Sunday, August 18, 2024

Our nation is hopelessly divided—what’s next?

Chicago, IL—The Windy City is bracing for chaos. Fences are up, businesses are boarded, and the National Guard is assembling. Cops are getting their final briefings. ANTIFA soldiers are reportedly flooding in by the thousands, alongside hordes of anti-Semitic Palestinians planning their actions.

Chicago police officers have been thoroughly castrated, knowing full well that any attempt to stop the violence could get them fired or even prosecuted. The National Guard will be there with empty weapons, serving as little more than scarecrows. Private security agencies will be stretched to their limits, but they won't be much help either.

The local legacy media is hyping the tension, so if you live in central Chicago, it’s a good time to either get out of town or hunker down in a bunker.

Our country has never been this divided in living memory. We’re staring down a battle between constitution-defending patriots and the Democrats/Communists. The only question is, how violent will it get?

If you’re stuck in the danger zone, make sure you have firearms, ammunition, fire extinguishers, and any other defensive gear. Stock up on enough food and medicine for at least 10 days. Restaurants and supermarkets might be shut down, and food deliveries could be nonexistent.

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