Showing posts with label secondcitycop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label secondcitycop. Show all posts

Friday, April 12, 2013

Second City Cop TV, a New Contender in the Video News Business!

Chicago, IL—Chicago’s FOP got smart when they hired Pat Camden after his career as a cop and department spokesman.  Camden can now actually say what Chicago cops can’t without facing discipline.  His retired status gives him a First Amendment right that is now controlled by the FOP.  Okay he does not get to tell us how he really feels but at least the department cannot muzzle him. If they were a little smarter the FOP would make a real reporter out of him.
Of course the FOP and the City of Chicago politicians seem to get along entirely too well.   Seemingly they have little in common but when it comes to voicing what’s on the minds of their membership the FOP fails big time.  I can’t help but fault the FOP for the CPD’s manpower shortages, failures to demand better in-service survival training and firearms needed to challenge the thousands of organized and armed street thugs.      
Technology has given the FOP or anyone the ability to reach their membership with inexpensive but superior video communication tools.  The effectiveness of the FOP’s YouTube reach can be seen in the paltry amount of views their videos have received. They have only double-digit views on most of their videos and their most viewed posting is just past the 400 mark.  The production value of the videos seems to be okay but they’re completely void of any passion for the working cop or for that matter anyone.  They all fail. 
Here I have to ring the bell of Second City Cop and True News for sharing the candor, concerns and needs of the working cops via their blogs.  They each get at minimum 10,000 hits per day.  Frankly these bloggers represent the membership of the FOP far better then their actual union representatives.  This seems terribly wrong.  Actually the taxpayers are being well served by SCC’s existence too. However, something’s missing here. 
If the person behind Second City Cop were on a Union ballot there’d be no question who’d win the membership’s votes.  SCC has no funding, no TV production skills or equipment.  SCC does not have a YouTube Channel. If SCC had a video reporter or two to cover events near and dear to cops they’d get better viewership than most of Chicago’s local TV news organizations.  The reporters and producers of SCC would have to be retired cops or civilians.  I can’t help but see a serious potential for profit here.
I’m taking the liberty to create a fictitious new contender for TV news about crime, cops, courts and corruption in the Windy City.  It will be of course, web based.
The local media has been pandering to Chicago’s politicians since there was media.   News provided to Chicagoans is first put through a filter that protects political corruption and every opportunity.  Unfortunately through extortion city officials threaten businesses that would sponsor real news.  Chicago’s news organizations are all too aware and pull their punches as a result.  SCC on the other hand has only one master, the men and women of the department.   
Let’s say that SCC-TV is born.  It would have a single purpose to report crime, courts and corruption news. Weather and sports are sometimes important to cover as they impact crime and cops.
One thing for sure such a media organization would get zero cooperation from the CPD management.  Of course the street cops would pour in information along with lots of smartphone video shot in the field.  
The SCC-TV reporters and producers must be pros that understand television, promotion, story telling, production and beating the local news competition.  Journalistic standards and credibility must be part of such an endeavor.  
Chicago has a real need for a SCC style TV news on the web startup.   Rather than to rely on business sponsors this could be offered to views via paid subscriptions of perhaps $10.00 per month.  The website would have some free postings and tease stories that require a subscription to watch. Frankly subscribed 10,000 viewers would float this boat in a hurry.  But depending on the quality of the content that audience could grow exponentially.
Here’s a video I put up about simple TV production for the Internet.  You need to know all my great equipment only cost me around $7,000.00 :

Here is a report I did for WND when Conservative blogger Andrew Brietbart died:

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The City of Chicago Declared War on Cop Bloggers!

Chicago, IL—Over the last seven years blogging has become popular with many Americans including Windy City cops. Blogs have broken news that media organizations simply wont report.

Having spent the last 24 years as a freelance TV news producer I learned the primary reason that important stories go untold and published. Journalists all think they need cooperation from politicians, bureaucrats and government in order to report news. In fact journalists beg for exclusive tips on government activities like police crackdowns, raids and important crime stories. The payoff for the tips comes in important exposure and glad-handing for certain self-serving accomplishments real or imagined. That, along with killing any unflattering stories.

