Chicago, IL—Morning drive time is a great spot to be on Chicago’s radio. Big John Howell and Amy Jacobson are talk radio hosts in the Windy City are always looking for thought provoking topics and guests for their show on WIND-AM 560.
They’ve asked me to join them to talk about the sudden death at age 43 of Conservative blogger and frequent Obama critic Andrew Breitbart. They want my take on the possibility of this being murder.
Call in with your questions!
Tune in Tuesday morning 24 April @ 8:00 A.M Chicago time. If you’re outside the broadcast area you can listen to the shows live stream right here:
Los Angeles, CA—The untimely death of Conservative blogger, Andrew Breitbart the night before he claimed to be releasing bombshell evidence that would derail Obama’s reelection campaign is beyond suspicious.
I interviewed witness Christopher Lasseter who saw Beritbart cross the street from the Brentwood, step onto a curb and, “drop like a sack of potatoes.” Breitbart collapsed on the sidewalk in front of the Starbucks. Civilians, cops and paramedics treated him at the scene. He was then transported to and pronounced dead at the UCLA Medical Center in nearby Westwood.
Lasseter went on to describe Breitbart’s clothing down to his high-end Converse sneakers. Lasseter was not familiar with Breitbart or his background. Lasseter was there walking his dog and became involved with the attempt to follow a 911 operator’s instructions to save the dying man’s life.
I asked Lasseter specifically about Breitbart’s skin color and he said it was “bright red.” That bothered me because as an Army medical corpsman I knew that most heart attack victims turned blue.
I quickly got on the telephone to Palo Alto, California with one of the most respected vascular surgeons in the nation, Tej Singh, MD and asked him about that revelation. I also informed the physician that Breitbart was was consuming wine just before he died.
Dr. Singh reminded me that wine was a vascular dilator and enough of it would turn Breitbart’s skin red. He went on to tell me about Japanese men that drink lots of wine and suffer heart attacks. It’s all too common to see their skin turn red.
The shock of the Breitbart autopsy report is that Beritbart had a blood-alcohol concentration in his blood of .04, which is minimal. Why then was Breitbart’s skin bright red?
Poisons like cyanide, or carbon monoxide are known for turning skin red. There are poisons that can be criminally delivered orally, or through skin that mimic heart attacks, but for the condition of cyanosis where the skin turns blue. Some of these poisons have been in the arsenal of our CIA for decades. The reality is they cannot be detected by normal toxicology testing.
There have been cases where physicians have been convicted of murdering people with such drugs despite the ability of medical examiners to discover the toxins used to kill.
The Los Angeles Coroner released a statement, a preliminary report of their opinion of the cause of Beritbart’s death. They say the 43 year-old suffered a heart attack and they don’t suspect foul play.
It was Breitbart that brought down ACORN, a billion dollar criminal organization that was involved in massive vote fraud efforts that helped Obama get elected for his first term. ACORN lost millions of additional government funds because Breitbart exposed tem to the world for what they were.
There is no question that Breitbart was a target of concern and hate by people inside and supporters of the Obama Administration. Silencing Breitbart had to be high priority for anyone with a serious financial stake in Obama’s reelection. It’s safe to say people were gunning for this man who already inflicted tremendous damage to the campaign.
I’m having a hard time buying the suggestion that this young man simply had a heart attack considering his “big” announcement never materialized. Breitbart was silenced and those connected to ACORN and the Obama Administration had motive, means and opportunity to kill their nemesis.
Update: I conducted a second interview of Lassiter for and have posted it below:
Los Angeles, CA—Conservative blogger, Andrew Breitbart cost ACORN as much as $1 billion after exposing this criminal enterprise organization’s activities.
ACORN was mired in massive vote fraud shenanigans in their successful-win at any cost effort to elect Barack Obama.
Obama directed massive taxpayer handouts to ACORN in return. However Congress obstructed that effort when Andrew Breitbart published hidden video of routine government loan fraud by ACORN staffers.
ACORN wound up shuttering offices and quickly restructuring their assets.
The former community organizer, Barack Obama and ACORN were always joined at the hip. Obama is vital to ACORN’s survival.
Andrew Breitbart was reportedly only hours away from releasing embarrassing videotapes of Barack Obama. The timing of Breitbart’s death is beyond suspect.
That kind of money in the hands of the ACORN criminal enterprise can easily facilitate an assassination of nearly anyone. Breitbart had to be at the very top of their enemy list.
