Tuesday, July 31, 2018

LAPD Killing of Hostages is Reprehensible. Watch the Bodycam video!

Los Angeles, CA--LAPD Public relations people are spinning like a top to somehow sanitize their killing of a hostage.  Frankly they should have incapacitated or shot the offender dead before he was able to grab his innocent hostage.  Officers managed to actually kill the hostage with two misplaced rounds.  

The offender, a career piece of shit, deserved his fate. Could this be the result of cops being fearful of Leftist and minority political retaliation?  Did they wait until the situation was even more dire and out of control before they shot this bastard?  The LAPD officer's Marksmanship is way over-rated in movies and television!  Additional police training cost money that the Democratic City Administration would rather waste elsewhere instead. 

Monday, July 23, 2018

The L.A. Trader Joe’s Shooting Story has Taken an even Darker Turn.

Melyda "Mel" Corado
Los Angeles, CA--It all began as a dispute between a 28 year-old drug addicted freeloader, Gene Adkins and his 79 year-old grandmother, Mary Elizabeth Madison in South L.A. 

Adkins allegedly shot his grandmother seven times with a handgun.  In the process a 20 year-old woman that was Adkin’s yet to be identified girlfriend suffered a bullet graze wound to her head. Adkins allegedly then stole his grandmother’s car and kidnapped the girlfriend.  

Suspect Gene Adkins being loaded into an ambulance
In Hollywood, the police caught up with the stolen car that was equipped with a GPS tracking device and the chase began.  

Adkins soon crashed his car near the entrance of the Silver Lake Trader Joe’s and was exchanging gunfire  with police as he sought refuge inside of the crowded supermarket.  Apparently Adkins was wounded in his left arm by police.  That’s when the store manager, Melyda “Mel” Corado was also struck by gunfire.  Corado was quickly dragged outside to the parking lot and unsuccessfully aided by numerous officers.  She died at the scene. 

Melyda "Mel" Corado surrounded by cops in the parking lot
Cops have to make split second decisions but firing into a crowded supermarket at any suspect is absolutely against police training in every American jurisdiction.  

Requirements everywhere in the USA are that before an officer shoots that that he or she knows the target and what’s behind it.  This shooting is out of policy everywhere.  

Ballistic evidence, body cam and other surveillance video will be examined redundantly by cops, lawyers and police trainers in the coming months and even years.

Sherman Oaks Personal Injury Lawyer Lowell Steiger
I contacted Sherman Oaks personal injury lawyer, Lowell Steiger for his thoughts about the case.  Steiger said if he had the case he’d be immediately looking at deficiencies in the officer’s training, background and supervision.  He said any payout by a jury in this case could be astronomical.  He also said he’d put his own investigator on this case immediately. 

Another serious legal question may be about Trader Joe’s responsibility to protect their employees and customers.  

The biggest question remains as to when and how the LAPD will explain this disaster and own up to their failings.  

As for the cop/s that failed here it’s a huge tragedy for them and their families as well.  Nobody wanted this horrible outcome. 

As for the many friends and family of Mel Carado this is beyond a heartbreak.  Mel’s Big brother, Albert Corado now must take charge of healing his family from this unthinkable event.  

As for the Suspect, Gene Adkins, he will be charged under the felony/murder rule for Mel Corado’s death.  He will also face as many as 50 counts of kidnapping along with the shooting of his grandmother and girlfriend.  Last but not least, the theft of his grandmother’s car.  Adkins will never see another moment where he’s not locked in a cage for as long as he lives.  

As for any cops that failed, they too will pay a high price.  As for the rest of the cops that did their jobs heroically, they too will suffer greatly.  Sometimes everyone looses because of the unthinkable.  

Update:  The day after I published this blog article the LAPD confessed it was their gunfire that killed Ms. Carado.  However, they stopped short of admitting liability, negligence or recklessness.