Reporters can’t seem to develop independent information sources and wrongly think without government official’s help they would be unable to report on government at all. Very few reporters have the courage to become persona non-gratia with any government agency. The unwritten rule is to never make the government Gods angry. If you make them angry you must be able to destroy them or they will punish you for eternity.

Bloggers have little to lose especially ones run by anonymous writers. They can say nearly anything they like without interference or repercussions. Mainstream media types can only dream about having such freedom to report whatever they chose.

Chicago’s politicians and bureaucrats have suffered many embarrassments at the hands of cop bloggers. A WBBM-TV reporter caught the public cowardice of former Superintendent Jody Weis on tape by accident. The cop bloggers and others commenting on these sites were unmerciful and unforgiving as they exploited this story.

Second City Cop had already named Weis, J-Fed because of his past employment with the FBI. After the incident he was quickly renamed J-Fled for his lack of valor. How embarrassing is that? The real problem was that SCC get’s well over 10,000 hits per day but that includes nearly every cop, crime reporter and the others involved in any form of public safety.

Detective Shaved Longcock is another wildly popular cop blogger here that has been absolutely fearless in his open discussions of the out-of-control Black on White crime. He like SCC has ridiculed department brass for their ineffectiveness and incompetence.

The identities of these two bloggers have not been publically established and if they were unmasked they would quickly be made to disappear by their victims.

Personally I share the disdain for the criminal mob running Chicago’s government. I’ve long ago parted ways with the Chicago Police Department and am totally free to blog under may own identity. Any current department members would be crazy to reveal themselves. They would be framed, fired and destroyed at a minimum.

The Chicago Police Department just promulgated a new General Order to its membership regarding blogging or posting on Social Media. It effectively outlaws posting anything not officially approved by the department. The penalty for disobedience is termination from employment. I guess the First Amendment has passed away in my hometown.

This action against the bloggers is the greatest compliment because had they been insignificant and ineffective they’d not have been outlawed.

I’d like to hope that the First Amendment would prevail and the slime running the city would behave themselves a little better. They have targeted the bloggers for total elimination with the new anti-blogging edict.

I’m here to say if my cop blogging colleagues somehow vanish, there will be many more to take their place. Chicago cops know that I will be happy to expose waste, fraud or mismanagement by any Chicago official. They also know that I will relentlessly attack the monster until it’s dead.

Department members have spouses and children that use the Social Media too. The department can’t also claim any jurisdiction over those close to cops that dare to blog.

Update: SCC has hit a speed bump and has gone dark for 24 hours, but that turned out to be a personal issue and not an end to the flow of information. Welcome Back SCC!

The General Order is Below:

The City of Chicago Declared War on Cop Bloggers

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Second City Cop site disabled. --open post

I'm sorry to tell you that the SCC site has been disabled for as long as four days. Feel free to post information here as an open post at least until the site is operational.

I’m not sure just what’s going on but I won’t rule out sabotage by Daley and J-Fed. I’m sure they don’t want the daily body count information along with the failings of the department getting publicized. SCC is needed to keep the heat on in order to keep them honest.

Keep the comments clean please.

Update Second City Cop is back in good order.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

J-Fed Met with The Troops

Chicago--Daley appointed an overpaid law enforcement bureaucrat that will never enjoy success under the corrupt anti-police city administration.

The meeting was attended by 100 to 200 officers. Second City Cop readers and another fine blogger, Rue St Michael Bienvenue recorded the minutes for posterity.

J-Fed had nothing concrete to offer the undermanned, poorly equipped and demoralized officers. There were a few gripes put forth that J-Fed is taking under advisement.

Little was settled but J-Fed is figuring out he has no clue about the street police work he’s supposed to be running.

