I had to return to Chicago for an investigation of tragic proportions. Needless to say my camera came along for some of the sights and sounds of The Windy City.
Showing posts with label Suicide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Suicide. Show all posts
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Friday, October 07, 2016
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
On the passing of Robin Williams, my thoughts…
Los Angeles, CA--Those that really
know me understand my deep love for all entertainers. I champion every actor, singer, musician,
dancer and comedian’s efforts. Perhaps
it’s because I would not want to live in a world without entertainment.
Yes, I’m also an actor along
with so many other occupational hats that I wear. It’s really a small percentage of people that
have the opportunity to impact our lives with their performances.
Robin Williams made a huge
contribution to all of us. He made us
all forget at least for a while our own troubles like health issues, financial
disasters and failed relationships.
Those that possess a special
talent gift are usually rewarded handsomely, yet for some for some the stress
of keeping their careers on track takes a very heavy toll.
I feel most for the talented
and beautiful women that seem to have a short entertainment shelf life. As they approach 40, at a point when their skills are at a pinnacle
suddenly casting directors ignore them. We all wonder whatever happened to so
and so?
Robin Williams has touched
all of our souls as a comic, actor and a genuinely kind fellow. Somehow Williams’ own life was troubled by
drug use. I suspect Williams like many athletes
sought to experiment with performance enhancing chemicals.
Yesterday Williams’ demons
caught up with him silencing him forever.
He is just one more entertainer that demonstrated that fame and fortune
did not provide some of the things he needed most.
Williams certainly gained
some form of immortality in that his plethora of films will live on perhaps for
centuries. We will all be laughing again
when we see those films over and over again.
Human life is fragile. The older I get I see the unfairness and pain that aging brings. Our eyesight,
hearing and dental problems only increase despite advanced medicine. Many of us watch our own physician’s age and
die as they try to cure or slow our own inevitable date with the Grim Reaper.
Robin Williams is
missed. He’s a victim of those mental
illness secrets we’ve not yet discovered.
This is a wake up call to watch those people close to us that need us to
make them laugh.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Was It Murder or Suicide? What Loved ones Need to Know…

All police departments and medical examiners are not created equal. Some do great work and some are not up to the task. Wealth of a community often times is a hindrance rather than a help to finding the truth.
Homicides are very rare in affluent jurisdictions and that too often means inexperienced investigators are in control of these cases. A really well-known example of unqualified cops botching an investigation was the 1996, Boulder, CO murder of six-year-old JonBenét Ramsey.
The Bolder cops had little more than police academy training that at the most included only one field trip to a medical examiner’s office. The so-called Boulder detectives were barely qualified to provide security at some shopping mall. They were arrogant as they jealously protected their turf from outside assistance. They loved the spotlight until their gross incompetence gained worldwide attention.
Because of the mess the Boulder cops made, the case will never be solved and justice was denied. The sub-standard evidence collection and preservation rendered physical evidence as unreliable because of contamination. The total lack interview and interrogation skills of these cops prevented them from doing more than bullying the parents until they called their lawyers and refused more questions.
On the other hand big city cops working crime-infested ghettos see lots of murders every day and quickly gain needed skills to solve murders. When the crime-free affluent areas have murders they really have no choice but to immediately bring in outside help. Foolish pride and inflated egos will derail quality investigations more often than not.
On the subject of suicide I must caution loved ones that denial and guilt too often cloud otherwise good judgment in evaluation of an unnatural death. This is especially true of deaths of young men and boys due to auto-erotic asphyxiation. It is very rare that a case for murder can me made after a reasonable death investigation indicates suicide.
The scene:
Quality photographs must be taken by, experienced forensic photographers. Video is also important. Death scenes are not weddings and certain things need solid documentation.
Any and all signs of a struggle must be documented. A messy residence will sometimes create confusion. Looking for blood and bodily fluids must be exhaustive and may have come from the killer/s rather than the victim.
The victim’s fingernails hands and forearms must be painstakingly photographed for any defense signs or wounds. Broken or cracked fingernails, are a sure sign of a struggle especially when a well-groomed victim is involved. DNA unseen by the human eye can be found under fingernails, collected and matched with a suspected donor.
Here is where solid interviews are important. If your suspect denies ever being at the crime scene or touching the victim his fingerprints, DNA or clothing fibers being found on or near the victim would become damning evidence.
Mental status and intoxication:
When there is the slightest hint of suicide, a psychological autopsy should be conducted by a qualified physician. Drugs legal or otherwise along with alcohol and the victim’s known history need examination. Past bouts of depression, financial difficulties or health worries are not small issues and must be factored into these investigations. Of course disputes, litigation and other business issues need the attention of investigators.
Failed or unrealized relationships sometimes end in suicide for some really educated and otherwise well-adjusted people. Broken hearts do kill. On the other hand broken hearts and bruised egos become the motive for murder.
Investigators must get inside the heads of their victims to find the truth. If the police jurisdiction shows any signs like Boulder, CO in 1996 you need to bring in a well-qualified expert. I suspect today, a murder in Boulder would be handled differently and include some experienced outside investigators.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Suicide as an Option to Disgrace and Poverty
Phoenix, AZ—I know too many people who are depressed and feeling hopeless about the economy. The most endangered are the middle-aged folks that are facing foreclosure, bankruptcy and destroyed retirement plans.
Joblessness, despair, aging and pride are all factors that have already caused an increase in suicide and suicide pacts. This is a sickening reality.
The artificial skyrocketing prices for homes and mortgages designed and pre-ordained for failure caused many overly optimistic Americans to buy homes beyond their means. Suddenly their homes are worth far less than they paid for them and those tricky mortgages came at Americans with a cruel vengeance.
The blame for this disaster can be shared by our Leftist politicians from both parties and the Federal Reserve System that allows banks to control government policy.
There is no possible way that taxpayers can eat this devastating loss. With no hope and no help too many Americans are choosing suicide.
Rather than surrender Americans need to take control of our country from the unelected and un-American Federal Reserve System.
The fight for freedom is never-ending and Americans need to use every possible option including the powers authorized under the Second Amendment remedy to protect our Constitution from the Socialists and Communists inside of our government.
Please if you’re really planning to kill yourself please, take as many Socialists and Communists politicians as you can with you! You at least will leave a heroic legacy behind.
Joblessness, despair, aging and pride are all factors that have already caused an increase in suicide and suicide pacts. This is a sickening reality.
The artificial skyrocketing prices for homes and mortgages designed and pre-ordained for failure caused many overly optimistic Americans to buy homes beyond their means. Suddenly their homes are worth far less than they paid for them and those tricky mortgages came at Americans with a cruel vengeance.
The blame for this disaster can be shared by our Leftist politicians from both parties and the Federal Reserve System that allows banks to control government policy.
There is no possible way that taxpayers can eat this devastating loss. With no hope and no help too many Americans are choosing suicide.
Rather than surrender Americans need to take control of our country from the unelected and un-American Federal Reserve System.
The fight for freedom is never-ending and Americans need to use every possible option including the powers authorized under the Second Amendment remedy to protect our Constitution from the Socialists and Communists inside of our government.
Please if you’re really planning to kill yourself please, take as many Socialists and Communists politicians as you can with you! You at least will leave a heroic legacy behind.
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