Friday, September 22, 2017

Don’t Let Local Anti-Drone Laws Keep you from Flying!

This sign in most cases is a paper tiger
Newton, MA—The City Council of this city enacted a highly restrictive ordinance over both commercial and recreational drones.  The most draconion parts of that law was just declared invalid by a federal judge.  

Among other things the council like many state and local governments recklessly went about regulating or restricting most drone activities such as:  
1.  Registration requirement for all drones with the city.
2.  Obtain “permission” from public or private property owners before any flights..
3.  Outlaws beyond line of sight flying.  

State and local politicians are either oblivious or antagonistic to the reality that they have zero jurisdiction over the airspace.  This is the mandated responsibility of the FAA.  They pass laws that result in arrests, search warrants and confiscation of property because of their arrogance and or ignorance. 

Article Six of our Constitution makes it quite clear that in case of a conflict between state and federal law, federal is always supreme.  Congress created the FAA and gave it  exclusive jurisdiction of the airspace.  

People victimized by these tyrannical laws have two ways to attack this monster:

  1. If arrested they can furiously litigate the bad law in court.
  2. By simply suing the offending government agencies seeking to enjoin their over-reaching laws.      
Of course if arrested, the local courts and prosecutor’s will offer you sweetheart deals in exchange for guilty pleas.  Unlike City Councilmen they have a better understanding of these bad laws.   I consider plea bargains in these cases as a nasty form of extortion.  

It will cost you a lot more money to litigate to win.  Rolling over and accepting a permanent criminal record is always the wrong answer here!

There are now two Federal Court cases affecting drone operators:  
  1. Taylor vs. FAA.  This precluded the FAA from requiring registration of drone used for recreation. This new requirement was in serious conflict with existing Federal law.
  2. Singer vs. City of Newton.  This case struck down the most egregious portions of the ordinance.  The plaintiff only challenged those portions of the law that affected him.

The Singer case does not really apply as a mandate nation wide however the case can be cited to various courts dealing with the same issues. The arguments made by Singer and the Court’s decision are very compelling.  

My guess is many local judges will bow not to the law but to the politicians that appointed them.  You could stand to be fined, jailed or placed on probation. 

Unfortunately what’s been left out of this argument is our Constitutional right to photograph and publish under the First Amendment. The media organizations should have challenged the bogus laws long ago.   

We also must deal with ignorant drone industry trolls that want to regulate recreational drone operators into non-existence.  The only acceptable motivation for regulation is safety.  The facts are despite millions of them out there no drone has crashed into conventional aircraft, been involved in death or serious injury.  Additionally no drone has been involved in any significants property damage.  

Many more windows are broken by softball players and golfers than drones!.  

This anti-drone hysteria continues.  It must be fought through education, litigation and safe flying.  Stand up for your rights while you still can!

Here is a copy of the Singer Ruling:

Sunday, September 17, 2017

My Eulogy For The Death of Actress Jennifer Lawrence.

Hollywood, CA—27 year-old Jennifer Lawrence was gorgeous, seriously talented and her smile captivated millions just like me. What could possibly go wrong?  
Our nation became even more divided politically as well as emotionally since the 2016 election and Hollywood overwhelmingly chose the loosing side of the Left.  

Lawrence got caught up in the wild clammer and used her ample media face time to promote her raw hatred for our duly elected president and his supporters instead of promoting her work products.  Expressed hatred is never pretty. 

We all have a First Amendment right to say what we please.  However people selling products run huge financial risks of offending large percentages of their customers or in this case ticket buying fans. 

I was a diehard fan of Lawrence.  She captured my full attention when she appeared in, American Hustle. I meet her very briefly at a screening of that terrific film. I then watched her young career soar beyond all expectations. 

Suddenly her latest film, Mother tanked at the box office.  Was it a bad film?  I don’t intend to find out.  I’ve really lost all interest in Lawrence, her talent and would even take a pass at a second chance to meet her again today.

Lawrence has suddenly announced that she would take a break from acting.  The fact is she had nothing on her film calendar for the next two years anyway.  Her agent, Tracy Brennen at CAA will lose a bundle too!

A similar hard lesson was learned by The Dixie Chicks.  They became a Liberal political force that alienated their mostly Conservative, Country Western fan base.   Their rising careers ended right then and there. Their later attempt at a “comeback tour” was yet another disaster. 

Hollywood’s celebrities are quickly shedding huge portions of their fan base with their emotional and hateful political rants.  This Summer’s film box office take was at record lows. 

I don’t believe in boycotts especially of any form of art and entertainment.  I have however reached my saturation point when it comes to me being disappointed by so many entertainers I once admired, appreciated and patronized with my hard earned cash.  

A-List actress, Meryl Streep put herself directly in the political meat grinder during the last Oscar Awards ceremony.  However she was nearly at the end of her career and had nothing to lose compared to Lawrence. 

Jennifer, you didn’t have to die so young.