O.W. Wilson came in as a civilian but he was once a street cop before he became a criminologist and professor. J-Fed was a federal paper pusher.

J-Fed would do well to lose the uniform and gain respect. He needs to figure out how to get the worthless mayor and city council to bring the department into the 21st Century. J-Fed needs to deal with manpower, equipment deficiencies. Nobody can be expected to work where promotions are based on clout, race and sex quotas rather than ability and knowledge.

I have two words for J-Fed, short term. The real problem is a city administration mired in corruption and greed rather than any concern for public service.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Help SECOND CITY COP Save The Chicago Police Department

I must say that the City of Chicago has lost most its luster. Crooked politicians and their contractors have bled the city bone dry as they magically escape criminal investigation or Indictment. . Chicago has become the most unattractive place to live and work for all but the super rich or government freeloaders.

The once proud police department has been decimated through affirmative action and the massive lowering of hiring standards. Clout provides sub-standard officers promotions and a job for life or at least until age 63. Clout always was a help but most officers needed at least a little of their own merits to succeed. Not anymore.

The morale of the department is reflected in the overall lousy appearance of the officers. The officer’s grooming and image today is beyond saddening.

The FOP is only a group of yes men for the politicians collecting inflated salaries forked over by working cops. The rank and file can’t seem to overcome residency requirements, mediocre pay and little hope for respect or any improvement at all.

One day along came an anonymous blogger who created a first rate communications system for all officers to be able to penetrate and expose corruption, favoritism and bad management.

Every boss knows that stepping out of line will get him or her some well deserved attention. Second City Cop has given the street patrolman real power. 7000 people a day visit the site to find out what what’s going on and just how they may be affected in their professional lives. Officers commenting can reveal things that their bosses seek to cover up.

If the rank and file officers are to ever have pride again in their city and job it will because of Second City Cop and the other likeminded officers.

A concerted effort to get rid of Ed Burke, his puppet mayor and a truly worthless city council has to begin. Next their political hacks, and their cronies need to be removed. If all the cops would follow their oaths and expose the politician’s deeds they know about a great change would take place and the city may be a place working people would want to raise their families again.

Robert Cooley was a cop turned crooked lawyer turned white knight. He brought down a lot of slimy officials. If there were only ten Robert Cooleys instead of just one, we’d still have Meigs Field, far lower taxes and money to improve life in a dying metropolis.

Second City Cop is a true hero.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Second City Cop, The Internet And Free Speech

When I wore a police uniform there was no Second City Cop exploiting the Internet to expose the employment related injustices that plague the lives of too many hard working and dedicated cops.

Working as a Chicago cop has become less desirable every year. Micromanagement along with the likes of Black Panther Party members and other police haters running Chicago has demoralized rank and file officers that signed on improve the safety and quality of life. I have to say today that it would not enter my mind to waste some Saturday taking the civil service exam to be a Chicago policeman. Okay, I will surrender to political correctness just this once and say police officer!

Somewhere from the ashes came Second City Cop in the form of an interactive blog where bad management, incompetence and hazards to officer’s safety are exposed. Satire, gossip and fun have found its way into the mix too. Often it’s comments made by cops in the field that expose problems and at the same time give a voiceless cop an opportunity to vent about any issues..

Second City Cop has been able to resolve more crappy labor issues by accident than the FOP was able to do on purpose.

It’s not all serious because there are a lot of laughs sometimes at the expense of others such as the delightful looking, Sergeant Chris Hitney. Hitney has never failed to show up at history making events.

I began my blog after suffering a profound but temporary 7 1/2 month hearing loss and being somewhat inspired by Second City Cop. I have enjoyed being just another unpaid blogger. Second City Cop is a success and gift to every working cop.

Second City Cop, thank you, you’ve made a difference.

If you’ve not been to Second City Cop here is the link.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Chicago Taxpayers Paid Well Over $60K For Gun “Buy Back” Program

The deal was simple bring in a gun and leave with a card worth $50.00 0r $100.00 cash with no questions asked. If you have a shotgun and first saw the barrel short and you could get paid double!

