Showing posts with label Rham Emanuel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rham Emanuel. Show all posts
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Shocking Chicago Child Abduction Cover Up is only Tip of the Iceberg!
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Kelly and Amanda with their children Chicago Tribune Photo |
Chicago, IL—Last Saturday evening, at one of Chicago’s most
visible landmarks at the Daley Center Plaza a young Caucasian couple were
enjoying the Picasso sculpture with their two tender-aged daughters. Suddenly an African-America, ex-convict
snatched two year-old, Myla Davis-Green by the arm claiming the little blond girl
was his daughter.
Imagine the horror that 31 year-old, Kelly Davis and the
girl’s mother Amanda Green, both unarmed experienced fighting for possession of
their little toddler and her precious life?
After the struggle the kidnapper, James Gates, 55 took off
running through streets, alleys and building lobbies. Davis bravely pursued Gates and finally with
police assistance Gates was apprehended blocks away.
I can’t imagine the results of the attack would have been if
the couple became so frozen with fear that they let the abduction happen. The maniac must have had the most unthinkable
plans with the innocent and helpless child.
This story is what our worst nightmares are made of but it
did not get media attention for four days!
Chicago’s political creatures are doing whatever they can and have been
aided by local media in the effort to cover-up the dangerous epidemic of Black
on White crime.
Officials have constantly fudged on the actual murder
statistics and suggested that African-America
terror mobs are just ordinary teen-agers out on some mischievous lark.
The failed Chicago politics of stolen gun and self-defense
rights have created an unlivable situation.
The criminals are heavily armed and the law-abiding citizens are
helpless, vulnerable and accordingly subjected to unspeakable horror.
The reality of lame efforts by Chicago’s prosecutors and
courts to keep known, dangerous and often convicted thugs like Gates segregated
from society has made my home town as dangerous as many war zones.
What will it take to get Chicago’s officials to change their
decades old failure to control violence?
Their programs are only considered and accepted if they cost the
taxpayers millions and won’t work.
Chicago needs to immediately ask the Illinois Legislature to
enact a program that would restore the rights of its law-abiding citizens to
carry defensive concealed weapons.
Next the city has a serious police manpower shortage. The best immediate Band-Aid would be to hire
back some of its fit officers who have retired young. They can be called out for Chicago’s warmer
months when crime goes into over-drive.
To continue pretending there’s no public safety crisis and
the incredibly insane policy handing out $1,000,000.00 grants to groups of ex-convicts
to control crime has to end.
Chicago’s thugs have been enabled, facilitated and protected
by their city administration co-conspirators long enough.
Chicago’s local media has lost sight of their mission and
instead choose act as public relations agents for vile politicians that are
snuffing out the very life of a once great city. Chicago’s media has long ago forfeited the
public’s trust.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Rham Emanuel’s Epic Failure Makes Chicago More Violent than Ever!
Chicago, IL—Within hours 20 people were shot last night in
the Windy City and it wasn’t even on the weekend. The carnage is confined to Chicago’s
African-American community that celebrates a culture of violence, drug abuse
and general depravity.
Despite having the nation’s most onerous three-decade old
total gun bans, shootings here are as prevalent as typical war zones.
50 ward bosses or Aldermen control Chicago. The wards are relatively small geographic
areas that elect their local strongman.
The problem is that in the high crime wards the elected Alderman are by
default deeply entrenched in gangs, crime, drugs and general corruption. That’s just the Chicago way.
The 50-ward system worked a lot better before the massive
and sudden migration of disenfranchised and poor Blacks from the South of the
1960s. Horrible social engineering
turned those migrants into a needy, ignorant and dependent population that were
easily controlled through generous handouts.
Today excessive violence and carnage is a way of life in these
African-American communities.
Chicago’s ward bosses simply want what’s best for their own
street gang members. It’s the ward
bosses that make the policy of police enforcement. The conflict of interest is obvious. None of them want their crime soldiers put at
risk by allowing effective policing or the law-abiding citizens to possess or
carry firearms for self-defense. The
ward bosses do all they can to enable violence rather than deter crime.
Rham Emanuel inherited this mess and fell right in to place
by giving in to the demands of the most vocal ward bosses. The ward bosses keep
coming up with so-called anti-violence plans that are little more than
extortion demands.
One solution they came up with just a few months ago was
laughable but in reality beyond tragic.
