Thursday, August 08, 2024

Television today is like a rotting corpse, decomposing before our eyes

The late Newton Minnow, former Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, nailed it when he called television a "vast wasteland" of senseless violence, mindless comedy, and ads that make you want to throw up. And that was in 1961! If he could see the state of TV now, he'd probably throw himself off of a broadcast tower just to make it stop.

Reality shows? More like asinine fantasy shows where people compete to see who can be the most ridiculous for the least amount of money. And let’s not forget those Court TV programs featuring folks who seem to think brushing their teeth is a once-in-a-lifetime event. These people parade their petty grievances on national television, seemingly unaware that they should be mortified.

As for network news, it’s like watching a soap opera written by conspiracy theorists. The radical left has hijacked the narrative, and they repeat lies so often, they become truths—at least to anyone still watching.

Newspapers? Well, with over 70% of Americans barely able to read beyond a stop sign, print media doesn't stand a chance.

If it weren’t for streaming services like Netflix and Prime Video, my TVs would’ve been tossed into a landfill years ago. Thank goodness for the internet, or I’d have nothing but static and regret in my living room.

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