Thursday, December 26, 2019


Richmond, VA—The far left has gained control over Virginia’s political scene. They have a Democratic governor and a Democratic legislative majority.  They are all hell-bent on banning certain firearms and an additional bunch of really draconian dictates.

Virginia has both the federal and state constitutions that protect gun rights but that does not make any difference to this bunch of radicals.  Normally it’s up to the judges to decide the constitutionality of laws that are passed.  The courts however move very slow and resolutions take many years.  In the meantime those victimized by bad laws suffer irreversible harm through incarceration and the loss of valuable property and their guaranteed and hard won freedom.  That does not include tens of thousands in legal fees. I don’t think the founding fathers took into consideration that our courts would someday all but grind to a halt when it came to protecting liberty. 
The oath of office the radical leftist politicians have taken is meaningless to these people who are on a mission to destroy sacred Liberty.  They feel that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are somehow outdated and they are smarter then our founding fathers.  They insist upon re-writing the constitution in a way that suits them and nobody else.

That’s however not the way it works and they cannot simply pass laws that violate the Constitution.  In a state where the motto is, “Sic Semper Tyrannis!” or, Death To Tyrants the politicians are asking for extreme retaliation from the citizenry. Will we see politician's homes burned down and assassinations? Tempers are understandably at an all time high.  

As the vast majority of Virginia’s counties are declaring their jurisdictions to be Gun Rights Sanctuaries the same leftist politicians are planing to unleash the National Guard on both citizens and their local law enforcement officials to overcome any resistance.  They are also making contingency plans to shut down cell phones and the Internet so the citizens cannot communicate with each other during weapons seizures.  I can’t begin to imagine the cost in both tax dollars and human lives for them to accomplish their demands.

This shows that they’re really not concerned about Public Safety but about Socialist style public control. Enforcing these unconstitutional laws will bring about more bloodshed than if we simply handed out loaded guns to prison inmates. 

We can only hope that these dangerous politicians rethink their plans and come to their senses before it’s too late. 

Thursday, December 05, 2019

A Review of a Great Film, SYSTEM CRASHER

Writer and Director, Nora Fingscheidt and me...
Los Angeles, CA--Being a member of the Screen Actors Guild I am blessed to get to see a lot of films and meet the creative forces behind them. That’s exactly what happened tonight as I saw a German film, System Crasher.  

It was a project dreamed up by a lovely young film student by the name of Nora Fingscheidt.   The film began seven years ago as a thought that has culminated in an Oscar competing film in the best foreign film category.  The entire cast was captivating. 

The film stars nine-year-old, Helena Zengel as Benni, a young, somewhat abandoned child.  This child is under care of the government and they can hardly cope with her.  She’s a bright girl and is fiercely independent. 

Benni's real problem is obvious she has been denied a two parent household and all of the love and attention that every child deserves. She’s considered a System Crasher. 

Benni has somewhat dangerous meltdowns that makes placing her in foster homes nearly impossible.  Her care givers do the best they can to tame this wild child under the circumstances.

The film also stars, Albrecht Schuch in a compelling role as Benni's assigned Social Worker Escort, Micha.  Micha crosses the line when he becomes personally involved in a somewhat understandable surrogate parental capacity.   

Just like Micha, you can’t help but fall in love with Benni as she travels through some rather horrific misadventures.

I have to say it’s one of the better films I’ve seen and I wish the writer and director, Nora Fingscheidt a trip up to the Oscar podium in February.  As for the young starlet she’s been visiting with none other than Tom Hanks. We will be seeing a lot more of her.

It soon may be available on Netflix. The English Trailer is below.
Being a member of the Screen Actors Guild I am blessed to get to see a lot of films and meet the creative forces behind them. That’s exactly what happened tonight as I saw a German film, System Crasher.  

It was a project dreamed up by a lovely young film student by the name of Nora Fingscheidt.   The film began seven years ago as a thought that has culminated in an Oscar competing film in the best foreign film category.  The entire cast was captivating. 

The film stars nine-year-old, Helena Zengel as Benni, a young, somewhat abandoned child.  This child is under care of the government and they can hardly cope with her.  She’s a bright girl and is fiercely ind

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Katie Hill has Resigned from Congress!

Washington, DC--Bi-Sexual, Democratic Congresswoman Katie Hill announced her resignation today.  This came as her soon to be ex-husband spilled the beans over her sexual activities with at least two subbordinate staffers.  Salacious photos surfaced showing hill naked with a female staffer, smoking a bong on 9/11/01 and another naked shot revealing her pubic area, Nazi Iron Cross tattoo. 

I suspect that there's a lot more to come involving Hill's financial chicanery and I promise that this story is far from over. My question now is what happens to the Million dollar plus 2020 campaign war chest? Hill promised to shake up Washington and she's done just that!  She's been missing since this story broke, choosing to hide behind written statements. Who will catch her with a video camera first to hear and broadcast what she has to say?                      