Last week, bureaucrats and various do-good organizations handed your hard earned tax money over to local thieves and burglars. It cost taxpayers well over $60K for 1200 guns. Most of the guns turned in were old and of questionable serviceability.

A few of the guns are rare collector’s items suitable for museums but unless these surrendered guns are stolen along the way they will be destroyed. That’s happened in the past with thousands of guns entrusted to Chicago officials such as, General Francis P. Kane who later resold the guns to gang members and was never prosecuted.

This cash burning silliness will only cause the void in the marketplace to be replenished with the latest and greatest firearms made. I wonder who may have been murdered so some criminal could steal their guns in order to profit from this City of Chicago fencing operation. With taxpayer’s cash in their pocket criminals can buy drugs and more reliable guns.

The streets will not be safer, but gun-hating politician and bureaucrats will feel so much better. So will the people that make their living replenishing the gun supply.

None of the press reports revealed who financed this scam. It took an e-mail request to a Tribune reporter to even learn as expected that this was a taxpayer rip-off.

AN UPDATE: New information from SECOND CITY COP provides lots of details, that you can read here.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A New War On Chicago Cops Is In Progress.

This story won't go away. Fred Hampton was every bit an urban terrorist when he openly advocated killing cops. Black Panther inspired murders of police officers created a very real war in Chicago. Beyond the officers that were murdered there were scores that were disabled for life as a result of Black Panther violence.

That December, 1969 raid was at a point in time where officer safety (at least to the cops) was more important than the lives of those such as Fred Hampton who were on record calling for the murder of cops.

There were two versions of that raid the cops and the murderous survivors. Both versions of events still exist. I suggest that if the cops were bent on a search and destroy that no Panthers from that Monroe Street flat would have lived to tell lies. If you chose to believe the surviving Black Panthers, you also have to accept the fact that Hampton was a criminal terrorist at war with his country and the police.

I have two really simple questions. Is there such a shortage of accomplished African-American role models in Chicago that they can’t find someone deserving of the honor? Why would any Chicago Alderman want to reopen this old wound and rekindle the hate that the Black Panthers represented?

If naming a street after Hampton is a good idea because he was a revolutionary, perhaps the next federal courthose should be named after Timothy McVeigh.

WMAQ-TV's Dick Kay weighed in on this issue with his report that includes old newsfilm of Frad Hampton and the raid scene on Monroe Street.

An update: The mood in the comments section of this story at Second City Cop is not good, There are suggestions of a job action to halt writing moving violation and parking citations should the city dare use tax money to honor the dead terrorist. Those officers have my full support to do whatever it takes to end the glorification of killing cops. If this fight really comes to City Hall I may just fly in to Chicago for this one.

Mayor Richard J. Daley would have used his own body to prevent this kind of insult. His son, the current mayor is not half the man his father was and can't be counted on to take a leadership role with Phil Cline his appointed Superintendent of Police.

As this is going on in Chicago, justice caught up with this Chicago Panther who murdered a cop 36 years ago.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Why media covers disasters, violence and misery.

This post is somewhat of a response to my brothers at Second City Cop. Some over there have questioned the gathering and posting of the photos of the Southwest Airlines crash at Midway airport. No, the posted pictures are not in any way offensive. However the posting of the pictures with officers posing, on the Internet was a questionable career move. Let's move on to my response here...

First of all, humans are curious about monumental events in the lives of people living in our world. It's natural to want to see and learn what went wrong that took or affected people's lives. We created and supported news organizations from the first day the Gutenberg press first rolled over newsprint. That has not changed since. Of course with the changes to technology, still-cameras, radio, film and today video cameras have entered our lives. They are all here to stay, quite simply because society demands their presence. The multi-billion dollar media outfits will be around as long as there are people.

