Kel-Tec pistol and put a round into Martin’s chest.
The Sanford Police Department investigated the shooting and had no probable cause to arrest Zimmerman who regrettably cooperated with them fully.  They made no arrest. 
The Leftist gun rights hating media and African-American agitators could not wait to exploit this sad story.  They used angelic pictures of Martin from his childhood and even broadcast doctored 911 tapes to make Zimmerman appear racist.
The propaganda fairy tale was so simple.  An unarmed youngster was merely skipping along in an apartment complex carrying tea and candy. The lad was suddenly murdered by an armed monster stalking him because of his skin color.   
It was the Seminole County Prosecutor that buckled under the political pressure and brought forward a wrongful prosecution feeding the propaganda.  The case is now on trial and is set to end at the hottest point in our summer season.
The family produced a “star” witness, Rachel Jeantel who was on the phone with Martin at the time of the attack and subsequent shooting.  Jeantel is a very slow-witted girl that was schooled by the Martin family and possibly their civil lawyer on what she should tell authorities. 
The family and prosecutors soon claimed that Jeantel “Connected all the dots to this vicious racially motivated murder.”  Unfortunately for Jeantel the dots all scattered everywhere today in court. 
Jeantel tried her best to pull off the charade but could not keep her lies straight from one moment to the next. Today she had a very painful afternoon on the witness stand not only admitting lies, but she got caught red-handed in a perjury trap. They are far from being through with her yet!  
The media and prosecutors claimed that Zimmerman was a ruthless vigilante that was racially profiling and stalking African-Americans to kill.  They redundantly said he violated orders from the Sanford Police Department employees. 
The problem was when the 911 and police officials were examined under oath in court they really had very little difficulty with Zimmeman’s conduct.
Zimmerman’s prior 911 calls were somehow supposed to show he was out-of-control but he always merely reported suspicious activity as he was told to do. 
The prosecution has been doing terrible and the case is going down in flames, as it should. 
The Martin Family sued the Homeowner’s Association and collected a king’s ransom without any resistance from their insurer.  Frankly they were afraid of the nasty racial overtones and paid the extortion demand out of court.
My Chicago cop friends have a not so kind term for such legal actions, "The Ghetto Lottery."
Today I did a simple name search on Twitter and saw a long list of nasty, seething threats of violence and riots.  Apparently a lot of angry African-Americans see that case is all but over. 
With today’s social media I fully expect organized race rioting to begin in every major city to dwarf the Rodney King and the Martin Luther King riots of past decades.
If you live in a large city be prepared to evacuate or put up a fight to win.  You will need firearms, fire suppression equipment along with lots of food and water.  Police resources will be slow and outgunned everywhere. 
America is about to see some combat related population control like we’ve not seen since the Civil War.  Martial Law can’t be far behind complete with major efforts at gun grabbing. 
This may be a turning point in America.  Freedom will either be retaken or lost for our lifetimes and our children's.
Read just a few of the tweets from today:

Here is my post Not Guilty response and thoughts on this issue:

Friday, December 14, 2012

Why Do We Refuse to Protect Our School Children?

A schoolmarm in Israel protecting her precious children...
Newtown, CT—We have yet another slaughter by a total coward in a Gun-Free Zone.  The unintended deadly consequences of creating these “special areas” where self-defense is outlawed won’t end until we face the obvious fact that Gun-Free Zones protect nobody.
We learned long ago that we must arm police because the guns save lives.  The reality is there’s never a cop around when you need one.
We protect cash with armed guards but we only use Gun-Free Zones to protect our children.  It’s obvious cash is far more important than our children.
We need to return armed police and security to every school and staff members to carry firearms after training.
As the picture above from Israel demonstrates the schoolteachers there carry what our politicians call assault weapons. 
Let’s use firearms to protect our children for a change.  Cops or properly vetted and well-trained armed security guards can stop those who would harm our children. 
On a side note let me suggest that Americans have gone out of their way to tolerate bullying and victimizing those deemed unpopular.
Those people that seem different or unusual are pushed aside and abandoned.  The emotional damage done can cause depression and nurture anger. 
When you look at every mass shooter the picture is always the same.  These are social outcasts who can’t find ways to cope with the loneliness. 
Perhaps it’s time for all of us to reach out to those among us that don’t seem to fit into our lives.  A little kindness may rescue these tortured souls and prevent horrific events like we’ve seen this morning.  

