Friday, March 07, 2025

California wants You do outrun your attacker’s bullets!

California Assemblymember Rick Zbur must have taken a masterclass in legislative lunacy because his latest bill, AB 1333, is a masterpiece in stupidity. Zbur, a Democrat with an apparent soft spot for criminals, wants to narrow the standards for justifiable homicide—translation: make it harder for law-abiding citizens to defend themselves.

The bill, introduced in February, is his answer to stand-your-ground laws, which allow people to use deadly force when facing a serious threat. But Zbur thinks that’s just too much freedom for the peasants. His bill would declare homicide not justifiable if:

You’re outside your home and could have run away instead of defending yourself. (Because clearly, criminals will wait politely while you flee.)

You were engaged in mutual combat or “provoked” the attacker. (Which means what, exactly? Making eye contact? Wearing the wrong political hat?)

Zbur insists this is about stopping “vigilantism.” Apparently, in his warped view, fighting back against an armed attacker makes you the problem, not the criminal trying to harm you.

This bill is so idiotic that even California’s usual cast of soft-on-crime politicians should be embarrassed. Instead of helping victims, Zbur wants to make sure they have only two choices: get assaulted or get arrested.

Let’s hope AB 1333 meets a swift and well-deserved death—preferably in the legislative graveyard, right next to whatever common sense Zbur once had before he decided criminals deserve more rights than their victims.

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