Somehow I expect that Romney’s Primary campaign is being funded by Obama supporters. A GOP Primary pitting Romney against that other pretender Rick Perry is the Democrat's, dream come true.
Romney has proven to be a big spending, gun rights hating, entitlement loving politician who will say anything at all to get elected. Romney’s stellar record as a Massachusetts Ted Kennedy style Liberal won’t be endangered if he somehow gets into the Whitehouse. That will never happen because disenfranchised Conservatives hate pretenders and will sit out another election rather than vote for a total fraud.
The closest candidate to a Conservative in my lifetime was Dwight D. Eisenhower. Ronald Reagan was a genuine moderate that appealed to nearly everyone. Reagan was limited by a Liberal Congress but our nation was headed in the right direction with economic growth facilitated through lower taxes.
George H.W. Bush was a pretender that got us into a war and set us up for permanent oil dependence on his Arab friends. Clinton could do little to reverse the good fortunes Reagan brought. George W. Bush was really destructive to our economy in every possible way and all but made us property of the Chinese Communists.
Obama is a genuine traitor and has set about the total destruction of our Constitution and way of life. He has done all he can to divide this once great nation and start a Civil War as a vehicle to install a Communist/Socialist government. He is not finished yet trying to capitalize on every crisis that he creates.
It looks like Obama won’t be reelected even if he somehow survives this first term. The Impeachment knives are out looking to draw some blood over rampant corruption. Frankly I don’t rule out a prosecution for treason or even murder for his part in the killing of Brian Terry. The Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal was and is part of a Whitehouse conspiracy. Obama is a stain on America that must be removed.