Showing posts with label Jennifer Lawrence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jennifer Lawrence. Show all posts

Sunday, September 17, 2017

My Eulogy For The Death of Actress Jennifer Lawrence.

Hollywood, CA—27 year-old Jennifer Lawrence was gorgeous, seriously talented and her smile captivated millions just like me. What could possibly go wrong?  
Our nation became even more divided politically as well as emotionally since the 2016 election and Hollywood overwhelmingly chose the loosing side of the Left.  

Lawrence got caught up in the wild clammer and used her ample media face time to promote her raw hatred for our duly elected president and his supporters instead of promoting her work products.  Expressed hatred is never pretty. 

We all have a First Amendment right to say what we please.  However people selling products run huge financial risks of offending large percentages of their customers or in this case ticket buying fans. 

I was a diehard fan of Lawrence.  She captured my full attention when she appeared in, American Hustle. I meet her very briefly at a screening of that terrific film. I then watched her young career soar beyond all expectations. 

Suddenly her latest film, Mother tanked at the box office.  Was it a bad film?  I don’t intend to find out.  I’ve really lost all interest in Lawrence, her talent and would even take a pass at a second chance to meet her again today.

Lawrence has suddenly announced that she would take a break from acting.  The fact is she had nothing on her film calendar for the next two years anyway.  Her agent, Tracy Brennen at CAA will lose a bundle too!

A similar hard lesson was learned by The Dixie Chicks.  They became a Liberal political force that alienated their mostly Conservative, Country Western fan base.   Their rising careers ended right then and there. Their later attempt at a “comeback tour” was yet another disaster. 

Hollywood’s celebrities are quickly shedding huge portions of their fan base with their emotional and hateful political rants.  This Summer’s film box office take was at record lows. 

I don’t believe in boycotts especially of any form of art and entertainment.  I have however reached my saturation point when it comes to me being disappointed by so many entertainers I once admired, appreciated and patronized with my hard earned cash.  

A-List actress, Meryl Streep put herself directly in the political meat grinder during the last Oscar Awards ceremony.  However she was nearly at the end of her career and had nothing to lose compared to Lawrence. 

Jennifer, you didn’t have to die so young.  

Saturday, May 24, 2014

YouTube Maniac Behind Santa Barbara Killing Rampage

Isla Vista, CA—Yes, I’m calling him, The YouTube Maniac.  Elliot Rodger was a very affluent young man with a sleek black BMW living in the paradise of this coastal community.  The problem was this fellow was an apparent serious social looser who could not get laid.  He was also under the out patient care of a psychiatrist.  
The killer was the 22-year-old son of Peter Rodger, an assistant director on the wildly successful Hunger Games film series.   This young man traveled the world with his father and actress stepmother.   This privileged youngster had access to stunning stars like Jennifer Lawrence and Katy Perry. 
Last night, the young Rodger stabbed three people to death then drove around looking for young women to shoot and kill.  Before it was over seven lay dead.  Police have not yet released the names, ages or sex of any of Rodger’s victims.
Before his rampage, Rodger placed a nearly seven minute video on YouTube lamenting his inability to win the affection of any woman.  On the video he made it clear he’d get even with females by killing as many of them as he could.  The stark reality is that he went on a very tragic killing rampage making good his threats.
He stalked his victims from his BMW with a gun until police caught up with him, killing him in an apparent gun battle. 
Right now we will have to wait to learn more about this twisted soul and his motivations for his murderous assault.  By all appearances Rodger had wealth, privilege and a great car.   Just what made Rodger such a pariah to women?  
This tormented killer seemingly had it all.  However Rodger obviously lacked the most basic of social skills and mental health.   I can’t imagine what his family is going through right now.  I can’t begin to think about the families and close friends of Rodger’s victims.  What a huge and senseless loss.
My first question is what medically prescribed drugs was this youngster taking? 
Here is Roger’s last video before he began his deadly rampage.

As fast as I posted this video YouTube removed it…  Somehow I knew this would happen.