Saturday, July 19, 2014

To My Friends in the Netherlands…

Amsterdam, NL--It’s with a heavy heart that I mourn with you the loss of so many of your best and brightest people that were killed by the senseless destruction Malaysia Airlines flight #MH 17.
I have such fond memories of my visits to your nation rich with beauty, art and some of the friendliest people anywhere. 
I can’t wait for my next visit to Holland where I’m sure I’ll visit with old friends and make some new ones. 
I deeply respect the legendary Dutch heroes that risked torture and death resisting the Nazis during their brutal occupation. 
Few nations in the world can boast such an artistic, well-educated and productive population. 
I’m horrified that the remains of your loved ones are decomposing in the field of wreckage after being robbed of jewelry and other valuables.  This just adds to the misery for the friends and families of these innocent victims. 
I beg that the International Community demands that these human remains be treated respectfully and returned to the families without further delay.
There is of course no way to undo this insanity.  If there were a way for me to somehow help make things better I would not hesitate.
I want you all to know that you have my support, prayers and love as you have to deal with this horrific crisis.  
As for my fellow American friends please put a visit to beautiful Amsterdam and other Dutch cities on your summer travel plans.  You’ll be glad you did.  The incredible flowers, canals, museums are breathtaking.  The Anne Frank House is still there waiting for your visit. 

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