Whitney Houston managed to transform herself self-absorbed, filthy, disgusting crack whore.
She maybe missed right now but by no one more than those selling illegal drugs to her.
Houston was a monumental disappointment to anyone that ever helped her.
We have a War on Drugs and nearly everyone engaged in that war profits from its continuation.
We need to legalize the poison just to remove the obscene profits. Regulating and taxing this toxic garbage will be no improvement. I do mean legalize.
At the same time we must refocus on treatment for only those who want to be returned to health. Right now hundreds of billions of treatment dollars are wasted on those in treatment for cutting jail time rather than to quit drugs.
I hate drugs but I hate the violence, corruption and loss of liberty and privacy more. The Drug War has taken a huge bite out Americans Freedoms. We need to get liberty returned.
As for the addicted we know that don’t seek treatment the only correct way to help them is through tough love. Feeding the addicts has never been helpful.