Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Stabbing death at USC results in Murder arrest of a student.

             IVAN GALLEGOS 

Los Angeles.CA-UniversityUniversityof Southern California—According to various reports, a USC frat member stabbed a “homeless” car burglar to death in USC’s Greek Row (700 block of W. 28th Street).  The burglar was caught in the act by 19 year-old Ivan Gallegos and the altercation happened.  You should also know that the USC community is surrounded by a violent ghetto and this is a high crime area.  

Apparently, the burglar threatened to shoot Gallegos.  He either saw or thought he saw a gun in possession of the burglar. The cops did not find one in their nighttime search.   Under the circumstances, this would be a justifiable homicide.  However, the cops generally have a custom of arresting the winners of these kinds of events. They then refer to the loser as the “victim”.  Of course, cops making murderer arrest always get commendations.

So far the matter is being reviewed by The incredibly leftist, Soros funded, County DA, George Gascon.  I would be shocked and surprised if Gascon turned down prosecuting this lad.  On its face, it sounds like prosecution here would be a serious travesty of Justice.  

I live to do the self-defense investigations in these kinds of cases.  The background and criminal history of the dead burglar I’m sure is substantial, sight unseen.  It is unlikely that despite a serious criminal history that a jury would never be allowed to learn about this unless could prove he knew about it before the altercation. 

The bad news is that Gallegos remained the scene and “cooperated“ with police.  That to me suggests he gave the police details that will now be used against him.  I think if he was smart enough to simply say, I want a lawyer he would be sleeping in his own bed tonight instead of a stinky jail cell. He’s being held in lieu of a $2 million dollar bail requirement. 

In any event, I would love to do this criminal defense investigation! 

UPDATE:  This morning 20 June, the LA County DA ruled this case a justifiable homicide and released Ivan Gallegos! End of story!   

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