Tuesday, July 30, 2024

YouTube has now taken on the role of a self-appointed arbiter of political correctness, gun control, and thought regulation.

Los Angeles, CA—The platform recently announced new terms of service concerning videos related to firearms education. These new censorship measures are driven by ignorance and emotion.

The controversy and politics surrounding guns are often misunderstood, even by the well-educated. Meanwhile, other significant societal issues like drug abuse, DUI, and various tools of violence receive far less attention. Guns have been increasingly glamorized by violent movies and video games.

Neal Mohan, a 50-year-old Indiana native of Indian descent with an MBA, is currently at the helm of YouTube. He is navigating the platform amidst loud public outcry, leading to what many see as a sociological disaster.

YouTube enjoys legal immunity, allowing it to selectively publish content unless Congress or the courts intervene.

Content creators are increasingly frustrated with YouTube's algorithms, which direct viewers to and away from specific videos. Erratic monetization decisions can devastate creators who depend on YouTube revenue to make a living.

Creating compelling videos is hard work, requiring skills in research, writing, photography, video editing, and sound engineering. Despite advanced technology and successful influencers like Casey Neistat, the current path to YouTube success involves avoiding any potentially controversial topics. Many creators now resort to AI to produce their content.

YouTube's policies affect all creators, not just those related to firearms. For instance, even those teaching camera use and videography have been impacted. The terms of service are often confusing, vague, and inconsistently applied, reflecting a subjective and increasingly restrictive political correctness.

The platform has grown so large and convoluted that its management appears out of control. While legal immunity offers some protection, YouTube still faces potential litigation.

YouTube should cease its algorithmic manipulation, but it likely won't, as it seeks to control the thinking of its millions of viewers and influence public policy. It has become a self-appointed, left-leaning thought police.

Most other social media platforms are similar, though X may soon overtake YouTube as a video-sharing space. Content creators need a platform driven by advertising sponsors, free from algorithms and censorship.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ben Crump is Playing the Ghetto Lottery in the Land of Lincoln

Springfield, Illinois—The latest case of anti-police sentiment began with a 911 call from Sonya Massey. She reported hearing suspicious noises on her property to the Sangamon County Sheriff's Department. Deputies arrived, conducted a search, and found nothing suspicious. During their final conversation with Massey, she suddenly moved to throw a pot of boiling water at the deputies.

Body cam footage shows officers excitedly commanding Massey to drop the pot of water. When she didn't comply, Sangamon County Deputy Sean Grayson, 30, shot her in the head with his 9mm service weapon. Massey raised her hands, but it was too late; the bullet killed her instantly.

The incident raises several questions: Whose reflexes were faster, Massey's or Grayson's? Was the shooting a reasonable and justifiable act? Is a pot of boiling water considered a deadly weapon?

Benjamin Crump, a self-proclaimed civil rights attorney, quickly got involved, alleging that Massey was killed by a white officer because of her race. Critics argue that Crump profits from what they call "ghetto lottery" cases by taking on high-profile racially charged civil suits.

This case has been compared to the killing of career criminal and fentanyl addict, George Floyd, a situation that led to significant controversy and the destruction of several police officers' careers. 

As the Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels famously said, "If you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth." Crump is seen by some as adept at spreading such narratives, and local officials too often feel pressured to settle these cases with taxpayer money.

In a related anecdote from the early 70s, an off-duty Chicago police officer died after his wife threw a pot of boiling water on him during a domestic dispute. The officer quickly succumbed to his injuries, and I was tasked with transporting his body to the Cook County Morgue.  The wife was arrested by homicide detectives, but she was later cleared by a jury.

Circuit Judge Ryan M. Cadagin has ordered Grayson to be held in the Sangamon County Jail without bond. The deputy has pled not guilty to the charges. The outcome of this racially charged circus remains to be seen.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Video literacy must be taught in our schools before it’s too late.

Phoenix, AZ— Most high school students in the United States now have modern smartphones. Our children, by default, will be the future storytellers, gathering and documenting history.

Every school in America should teach students how to produce, write, report, edit, and post simple stories on the internet. The cameras and software they need are already on their smartphones.

Currently, we see many people holding their phones vertically and not effectively capturing important events.

If schools offered video literacy courses, I believe most students would enjoy being empowered by learning how to document newsworthy events professionally.