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Our Broken System of Criminal Justice by Paul Huebl

Los Angeles, CA--Due process and our dubious criminal justice system is really not doing well.  

Exonerations are on the rise as exhaustive post conviction investigations expose police, crime lab or prosecutorial misconduct. 

It takes decades to expose wrongful convictions as these victims rot in our prisons. 

This is not about reducing the penalties that criminals deserve.  This is about pure and simple justice and fairness.  

Prosecutors have been given excessive powers in recent years that they nearly always abuse.  Juries almost never hear about the checkered backgrounds of witnesses and so-called victims. The backgrounds of the accused however are nearly always disclosed.  

We routinely convict people in circumstantial cases where the jury guesses guilt or innocence.   If a jury has to guess, that should dictate an acquittal but that’s just not how it works.  

I have worked with the best and worst lawyers.  Even lawyers considered to be excellent, too often overlook or simply dismiss important evidence.  Egos too often obstruct otherwise good lawyers.  It’s a human reality. 

Usually but not always money buys a better legal defense.  

Defense investigation makes or breaks achieving justice.  Unfortunately the vast majority of people practicing that occupation are incredibly unqualified.  They couldn’t find their asses with both hands and a flashlight. 

Too many private investigators spend their time plagiarizing the more attractive websites of their competitors! The formal training of cops in every discipline of evidence collection, interviews, interrogations along with the sciences and use of today’s sweeping computer data is just not generally available in kind to private investigators.

Without real due process and fair trials we are no better than dispensing a form of Fake Justice.  

We need to keep juries far away from Google, Fake News and those outside influences.  However that’s absolutely impossible in this day and age.  

This is not a Liberal-Conservative issue.  This is about what might happen to you or a loved one. 

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Joel Brodsky, Firebrand Chicago Lawyer is Fighting For His Life

Chicago, IL--Amazing how a lawyer can be disbarred for simply fighting for justice in Chicago's Courtrooms.  Despite no allegations of theft, dishonesty or fraud Joel Brodsky faces possible disbarment.  In the meantime the Illinois State Bar Association will destroy Brodsky's clients with a questionable interim suspension. All I have to say is, WOW!  Sit back and watch what my investigation uncovered about Brodsky's case.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

A slice of Chicago as seen through my blogger camera lens

I had to return to Chicago for an investigation of tragic proportions.  Needless to say my camera came along for some of the sights and sounds of The Windy City.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

That College Entrance Fraud and Bribery Tale is beyond Epic!

William H. Macy and Felicity Huffman

Mossimo Giannulli and Lori Loughlin

Los Angeles, CA—I spent the afternoon in the courtroom of Federal Magistrate, Alexander MacKinnon.  He arraigned and set bail for a handful of accused that had already been indicted on Conspiracy and Racketeering charges 

The vast majority of the 31 people were only brought before the court for an Initial Appearance on Complaints.  That’s the first step in the process.  Those brought in on complaints have a bit of wiggle room to save themselves. 

At this point there are some 50 people caught up in this very novel prosecution.  Prosecutors allege that the ringleader, Rick Singer ran a consulting company that facilitated fixing ACT and SAT scores with the use of a ringer by the name of Mark Riddell who took these tests for the applicants.  

Prosecutors also said that Singer proceeded to bribe various school officials and coaches to allow these well-connected, under-achievers a back door entrance to the very best colleges throughout the nation.

Prosecutors allege that Singer netted no less than $25 million over the last decade through this scheme.   

Federal authorities arrested actress Felicity Huffman who according to the complaint, was caught in a wiretapped conversation trying to seal the deal with Singer.  On the phone with them was Huffman’s husband, actor William H. Macy.  So far Macy has not been charged. This has an odor of prosecutorial mischief, perhaps aimed at getting the couple to cooperate with authorities. 

Another well-known actress, Lori Loughlin somehow evaded the FBI Dragnet but is expected to surrender with her lawyer very soon. Her Husband, Mossimo Giannulli was not so lucky and spent the better part of the day as a Federal prisoner.  

Bail was set on various defendants between $1Million and $50,000.00. Huffman’s bail was set at $250,000.00. The defendants were all ordered to surrender their passports and stay within the confines of the Continental United States. 

As for the parents, one family paid $6.5 Million to get their child into a prestigious school.  Others paid very handsomely to sidestep those annoying admission requirements. 

That begs me to suggest that this was the most egregious case of entrapment I’ve ever seen.  Tell me what parent could not be convinced to help their precious children.  

If there is a crime here, it involves the bribe takers and Rick Singer. Punishing wealthy parents for helping the children is fundamentally flawed. The US Attorney is far from finished here.  Who knows what other hapless parents will be made to take this very public, Perp Walk?

Sunday, March 03, 2019

I now firmly believe that JFK’s assassination was in fact, a successful coup d’état.

Dallas, TX— Call me a conspiracy theorist if you will, but I have finally accepted the notion that our own intelligence community killed JFK.