Chicago’s political leadership handed over $1,000,000.00 tax dollars to
a group of convicted street thugs called, Ceasfire. These known criminals promised to reign in
their fellow thugs and slow down the violence.
As any sane or sober person could reasonably predict the money vanished
and the murder rate continued to soar.
Chicago has lost a significant amount of productive
taxpayers who by necessity became exiled tax refugees. Loads of major employers have shuttered
their properties relocating to where taxation is far less extortionate.
Chicago’s politicians cannot provide adequately for their
own personal greed enough to spend money on the police department so many of
them hate. The manpower is shrinking fast and officers are just not being
replaced. Accordingly the remaining
ranks are far to thin and ill equipped to combat the violence in any meaningful
Chicago has been awash with frightening Black on White
ethnic violence in the Gold Coast area that were a stronghold for tourism and
productive taxpayers. That can only last
long enough for those people to realize the danger and flee this once great
Mayor Emanuel or any politician that wants to save Chicago
must figure a method to consolidate the wards into perhaps five wards instead
of 50. That would greatly reduce the
power local gangs have over City Hall. The
new ward bosses should be required to undergo strict background investigations
and drug testing before their names could be placed on ballots to run for
Chicago’s productive and law-abiding citizens should no
longer be restrained from their rights to keep and bear firearms and meaningful
Productive Chicagoans must be given tax and financial
reasons to stay and continue to contribute to Chicago. Likewise employers must be brought back with
tax breaks as well as a safe environment for their employees to liver and work.
As long as Chicago maintains the 50-ward system this city
will become the nastiest and most dangerous place to live in any nation.
Monday, March 05, 2012
Chicago is Spared! The G-8 Summit has been moved to Camp David!

It would have been expensive, ugly and perhaps very bloody. Businesses expected to be firebombed or at a minimum suffered lots of broken glass and looting.
The cops I know had little interest in doing anything but worrying about self-preservation. Protecting businesses on behalf of city officials loathed by the cops during this circus generated little interest and a lot of resentment. Why risk suffering injuries, bogus brutality allegations and criminal Indictment at the hands of that total douchebag State’s Attorney, Anita Alvarez?
My guess was the undermanned, outgunned and demoralized Chicago cops would have simply stood by and watched the city burn.
It’s obvious that Rham Emanuel and Barack Obama knew this would become a public relations disaster and jointly moved it to the more easily protected rural area of Camp David.
This planned fiasco would have cost Chicago taxpayers untold millions.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Chicago Gun Registration Unneeded, Duplicative and Ineffective

How many crimes were solved because of the registration program you ask? Nobody can cite a single instance of serious crime being solved.
Police have looked to see if expired registrations were renewed and made life Hell for those who failed to notice the expirations.
Of course the records were used and abused by nosy bureaucrats and cops checking on their own neighbors from time to time.
The state has a much more effective Firearms Owner Identification system that citizens are required to obtain before they can possess firearm or ammunition. Those cards, the personal information and photos of the bearers provide law enforcement with plenty of information.
The rub here is the people that bother to obtain the FOID cards behave themselves rather well. The FOID records don’t exist for criminals since they never obtain them.
There are two separate U.S. Supreme Court opinions that have held that, convicted felons cannot be forced to register or submit applications that reveal they have firearms! The reason is that registration violates their right against self-incrimination.
Gun registration has become a pointless and meaningless concept if criminals can’t be charged with failure to register the guns that are forbidden to own. Registration laws should have been repealed after the two rulings but they managed to live on.
What’s needed in Illinois is a pre-emption law barring local governments from creating a patchwork of laws nobody can keep up with. The FOID system is intrusive, cumbersome and unconstitutional. You simply can’t be forced to obtain a license to exercise a right. Despite the objectionable nature of the FOID law, gun owners have accepted it with few grumbles except for delays in processing them.
Often people say you need a license to drive a car and requiring one to own a gun seems reasonable. The same people forget that driving a car is not a right but a privilege. Owning and carrying a gun is a right.
Mayor Rham Emanuel would serve Chicago well to convince the City Council to simply eliminate the gun laws of Chicago. The rank and file cops understand only too well Chicago’s gun laws only victimize the law-abiding. It has cost taxpayer a bundle defending Mayor Richard M. Daley’s over-emotional and unlawful personal gun philosophy.
Mayor Emanuel would gain some real respect from the Chicago police officers by taking this step. He’d buy even more credit by staying out of the concealed weapon debate.
