Friday, February 02, 2024

Christina Pascucci’s California Senate Campaign is on Life Support.

Los Angeles, CA— Former TV news reporter and anchor, Christina Pascucci made a bold primary election run to fill the Senate seat of Dianne Feinstein.  She walked away from an anchoring job with the local LA Fox affiliate giving short notice in order to run for the Senate.

Her campaign centered around her previous reporting on the very problems plaguing California.  Of course, as a reporter she was precluded from suggesting solutions but was required to simply report the facts.  For the most part, Pascucci’s campaign didn’t offer any real solutions, only suggesting she would somehow do things differently as a centrist Democrat.  

She took a mean spirited blow from the Secretary of State that refused to publish her occupation on the ballot.  Although she is well known in Los Angeles, people outside the local News viewing area are unfamiliar with her name.  

The sad news is Pascucci was unable to garner beyond a single digit percentage in recent polls.   The Left Wing, Russiagate instigator, Adam Schiff seems to be the current front runner.  

Let me say that Pascucci carries no political corruption baggage and unlike the other two, has displayed a squeaky clean image.   I had really hoped that she would’ve offered some real solutions to the Democrat created crime and current humanitarian crisis.

I don’t know what’s ahead for Pascucci.  I expect her leaving her anchoring job with such short notice will make it difficult for her to return to TV news.  Pascucci is about to become a mother and that will keep her busy for a while.

Pascucci has much more to offer this world and I’m sure whatever she decides to do will bring success.  I sincerely hope she will not disappear into mediocrity.  

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