Now the political extreme Left in America is desperate as their Messiah has an approval rating far below that required for reelection.
ACORN has redundantly proven that they will resort to major felony crimes in the course of their business. What’s a little murder?
It was beyond laughable when authorities quickly branded Breitbart’s death as “natural causes” without an attending physician’s statement. Breitbart's body had not yet cooled before they passed judgment.
The LAPD and the Medical examiner must look carefully at the facts here and look for any signs of foul play.
There are drugs available to mimic more than one natural death. Some of those drugs escape detection of the normal toxicology examinations. ACORN has nearly limitless assets for their nefarious activities.
Americans must make sure that this death is properly investigated and cover-ups are not tolerated.
Los Angeles, CA—Andrew Breitbart was a Conservative journalist, blogger and patriot who dared expose Left Wing criminal conspiracies.
Breitbart nearly brought down the tax supported criminal enterprise known as ACORN. Of course the Obama Justice Department would never prosecute their co-conspirators.
Breitbart rose to prominence in the blogging world through content and promotion. Of course Breitbart and his revelations were ignored by the mainstream media but they were carrying water for their Messiah, Barack Obama.
According to Breitbart’s website and lawyer he died unexpectedly due to natural causes last night.
Cub journalist Hannah Giles and her young documentry film making friend, James O’Keefe could have come direct from Central Casting as the perfect sleazy pimp and hooker. They posed as child sex traffickers and tax cheats. They found themselves welcomed with open arms and big smiles at various ACORN offices. ACORN is also known as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.
At these offices the ACORN officials there were only too eager to help the actors to get tax money for their despicable criminal organization. The ACORN creeps also gave them advice on tax cheating and avoiding detection by law enforcement authorities. Their conspiracy was soon exposed by a hidden camera and broadcast internationally.
As a result of the successful sting, Giles and O’Keefe have apparently saved taxpayers millions of dollars. Not only has the US Census Bureau severed ties with ACORN today the Senate overwhelmingly voted to cut off funding to that criminal organization. The 83-7 vote will deny housing and community grant funding to ACORN
The amount of money involved is staggering and any crime syndicate would kill anyone in order to change things or extract revenge. ACORN is just that a crime syndicate. They have been using taxpayers like a giant ATM machine for over three decades.
There may be some controversy about little known laws designed to protect crooked politicians and officials being taped without their knowledge. Any officials that try to prosecute Giles and O’Keefe for their important public service should be taken on by thousands of furious taxpayers.
Giles and O’Keefe now need round the clock protection and government is not trustworthy to provide what’s needed. Private funding for armed bodyguards should be provided along with safe housing and living arrangements.
I hope that happens quickly as I don’t want these fine kids martyred for their patriotism and heroics. These kids are true heroes and deserve to be treated as such. I hope to see many American corporations and civic organizations give them awards, scholarships and serious cash for their honorable and courageous service.
We can only guess how many millions of bogus votes will be cast on November 4th. We have all heard about the mere thousands of phony registrations caught by the few beleaguered election departments inclined to ferret out vote fraud.
The Left Wing Fringe Democrats have fought voter verification or identification tooth and nail blocking every bit of anti-fraud legislation or enforcement.
ACORN is an organization created to destroy America has been funded by America’s enemies foreign, domestic and our own Congress. ACORN’s efforts to hijack our elections has not gone unnoticed.
The fact that Barack Obama won’t condemn ACORN is strong evidence that he approves of their fraud on his behalf. That alone should swing any undecided voters that Obama is unfit to hold any American office. The Obama campaign has also been openly funding ACORN and their fraudulent efforts.
ACORN has been at the forefront of voter fraud for decades. Acorn is a cancer that must be stopped at all cost. This is a criminal organization with the goal of destroying our economy, form of government and way of life. Acorn is as dangerous as any terrorist that ever threatened America in its history.
In the case of Acorn and their workers I hope that American patriots use the same violent tactics employed by Barack Obama’s friends at The Weather Underground to combat this terrorist organization.
There has been a breakdown of basic protections for Americans with unchecked illegal immigration and this massive destruction of our electoral process. The enemy is here and must be destroyed. Perhaps it’s time for a militia to do what our government won’t, and that’s to protect America.
The goal of ACORN is to steal this election for that Bolshevik, Barack Obama. We cannot allow that to happen.