Mayor Emanuel needs to visit police districts and solicit ideas from the cops on the street. Rank and file cops can help Emanuel get a handle on department problems much better than those schizophrenic political creatures with gold stars. Most gold star ranked officers are to frightened to tell the mayor anything they think he might not want to hear. Beat cops will be much more straight forward. I have been trying to imagine a day with the morale of the cops was at an all time high rather than in the basement.
I have placed Barack Obama’s baggage on Emanuel because he was the Whitehouse Chief of Staff. Perhaps that was hasty and unfair. Mayor Emanuel can reduce city government and figure creative ways to bring employers and taxpayers back into the city. There is nothing preventing him from being a great mayor except to repeat the same mistakes of the past.
So far Mayor Emanuel seems to be an improvement over what Chicago had on City Hall's fifth floor during the last few decades.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Never Let A Good Crisis Go to Waste

Göbbels was a well-educated educated genius that knew how to shape, contain and exploit public opinion as efficiently as anyone in history. Göbbels played the new media of broadcast radio like a violin as he managed to operate this superb new tool to control very thought of the masses!
Here at home Franklin D. Roosevelt and his political cronies did exactly the same thing to a lesser extent. The famous Fireside Chats kept America spellbound as he waged his own propaganda war.
Today every Hollywood press agent of political campaign manager must understand how to create and exploit any kind of crisis to get exactly what they want. Yes, the old publicity stunt can work wonders.
A few years back an ageing Carol Channing was appearing in a Los Angeles show. She needed to sell lots of tickets but her star had faded and she really needed a publicity boost. This is where sharp publicists earn their bread.
As the show was being promoted these was a high dollar theft in L.A. and the victim was none other than Carol Channing. Police were investigating the claim that her designer dress studded with real diamonds was stolen from the hotel. Needless to say if brought out all of Hollywood’s news organizations that informed absolutely everyone that Carol Channing was appearing live in Hollywood for a stage show. The obligatory coverage of the dress caper and photos and statements from the LAPD were secondary to the free publicity the ticket office obtained. This was only part-one to this saga.
As for part-two, as the show was winding down and more tickets were needed to be sold, the stolen dress was found! Imagine that! It seems a homeless man found the dress, knew it must be Channing’s and returned it! The media circus was on again and Channing’s show was extended! Of course, I have absolutely no evidence that this was not more than a coincidence. But go ahead and, you can be the judge on that one.
For politicians the tricks are the same. As the Weimar Republic was struggling with their defeat after World War One, and the Great Depression every politician was fighting to control Germany. There was no shortage of political parties and people ready to exploit the treasury, limousines and prestige of high political office.
The National Socialists under the leadership of Adolph Hitler were competing with the Communists to rule Germany. Both parties were identical in their Marxist based redistribution of wealth platforms. Each party offered a slightly different flavor of Socialism.
Who would the hungry people of Germany trust to lead them out of their financial mess? Neither party had sufficient votes or public support needed to win. That’s where a crisis was and a way to heroically overcome it was needed.
The Reichtag was and still is the Capitol building for Germany. It is the home of the Parliament and government political apparatus. Across the street was another government building where the Nazi Party’s military political leader, Hermann Göring had an apartment. Beneath the street there was a tunnel connecting both buildings.
On, February 27, 1933 an arson fire broke out at the Reichtag and the Nazi wasted no time on blaming the fire on the Communists. Soon a Dutch Communist, Marinus van der Lubbe along with four others were framed for torching this venerable landmark.

Liberty never returned to Germany for 12 long years as Hitler led Germany into a massive world-wide Apocalypse. Before it was over, 50 million human lives that included six-million Jews and Gypsies along with nine-million Germans were needlessly lost.
Hitler was evil but his evilness was somewhat over-rated when compared to other despots. Hitler had more efficient, state of the art technology for murdering the innocent. The deeds of the Nazi agents were meticulously documented for posterity. Any despot leading a major nation could kill more efficiently today if given absolute power. One-party rule anywhere is always dangerous.
A good government is one that operates openly with lots of vigorous debate. If your, City Council, County Board, State Legislature are all in agreement dangerous and evil things are assuredly happening.
In every nation on earth there is some politician with the desire to control and own every country on earth. These evil would-be despots all have charisma, charm and a nice smile. They have all learned from the great despots that preceded them and that what’s past is prologue. They have all learned to never let a good crisis go to waste.
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