Taylor Swift is undeniably an impressive business phenomenon. She has built a remarkable empire that few in the music industry could hope to replicate.
There’s no denying she’s charming, with a pleasant but mediocre voice and an ever-evolving wardrobe that keeps her young, devoted audience captivated. When it comes to songwriting, she’s no Cole Porter, Burt Bacharach, or Carole King. Personally, none of her songs have left me humming along, which, I must admit, is something of a relief.
On the visual front, however, Swift deserves an A. Her concerts are a spectacle of showmanship and creativity, showcasing her as a powerful example of the American dream in action. I applaud her for that. Still, I can’t quite grasp how her overall package has inspired such an immense global following.
One misstep, in my view, was her political endorsement of Kamala Harris, which risked alienating part of her audience. Yet, I have no doubt she will weather that storm. After all, her empire is vast, though even the brightest stars don’t shine forever. Longevity like that of the Rolling Stones is rare, and I suspect her immense persona may begin to wane in the years ahead.
So, pity me if you will—I just don’t get it.