Monday, February 03, 2025

Los Angeles in Flames: The Illegal Alien Uprising Has Begun

The criminal backlash we all saw coming has finally erupted in the streets of Los Angeles. Fueled by entitlement and lawlessness, thousands of illegal aliens and their radical supporters turned the city into a war zone. They didn’t just protest they seized control. Innocent motorists on the 101 Freeway were taken hostage, trapped by an unruly mob that had no regard for human life or public order. This wasn’t some peaceful First Amendment rally. It was an outright criminal insurrection, a declaration of war against the rule of law.

Cars and city busses were vandalized. Chaos reigned. Graffiti was sprayed like a battle cry, marking the city with the scars of a society spiraling into anarchy. And where was Mayor Karen Bass? Nowhere to be found. She had an obligation to demand order, to stand up for the rights of law-abiding citizens, but she chose silence. No surprise there, Bass has spent her entire career aligning herself with the most ruthless leftist revolutionaries. Her admiration for Fidel Castro and Che Guevara tells you everything you need to know about her vision for America. She doesn’t just tolerate this kind of violent uprising, she welcomes it.

But let’s be clear: America has spoken. The majority of voters sent Donald Trump back to the White House to clean up the devastation left by Joe Biden and his lawless administration. This isn’t about compassion or opportunity. It’s about an invasion, orchestrated and encouraged by corrupt politicians who care more about pandering to illegal immigrants than protecting American citizens. The mission is clear: remove every last illegal alien and restore the rule of law.

We are a nation built on laws. Immigration laws exist for a reason. If you want to enter America, you knock at the front door, apply legally, and wait your turn, just like millions of others have done before. The left likes to claim that we are a nation of immigrants, but they conveniently ignore the fact that past generations were vetted, screened, and held to strict standards. At Ellis Island, countless European migrants were examined, questioned, and sent back if they didn’t meet health or behavior requirements. That was the cost of admission. But today? Anyone who can sneak across the border is handed free benefits, free housing, and free healthcare, all paid for by hard-working American taxpayers.

And while the leftist elite cry about compassion, let’s not forget how their beloved Franklin Roosevelt, a leftist icon blocked Jewish refugees from fleeing the Holocaust. They weren’t given handouts. They weren’t welcomed with open arms. They were turned away. Yet today, our borders are thrown wide open for people who show zero respect for our laws, our culture, or our sovereignty.

And the irony? These so-called refugees proudly wave the flags of the very shit hole nations they claim to be fleeing from. If their home countries are so unlivable, why do they cling to the symbols of their failure? This isn’t about asylum it’s about exploitation. They don’t want freedom; they want a free ride at America’s expense.

Meanwhile, real Americans suffer. Our cities are crumbling, our hospitals are overwhelmed, and our housing crisis is spiraling out of control, all because of illegal immigration. American citizens are forced to stand in line behind those who have no right to be here.

Let’s s get one thing straight: we fought for our freedom. The Founding Fathers risked everything for this nation. If these so-called refugees hate their governments so much, they should fight for their own freedom, on their own soil. Instead, they invade ours, demanding rights they never earned, while politicians like Karen Bass and Gavin Newsom cheer them on.

Enough is enough. The American people are waking up. The lawlessness must end. And under Trump, it will.

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