Saturday, December 05, 2015

The Media Reporting About the Islamic Inspired Massacre at San Bernardino, CA was Beyond Pathetic.

Berlin, Germany—I was nearing the end of a much too short European vacation here and I had just retired for the night.  I opened my iPad to check my email one last time before going to sleep. 
There were some flash messages appearing my screen about the San Bernardino, CA “mass shooting” with vague reports of scores of victims.  I went to the websites of the Local television stations as they were just beginning live coverage.
Live helicopter video images were being broadcast of paramedics who were just assembling triage areas and there were an amazing amount of police vehicles already present. 
News anchors were telling their audiences that police officials don’t know who, or just how many were involved. They were saying little more than that there were scores of causalities.  I could understand this at the very beginning but this pathetic and minimal information was broadcast for hours. 
The same redundant line about what the cops don’t know was being constantly reported.  Finally there was a press conference. 
Police officials took turns telling the world that scores were injured ant that as many as three unknown men armed with long guns, wearing military clothing and body armor were responsible.
Reporters were asking carefully worded questions avoiding issues of Islamic influence or terrorism.   What was worse they never once asked questions about what they were hearing on the police scanners. 
I had to ask myself the obvious questions about a possible cover up conspiracy by the media! 
Having worked for more decades than I care to admit as a cop and investigator I knew I was hearing lies and lots of them!
The cops responding this scene were fairly well trained and knew exactly what to do.  They quickly located and examined surveillance video images.  Likewise they quickly looked at expended shell casings at least so they can determine if the rounds were beyond the protection of their own body armor. 
Last but not least cops interviewed the frightened and excited walking wounded about who was involved and their verbal exchanges.  After all they needed to know who they shooters were and had to assess any further threat to the community.
The rank and file cops did their jobs well and obtained all the necessary information.  Police scanners monitored by the media were blaring out a name of one of the probable shooters. 
Within a half hour of the shooting I got an email from a cop friend that gave me the misspelled name of Syed Farook as one of the killers.  That name with similar misspellings popped up repeatedly in Facebook and Twitter posts by a few retired cops I trust to not publish wild rumors. 
Throughout the night (Because I was in Germany I was nine hours ahead) I watched every police official lie to reporters claiming not to know sex, race, age, names or specific information about the involved vehicle. 
I was absolutely shocked that the assembled  reporters would not ask even the simplest questions to challenge the obvious lies by police officials! 
During the press briefings I was screaming questions in my mind!  “Chief, do you mean to tell us none of the survivors had even a clue who’d have done this? Are you telling us none of your officers have bothered to examined video images or even bothered to look at shell casings?”
I’d like to give the police bosses the benefit of the doubt here but I can’t.  They could or should have simply said something like, “We are doing our job here and know many of the answers to your questions however revealing that information at this time may compromise our efforts.”
Soon cops were chasing a black SUV occupied by Syed Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malic.  After a few hundred shots were exchanged finally the immediate threat was ended. 
The cops won the battle.  I’d say that the discipline, training and courage of the cops here was far superior then these two now dead Islamic terrorists.
Political lines were drawn here early.  From politicians, the Whitehouse down to the mayors that appoint the police chief were all like-minded Communist shitbags. 
They have an obvious agenda to protect their beloved Muslim friends so Americans wont fear or reject the ongoing dangerous Islamic immigration invasion.  
The media owners and bosses are simply Whitehouse propagandists rather than journalists. 
The rank and file reporters have their own scruples, but for the most part they are Obama loyalists too.  For  rank and file reporters it’s far more complicated.
If the reporters ask the wrong questions they may find themselves quickly unemployed. Right now the mainstream media is in a crisis because of the Internet and shrinking audiences. 
Pink slips are raining in every newsroom and reporters that want to be true journalists know they’d be through if they dare report anything that would embarrass the Left political elite.  There are currently legions of unemployed journalists out there.  
L.A. Television news has some of their reporters on actual employment contracts.  However a high percentage of them are just freelancers working without a contract and have no significant employment rights. 
The freelancers in LA are strung along for years without being actual employees of the news organizations. The bosses like that because the freelance reporters respond to commands like frightened sheep. 
What I absolutely detest is watching reporters allowing politicians and their appointed bureaucrats to control news content. 
Real journalists should have been out locating friends and relatives of those involved to interview.  They should have followed up on the investigative leads gleaned from police scanners. They could have, for example early on used resources to obtain the home address of Farook and talked with his neighbors. They may have seen a large police presence at his home had they bothered to go there.    
Politically sensitive news and its editorial content is carefully controlled by today’s mainstream media.  The infamous Nazi propaganda minster, Josef Goebbels’ spirit is alive and well.  His famous statement is still the case today, “If you tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth.”
I must commend the rank and file cops that involved in this horrifying event.  Their courage, professionalism and devotion to duty was nothing short of magnificent. 
Well-trained and armed Americans are truly going to be the first defense to the huge threat of Islamic inspired Terrorism.  Gun bans and Gun Free Zones facilitates murder and terrorism.  We cannot make law-abiding people safer by disarming them.  However the media propagandists can be counted upon to suggest even more gun control instead.
Police can only respond after the fact and clean up the mess.  It’s our absolute duty to protect and defend families, nation and ourselves.  Politicians that obstruct American’s God given and Constitutional right to self-defense belong on gallows scaffolds rather than holding office.
I will leave you with a quote from that great visionary, George Orwell.  “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed, everything else is public relations.”