There will always be attempts by forces to prevent others from seeing, learning or experiencing human events. They are the forces of censorship that want to control what we see and think. When we started this country our founders saw value in a free press and the flow of information we passed back and forth to each other. They made that protection the very first right in our Bill of Rights.

Nobody has a right to degrade or humiliate people in tragic events. The correct, and charitable thing to do is show basic respect for our fellow man. We rightfully question the media about whether they're exploiting a disaster or simply gathering images and information that the public wants to and has a right to see. There is no easy answer but the guidance given to us by the founders seems to be correct. Let them gather the news in peace.

As for cops keeping their own files and images, it's their choice and right to do just that. I really wish I kept so much more of that stuff that I could put into books or screenplays in my life after law enforcement. I was at the scene of countless homicides, major crimes, court proceedings, autopsies and alike. Cases like deaf, mute Donald Lang who killed two west side hookers; John Wayne Gacy's deeds and many long forgotten but not less important events were in my life.

I was one of the very first responding officers to 400 West Touhy Ave right next the Chicago Police Canine Center at O'Hare Airport on May 25th, 1979 15:15 hours. That was when and where American Airlines, flight 191 crashed. My partner and I were on days and only to be held over in order to bag bodies and dismembered parts until 04:00 hours the next morning. We saw most of the 273 souls close up and personal. There was a mix of officers, from the Cook County Sheriff's police who had jurisdiction on that county island, Chicago Police, Cook County Forest Preserve Police along with some Illinois State Troopers. The FBI, NTSB and FAA had people there too.

Along with who needed to be there were the tourists. A newly elected Mayor, Jane Byrne was gingerly walking among the corpses in her not so sensible shoes with the newly appointed police Superintendent, Richard Brzeczek at her side. Blond haired, blue eyed, Assistant States Attorney Terry Sullivan was wandering around and to this day I still don't have a clue what official function he had at the crash site. So was a Black postal inspector who claimed he was looking for mail.

I won't call him a tourist because he had a legitimate job to do, but I damn near arrested pushy, WMAQ newsman Dick Kay. Kay would not get his big cubic feet off the crash debris and stay out of our way. I did not care that he and his crew filmed the site; I just wanted him to back up about 50 or 100 feet. He finally got the message and began to retreat as I was removing my handcuffs from their case.

We broke into teams of three. One would do paper, another would take pictures and one would bag. We pounded stakes into the ground where we removed the remains and give the stake and body bag corresponding numbers.

I personally bagged the cockpit crew. I remember seeing the name, Lux marked by a blue ballpoint pen on the inside of an American Airline Hart, Scfaffner & Marx uniform jacket. That was Pilot Walter Lux's jacket. I remember how difficult it was to untangle him and the co-pilot from the many miles of cockpit instrument wire that surrounded them.

Many of us coped with our gallows humor especially when our food finally arrived. They brought us 2000 pieces of Brown's extra crispy fried chicken. Imagine eating your fried chicken being surrounded by so many badly burned corpses.

When our supervisors released us our cars were surrounded by hundreds of others since we got their first. We simply left our keys in the ignitions and those cars just sat there for days.

It took an entire week for the smell of burning jet fuel to leave my sinuses. My uniform was destroyed along with a brand new pair of shoes that were cut to ribbons by shreds of aircraft aluminum.

Ask yourself what the real benefit of having a disaster shown to the world by the media? If the people fortunate enough not to be involved know and see images of the event, they may become sympathetic and want to aid the victims. Imagine if there was no front row coverage of the carnage of the 9/11 attack or Hurricane Katrina? How would the Red Cross and other outfits get the support they need to help the victims? How would we know a criminal justice system has problems when murderers and rapists are released on early paroles? By simply going back to the original press coverage we soon learn the crime was brutal and disgusting.

There is no harm in documenting or sharing misery, death and destruction with our fellow human beings. We're all in this together and none of us are getting out alive.

An update:
Humor is not lost on my friends at Second City Cop. They have found additional pictires of our lady copper mugging in front of major events.
Here is a video about the crash of AA Flight 191