Friday, December 29, 2023

The presidential election of 2020 was nothing less than a bloodless Communist, coup d'é·tat.

Washington, DC—Because of the China virus, the normal minimal safeguards for election integrity were taken down by unprecedented mail-in ballots.  The normal safeguards to prevent fraud were removed along with any meaningful transparency.  

Unfortunately, the heaviest fraud was in the blue and swing states.  Since their local Leftist judges refused any and all efforts to allow transparency such as ballot inspection the election tampering was successfully covered up.  

Was it a Communist coup d'é·tat you ask?  All you have to do is look at the installed, communist puppet and his treasonous policies.  The most egregious act that allowed many millions of unvetted and economically motivated illegal aliens to enter our nation.  These people when given the ability to vote like they have in New York City, will only vote for the politicians offering of free housing, EBT cards, Obama phones and medical care.  They’ve now allowed illegal aliens to become cops giving more military strength to the Communist conspirators.

We all know from history, that Communism can only survive with a huge ignorant, poor and easily manipulated population.   That has been fully accomplished. 

The installed China puppet has been free to mandate whatever his coup conspirators dictated.  Virtually every act by the dictated be puppet’s handlers has bankrupted and weakened America, allowing for a total Communist takeover.  Every appointed military general is easily corrupted by the Communists appointing them.

The January 6 patriots simply wanted transparency in the 2020 election and pushed back when that was not forthcoming.  

Our country is a serious crossroads. Any election that mirrors 2020’s mischief will and should be met with a very bloody Civil War.  

Our elections must be free from fraud and totally transparent.  The lack of any legitimate identification requirements and signature matching, facilitated by mail-in or drop off ballots must be ended.  The China virus created “election rules” must end now.

Thursday, December 07, 2023

Artificial Intelligence and Government Control


Los Angeles--Artificial intelligence is here to stay, like it or not. This incredibly powerful tool obviously can outthink any human and solve essentially any problems at all.  I reasonably suspect that diseases like diabetes, cancer and ageing will eventually be cured by this exciting new technology.


Artificial intelligence has the potential to make anybody a lawyer physician, accountant or virtually any occupation if they know how to use its powerful tools.  


Frankly many of our politicians are absolutely terrified because of the power it will give to, we the people that they may have serious difficulty controlling.  I suspect that the politicians want to frighten everyone into surrendering control of this amazing tool to them exclusively.


We don't yet know all the potential of artificial intelligence by a long shot. I fully expect to Continue to be amazed in the next decade. 


Artificial intelligence may prove to be more powerful than even the Second Amendment for Americans to use defending themselves from the government.


The only logical thing for Americans to do is to stop all attempts to let the government control Who can use or access artificial intelligence.  We know we cannot trust government and in fact you can research it by simply getting the question answered of what percentage of governments on earth become repressive, evil and incredibly corrupt. I think the answer is 100% if you look at the history books.