Saturday, January 28, 2012

God, Gun Laws and Self-Defense

Los Angeles, CA—It’s appropriate that I write about this in jurisdiction with crappy gun laws, where they have unlocked the prison doors. Politicians here hate gun rights and have chosen for you to die rather than be able to fend off a killer. That’s the ugly truth.

I’m not very religious but this is a way to keep a seemingly complicated issue simple.

Our creator made man. Man was born into this world with some very necessary gifts.

1. Man was given the gift of fear. Without this we’d not have survived childhood.
2. Additionally man was given the basic instinct for survival and that with fear tells us exactly what to do in order to survive.
3. Last we were given the ability to make, or acquire tools/weapons that we need to survive.
We also know evolution has refined our gifts throughout time.

Everyday in America stronger, armed and better armed people commit atrocities against smaller, weaker or poorly armed victims. You either have means and ability to survive or you don’t.

Criminals have fear too and nearly always run when they face even a fair fight. Some politicians don’t want criminals endangered or to feel the need to run. These politicians are accessories to these criminls and they facilitate situations where law-abiding folks are unprotected and vulnerable to robbery, rape and murder.

I ask you why we should ever surrender the gifts our creator gave us to some mentally challenged politician? What politician has the right to take those gifts from us?

We not only have the right to protect our selves, families and neighbors but an absolute duty to do so that as a human being.

To stand by and watch someone rob, rape or murder is fundamentally wrong. Calling 911 and waiting 20 minutes for help will bring you little more than a clean up crew to remove the bodies.

Americans and our police must learn to ignore politicians trampling on the rights of law-abiding citizens to possess and carry arms as guarenteed under our Second Amendment.

In Los Angeles and surrounding communities they have slowly began mass prisoner releases. The crime right is climbing some 300% already and the worst is yet to come.

Those who remain untrained, unarmed and unprotected may learn about Darwin’s law the hard way.

If you’re attacked, simply shoot if you have to and scoot. Don’t hang around because some accomplice of your attacker may kill you. Don’t call 911 and make no statement to anyone but a lawyer about the shooting or why you shot. If police catch up with you simply say, “I want a lawyer.”

In the meantime you can only demand that your politicians return your gun rights.

Should you choose to carry a gun be discreet and avoid conflict. Remember the Fourth Amendment that protects you from unreasonable police searches still exists somewhat.

Judge the risk of being charged with a misdemeanor by remembering how many times you’ve been stopped and searched by a cop. That rick should be miniscule.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Information Needed On Scottsdale Justifiable Homicide

Scottsdale, AZ—The November 10th fatal shooting behind the CVS pharmacy at Pima and Pinnacle Peak Roads is still under investigation by the defense team headed by Phoenix attorney, Richard D. Gierloff.

There are still unanswered questions about battery and used golf cart store proprietor, Paul “Tom” Pearson, 50 (DOB 02-17-61), his habits and business dealings.

Don’t assume for a second that the information you may possess is already known. Please, out of simple fairness and necessity please share it with the defense team.

Thomas' personal vehicle sported a dealer’s plate registered to his battery business that is a licensed motor vehicle dealership. The problem is they were not selling cars. Such use of a dealer’s plate is in violation of state law.

There are many unanswered questions bout Pearson and why he used his own three-ton vehicle as a deadly weapon threatening David Appleton for nearly two miles in busy Scottsdale traffic.

Please contact me at the phone number or e-mail address you will find right here.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Gun Carrying is Necessary for Your Safety and Survival

Los Angeles, CA—You are required to “click it” or get a ticket according to the public safety announcements. We all insist that a short drive to church on Sunday or the grocery store poses little or no safety risk. The reality is most fatal vehicle accidents happen close to home. I don’t need a law to encourage me to buckle up because I see the necessity to do this whether there is a law or not.

The gun rights haters make lame remarks that carrying a gun at the shopping mall or to church is somehow silly and even somehow a danger to public safety. The fact is most robberies, carjackings, rapes and murders happen close to home in these so-called, safe places or around nearby parking areas.

Suggesting you only need a gun only in your home is ludicrous. Your home with solid locks, your family members and maybe even a dog is a much safer place than any American street.

Police might be able to respond to your call for help eventually but any physician will tell you that you can actually bleed to death within 30 seconds. Even the most efficient police department can’t arrive in time to save your life from a serious violent attack.

If you think its important to wear a seat belt the very same logic applies to carrying a gun for self-defense purposes. It was of course the powerful and generous insurance industry lobby that swayed lawmakers into passing seatbelt laws everywhere. The insurers don’t have to pay nearly as much in claims if everyone is protected with seatbelts.