The single most important reason I was convinced Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone involved the rifle he allegedly used.  The bolt action, Italian 6.5×52mm Carcano Model 91/38 Rifle was a total piece of crap. 

It was clear to me that any reasonably financed group would never rely on that rifle for such an important task.  

Oswald was seemingly living in a state of poverty and bought the cheapest rifle he could find in the Klein’s Sporting Goods, mail order advertisement.  

Had he the money, Oswald could have spent a little more for a far superior rifle that he was familiar with as a Marine, the venerable M-1 Garand semi-automatic battle rifle. 

Oswald seemed to be an easily manipulated fellow who effortlessly traveled to and from the Soviet Union.  Was he really a Castro sympathizer?   This now seems like a manufactured profile cover.  

Oswald may have been working as an employee or more likely a disposable contract agent. 

I now believe that a single, "money shot" killing Kennedy came from a quality rifle fired by a superior marksman from the grassy knoll, wooden fence area.  He was someone acting at the direction of the Deep State

The American intelligence community had and still has a core concept that they, not the American voters are supremely qualified to pick our leaders.

The FBI, NSA and CIA went rogue long ago and are still lawless today.  We’ve learned that from COINTELPRO, Ruby Ridge, the Branch Davidian slaughter, along with the more recent revelations of Edward Snowden and Bradley “Chelsea” Manning.  

The same agencies today, have placed President Donald Trump in their coup d’état crosshairs! 

Our intelligence agencies are solidly above the law since their leaders and operatives have never once been brought to justice for any of their significant crimes! 

Never forget that the JFK assassination files have still never fully been released.  Time locks have been placed on the records to insure nothing damning would be released until long after the government’s culprits were dead and of course out of reach for criminal prosecution. 

Governments cannot be trusted, that’s why our wise founders gave us a Second Amendment! 

Saturday, March 02, 2019

The Incendiary Laura Loomer, Journalist or Activist?

National Harbor, MD—25 year-old journalist, Laura Loomer has repeatedly demonstrated her raw nerve, ability and extraordinary courage to ask powerful politicians and bureaucrats those tough questions the mainstream media always avoids.

Loomer publishes her material on her website and YouTube channel.  That actually qualifies her by definition as a legitimate journalist.  

Loomer has developed a confrontational style where she “Loomeres” those Leftist political newsmakers.   Loomer demands answers as a form of unbridled advocacy and activism.  That activity has gotten her ejected from book signings and numerous  political events. 

Crashing the gates and fences of Gavin Newsome and Nancy Pelosi that both claimed a border wall was immoral captured police attention.  Loomer risked arrest and prosecution to demonstrate their stunning personal hypocrisy.

Loomer has run afoul of Muslims and their Leftist sympathizers, calling them out on their bias and violence against Jews and Gays.  That activity has gotten her banned from Uber, Lyft, Twitter, Pay Pal and Chase Bank.  

Loomer went to Congress and challenged Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey on his ambiguousness on his website’s shifting censorship policies.  When Twitter banned Loomer she handcuffed herself to their NYC front door.  

Can Loomer be simultaneously both an advocate and a journalist?   She crosses the line when she actually becomes the story rather than just covering the news. There is an obvious conflict here.  But it’s not slowed down this firebrand one bit.

Loomer obtained press credentials to attend and cover CPAC.  Her credentials were revoked and confiscated after she reportedly Loomered CNN reporter, Oliver Darcy over his biased coverage of President Trump.  

Loomer is currently championing a campaign of defending the First Amendment Rights Of Conservatives.  

Conservatives are under constant Leftist censorship attacks.  Simply wearing a red Trump hat near Liberals has been an excuse for Leftist violence.  

We need more Laura Loomers or we will have no free speech rights.  Like her message or not, if we refuse to protect Loomer, who then will protect us? 

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


I addressed the Thousand Oaks, CA City Council about the cover-up of the mass murders.  All reports and video are being hidden and that's more than suspect.  We need and deserve open government!

Monday, February 18, 2019

Friday, February 08, 2019

Come with me to The SHOT Show and More!

Las Vegas, NV--I went to Las Vegas for the 2019 SHOT Showand the Antique Arms Show.  I was with the CEO of Eagle Grips, Raj Singh.  Come with me on our adventure!

Jussie Smollett, King of The Race Baiters!

West Hollywood, CA--Saturday Night 2 February 2019 in West Hollywood for the Jussie Smollett concert. This was his first public appearance after he made his claims that two Trump supporting White men beat him, poured bleach on him and put a hangman's noose around his neck in Chicago. This allegedly happened at 2:00AM where it was 20 degrees below zero. This was gathered at the request of WIND radio in Chicago.  Smollett is a rabid Trump hater.  Most Chicago cops are convinced as I am that Smollett and his manager fabricated the claim.

Military Art at its Best!

Las Vegas--There is a Leonardo DiVinci of the military world! He's a resident of Mesa, Arizona and his lifelike work brings out the raw emotion of combat veterans that see his creations. Video does not do his work the justice it deserves! he can be reached or 602-448-3354