The cause of death was from accidental affixation, due to a deadly phenomenon known as auto erotic affixation. This is where a person usually a man masturbates using wires or ropes to deprive him of oxygen. Pathologists tell me that it gives the practitioner of this form of sex an extra kick.
As always happens, close friends and relatives want to protect the decedent from the horror and embarrassment of this kind of disclosure. They refuse to accept the findings of forensic experts that investigate these cases.
I have investigated many of these cases as a cop and later a private eye. I’ve never seen a medical examiner proven wrong on these unusual deaths.
Millions of dollars are paid every year to investigators and “experts” to manufacture findings that will contradict the salacious gossip of what may be considered an act of perversion.
Murder or suicide is always more acceptable to families than a seemingly darker truth. Human sex is far too complicated for even the experts to understand. Humans develop their own personal triggers for this mysterious gift. Human sexual organs did not come with instruction books. I’ve learned to accept that we are all different and provided that nobody is injured or traumatized some of these acts get far more voyeuristic attention than they deserve.
For the Carradine family I feel for their loss. David Carradine should be remembered for his talents and ability to entertain rather than a private act gone wrong. The Carradine family is rich with great talent, memories and success.