The challenge is that many teachers themselves lack these skills and would need to be trained to pass this important knowledge on to our children.

I think parents should be bringing this up at their school board meetings . Remember, it’s the squeaky wheel that gets the grease.  

We must stop the Trump assassination conspiracy coverup in its tracks!

Washington, DC—Breaking news: Kimberly A. Cheatle has announced her resignation as the Director of the Secret Service.  

I am convinced that Thomas Matthew Crooks was not acting alone. It cannot be a coincidence that Crooks’ deadly movements were facilitated and enabled by the Biden/Harris-led Secret Service.

This assassination attempt must be investigated by anyone other than the FBI due to their massive conflict of interest. The FBI has been relentlessly pursuing politicized and baseless charges against former President Trump for at least seven years. The FBI is part of the problem and may even be complicit in this attempted assassination.

As a seasoned criminal investigator, I call for funding to assemble a team to examine this effort to murder Donald Trump. There are witnesses and others who know exactly what happened. They should be speaking to Donald Trump’s lawyers and investigators instead of the FBI or Secret Service.

If you know something, speak up to anyone but the Biden/Harris-controlled FBI, Secret Service, or their fake news propaganda outlets.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Don't let bravado and image choices land you in prison.

Los Angeles, CA—Anyone might find themselves in a situation where using justifiable deadly force becomes necessary. When that happens, police will investigate thoroughly, collecting all available evidence. If you're involved, expect them to obtain a search warrant for your home, vehicles, and storage facilities.

We all enjoy fictional movie heroes like Dirty Harry, Paul Kersey, or John Wick. However, emulating these characters through your appearance, choice of weapons, tattoos, and clothing logos could make it easier for prosecutors to paint you as a violent copycat. A more prudent choice would be to emulate Paul Kersey, the mild-mannered vigilante.

If a liberal prosecutor charges you with using excessive force, they might portray you as a movie-influenced monster. This could extend to your text messages, emails, videos, and social media. Racist and threatening remarks made in jest could be presented to a jury.

While the First Amendment protects your right to express yourself, this freedom may come at a cost. It’s wise to remove provocative images from your life in case you ever need to use justifiable deadly force. Don't assume that a criminal trial for murder, manslaughter, or aggravated assault will be fair. Remember, justice can be elusive.

No, you’re not guaranteed a fair trial, even in America.

Monday, July 08, 2024

Abortion the reality and truth behind Roe v. Wade

Washington, DC—Let me start by saying I don't have a personal stake in this issue. While I find abortion generally troubling, I acknowledge its necessity in many cases. Roe v. Wade is often misunderstood. The Supreme Court should adhere strictly to the Constitution, not sway with public opinion. However, justices sometimes allow their personal political beliefs to influence their decisions, which is problematic.

In Roe v. Wade, the Court legalized abortion through a complex interpretation, declaring an unwritten Right to Privacy. This right, which wasn't explicitly included by the Founding Fathers, was effectively created without a constitutional amendment. To be clear, there has never been an inherent reproductive right or right to choose—these are terms born out of advocacy.

For "pro-choice" advocates, it's important to note that there has never been a simple majority (50%+1) to legalize abortion nationwide, nor a consensus on when abortion should be permitted in terms of weeks or months. The recent Supreme Court, with a different set of justices, reversed the earlier Burger Court's decision, leaving the abortion issue to individual states. In regions like the Bible Belt, opposition to abortion is strong due to deeply held beliefs about the sanctity of unborn life.

Given the longstanding division on abortion, achieving the support needed for a constitutional amendment is unlikely.

The Supreme Court's makeup during the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 was as follows:

1. Harry Blackmun (appointed by Richard Nixon) – wrote the majority opinion.
2. Warren E. Burger (Chief Justice, appointed by Richard Nixon) – joined the majority.
3. William J. Brennan Jr. (appointed by Dwight D. Eisenhower) – joined the majority.
4. William O. Douglas (appointed by Franklin D. Roosevelt) – joined the majority.
5. Thurgood Marshall (appointed by Lyndon B. Johnson) – joined the majority.
6. Lewis F. Powell Jr. (appointed by Richard Nixon) – joined the majority.
7. Potter Stewart (appointed by Dwight D. Eisenhower) – joined the majority.
8. Byron White (appointed by John F. Kennedy) – dissented.
9. William Rehnquist (appointed by Richard Nixon) – dissented.