Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Did You Know There Is A Real Empowerment Tool Hiding In Your Smartphone?

Los Angeles, CA--Do you have a cause, perhaps a beef with your government, school, employer, homeowners association or even the news media?  Do you have something you need to promote or sell?  You can unleash that beast in your smartphone and get results! 
If your voice is not being heard you’ve apparently found yourself helpless in calling attention to your situation.  Don’t expect others to speak up for you, but now you can speak up for yourself through technology.

Yes, you can tell your story to the masses on your own terms.  It’s far easier than you may think.  

Your smartphone has a powerful video camera and video editing system.  You just must be able to tell a coherent and compelling story.  You use that smartphone to shoot, write, edit and create your story just as any seasoned TV journalist or vlogger would.

You simply sign up for a free Youtube account.  An important part is creating the tags or search words that people will use to find your video.  If the names, places and subjects aren’t listed in the tags, nobody will find your video unless you first send them the link.  

If you put up a watchable video that contains solid and steady pictures, good audio, decent voiceover and perhaps some text or even music you will get your video noticed.

First and foremost always hold your smartphone horizontally!  TV and computer screens are horizontal!  

Keep your videos short and to the point.  Speak naturally as you would to a friend.  Always obtain interviews from witnesses whenever possible.  

Find a pleasing news story or a vlog that you can emulate in monkey see, monkey do fashion and your good to go. 

There’s lots of internet training videos out there.  I highly recommend taking the on line course offered by because they train video journalists worldwide.

Imagine that you’re inside a business or at the scene of an important news-making event.  If you can put a news video story together you can sell it for a tidy sum!  

You too can become video literate.  Once you begin, there may be no stopping you.  You may even find this learned skill is life changing and bring you unexpected wealth.  

When Conservative Blogger, Andrew Breitbart suddenly suffered a heart attack and died, I wanted to do a simple story for my blog.  

There was a belief by many that Breitbart was murdered because of stories he was publishing about Barack Obama

I went to the scene and just by chance I ran into an eye witness that saw Breitbart fall and die on the street.  I included that interview in my video and made a bundle! 

Here is that story:

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