Friday, September 20, 2024

Our Bill of Rights is under constant attack by the political left.

Our Founding Fathers were truly a brilliant group of young men. After breaking free from the oppression of the King’s soldiers and using the Magna Carta as a guide, they created a representative republic for the people and by the people. Above all, the Bill of Rights was established to protect Americans from excessive taxation, ensure freedom of movement, safeguard the right to privacy through the Fourth Amendment concerning search and seizure, and, of course, guarantee due process of law before penalizing anyone for legal infractions. Consequently, anyone holding a government position of authority must take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution.

The term “democracy” is often misused by those who don’t truly understand it. A democracy allows a simple majority to impose its will on the minority. In contrast, our Republic is designed to protect the liberties of everyone, including the minority.

The political left despises our Constitution and our form of government. They seek rights that were never crafted into the Constitution, such as what they call “reproductive freedom”—the ability to kill babies in the womb. At the same time, they push for more control over our speech and thoughts. They loathe the Second Amendment, which allows people to keep and carry arms, and they never encounter a tax they don’t adore.

To push their agenda, the political left has concocted the theory of a "living, breathing Constitution" that changes over time based on the whims of politicians. However, the Founding Fathers wisely understood that our Constitution might need adjustments and created a legitimate process requiring a two-thirds majority of the population to make those changes. If Americans genuinely want to make abortion a right, they are free to use the proper political process to achieve that. The same goes for restricting the right to keep and bear arms or limiting our First Amendment rights to free speech.

Despite their massive efforts, the political left has been unable to gather a sufficient majority to amend the Constitution as they would like. Instead, they ridicule, vilify, and despise Americans who want to preserve the Bill of Rights as it was originally written. Our politicians frequently and blatantly violate their oaths to protect and defend our founding document. Rather than following the lawful process to amend the Constitution, they continually pass laws that undermine the Bill of Rights.

Regarding the Second Amendment, the political left initially argued that it only granted the right to keep and bear arms to government militias. This was absurd, as the government already has the authority to wield whatever arms it chooses. Their next tactic was to suggest that the right was a collective, not an individual one.

Former Senator and Presidential candidate Barry Goldwater put it best: “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!”

Let me say this unequivocally: if our Founding Fathers were alive today, they would round up the political left and try them for treason. The real extremists are those attacking the Constitution and our precious Bill of Rights.

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