  1. I agree with practically every word of that, Paul.

    The Press--the main stream types--are participants in an institutionalization of High Treason, even as narrowly defined as it is in the U.S. Constitution. The Press have been turned into mockingbirds, mere repeaters of official narratives that come from the Oval Office and its various branches. That office today has given itself to directly aiding AND giving comfort not only to those who militate against Constitutional principles and restrictions (to which many of these are sworn by Oath of Office), but even to those who make war on the U.S. (invasion by mass exodus hiding combatants among ostensible non-combatants and then subterfuge from within is an old Moslem trick--see Spain, ca. 700 AD).

    What's both impressive and terrifying about it is that it's a worldwide phenomenon. The Press and many dupes aid in the subterfuge of hiding the mad Pied Piper who looms behind the invasion, behind all the co-opting and centralization of the Press and of educational philosophy, of money and banking and the economy (largely accomplished during the Wilson Administration), and now of the entire "police power" (by definition the coercive/security powers of any government, including law making and law enforcement)--all co-opted to corrupt, anti-American and contra-constitutional federal edicts and rules; the takeover is nearly complete.

    People and Press comply if not because they've been duped, then because there's a license or credential or pass that can be pulled at the slightest provocation, and tax and regulatory authorities that are used terroristically. Moreover, people have allowed themselves to become so over-specialized that they can't discern the lies they're told and they are fundamentally incompetent judges of reality. Most are duped into self-defeating beliefs and behaviors.

    Where those don't work, TPTB don't seem to have a problem with assassinations high and low--sometimes highly visible--a "mugging" or a SWAT raid or a sniper attack--and sometimes by an (perhaps obviously, perhaps not) induced heart attack or automotive crash. Very Mafia-like; where do people think the Mafia learned this?

    The proper and effective response is to withdraw support. To wake up, widen our understanding of the machinations, the full spectrum intellectual and moral attack that has been in process since at least 1913; to awaken others; and to defeat the crooked efforts by sheer weight of peaceful noncompliance.

    Familiar? Our black population discovered that long ago, but they too have been sucked into the divide and conquer game that goes on. Meantime, we need to get verbally and electorally muscular with government officials about the diaspora that the powers that be, through manipulation and radicalization of the Sharia narcissism of Islam, and put a stop to Obama's plan to bring the diaspora onshore, militants and all. We see its effects in Europe; shall we not learn from that observation?

  2. Excellent Commentary as usual Paul,

    Life Member, NRA & Insane Fish..

  3. Excellent Commentary as usual Paul,

    Life Member, NRA & Insane Fish..

  4. I heard a good name for todays media..........Assault Media. Everything is assault weapons and now the LA Slimes has coined assault clothing. So lets have an assault media as they assault our ears with their bs


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