Tuesday, September 03, 2024

European are fighting back against forced multiculturalism


Across Europe, there is a noticeable shift towards conservative nationalism, as voters express their frustrations with the ongoing challenges posed by large-scale immigration, particularly from Muslim countries. In countries like Germany, France, and England, recent elections have reflected this trend, with nationalist candidates gaining ground. 

Supporters of multiculturalism, are aligned with the far left, have been quick to label these conservatives as Right wing extremists, even comparing them to Nazis. However, many Europeans are growing increasingly vocal in their demands for stronger immigration controls, arguing that the newcomers have not integrated into the host cultures and that the resulting social tensions, including exploding crime rates, have reached a critical point.

Incidents of violence, such as rapes, stabbings, and thefts, have become alarmingly frequent, prompting governments to take measures like compensating retail businesses for losses due to rampant theft. In response, mass protests have erupted in major cities across Europe, signaling a significant public backlash.

This discontent is not limited to Europe. In the United States, there is growing anger over the financial burden of supporting illegal immigrants, who,are are hostile to American values. As the 2024 election approaches, concerns about voter fraud—particularly committed by Democrats—are intensifying, with new evidence emerging from states like Arizona and Georgia that could have stolen the 2020 election.

While Europe faces deep divisions over these issues, there is hope that both the continent and the United States will see a movement towards restoring national sovereignty and easing the financial strain on their citizens.

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