The pharmaceutical companies will sell you some expensive snake
oil for life to control the symptoms if this condition. There is a surgical alternative too. Save your money and misery because I figured
out the cure. Okay I was a medical
corpsman in the Army a lifetime ago.
Here is the deal!
Your stomach is normally filled with acid to help digest the food you
consume. It’s volatile and if it expands
upward past the esophageal sphincter you are placed in distress. When consuming food the sphincter must open
and the reaction between the food and the acid sometimes seems like a boiling volcano.
Generally acid reflux sufferers swallow their dry food first
then try to wash it down with drink.
That’s when the big trouble begins.
My cure is so simple it will amaze you that the doctors have
not figured it out by now. The cure is plain
old water! Before you begin to eat that
burger or whatever, drink a half glass of water. What happens is the water enters you stomach
and puts out the acid fire. After you
take that drink you can begin eating and the acid volcano will never
start! As you eat be sure to drink a
little more as you enjoy your food.
I have also found that if I have soup before the main course
there’s never an attack.
Try this yourself and pass it on to others including your
physicians. I hope I have done a small service for my
readers and saved them some dough at the same time.