Saturday, September 21, 2024

Liberals Are Finally Waking Up to the Reality: Guns Save Lives!

Los Angeles, CA—With over 100,000 prisoners set loose and cash bail requirements thrown out the window, crime is skyrocketing while the police are defunded and left powerless. Criminals now roam free, facing almost no risk of arrest or punishment. The public has come to realize that calling the police, reporting crime, or demanding prosecution is often a complete waste of time. Meanwhile, politicians brag about "crime being down" thanks to their creative underreporting of actual crimes. Anyone living in a Democrat-run city knows that’s pure bullshit.

Liberals are starting to wake up and realize they can’t rely on the police to protect them. They’re buying guns like never before, seeking training, and rejecting the false notion that the police can or will come to their rescue. They’ve learned the hard way that, more often than not, police show up just in time to write the report, not to stop the crime.

I’ve taken countless liberals to the gun range to show them firsthand that they can defend themselves and save lives. When the worst happens, they don’t have to wait on an unreliable 911 system. They can take immediate action. That kind of empowerment is life-changing.

The truth is simple: the Second Amendment wasn’t meant to protect inferior or ineffective arms. It safeguards our right to bear powerful weapons of war. Despite unconstitutional laws to the contrary, criminals have no trouble getting their hands on every kind of weapon and using them without hesitation.

Gun control advocates are living in the past. Modern technology like CNC machining and 3D printing has made it easier than ever to produce high-quality firearms. Trying to control them is now a futile task.

If more people were armed, we’d undoubtedly be living in a safer society. Criminals would think twice before committing their cowardly acts if they knew their victims could fight back.

The relentless push for gun bans and restrictions is doomed to fail. States that have restored gun rights aren’t clamoring to go back to draconian laws. The tide is turning, and people are finally understanding that more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens mean less crime and a safer society.

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