With financially strapped state and local governments dangerous career criminals are getting let out of jails and prisons at an alarming rate. Some of these same jurisdictions still have plenty of taxpayer money to waste prosecuting otherwise law-abiding carrying guns for self-defense. The truth is your personal safety trumps all of those unconstitutional laws that ban the bearing of arms.

Gun carrying is certainly no more complicated than driving a car. There is definitely a need for training to make this choice of self-defense safe and effective.

Let me advise every sane, sober and otherwise law-abiding person in our land to carry a deadly weapon for self-defense even if there is some law preventing that.

That gun or in some cases a knife does not make you taller, smarter or braver. It only gives you a fighting chance to escape a violent attack with your life. Common sense to avoid risky behavior and conflicts whether armed or not still applies.

If you choose to carry a weapon get whatever permits or training required. If they refuse to grant you a permit or there is some outright ban on carrying you should use your own judgment, not that of some ignorant lawmaker.

Don’t ever give consent to a physical search of you, your vehicle or belongings by law enforcement. If a law enforcement officer discovers you with a weapon be polite, non-threatening and silent. Don’t ever try and hold court on the street or enter into legal debates with the police.

You and your lawyer will be able to challenge any non-consensual search and the arrest in the proper forum, a courtroom. This is where you may argue that bearing a weapon for self-defense purposes is constitutionally protected activity according to the U.S. Supreme Court opinions issued in the cases of Dick Heller and Otis McDonald.

If the police or government violated you civil rights to keep and bear arms you will be free to sue them accordingly. Making threats to police on the streets to do that is ill advised and counter-productive. There’s no reason to make some cop that arrested you to also hate you. You may ultimately need his or her truthful testimony in order to avoid a wrongful conviction.

Often cops like to see bad laws challenged and struck down in court. Most cops actually support the concept of concealed carry for the law-abiding despite what most big city police chiefs say.

Soon the gun carry bans will either be lifted or struck down by the courts. In the mean time wear your seatbelt while driving and carry a weapon for self-defense. Your family and employer need you alive and well.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Ghetto Violence Invasion of Chicago Tourist Attractions Continues Unchecked

Chicago, IL—Just feet away from my old home (Marina City) a cowardly young African-American assailant fired a gun into the back of a man’s head. The victim was walking with friends to do some shopping in the area. This was on the State Street Bridge over the Chicago River. The gunman escaped Southbound.

Police believe they recovered a shell casing from the fired round and a backpack belonging to the gunman.

The unidentified victim is listed as critical condition in Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

The shooting so far seems to be another random act of violence perpetrated against White victims by African-American terrorists.

The law-abiding people of Chicago need to re-learn understand that they have an absolute birthright to enjoy the protection of our Second Amendment.

Understand you have more than a right but a duty to defend yourself, family, friends and neighbors. You have little choice but to take serious steps to end this violent trend. Get yourself a large caliber modern handgun and the training to use it for self-defense purposes. When confronted by either a small mob or any armed assailant, simply begin firing at them until the threat has ended. Warnings directed at you attacker/s to cease and desist are not required and may give your assailant the opportunity to kill you. Chicago's local gun laws are nothing more than weak and unconstitutional waste of paper.

Simply leave the scene for your own safety so you’re not further victimized by unseen accomplices. Contact a lawyer, not the police and tell nobody but your lawyer what happened. Watch the video below for my best advice.

Friday, August 05, 2011

African-American Mobs of Thugs Terrorize and Beat Whites at State Fair

Milwaukee, WI—The Dairy state has always been more than generous with African- Americans since they came here in droves from their Southern birthplace to collect famously extravagant welfare benefits some 50 years ago.

African-Americans that migrated here went from being oppressed to being nurtured, tolerated and placed in the mainstream economically even if they did not seek employment. Today they still overwhelm the welfare rolls, jails and prisons. It’s not about skin color but the savage culture they’ve embraced. A huge segment of the African-American population thrives on hate, violence, thievery and drug abuse.

African-Americans have become a threat to the physical safety of White citizens in nearly every large city in America where they have a significant presence in the population. The latest flash mob attacks are racially motivated. The targets of the African-Americans are middle-class white people they overwhelm, beat, sexually molest and rob.

Yesterday the Wisconsin State Fair opened with scores of vicious and cowardly attacks on innocent White people by African-American mobs of thugs that rampaged through the midway and outside the grounds.

