Monday, June 24, 2024

LA’s Media Has Reduced Itself to Being the Government’s Public Relations Agency

Anaheim, California—Last week I attended the conference for the Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE). Present were hundreds of investigative reporters and producers from all over the country, including some from South America and Europe.

Over a four-day period, there were numerous sessions designed to equip these professionals with every possible tool to uncover corruption. These reporters aim to give voices to the voiceless, ensure fair justice, and above all, end government theft and waste.

There is both good news and bad news. The good news is that technology keeps improving, providing investigative journalists with incredibly effective new tools. The bad news is that the government has gone to great lengths to shut down access to public records. In the past, news agencies would sue government bodies that refused to allow the inspection of public records. Additionally, the corporate executives who control media organizations won't allow any investigative pieces to be published without being reviewed by their legal teams. Lawyers are expensive, and media organizations simply won’t pay. As a result, investigative stories that should be told are not being told.

Attending the conference costs each individual approximately $1,500, including airfare, hotels, and various fees. However, this year, LA-based reporters could skip the cost of hotels and airfare.

Aside from adequate representation by KCBS/KCAL, the presence of other local LA TV stations was very poor or nonexistent. This sends a clear message: investigative reporting is virtually dead in LA, despite the self-promotion of their investigative reports.

Frankly, if the government didn’t hand out press releases, most of the LA news organizations would have to shut down. The competitive enterprise reporting of the past is just that—past. I can’t recall a single significant story uncovered by LA local TV in the last 20 years.

As a result, Los Angeles’ waste and corruption go entirely unchecked. Everything in California is under the absolute control of Democrat politicians, and no, they do not police each other.

George Orwell said it best: “Journalism is publishing what others don’t want published; anything else is public relations.” It’s a sad state of affairs with no correction expected in the future

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