Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Disgraced Former Los Angeles Sheriff Lee Baca Alzheimer's and Prison may never meet!

Los Angeles, CA--When the FBI began investigating abuse of prisoners at LA County Jail, Sheriff Baca and his minions covered up, obstructed and lied to investigators.  Running a large jail is a lot of things but easy is never one of them.  Inmates misbehave and assault jailers and jailers sometimes understandably overreact.  It's bound to happen. 

Most of the time it is never the crime that is all that bad but covering up and getting caught is what's always  reprehensible and unforgivable.

In any event a plea deal was worked out with prosecutors that would give the 74 year-old  Baca only six months behind bars. That truly would've been a slap on the wrist.  When the judge got wind of the sweetheart deal he rejected it outright. 

Baca had two choices, gamble on the judge's uncertain punishment or stand trial before the jury of his peers.  Going to trial would give Baca in effect a life sentence if he was convicted.  Reportedly Baca suffers from Alzheimer's disease.  

By Baca electing to go to trial he can remain free on bail for as long as three years as the case works its way through the system.  Frankly under the circumstances that's the best choice because by the time the trial begins Baca may know longer be competent to stand trial! 

I am no fan of Lee Baca.  The reason is simple in that he has denied all but a few connected politicians the ability to protect themselves with concealed a weapons permits.  He flatly denied permits in the most populous and crime ridden county in the state. Frankly I would let him go to the gallows for that violation of constitutional rights.

I doubt that Baca will ever see the inside of a jail cell and will have escaped Justice all together. 


  1. Power and money allows one to beat the system.

  2. Not enough to disgrace them he continues it by wearing a LASD lapel pin! POS!

  3. I'm shocked by the tone of your column about Mr. Baca. He has been convicted of nothing. Lets say for a moment that he does have early stages of Alzheimer's (he does have medical evidence of this) it's not uncommon for one to mis-remember, or mis-speak correctly re; certain occurrences, or simply forget certain facts during an interview/interrogation by the feds. Whereupon, after being challenged by the feds who claim he lied, the good Sheriff checks back to his own statements and discovers that he in fact did fail to respond correctly to the fed investigators. So he does what a good man would do, he pleads guilty, accepting the feds offer for a guilty plea. Then the judge decides to up the punishment (something that does not occur all that often - most judges accept the prosecutors recommendation) so now this good man, good Sheriff has to either throw himself on the mercy of a jury ( who will likely be comprised of those who have friends/relatives in the County Jail) or go to hang em high judge who warns he will give him the max. I met the good Sheriff socially at a benefit to raise funds for indigents, he's a very nice man, a good cop, and my old cop instincts say he's a "good guy". I would hope you will reconsider slandering him because he does not like issuing carry permits - i;m sure folks could find something else wrong with all of us and then kick us when we are down for another matter. He's not charged with not issuing carry gun permits. Have a heart, I watched my beloved mother in law go thru Alzheimer's and eventually die. It's no cake walk. Lets not kick the Sheriff for something he stands for. The bums in jail should all tell the truth too, but us cops know that they don't - and they don't have Alzheimer's - they are just regular law breakers who prey on all of us. Mgr.Guy 1 or Just an old Cop.

  4. I'm shocked by the tone of your column about Mr. Baca. He has been convicted of nothing. Lets say for a moment that he does have early stages of Alzheimer's (he does have medical evidence of this) it's not uncommon for one to mis-remember, or mis-speak correctly re; certain occurrences, or simply forget certain facts during an interview/interrogation by the feds. Whereupon, after being challenged by the feds who claim he lied, the good Sheriff checks back to his own statements and discovers that he in fact did fail to respond correctly to the fed investigators. So he does what a good man would do, he pleads guilty, accepting the feds offer for a guilty plea. Then the judge decides to up the punishment (something that does not occur all that often - most judges accept the prosecutors recommendation) so now this good man, good Sheriff has to either throw himself on the mercy of a jury ( who will likely be comprised of those who have friends/relatives in the County Jail) or go to hang em high judge who warns he will give him the max. I met the good Sheriff socially at a benefit to raise funds for indigents, he's a very nice man, a good cop, and my old cop instincts say he's a "good guy". I would hope you will reconsider slandering him because he does not like issuing carry permits - i;m sure folks could find something else wrong with all of us and then kick us when we are down for another matter. He's not charged with not issuing carry gun permits. Have a heart, I watched my beloved mother in law go thru Alzheimer's and eventually die. It's no cake walk. Lets not kick the Sheriff for something he stands for. The bums in jail should all tell the truth too, but us cops know that they don't - and they don't have Alzheimer's - they are just regular law breakers who prey on all of us. Mgr.Guy 1 or Just an old Cop.

  5. To deny someone the right to that our Constitution provides to defend self and family with firearms to me is unforgivable, reprehensible and disgusting. Baca played God with the lives of people hein effect ruled over. Frankly I'd hang his ass for that alone! I don't care about anything else here.


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