These events are contagious and malignant. White people need to take special precautions sine the media and government has failed to let them know about the danger in their zeal for political correctness. Ignoring the attacks invites more of the same.

The only cure for these violent African-Americans is a violent defensive response. Thugs can only cured by disabling injuries and death. White people must avoid African-Americans in large cities and they must take strong defensive measures when attacked. Failure to fight violence with violence will only further embolden the cowards further.

You must always remember the police are controlled by politicians that suck up to the African-American votes. The big city politicians don’t want it to been seen that they won’t tolerate Black misbehavior.

American cities are showing the same signs as South-African nations after the apartheid ended. Soon the land confiscations, beatings, arsons, murders, rapes and robberies drove the White survivors into exile.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Rahmm Emanuel Ends Fight over Gun Ranges in Chicago

Chicago, IL—Former Mayor Richard M. Daley was a master at throwing away good taxpayer money after bad. He felt his dictatorial ability trumped the Constitution’s Bill of Rights. Daley insisted on violating the civil rights of Chicagoans even after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled twice overturning gun bans.

Daley spent millions and lost millions more when the courts ruled that the city pay the plaintiff’s legal fees. The dopes writing for the Chicago media outfits claim the city was ordered to pay the NRA. They seem to forget that the NRA was never the Plaintiff and that it was ordinary citizens of Chicago brought the action against their city’s tyranny.

How many police officers could they have hired and trained with the money wasted fighting Chicagoan’s right to self-protection? How many prison beds could have been funded for violent offenders with the cash?

Chicago’s new police superintendent put his shoe in his mouth at a lame attempt to revise gun control history. Garry McCarthy recently branded gun rights and the NRA as racist in a strange dance with the truth while speaking to a Black audience. McCarthy seemed to have lost sight of the Supreme Courts Post Civil War Construction Dred Scott Ruling wherein the U.S. Supreme Court Justices expressed horror at the thought of allowing newly freed slaves the right to bear arms arms.

Someone needs to tell McCarthy about the origin of the first American gun control laws that were enacted to disarm African-Americans. The practice went from the Deep South up the Eastern Seaboard later used by each ethnic group that gained a majority against their minority. New York’s Sullivan Law was not about crime control but simply racial and ethnic oppression.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel can mend fences with Chicago’s law-abiding folks by simply protecting their rights to meaningful self-defense. That means dumping redundant and expensive Chicago laws requiring gun registration and such. The Illinois Firearm Owner’s Identification Card is plenty of control when you consider that the Supreme Court has twice ruled that convicted felons can’t be forced to register guns. Felons can’t be forced to fill out gun forms that would incriminate them because of our Fifth Amendment.

Chicago’s gun registration is meaningless, redundant and terribly expensive. The city registration laws also force gun owners to avoid reporting to police guns stolen by burglars. Why risk being charged with failure to register by reporting to police when your gun is stolen from you?

Mayor Emanuel has taken a baby-step in offering the City Council legislation to lift the gun range ban. Perhaps the mayor can do more and simply leave gun control to the layers upon layers of gun laws already in place at the federal and state levels. That would give relief to the city’s taxpayers for sure.

Chicago’s local gun laws have never assisted police in the reduction of violent crime.

Mayor Emanuel and the City Council can reduce crime in Chicago by redirecting their efforts from meaningless and unconstitutional gun bans and such to bringing back industry and jobs.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lawless Chicago Officials Deny 84 year-old Veteran His Right to Self Defense!

Chicago, IL—Protecting his country in both World War Two and the Korean Conflict was no problem for LaFerena Batchelor, 84 but now he is not even allowed to protect himself.

You see in this city run by officials that gratuitously violates the Constitutional Rights of their citizens as they label Batchelor and others criminals. The McDonald and Heller cases issued by the U.S. Supreme Court made it abundantly clear that all Americans not convicted of felony crimes or those witout a history of mental illness have the absolute right to keep and bear arms for self-defense purposes.

In Batchelor’s case he was denied the right to obtain a gun because he once fired a gun within the city limits to chase a pack of wild dogs away from his home. That was no felony but a very minor transgressio that happened 15 years ago.

Chicago officials now simply refuse their “permission” for Batchelor to own a firearm.

To Batchelor’s rescue is Chicago lawyer Joel Brodsky who is prepared to take the city to court which will cost taxpayers thousands for violating Batchelor’s rights.

It’s truly amazing to watch a city unable to hire cops to keep the streets safe refusing to allow an honorable senior citizen the simple right to protect himself.