Oak Park, IL-This quiet, progressive and wealthy town was the location of an armed robbery. I can’t understand how that could happen since the Village of Oak Park politicians have done their best to make laws banning guns for simple self-defense.
As one man was putting gas in his car, two other men decided to try and rob him of his leather coat. Instead of handing over the coat the intended victim drew a gun and shot one of the robbers twice and quickly left the scene. Of course leaving the scene of the shooting is not a crime anywhere in America.
The wounded stick-up man had some very nasty but non-life threatening injuries. So far police have arrested nobody but a dragnet has been cast for the intended victim.
I just hope the lucky fellow who survived the robbery attempt is smart enough to remain absolutely silent and demand a lawyer if they ever catch up to him. Thankfully this fellow put his own life at a higher priority than blindly obeying unconstitutional Illinois gun laws.
The spirit of Paul Kersey lives in Oak Park! This is yet another bedtime story with a happy ending!